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Grounds. Nikei down. 4 . The japanese yen hold steady against the u. S. Dollar. Industrial production beating estimates. The asx 200 down 1. 5 as the aussie dollar continues to strengthen against the u. S. Dollar. Quarter end demand from iwiorters as well, and k stocks reversing yesterdays losses. Holding steady after falling for the lowest level in a week. Steady ahead of the first u. S. Debate. Continues to lose ground after a touched the lowest level in almost two weeks. We are seeing the offshore yuan holding steady. We might see some china bashing in that debate. That is it from daybreak asia. Coveragemarkets returns at 11 a. M. Hong kong. This is bloomberg. From bloomberg headquarters to our tv and Radio Audiences, i am david westin. Welcome to a special edition of balance of power, coverage of the first president ial debate. President donald trump and joe biden will share a stage for the first time tonight in cleveland as they debate each other at a campus shared by case western reserve and the Cleveland Clinic. President trump is making his way to the hall. Chris wallace will moderate. The debate will happen in six 15 minute segments including the economy, the pandemic and race and violence. With about 100 people present in the audience. Joining us throughout the night are our political contributors. Won manys has political campaigns including john mccains for president. If you are devising President Trump, what is the one thing he has to do tonight and what is one thing he must not do . The very first thing he has to do is regain his possession with those suburban women who voted for him in 2016 and have abandoned the Republican Party in 2018. He needs to talk to republicans and give them the confidence he can be president ial, that he can address the coronavirus. If he does not, he runs the risk of disconnecting with those voters. He is a pretty disconnected on many other issues but he cannot afford to miss this opportunity tonight. David what does he have to avoid doing . Rick avoid looking like a bully. Uncle joe biden is a figure who is loved by many. Hes seen as an empathetic guy who stands up for the little guy. If looks like he is bullying uncle joe, it could backfire badly tonight. David what does uncle joe have to do . What is the one thing he has to avoid. What he has to do is he has to have a debate like he had with paul ryan. He has been very good, and i think paul ryan was at his best in these oneonone debates. Having ae has to avoid debate like we saw with the multicandidate debates this primary season where he looked like he was stumbling, could not remember certain things, lost track of time because that falls in to the trap the president has set. I do think he is up to the task but we will have to see. David one of the things weve seen from President Trump as he has a tendency to break down the structure of the debate. He will interrupt and with Hillary Clinton he moved around the state. Does Chris Wallace have to confine that or joe biden . What do you do about that . Rick it is really Chris Wallaces job. Chris wallace said, im going to appear invisible. He is not going to be a fact checker or discipline the candidates. The program is actually created in order to get interchange between the candidates. Two minutes apiece on each issue, and then 10 minutes to go at each other. So, i bet Chris Wallace loses control of this debate within the first question. David that will make it fun to watch. Not sure it will be fun for joe biden. What is the Biggest Issue tonight . The Biggest Issue bar none is the pandemic, healthcare. You mentioned. This is an historic moment. We have never had a debate or election during a pandemic. This is a debate without an audience, just a few people. This is a debate where they are not going to shake hands. They are going to be socially distanced. Joe biden may come out with the masks to make the case. I do think for particular joe biden but all americans this is about health care and that closely ties into the economy and of course the Supreme Court. Because both of those things have been impacted and are impacted by health care. David im delighted to say they will be staying with us throughout the evening. Meantime, we want to go out to cleveland to our chief washington correspondent. Kevin, give us a sense of what is going on a lead up to this debate . Kevin 90 minutes but there is no spin room. The first socially distance president ial debate in history and as a result, most of the reporters have to be housed outside of the Cleveland Clinic behind me where the debate is set to begin on troy. Al underway. Top surrogates making their way out to talk with reporters. Markke with senator and meadows the president s chief of staff. They traveled with the president air force one. Giulianiking with rudy and they feel this is an opportunity to bulldoze through, something that has eclipsed them and the first part of this campaign which has been how the president has handled the coronavirus and the pandemic. They are hoping they can utilize this first president ial debate to have the president tell his side of the story to make some inroads. Democrats, ive spoken with some top democrat surrogates including some of the more centrist democrats, including congressman conor lamb. Hes a republican from southwestern pennsylvania. He flipped the republican district that President Trump carried. I asked, what did you do that Hillary Clinton didnt . He talked about the economy and pensions and hes hoping the joe biden will do that. In bullet by some battleground state polls, joe bidens leading according to abc nwews in pennsylvania by 10 Percentage Points. And a puloll this afternoon is up. David we all love the polls, even if we all know we have been burned by them. Overwhelmingly, President Trump has been shown as trailing Vice President biden in the polls. Does that put more pressure on President Trump tonight because he had to change peoples minds. If joe biden comes out of the syntax, he is in good shape. I put that question to kamala guilfoyle. Is this a turnout election or trying to find those very few of undecided voters who make up the electorate . She said it is a mixture of both. For as much as the pundits like to say that debates do not matter you and i both know they still very much matter because should one of the, should nominee biden or President Trump flop tonight then you lose a weeks worth of new cycles and it really could change the momentum in the narrative for one of the campaigns. Weeks left,four losing a week is painful, no question. Many thanks to our chief washington correspondent with us through the evening. Coming up, the battle over the Supreme Court will be one of the issues on the agenda tonight. Well take a look at that and the history of president ial debates with the historioaan barbara perry. The firste history of president ial this is the coverage of the first president ial debate. On Bloomberg Television and radio. This is special coverage of the first president ial debate on Bloomberg Television and on radio. President trumps move to appoint a successor to Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg will be one of the contentious issues in the debate. Thering us up to speed on nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett welcome greg story. Thank you for being with us. Are they moving forward to hearings and when . Hearings are supposed to start october 12. This is happening on a compressed timeframe. She submitted her questionnaire to the senate judiciary. Already meeting with senators. All of this would happen over the course of weeks but now it is happening in a very short time spent. Span. Me david is there any reason that she will be confirmed . With 53 votes, it seems fairly likely she will have the votes to be confirmed. And that could even happen before the election. David how quickly should be on the court and what does that mean in terms of what cases she might be sitting on . It could be, republicans are trying to get her on the court before the election. If that happens, she could be on the court when they hear arguments on the Affordable Care act a week after the election. Even if she is not on the court, she could still take part in the case that could re argue later when she is there. If she needed to break a tie. But that there is a chance she will be there sitting to hear the case. David from where you said, what is the objection of democrats . I dare say it is hard to argue with her credentials. Credentials are very strong by any measurement and the attempt to raise questions about her catholicism are backfiring. What do they have left . They are mostly going on the court overall. Not on her personally. They do not see mileage to be gained from going after her individually. She seems very qualified. And so they are talking about things like the Affordable Care act, something where they think they can score political points and where her vote potentially could make a difference. David always a treat to have you with us. That is our Supreme Court reporter. From a historical perspective, we welcome no barbara perry, we welcome now barbara perry, a former judicial fellow at the u. S. Supreme court. Our country leaders are still with us. Professor, thank you for being with us. Is there really precedent for this sort of a really high profile, very contentious appointment to the Supreme Court on the eve of the president ial election . Barbara no, not really. There is not. Most of the time, president s have held off. The example of Lincoln Holding off before the 1864 election, when an open he came up. I went back when Justice Scalia passed to see the entire history of Court Appointments and discover there were even some who hadk president s lost the election or they were not running again, and they wo uld actually a point after an election but remember, there was a longer timeframe between the election than when we had presents inaugurated president s unt inaugurated until 1937. In the contemporary era, this is pretty unusual. David the modern era. As an historian, it is challenging because the