Pre-investment Disclosure Document
Article 23 AIFMD
The regulatory regime in the European Union covering the management, administration and marketing of alternative investment funds, widely referred to as "AIFMD", requires the alternative investment fund manager (the "AIFM") of a fund such as Bluefield Solar Income Fund Limited ("BSIF" or the "Company") to comply with an extensive set of requirements in connection with the marketing of shares in the capital of the Company in the European Union. The regime is intended to offer an appropriate level of protection to investors in investment products that do not fall under the European Union regime for regulation of certain investment products known as "UCITS". BSIF is a Guernsey domiciled, internally managed non-EU alternative investment fund for the purposes of the AIFMD and the UK Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 (the "UK AIFM Regulations"), as the board of directors of the Company (the "Directors") has overall responsibility for the Company's activities, including its risk and portfolio management activities. BSIF itself is therefore its own AIFM for the purposes of AIFMD.