British SME manufacturers expect strong post-Covid recovery
Manufacturing Barometer British SME manufacturers expect strong post-Covid recovery
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(Source: Daniel Graves)
Nearly two thirds of small and medium sized manufacturing firms in the UK are expecting to increase sales between now and October, with 58 percent indicating that they are planning to boost investment over the next six months as they look to the future. Out of nearly 300 firms questioned, 54 percent highlighted an increased need to recruit staff over the coming months.
This quarter’s Barometer took an in-depth look at how manufacturing SMEs are recovering from the pandemic and, encouragingly, 48 percent of respondents now expect to return to, or exceed, their pre-Covid-19 position within three months. On the jobs front, although 80 percent of businesses have utilised the government’s furlough scheme at some point in the last year, only 37 percent are still using it today.