confirmation process is very different than it was a generation ago. A justice. Or his confirmation hearing took one hour. Its very different today. Barbara you are so right. First of all, congratulations for being a Supreme Court clerk for one of my favorites Justice Powell. I was able to interview him when i was doing my distillation my dissertation. So different and up until the 1920s, there were not hearings. That really did not become common until the 1950s. Yes, you do, if you look back to the history of have to point out that there have been many changes, including even as recently as Justice Ginsburg and justice breyer. They were the last two bipartisan votes. They got over 90 votes, republicans and democrats, even ted kennedy voted in about 20 Supreme Court nominations and for half of them he voted for republicans. But sometime after the breyer nomination we went into this polarization. Extreme polarization in the appointments and the nominations and the battles and in the votes. Professor perry. I wanted to just expand out a little bit to talk about what we are going to be hearing tonight in a few minutes during the debate, and having used some of your work in the classroom, it is a delight to talk to you. When you look at thank you. When you look at the moment we are in, and the fact that so many issues going on from the nomination to covid and the pandemic and the economy, and yet, the electorate seems remarkably stable. We have seen very Little Movement in the polls. Everrically, do you remember a moment like this 30, 40 days out of a president ial election . So many issues and so many little seeming movement in the electorate. Barbara i do think this is part and parcel of polarization. I actually am a train political scientist rather than historian. That is what we are seeing. We are seeing the people get locked in and they stay locked in. We have had, i think for example, 1996, and bill clinton running against bob dole. I dont think there was much question that bill clinton would win that race. Or mondale and reagan. Notfirst debate reagan did do so well so there might have been some questions but he ended up winning by a landslide. I wasnt so much polarization but people had made up their minds and they would vote for Ronald Reagan and again he won in a line slide. In a landslide. I can hardly believe anyone is undecided. I heard a pundit maybe the undecided voters are anything from 6 to 10 still undecided. Said maybe they are undecided as to whether they will vote or not, not that they will, are going to vote for trump or biden. There will just be people who stay home. Rick this is rick davis in washington. Thanks for being on the show tonight. I want to give back to the Supreme Court. We know the new nominee has an outspoken track record on reproductive rights and republicans are pushing her for one of those primary reasons. Rts courthe robe want to weigh into overturning a president like roe v. Wade this stage of his career . Such a good question. Chief Justice John Roberts from the very beginning, one of the earliest interviews he did after coming on the bench in 2005, hetice talked about the court as an institution and in fact, he asked, speaking of richmond, virginia, he asked that someone go to richmond, virginia, and bring the robe of chief justice john marshall. The great chief justice of the United States. Bring that to washington for the new chief justice to wear. He cares about the court is an institution. That is one of the reasons that he voted to uphold the aca. You are right. He will have qualms but he will also be torn because he is a very conservative catholic. He and his wiff adoptee two children. They feel very strongly about the rights of a baby, an unborn baby, the rights of a fetus. He will be toward between his religion and wanting to uphold the institution of the court. And part of that institution is upholding precedent. Create legitimacy and the authority of the court but the other element is it helps to create stability in the law. An justiced oconnor, though a , she is toervative say you have generations of americans living a life knowing there is access to abortion. David we are 10 minutes away from this debate to begin. Give us perspective. Why do we care about these debates . What is the role in this process . Barbara sure. I just have the opportunity on sunday to do a retrospective for with cspan on the 1960, the great debate, the first president ial debate to be shown on television and they did make a difference. Particularly the first one with kennedy and nixon and Everybody Knows the story of kennedy looking president ial, confident, dressed well, had the right makeup and then nixon who was ill and wore the wrong suit and just was lacking in confidence, did not do well. So that was a close race all the way to the end. Kennedy won the. 1 . He bid he was able to gain, gained three Percentage Points in the polls after that first debate, nixon never made it up even though he performed well in the three remaining debate. It can matter. Ina kinloch in, can lock as i mentioned bill clinton and bob dole,. That locked in the reelection for bill clinton because he was a master on television but particularly the town hall. He also won the 1990 do debate 992 debate and george h. W. Bush lost the election because of bill clinton who could feel everyones pain. What is the one thing you were tell your students they should be watching out for this debate between these two gentlemen . Would say, iuess i went i would look out for basic personality traits. Americans want to think about a president as coming into their living rooms every night for the next four years. Have people grown tired of the persona of donald trump coming into their living rooms, or now we say, popping up on their them . And tweeting at do they want to sign up for another four years of that . Likewise, going back to uncle joe biden, he seems to have that kind of persona that people are seeing him in an of own killer way an avunculuar way. They may want them to wear our mask if he comes into their homes but they feel confident he can lead us to this pandemic. Look for their personalities, look for facts and figures, and lets look to see if trump is going to be the bali. Maybe that is wearing the bully. Maybe that is wearing thin with people. It worked with hillary. For joe, he has got to be fluent. He has got to be on his toes. David a little bit on the technology we are going to see tonight. In 1960, the new technology was television and kennedy took great advantage of that. Nixon won the Radio Audience. This president , President Trump, is a great social media candidate. Im wondering, you see an interesting replay of the effect one hundredt the Million People are so who watch this president ial debate will see one debate and then tomorrow, the next day and the rest of the campaign, they will see much different versions of this debate on social media. Barbara that is an interesting point. Yes, there is that. I think it is an urban legend about people who listened to the debate in 1960 thought nixon had was notart because it enough polling that was done of people who watched the debate versus those who listened on radio. I encourage people go to go to youtube and take that experiment. And they can use that experiment tonight. Watch it and then listen to it. Nixon had a great broadcast voice. Reedy, had that rather an odd boston accent. For trump, reality tv star h but so waselevision joe biden. He has been doing this for 40 years. What they did not have a 1960 was they did not have skin rooms. Spin rooms. Yes, depending on what people are seeing on social media and what they are hearing and what trump himself is tweeting out, he is the master of social media. As kennedy was the master of the new medium of television and fdr was the master of the new medium of radio. Toid i want to come back the Kennedy Nixon debate in this sense because it was clear who became president kennedy looked the part more. We might think that is superficial but i went to Dick Gephardt say to me, it is like a job interview. We interview somebody for the job it is not so much how they answer every single thing, because you do not know what will happen. It is getting a sense of the person. Is there something valuable to be able to look at these people as the interact with each other and measure the man . Bar can you hear me . Barbara i just left your sound but i did hear that last question. Is there something about their personas and how they behave on stage . Thats crucial. Television is a visual medium and it is also an audio one, too. And we mayt auiodio have to end. Kennedy was really good at that. He looked directly into the camera. Nixon had the dark beady eyes, he was darting around. Even though he had done really well in 1952 with the checkers speech. He had won debate contest in college but he just wasnt up to the level that kennedy was. We should remember that not only as kennedy come on the scene a television politician in the 1950s but his dad had been a holiday a hollywood producer. The kennedys were brilliant at public imagery in the visual medium. David Bloomberg Television radio, a real delight to have barbara perry, professor and director president ial studies with us. Sometimes you and i have to sit down and tell Justice Powell stories. He was a wonderful man. I would love it. David not tonight. Lets do that. Ok. Want to get some thoughts from them, as we are five minutes away from this debate. Rick the really hardest thing tonight in the debate is determining biden, went to fact check and when not the factcheck. He is under enormous pressure to keep donald trump honest. But that is going to be an overwhelming obstacle for him in order to push his message through. So, i think that balance is going to be the hardest thing to watch tonight and see howq he he does. That will be the armchair quarterbacking tomorrow as to whether he did a good enough job tonight. David for our Radio Audience we are now seeing the trump family walk in. And we saw dr. Jill biden walking with a mask on. What i am looking for most is can joe biden maintained his composure and his sense