The old adage says a union is more powerful than the sum of its parts. That message is at the heart of
Cracked, Flawed and Frayed, the new album by the Houston band Brightwire. The record’s 11 tracks espouse togetherhood and feel very timely as we emerge from the solitude of COVID quarantine to a world of awaiting family and friends.
Samuel and Kimberly Barker, the husband and wife who founded the Americana trio, released the album on March 11, their wedding anniversary date.
“March 11 last year, on our anniversary, was the day that kind of everything went to hell, like the CDC came out and made (coronavirus) a pandemic. Rudy Gobert got sick and the NBA cancelled its entire season. Between dinner and drinks that night the NBA season was cancelled and everything totally flipped on its head,” Sam recalled. “We figured it’s cute that it’s our anniversary but it’s also the day that everything hit the fan last year. We thought we’ll just (release the album) March 11 his year and reclaim that date for something better than just when the pandemic blew up.”