That alone would make any parent happy. Now Peggy and Rob Carter are bursting with pride over Lauren’s most recent actions to help dogs in need in her current home in Guam.
“Our family has had more than 10 dogs over the years,” said Peggy, “Lauren has always had a dog. ... Whenever she had gone abroad, she’s come back with a dog.”
“I am a nurse practitioner here on the island of Guam,” said Lauren communicating from there, “and it would be awesome to get the word out.”
Boonie dogs descendants of World War II military dogs
The island of Guam has about 167,000 residents, is about twice the size of Martha’s Vineyard and has about 60,000 canines. Affectionately called boonie dogs, many of them are free roaming strays, abandoned and homeless. They are a described as a "lovely random mix" of many breeds.