of humor . Things,n do those two and he can make in the that donald trump has stumbled on this pandemic, he will have done himself a favor. For President Trump, i am looking to see can he shake this race up. Rick was talking about these polls out of pennsylvanian as some of these battleground states that have joe biden ahead. Some cases in double digits. We have got 30 plus days left. The president really has to shake up this race. He has got to speak to women, hes got to speak to seniors and have to speak to the College Educated. Im also looking, can you speak to latinos . The campaign believes he can. He may sprinkle some of that in tonight as well. David we are watching Chris Wallace, the moderator, addressing the crowd. About 100 people there, space between the chairs. Giving instructions, saying please, lets not have applause her outbursts. We will bring you the debate as soon as it starts but he is not seated yet. Rick, from your point of view there is a problem with the Fact Checking. At the same time, joe biden cannot let a lot of falsehoods go by . Rick we know Chris Wallace the moderator has said he has not going to play factor. We know social media is going to be just alive and burning through this debate with Fact Checking and commentary. So there is that aspect of it he can rely on. But he has got to be able to have moments in this debate where he pushes back, where he says that is just not true. And that will have to be as symbolic as they are factual. I think that is a really difficult process for him. Secondarily, he has got to be the adult in the room. Part of his Campaign Messages end the drama. Lets get on with government. Thats has that has to show up tonight as part of the mood and the messaging. David as we are watching this on television. I wonder if the debate has only started because the trump family is sitting in front with no masks on. The biden side all has masks on. I wonder if we only have the debate going about covid19. We do. It is a striking contrast as we compare the two families. Joe biden making a statement with the mask, the president making a statement without one i wonder we dont know yet. It is joe biden who wants to talk about covid and the pandemic and health care and the president who should focus more directly on the economy. David Chris Wallace is now moving toward hirsch his chair to be seated. We heard earlier that President Trump might want to feature his response to covid19. Can he feature that and make it win out of it . Rick he has his own set of facts. Hes going to say what a great job the country has done, number one in all these categories. That is where some of the Fact Checking may come in. I dont think the biden team wants donald trump to set the tone on covid. David i want to clarify something. First Lady Melania Trump walked in with a mask on. The trump children do not. I want to make that clear. The lamia is making a statement. I believe they did have the masks in, but did take them off when they sat. I would just say on this backchecking issue, im probably one of the very few that think joe biden should not get roped into Fact Checking too much, he should stick to what he has to do, which is focused like a laser beam on the pandemic, his empathy for the victims the president has not expressed as much, over 200,000 dead. David rick, you said something similar to that. How difficult is it when you have somebody with a powerful personality of President Trump with 90 minutes saying a lot of things just to stick to the knitting . Rick this is the biggest challenge joe biden is going to have. He is so deferential, empathetic, he is so nice guy but this is the classic david and goliath on the stage tonight and we are going to see how david is going to be able to move around in a way behind a podium to avoid the insults and the overtures of donald trump. Trump will try to engage him directly and all the advisors to biden have told him the same thing, stay out of that clutch, stay on the ropes, dont get locked into him. This will be the battle of the century i think tonight. David how much of it will be fought after the debate is over . A lot is going to be social media afterward. Absolutely. We have seen a lot of new research coming out in my field which would suggest that people do get their views formed by what happens after the debate. If you just watch, you have one view. If you listen to the commentary, you can have a very different view. I wonder how that is complicated by what kevin said earlier, the fact there is not a traditional spin room because of the pandemic, but youve got reporters and other people outside. I think you will see a lot more use of social media and that could make a difference. David we are seconds away from the candidates coming on the stage. How much pressure is this putting on social media to try to police that . Rick i think the policing of it is going to be virtually impossible when you talk about Fact Checking. So, you will go to the reliable sources to see that information, but there will be all kinds of disinformation out there. The number one trend question on google is on unemployment. You know people are already starting to look at issues. David disney announcing today they are laying off 7000 people might have promote ash 78,000 people might have provoked 78,000 people who might have provoked some interest. We were going out to chris who will be charged with enforcing the rules that both campaigns agree to. And now we are turning to Chris Wallace of fox news in cleveland. Evening from the campus of Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic. Im Chris Wallace of fox news and i welcome you to the first of the 2020 president ial debates between president donald j. Trump and former Vice President joe biden. By thebate is sponsored commission on president ial debates. The commission has designed the format. Six 15minute segments with twominute answers from each candidate to the first question, than open discussion for the rest of the segment. Both campaigns have agreed to the rules. For the record, i decided the topics and the questions in each topic. I can assure you none of the questions have been shared with the commission or the two candidates. This debate is being conducted under health and safety protocols designed by the Cleveland Clinic, which is serving as the Health Security advisor to the commission for all four debates. As a precaution, both campaigns have agreed to candidates will not shake hands at the beginning of tonights debate. The audience here in the hall has promised to remain silent, no cheers, no boos or other interruptions, so we and more importantly you can focus on what the candidates have to say. No noise except right now as we welcome the republican nominee, President Trump, and the democratic nominee, Vice President biden. [applause] vice pres. Biden how are you doing, man . Pres. Trump doing well. Gentlemen, a lot of people have been waiting for this night, so lets get going. Our first subject as the Supreme Court. President trump, you nominated Amy Coney Barrett over the weekend to succeed the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the court. You say the constitution is clear about your obligation and the senates to consider a nominee to the court. Vice President Biden, you say this is an effort by the president and republicans to jam through an appointment and what you call an abuse of power. My first question to both of you tonight, why are you right in the argument you make and your opponent wrong and where do you rett wouldstice bar take the court . President trump, you go first. Pres. Trump i will tell you very simply, we won the election. Elections have consequences. We have to senate. We have the white house. And we have a phenomenal nominee, respected by all. Top academic, good in every way, good in every way. In fact, some of her biggest endorsers are very liberal people. From notre dame and other places. So i think she is going to be fantastic. We have plenty of time. Even if we did it after the election itself. I have a lot of time after the election, as you know. I think she will be outstanding. Shes going to be as good as anybody that has served on that court. We really feel that. We have a highly respected professor at notre dame who said she is the singhas cradle student he has ever had single greatest student he has ever had. We won the election and therefore we have the right to choose her and very few people knowingly would say otherwise. By the way, the democrats would not even think about not doing it. The only difference is they would try to do it faster. There is no way they would try to give it up. They had merit garland, but the problem is they do not have the election, so they were stopped. And probably that would happen in reverse, also. It would definitely happen in the reverse. We won the election and we have the right to do it. Chris thank you. Same question to you, Vice President biden. You have two minutes. Vice pres. Biden first of all, thank you for doing this. And mr. President. Pres. Trump thank you. Vice pres. Biden the American People have a right to say who the Supreme Court nominee is and that say occurs when the vote for United States senators and when they vote for the president of the United States. They are not going to get that chance now because we are in the middle of an election already. The election has already started. Tens of thousands have already voted. So the thing that should happen is we should wait, we should wait and see what the outcome of the election is. That is the only way the American People get to express their view is by who they elect as president and Vice President. Now, what is at stake here, the president has made it clear he wants to get rid of the Affordable Care act. He has been running on that and he has been governing on that. He is in the Supreme Court right now trying to get rid of the Affordable Care act, which will strip 20 Million People from having insurance, Health Insurance now, if it goes in the court. And im notice opposed to the justice, she seems like a very fine person but she has written before she went to the bench, which is