Brian D. Hill of USWGO news files Petition for Rehearing in Virginia Supreme Court; again argues Actual Innocence as Exception to Default Procedural Denial – Your opinions: @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1 – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News
by Laurie Azgard
they no longer have to investigate the criminal case, they don’t have to accept any evidence or witnesses after they charge somebody with a crime, that is simply how the Corrupt Commonwealth of Virginia operates.
So it was a serious poo-pooing of an actual criminal investigation with just a quick arrest and not even reviewing over the non-existent laboratory records, so it is perjury by officer Robert Jones of Martinsville Police Department because he claimed there was lab work, and certified in the arrest of Brian for indecent exposure that he was medically cleared but later admitted in federal court under oath that he never requested access to Brian’s medical records which would have proven that no lab work was ever done while claiming lab work was done.