Boombox Bar in White Center prepares to pump up the volume
The ready and willing crew at Boombox Bar in White Center. From left they are Jay Cates, Vivian McKechnie, James Gibson and Amy McCorkmack.
Photo by Patrick Robinson
By Patrick Robinson
Starting a new business at any time is always a risk but starting a new restaurant/bar at the tail end of 2020, after more than 100,000 have closed across the nation takes a certain amount of courage. Or maybe the crew that is launching the Boombox Bar in White Center are on to something.
The Boombox is moving into the former Company Bar location at 9608 16th SW that has stood empty for the past ten months. Boombox owner Amy McCormack said, “We saw it as an opportunity and we got a good deal on it. We have enough to get us through to the other side of this.”