her right, that she thinks the Affordable Care act is not constitutional. And if struck down, what happens . Womens rights are fundamentally changed. Once again, a woman could be held for more money if she has a previous condition of pregnant c. They are able to charge a woman more for the same exact procedure. That ended when we in fact passed the Affordable Care act. There are 100 Million People who have preexisting conditions and they will be taken away as well, those preexisting conditions, Insurance Companies are going to love this. It is just not appropriate to do this before this election. If he wins the election and the senate is republican, then he goes forward. If not, we should wait until february. Pres. Trump there are not 100 Million People with preexisting conditions. As far as the say is concerned, the people already had their say. Ok, Justice Ginsburg said very powerfully, at some point, 10 years ago or so, she said a president and the senate is elected for a period of time, but a president is elected for four years. Im not elected for three years, so we have to senate, we have a president during that period of time, during that period of time, we have an opening. Im not elected for three years. Im elected for four years. Joe, 100 Million People is totally wrong. I dont know where you got that number. Have iser problem you that you are going to extinguish 180 Million People with their private health care. Vice pres. Biden that is simply not true. Pres. Trump you are going to socialist chris we are now into open discussion. Go ahead, Vice President. Vice pres. Biden number one, he knows what i have proposed. What i have proposed is that we expand obamacare and we increase it, we do not wipe any one of the big debates we had with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that i won, they were trying to say biden wanted to allow people to have private Insurance Private insurance. They can, they will, they do. Pres. Trump that is not with the party has said. Your party doesnt say your party wants to go socialist. Vice pres. Biden my party is me, right now. Pres. Trump they are going to dominate you, joe. You know that. Vice pres. Biden im the platform of the Democratic Party. The platform is what i approved of. Heres the deal, the deal is that it is going to wipe out 200,000 people that have died on his watch, how many of those have survived . 7 Million People have contracted covid. What does it mean for them Going Forward if you strike down the Affordable Care act . Pres. Trump joe, you have had 308,000 military people die because you could not provide them Proper Health care in the military, so dont tell me if you were here, it would be 2 Million People because you were very late on the draw. You did not want to ban china. Gentlemen, mr. President , mr. President , mr. President , as the moderator, we are going to talk about covid in the next segment. Vice pres. Biden let me finish. The point is that the president is also opposed roe v. Wade. That is on the ballot as well in the court. So that is also at stake right now. So, the election pres. Trump why is it on the ballot . It is not on the ballot. Vice pres. Biden it is on the ballot in the courts. Pres. Trump there is nothing happening there. You dont know her view on roe v. Wade. Is all right, lets talk we got a lot to unpack here. Weve got a lot of time. [laughter] on health care and then we will come back to roe v. Wade. Mr. President , the Supreme Court will hear a case it week after the election in which the Trump Administration along with 18 state attorneys general are thinking to overturn obamacare. You have spent the last pres. Trump because we want to give back chris let me ask the question, sir. Over the last four years, you have promised to repeal and replace obamacare, but you have never come up with a plan, a comprehensive plan to replace obamacare. Pres. Trump of course i have. We got rid of the individual mandate. Excuse me. We got rid of the individual mandate, which was a joke. That is a big thing. That was the worst part of obamacare. Chris let me ask my question. Pres. Trump i will ask joe. Individual mandate was the most unpopular aspect of obamacare. I got rid of it and we will protect people. Chris im the moderator of the debate and i would like you to add let me ask my question. Pres. Trump go ahead, chris. Chris you have never come up with a comprehensive plan to replace obamacare and just this last thursday, you signed a largely symbolic executive order to protect people with preexisting conditions five days before this debate. My question is what is the Trump Health Care plan . Pres. Trump first of all, i guess im debating you, not him. But thats ok, im not surprised. There is nothing symbolic. Im cutting drug prices, im going with favored nations, which no president has done because you were going against big pharma. Drug prices will come down 80 or 90 . You have not done it in your 47 year period in government. We are Cutting Health care. All of the things that we have done i give you an example, insulin. It is destroying families, destroying people because im getting it for so cheap it is like water, you want to know the truth. Take a look at all of the drugs that what we are doing. Prescription drug prices, we will allow governors to go to other countries to buy drugs because they pay just a tiny fraction. Chris this is open discussion. Sir, you will be happy him about to pick up on one of your points to ask the Vice President , which as he points out that you would like to add a public option to obamacare and the argument he makes and other republicans make is that that is going to end private insurance. Vice pres. Biden it is not. Chris let me finish the question. Private insurance and create a government takeover of health care. Vice pres. Biden it does not, it is only for people who are so poor all if i for medicaid. They can get that free in most states, except governors who want to deny people who are poor medicaid. Anyone who qualifies for medicare medicaid, excuse me would automatically be enrolled in the public option. The vast majority of the American People would still not be in that option. Pres. Trump joe, you agreed with Bernie Sanders and the far on the manifesto that you would socialize medicine. Vice pres. Biden the fact of the matter is i beat Bernie Sanders. Pres. Trump not by much. Not by much. Vice pres. Biden all he knows how to do pres. Trump you got very lucky. Vice pres. Biden im going to get very lucky tonight, as well. Tonight im going to make sure pres. Trump with what . Vice pres. Biden the fact is that everything he is saying so far tonight is simply a lie. Im not here to call out his lies, Everybody Knows he is a liar. I want to make sure i want to make sure chris mr. President , can you let him finish . Vice pres. Biden he doesnt know how to do that. The wrong guy, the wrong night, the wrong time. Pres. Trump you agreed with Bernie Sanders vice pres. Biden there is no manifesto. Pres. Trump you just lost the left. You just lost the left. You agreed with Bernie Sanders on a plan vice pres. Biden folks, do you have any idea what this clown is doing . Pres. Trump socialized medicine. Chris mr. President vice pres. Biden hes not for any help for people needing health care. Because he in fact already has cost 10 Million People there health care that they had from employers because of his recession. Number two, there are 20 Million People Getting Health Care through obamacare now that he wants to take away. Thats what he wants to do. Take it away. Pres. Trump i want to give them Better Health care at a much lower price. Vice pres. Biden he doesnt know how to do that. Pres. Trump ive already fixed it. Vice pres. Biden he has never offered a plan. [indiscernible] chris gentlemen, you realize you are both speaking at the same time. Go ahead, sir. Pres. Trump obamacare is no good. We made it better. We took away the individual mandate. We guaranteed preexisting conditions, but took away the individual mandate. This is the way it is. Shouldstroyed they not even call it obamacare. Do i let my people run it really well or badly . If i run it badly, they will probably blame me. But more importantly i said, you are going to run it so well. I just had a meeting with them. They say, no matter how well you run obamacare, it is a disaster we get it is too expensive, premiums are too high. It doesnt work. We do want to get rid of it. Chris i understand that, sir. I have to give you roughly equal time. Please let the Vice President talk. Pres. Trump good. Vice pres. Biden he has no plan for health care. Chris please. Vice pres. Biden he sends out wishful thinking. He has executive orders that have no power. He has not lowered drug costs for anybody. He has been promising Health Care Plan since he got elected. He has none, like almost Everything Else he talked about. He does not have a plan, he does not have a plan. The fact is that this man does not know what he is talking about. Chris i have one final question for you, mr. Vice president. Werenate republicans we talking originally about the Supreme Court if Senate Republicans go ahead and confirm Justice Barrett, there has been talked about ending the filibuster or even packing the court, adding to the nine justices . You call this a distraction by the president , but it was not brought up by the president , it was brought up by some of your democratic colleagues. So my question to you is you have refused in the past to talk about it, are you willing to tell the American People whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court . Chris whatever position i take will become the issue. The issue is the American People should speak, you should go out and vote. You are voting now, vote and let your senators know how you feel every good vote now. Make sure you let people know. Pres. Trump why wont you answer that question . Vice pres. Biden because the question is pres. Trump the radical left think ntlemen, i vice pres. Biden this is so in president ial. Chris we have ended the segment and we will move on to the second segment. Vice pres. Biden that was really a productive segment, wasnt it . Pres. Trump the people understand, joe. 47 years, you have done nothing. Chris the second subject is covid19, which is an awfully serious subject, so lets try to be serious about it. We have had more than 7 million cases of coronavirus in the United States and more than 200,000 people have died. A vaccine,we produce experts say it could be months or even years before we come back to anything approaching normal. My question for both of you is based on what you have said and done so far and what you have said you would do starting in 2021, why should the American People trust you more than your opponent to deal with this Public Health crisis Going Forward . In this case, the question goes to you first, sir. Two minutes uninterrupted. Vice pres. Biden good luck. 200,000 dead. As you said, over 7 million infected in the United States. The worldshave 4 of population. 