Broadsheet threatens action unless Rs481m paid
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February 3, 2021
LONDON: The Broadsheet LLC has threatened to commence further enforcement action against the assets of Pakistan if an estimated amount of $2.2 million (Rs481 million) towards accrued interest, outstanding judgment debt and legal costs is not paid without delay. This correspondent has obtained extensive communication of the last two weeks between Pakistan’s lawyers at Allen & Overy and Broadsheet’s lawyers at Crowell & Moring. The Broadsheet has asked Pakistan to immediately pay the following amounts: $1,180,799 in respect of further interest owed by Pakistan on judgment debts, accrued after the issue of Broadsheet’s third party debt order on partial payment by funds received from United National Bank on December 31, 2020; $40,677 being the balance of the judgment debt remaining unsatisfied; $5,889 interest accrued on the balance of the judgment debt being and continuing to accrue at the daily rate of $267.72 and Broadsheet’s enforcement cost currently standing at around $800,00.