20 of the deaths. 40,000 people a day are contracting covid. 750ddition to that, between in 1000 People Per Day are dying. When he was presented with that number he said, it is what it is. Because you are who you are. That is why it is. The president has no plan. He has not laid out anything. He knew all the way back in february how serious this crisis was. He knew it was a deadly disease. What did he do . He is on tape acknowledging he knew it. He said he didnt tell us or give us a warning because he didnt want to panic the American People. You dont panic, he panicked. He went in and we were assisting the people we had on the ground and china should be able to go to wuhan and determine for themselves how dangerous this was. He did not even ask xi to do that. He told us what a great job xi was doing. He said we owe him a debt of gratitude for being so transparent with us. What did he do then . He waited and waited and waited. He still does not have a plan. I laid out back in march exactly what we should be doing. I laid out again in july what we should be doing. We should be providing all of the protective gear possible. We should be providing the money the house has passed to go out and get people to help they need to keep their businesses open. Costs a lot of money. You get out of your bunker and get out of the sand trap and out of your golf course and go in the oval office and bring together the democrats and republicans and fund what needs to be done to save lives. Chris you have two minutes, sir. Pres. Trump if we would have listened to you, the country would have been left wide open, millions would have died and one person is too much. It is chinas fault. It should have never happened. When you talk about numbers, you dont know how many people died in china, you dont know how many people died in russia or india. They dont give you straight counts. But if you look at what we have done, i closed it and you said he is xenophobic, he is a racist and he is xenophobic chris two minutes. Pres. Trump you did not think we should have closed our country because you thought it was terrible, you would not have closed it for another two months. In fact, dr. Fauci said President Trump saved thousands of lives many of your democratic governors said, President Trump is a phenomenal did a phenomenal job. Go take a look. The governors set i did a phenomenal job. Most of them said that. In fact, people that would not necessarily be on my side said that, President Trump did a phenomenal job. We did. We got the gowns, we got the masks, we made the ventilators. You would not have made ventilators and we are weeks away from a vaccine, we are doing therapeutics. Fewer people are dying when they get sick, far fewer are dying, we have done a great job. The only thing i havent done a good job and that is because of the fake news no matter what you say to them, they give you bad press. They give you good press, they give me a bad press because that is the way it is. Let me tell you something, i dont care, but you could never have done the job, you dont have it in your blood, you could never have done that job. Vice pres. Biden i know how to do the job. Pres. Trump you did not do very well on swine. H1n1, you are a disaster. Vice pres. Biden 14,000 people died, not 200,000. [indiscernible] chris you made a point, let him answer. Vice pres. Biden we did not shut down the economy. This is his economy that he shut down. The reason it is shut down is because look, your folks at home, how many of you got up this morning and had an empty chair at the Kitchen Table because somebody died of covid . Comedy if you are in a situation where you lost your mom or dad or could not speak to them with a nurse holding the phone up so you could say goodbye . Pres. Trump we would have lost four more people, far more people. Vice pres. Biden by the way, his own cdc director says we could lose as many as another 200,000 people between now and the end of the year. He said if we just wear a mask, we could save half those numbers. Just a mask. By the way, in terms of the whole notion of a vaccine, we are for a vaccine, but i dont trust him at all, nor do you. We trust the scientists. Gentlemen, gentlemen, let me move on to questions about the future because you both have touched on two of the questions im going to ask. Focusing on the future, President Trump, you have repeatedly at contradicted or been at odds with some of your governments top scientists. The week before last of the head of the cdc said it would be summer before the vaccine would become generally available to the public. You said that he was confused and mistaken. Those are your words. But the head of your operation warp speed has said exactly the same thing. Are they both wrong . Pres. Trump ive spoken to the companies and we can have it a lot sooner. It is a very political thing because people like this with mother reckitt political then save lives. Ive spoken to pfizer, ive spoken to all of the people you have to speak to. Moderna, johnson johnson, and others. They can go faster than that by a lot. Become very political because the left or right dont know chris the head of your operation warp speed . Pres. Trump i disagree with both of them. He didnt say that. He said it could be there, but it could also be much sooner. Chris he talked about the summer before it is generally available, sir. Pres. Trump he said it is a possibility we will have the answer before november 1. Chris im talking about when it is generally available. Pres. Trump we are going to deliver it right away. We will have the military logistically set up. We have our military that delivers soldiers and they can do 200,000 a day. Vice pres. Biden this is the same man that i told you thatll be by easter it would be gone away, that it would be like a miracle. Maybe you could inject some bleach in your arm and it would take care of it. Pres. Trump that was sarcastic, you know that. Vice pres. Biden heres the deal, this man is talking about a vaccine. Every Serious Company is talking about maybe having a vaccine done by the end of the year. Will not occurn until the beginning or middle of next year to get it out, if we get the vaccine and pray god we will. Chris mr. Vice president , i want to pick up on this question. You said the public can trust the scientists, but they cant trust President Trump. You said that tonight. Youre running mate senator harris goes further, saying that Public Health experts will be muzzled, will be suppressed. Given the fact that polls already show that people are concerned about the vaccine and are reluctant to take it, are you and your running mate contributing to that fear . Vice pres. Biden no more than the question you just asked. He puts pressure and disagrees with his in scientists. Chris but you are saying senator harris is saying you cant trust the scientists. Vice pres. Biden she did not say that. Chris she said Public Health experts will be muzzled and suppressed. Vice pres. Biden that is what he is going to try to do, but there are millions, thousands of scientists doubt their like here at this great hospital the dont work for him. Their job doesnt depend on him. They are the people pres. Trump but scientists that are in charge will have the vaccine very soon. Vice pres. Biden if you believe for a moment what he is telling you in light of all the lies he has told you about the whole issue relating to covid he still has not even acknowledged that he knew this was happening, new how dangerous it was going to be back in february and he did not even tell you. He is on record as saying it. He panicked or he just looked at the stock market. One of the two. Guess what . A lot of people died and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter, lot occur. Pres. Trump did you use the word smart . So you said you went to delaware state, but you forgot the name of your college. You did not go to delaware state. You graduated either the lowest almost the lowest in your class. Dont ever use the word smart with me. Vice pres. Biden give me a break. Pres. Trump you know what, there is nothing smart about you, joe. Vice pres. Biden lets have this debate. Pres. Trump let me tell you something, if you would have had the charge of what i was put through i had to close the greatest economy in history of our country and now it is being built again. Chris we are going to the economy in the next segment, sir. Pres. Trump it is going up fast. Chris when it comes to how the virus has been handled so far, the two of you have taken very different approaches and this is going to affect how the virus is handled Going Forward by whichever review ends up becoming the next president. I want to go through several of those. Reopenings. Vice President Biden you have been much more reluctant than President Trump about reopening the economy and schools. Why . Vice pres. Biden because you dont have a plan. These got to provide businesses the ability to have the money to be able to reopen with the ppe, as well as with the sanitation they need. You have to provide pres. Trump tell that to nancy pelosi. Vice pres. Biden why dont you just shush for a minute . Nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer have a plan. You wont even meet with them. The republicans wont meet with them in the senate. He sits in his golf course. Think about it pres. Trump you probably play more than i do. Chris what about the question of reopening . Pres. Trump he wants to shut down this country and i want to keep it open. A minute, joe, let me shut you down for one second. He wants to shut down the country. We just went through it. We had to because we didnt know anything about the disease. Now we found that elderly people with heart problems and diabetes and different problems are very, very vulnerable. We learned a lot. Young children arent. Even young people arent. Weve learned a lot. He wants to shut it down. More people will be heard by continuing you look at pennsylvania, you look at certain states that have been shut down they have democrat governors all one of the reasons they have shut down is because they want to keep it shut down until after the election. Chris i want to move to another segment. Vice pres. Biden ive got to respond. Chris i want to move onto another subject. Pres. Trump those states are not doing well. Vice pres. Biden i want to respond to that. Chris President Trump, you have begun to increasingly question the effectiveness of masks as a disease preventer and you have cited the issue of waiters touching their masks and touching plates. Pres. Trump no, i think the masks are ok. I have a mask right here. I will put a mask on when i think i needed. Tonight is an example, everybody has had a test and you have had social distancing and all of the things that you have needed. I dont wear masks like him. Every time you see him, hes got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away and he shows up with the biggest mask up ever seen. Chris Vice President biden. Vice pres. Biden look, the way to open businesses is to give them the wherewithal to be able to open. We provided money chris i was asking about masks. Vice pres. Biden masks make a big difference. His own head of the cdc said if we wore a mask between now and social distancing between now and january we would probably save up to 100,000 lives. It matters. Pres. Trump they have also said the opposite. Vice pres. Biden no serious person said the opposite. Pres. Trump dr. Fauci said the opposite. Vice pres. Biden he did not say the opposite. Pres. Trump he said masks are not good, then he changed his mind. Im ok with masks. Chris i want to ask about one last subject. Your different approaches have even affected the way you have campaigned. President trump, you are holding large rallies with crowds packed together, thousands of people. Pres. Trump outside. Chris yes, agreed. Vice President Biden, you are holding much smaller events pres. Trump nobody will show up. [laughter] its true. Nobody shows up to his rallies. Chris in any case, why are you holding the big rallies, why are you not . Pres. Trump because people want to hear what i have to say. I will have 25,000, 35,000 people show up at airports, we use airports. Chris are you not worried about covid19 . Pres. Trump so far, we have had no problem whatsoever. It is outside, it is a big difference according to the experts. We do them outside, we have tremendous crowds, as you see. On 24 hoursy notice. And joe does the circles and has three people someplace. Vice pres. Biden did you see one of the last big rallies he had . A reporter came up to him to ask him a question he said, no, stand back, put on your mask, have you been tested . Im way far away from those other people. That is what he said. Im going to be ok. He is not worried about you, hes not worried about the people out there. Pres. Trump pres. Trump no negative effect. We have had 35,000, 40,000 people. Chris i want to move on to our next segment. Vice pres. Biden he has been totally responsible the way in which he has handled the social distancing and people wearing masks, basically encouraging them not to. And he is a fool on that. Pres. Trump if you could get the crowds, you would have done the same thing. Nobody can. Nobody cares. Chris can we move on to the economy . Pres. Trump yes. Chris the economy is recovering faster than expected from the shut down in the second quarter. The Unemployment Rate fell to 8. 4 last month. The Federal Reserve said the hit to growth, which is going to be there, is not going to be nearly as big as they had expected. President trump, you say we are in a vshaped recovery. Vice President Biden, you say it is more of a k shape. What difference does that mean to the American People in terms of the economy . President trump, you go first. Pres. Trump so, we built the greatest economy in history, we closed it down because of the china play. We closed it down, which was very hard psychologically to do. He did not think we should close it down and he was wrong. 2 Million People would be dead instead of still 204,000 is too much, one person is too much. Should have never happened from china. What happened as we closed it down and now we are reopening and we are doing record business. We had 10. 4 Million People that we have put back into the workforce. That is a record the likes of which nobody has ever seen before and he wants to close down, he would shut it down again, he will destroy this country. A lot of people between drugs and alcohol and depression, when you start shutting it down, you take a look at what is happening to some of your democrat run states where they have these tough shutdowns. Im telling you it is because they dont want to open it one of them came out last week, we are going to open up on november9 because it is after the election. They think they are hurting us by keeping them closed. They are hurting people. People know what to do. They can social distance, they can wash the hands, they can wear masks, they can do whatever they want, but theyve got to open these states up. When you look at North Carolina and these governors are under siege pennsylvania, michigan, and a couple of others youve got to open the states up. It is not fair. It is all most like being in prison. You look at what is going on with divorce, you look at alcoholism and drugs, it is a very sad thing and he will close down the whole country. This guy will close down the whole country and destroy our country. Our country is coming back incredibly well, setting records as it does it. We dont need somebody to come in and say this is shut down. You say it is a k shaped recovery. Vice pres. Biden the difference is millionaires and billionaires like him in the middle of the covid crisis have done very well. They have made another 300 billion because of the. Rofligate tax proposal but you folks at home, you folks living in scranton and claymont and all the small towns and workingclass towns in america, how are you doing . This guy paid a total of 750 dollars in taxes. Chris sir no you have agreed to the two minutes, so please let him have it. Vice pres. Biden do i get my time back . The fact is that he has worked on this in a way that he is going to be the first president in the United States to leave office having fewer jobs in his administration than when he became president. Fewer jobs than when he became president. Secondly, the people who have lost their jobs are those people who have been on the front lines. Those people who have been saving our lives, those people who went out there dying, people who have been putting themselves in the way to make sure that we could all try to make it. The idea that he is insisting that we go forward and open when you have almost half the states in america with a significant increase in covid deaths and covid cases in the United States of america and he wants to open it up more. Why does he want to open it up . He cant fix the economy until you fix the covid crisis. He has no intention of doing anything about making it better for you all at home in terms of your health and your safety. Schools, why arent schools open . Because it costs a lot of money to open safely. They were going to give the teachers and School Students masks, then they decided, no, couldnt do that because it is not a national emergency. Not a national emergency. They have done nothing to help small businesses, nothing. They are closing. One in six is now gone. He ought to get on the job and take care of the needs of the American People so we can open safely. Chris your time is up sir. Pres. Trump can i respond to that . Chris you both had two minutes, sir. Pres. Trump excuse me, he chris chris made a statement. So did you. Pres. Trump people want their schools open. They dont want to be shut down. They want their restaurants. I look at new york, it is so sad what is happening, it is in most like a ghost town and im not sure it can never recover. People want their places open, they want to get back to their lives. They will be careful. They want their schools. Im the one that brought back football. I brought back big ten football. It was me and very happy to do it the people of ohio are very proud of me. Chris we are going to get to your economic plans Going Forward in a moment. First, mr. President , there was a new report that in 2016, the year you were elected president and 2017, your first year as president , that you pay 750 a year in federal income tax each of those years. I know that you pay a lot of other taxes, but im asking you the specific question. Init true that you paid 750 federal income taxes each of those two years . Pres. Trump i paid millions of dollars in taxes. Millions of dollars of income tax. Let me just tell you, there was a story in one of the papers i paid 38 million one year. I paid 20 7 million. Vice pres. Biden show us your tax returns. Pres. Trump you will see it as soon as it is finished. Go to the board of elections, there is a 118 page report that says everything i have, every bank i have, im totally under leveraged because the assets are extremely good and we have i built chris i asked you a specific question. I understand all of that. Asking president , im you a question. Will you tell us how much you paid in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017 . Pres. Trump millions of dollars. Chris you paid millions of dollars . So not 750 . Pres. Trump you will get to see it. Vice pres. Biden when . Next july . Pres. Trump it was the tax laws i dont want to pay tax before i came here, i was a private developer, i was a private business people. Like every other private person unless they are stupid, they go through the laws and that is what it is. He passed the tax bill that gave us all these privileges for depreciation and for tax credits. We build a building and we get tax credits like a hotel on pennsylvania avenue. Which by the way was given to me by the Obama Administration, if you can believe that. Now the man got fired right after that happened. Chris Vice President biden . Vice pres. Biden i do want to respond. The tax code that put him in a position that he pays less tax than a schoolteacher makes the new money a schoolteacher makes is because he says hes smart because he can take advantage of the tax code and he does take advantage of the tax code. Thats why im going to eliminate the trump tax cuts. Im going to eliminate those tax cuts and make sure we invest in the people who need the help. People out there need help. Pres. Trump why didnt you do it in the last 25 years . Vice pres. Biden because you where the president screwing things up. Pres. Trump you were a senator vice pres. Biden you are the worst president america has ever had. Pres. Trump ive done more in 47 months then youve done in 47 years, joe. Weve done things that you never even thought about, including fixing the broken military you gave me. Chris mr. President , we are talking about the economy. I would like to ask about your plans Going Forward because mr. Vice president , your economic plan, if you were to be elected president focuses a lot on big government, big taxes, big spending. I want to focus first on the taxes. You propose more than 4 trillion over a decade in taxes on individuals making more than 400,000 a year and on corporations. President trump says that that kind of an increase in taxes is going to hurt the economy as it is just coming out of a recession. Vice pres. Biden well, just take a look at the analysis done by wall street firms. It points out that my economic plan would create 7 million more jobs than his in four years. Number one. Number two, it would create an additional 1 trillion in Economic Growth because it would be about buying american. The federal government spends 600 billion dollars a year on everything from ships to build steel, buildings, and the like. Under my proposal, we are going to make sure that every penny of that has to be made by a company in the u. S. Chris im talking about taxes, not spending. Vice pres. Biden im going to eliminate taxes im going to make the Corporate Tax 28 . Thehave 91 companies in fortune 500 who dont pay a single penny in tax making billions of dollars. Pres. Trump why didnt you do it when you are vice with obama . Vice pres. Biden because you in fact past that. Pres. Trump i got it done. Our economy boomed. Chris mr. President , let me pick up on that. You would continue your free market approach, lower taxes, more deregulation, correct . Vice pres. Biden not lower taxes for the American People. Chris you talk about the economy booming. It turns out that in obamas final three years as president , more jobs were created, 1. 5 million more jobs than in the first three years of your presidency. Pres. Trump they had the 1929. T recovery since it was the slowest recovery. Also, they took over something that was down here, all you had to do is turn on the lights and you pick up a lot. The slowest economic recovery since 1929. Let me tell you about the stock market. When the stock market goes up, that means jobs. It also means 401ks. If you ever became president with your ideas, you want to terminate my taxes, i tell you what you will lose half of the companies that have come in here will leave. The companies that were already here will leave for other places and you will have a depression the likes of which you have never seen. Vice pres. Biden look, we inherited the worst recession short of a depression in american history. I was asked to bring it back. We were able to have an economic recovery that created the jobs you were talking about. We handed him a booming economy. He blew it. He blew it. Pres. Trump it wasnt booming. It was the weakest recovery chris sir, is it fair to say he blew it when there was record low unemployment before covid . Vice pres. Biden because what he did even before covid, manufacturing went in the whole, manufacturing went in the hole. Number two. Number three pres. Trump you were on number two. Chris, they said it would take a miracle to bring back manufacturing. I brought back 700,000 jobs. They brought back nothing. They gave up on manufacturing. Vice pres. Biden im the guy that brought back the automobile industry. I was asked to bring back chrysler and general motors, brought them back right here in the state of ohio and michigan. He blew it, they are gone, he blew it. Pres. Trump ohio had the best year it has ever had last year. Michigan had the best year they have ever had. Vice pres. Biden that is not true. Pres. Trump Car Companies came in from germany, went into michigan and ohio. Chris mr. Vice president , go ahead. Vice pres. Biden so you take a look at what he is actually done. He has done very little. His trade deals are the same way. He talks about these great trade deals, he talks about the art of the deal, china has perfected the art of the steel. We have a higher deficit with china than we did before. We have the highest trade deficit pres. Trump china eight your lunch, joe. No wonder, your son goes in and he takes out billions of dollars, takes a billions of dollars to manage, he makes millions of dollars. While we are at it just out of curiosity the mayor of moscows wife gave your son 3. 5 million what did he do to deserve it . Vice pres. Biden none of that is true. None of that is true. Pres. Trump oh really . Chris mr. President , mr. President , please. Vice pres. Biden totally discredited. Pres. Trump by the way, he did not get 3. 5 million . He got 3. 5 million. Vice pres. Biden it pres. Trump pres. Trump is not true. Really . Chris it is an open discussion. Pres. Trump it is a fact. Vice pres. Biden totally discredited. Pres. Trump one hundred 80 3000 dollars a month with no experience in energy . Vice pres. Biden my son did nothing wrong at burisma. Chris mr. President , let him answer. Vice pres. Biden he does not want to let me answer because he knows i have the truth. His position has been totally discredited. By the media, by our allies, by the world bank. By everyone. It has been discredited. As a matter of fact, even the people who testified under oath chris im listening to you. Pres. Trump 3. 5 million from moscow. Vice pres. Biden people who testified under oath in his administration said, i did my job and i did it very well. Pres. Trump i want to know who they are. Vice pres. Biden i will give you the list of people who testified. You have already fired most of them because they did a great job. Chris wait a minute, you get the final word. Vice pres. Biden it is hard to get anywhere in with this clown. Chris no, no, no, mr. President. Pres. Trump why did he deserve 3. 5 million from moscow . Vice pres. Biden heres the deal. We want to talk about families and ethics, i dont want to do that. His family we could talk about all night. [indiscernible] [indiscernible crosstalk] vice pres. Biden this is not about my family or his family, it is about your family, the American People. It does not want to talk about what you need. You. The American People. It is about you. That is who we are talking about. Chris that is the end of the segment, we are moving on. I be honest . Can it is very important to try to be honest. Chris the answer to the question is no. Serve. Pres. Trump with 1 billion vice pres. Biden that is absolutely not true. Chris gentlemen, i hate to raise my voice why should i be different than the two of you . Vice pres. Biden good point. Chris we have six segments. We have ended that segment, we are going to go to the next segment. In that segment, you are each going to two uninterrupted minutes. Mr. President , you can say anything you want. Im going to ask a question about race, but if you want to answer about something else, go ahead, but i think the country would be better served if we allow to both people to speak with fewer interruptions. Im appealing to you, sir, to do that. Pres. Trump and him to. Chris frankly, you have been doing more interrupting. Less than you have. Lets please continue on. The issue of race. Vice President Biden, you say that President Trumps response to the violence in charlottesville three years ago when he talked about very fine people on both side was what directly let you to launch this run for president. Pres. Trump sure. Chris President Trump, you have often said you believe you have done more for black americans than any president with the possible exception of abraham lincoln. Pres. Trump true. Chris my question for the two of you is why should voters trust you rather than your opponent to deal with the race issues facing this country over the next four years . Vice President Biden, you go first. Vice pres. Biden it is about equity and equality. It is about decency. It is about the constitution. We have never walked away from trying to require equity for everyone, equality for the whole of america. But we have never accomplished it. We have never walked away from it like he has done. It is true the reason i got in the race, close your eyes, remember what those people carrying torches, their veins bulging, spewing antisemitic bile, accompanied by the ku klux klan. A young woman got killed. They asked the president and he said there were very fine people on both sides. No president has ever said anything like that. Chris sir. Vice pres. Biden the second point i would make to you is that when mr. Floyd was killed, there was a peaceful protest front of the white house. What did he do . He came out of his bunker, at the military used teargas on them, so he can walk across to a church and hold up a bible. And what happened after that . The bishop of that very church said it was a disgrace. The general who was with him said all he ever wants to do is divide people, not unite people at all. This is a president who has used everything is a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred, racist division. This is a man, you talk about africa in dutch helping helping africanamericans, one in 1000 africanamericans has been killed because of the coronavirus. If he does not do something quickly by the end of the year, one in 500 will have been killed. One in 500 africanamericans. This man, this man is the savior of africanamericans . This man cares at all . This man has done virtually nothing. Look, the fact is that you have to look at what he talks about. The fact is you have to look at what he did and what he did has been disastrous for the africanamerican community. Chris President Trump, you have two minutes. Why should Americans Trust you over your opponent to deal with race . Pres. Trump the crime bill, 1994 where you called them super predators, africanamericans, super predators. They have never forgotten it, joe. Chris sir, it is his two minutes. Pres. Trump and im letting people out of jail now that you have treated the africanamerican population, community, you have treated the black community about as bad as anybody in this country. And that is why if you look at the polls im doing better than any republican has done in a long time because they saw what you did. You called them super predators and you have called them worse than that because you look back at your testimony over the years, you have called them a lot worse than that. As far as the churchs concern and the general, we just got the support of 250 military leaders and generals, total support. Law enforcement, almost every Law Enforcement group in the United States, i have florida, as, i have ohio, i have excuse me, portland, the sheriff just came out today and he said, i support President Trump. I dont think you have any Law Enforcement. You cant even say the word Law Enforcement because if you say those words, you were going to use all of your lose all of your radical left supporters. Why dont you say the words Law Enforcement . If they called us in portland, we would put out that fire in half an hour, but they wont do it because they are run by radical left democrats. You look at chicago, you look at any you want to look, seattle, they heard we were coming the following day and they put up their hands and we got back seattle. Minneapolis, we got it back, joe because we believe in law order. You dont. The top 10 cities and just about the top 40 cities are run by democrats ended many cases radical left and theyve got you wrapped around their finger, joe, to the point where you dont want to say anything about law order. I tell you what, the people of this country want and demand law order and you are afraid to even say it. Chris all right, i want to return to the question of race. Vice President Biden, after the grand jury in the Breonna Taylor case decided not to charge any of the police with homicide, you said it raises the question whether justice could be equally applied in america. Do you believe that there is a separate but unequal system of justice for blacks in this country . Vice pres. Biden yes, there is. There is systemic injustice in this country. In education, and work, and in Law Enforcement, and the way it is enforced. But look, the vast majority of police are good, decent honorable men and women. They risk their lives every day to take care of us. But there are bad apples, but when they find them, they have to be sorted out, they have to be held accountable, they have to be held accountable. What im going to do as president is called together an entire group of people at the white house, everything from the civil Rights Groups to the Police Officers to the police chiefs, and we are going to work this out. So we change the way in which we have more transparency and when these things happen these cops are happy to see what happened to george floyd these cops arent happy to see what happened to Breonna Taylor. Most dont like it, but we have to have a system where people are held accountable. By the way, violence in response is never appropriate. Never appropriate. Peaceful protest is. Is peaceful what protest . When they run through the middle of town and burn down your stores and kill people all over the place . But you say it is. Chris President Trump i promise we will get to the issue of law order in a moment. This month, your administration directed federal agencies to end Racial Sensitivity Training that addresses White Privilege or critical race theory. Why did youwhy did you decide tl sensitivity training . And do you believe that there is systemic racism in this country . Pres. Trump i ended it because it is racist. I ended it because a lot of people were complaining that they were asked to do things that were absolutely insane. That it was a radical revolution that was taking place in our military, in our schools, all over the place. You know it and so does everybody else. Chris what is radical about Racial Sensitivity Training . Pres. Trump if you are a certain person, you had no status in life. It was sort of a reversal. If you look at the people, we were paying people hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach a very bad ideas, and frankly, very sick ideas. And really, they were teaching people to hate our country. And i am not going to do that. I am not going to allow that to happen. We have to go back to the core values of this country. They were teaching people that our country is a horrible lace, it is a racist place, and they were teaching people to hate our country. And im not going to allow that to happen. Vice pres. Biden nobody is doing that. He is just a racist. I know a lot more about chris let him finish. Vice pres. Biden the fact is there is racial insensitivity. People have to be made aware of what other people feel like. What insults them. What is demeaning to them. It is important that people know. No, many people do not want to hurt other peoples feelings, but it makes a big difference. It makes a gigantic difference in the way a child is able to grow up and have a sense of selfesteem. It is a little bit like how this guy and his friends looked down on so many people. They look down their nose on people like Irish Catholics like me who grew up in scranton. They look down on people who dont have money. They look down on people of a different faith. They look down on people who are different color. We are all americans. The only way we are going to bring this country together is bring everybody together. There is nothing we cannot do if we do it together. We can take this on and we can defeat racism in america. Pres. Trump during the Obama Biden Administration was tremendous division. There was hatred. You look at ferguson. Many places. Look at oakland. Look what happened in baltimore. Frankly, it was more violent than what i am seeing now. But the reason is that the democrats vice pres. Biden absolutely ridiculous. Pres. Trump are you in favor of law order . Vice pres. Biden i am in favor of following the law. Chris let him finish. Vice pres. Biden law order with justice where people get treated fairly. The fact of the matter is a Violent Crime went down 15 in our administration. It has gone up on his watch. President , he is going to be very happy because we are going to talk about law order. That is exactly my question. There has been a dramatic increase in homicides in america this summer particularly, and you often blame that on democratic mayors and governors. But in fact, there have been equivalent spikes in republicanled cities like tulsa and fort worth. So is this really a party issue . Pres. Trump i think it is a party issue. You can bring in a couple of examples but if you look at chicago, what is going on in chicago where 53 people were shot and eight died. Shot. If you look at new york where it is going up like nobody has ever seen anything. Numbers are going up 100 , 150 , 200 crime. It is crazy what is going on. He does not want to say law order because he cannot because he will lose his radical left supporters. Once he does that, it is over with. If he ever got to run his country and they ran it the way he would want to run it, our suburbs would be gone. Our suburbs would be gone. And you would see problems vice pres. Biden he would not know a suburban unless he took a wrong turn. I was raised in the suburbs. This is not 1950. All these dog whistles and racism doesnt work anymore. Suburbs are buying large integrated. Many people today are driving kids to soccer practice, black, white, hispanic in the same car, as there has been at any time in the past. What is really the trick for the suburbs and their safety is his failure to deal with covert with covid, his failure to deal with the environment. They are very thats why the suburbs are in trouble. Chris i do want to talk about this issue of law order. In the joint recommendation that came from the biden, Bernie Sanders task force, we talk about quote, reimagining policing. First of all, what does reimagining policing mean, and if i may finish what does reimagining policing mean, and do you support the black lives matter call for Community Control of policing . Vice pres. Biden what i support is the police having the opportunity to deal with the problems they face. I am totally opposed to defunding the Police Officers. Matter of fact local police. Hisonly one defunding, budget calls for a 400 million cut in local Law Enforcement assistance. They need more assistance. They need to have someone with them who is a psychologist or psychiatrist to keep them from having to use force and be able to talk people down. We have to have Community Policing like we had before, where the officers get to know the people in the communities. That is when crime went down. It did not go up, it went down. So we have to be engaged. Pres. Trump he is talking about defunding the police. Vice pres. Biden that is not true. Pres. Trump he has no Law Enforcement. Vice pres. Biden that is not true. Pres. Trump name one group that supports you . Name one group that came out and supported you. Go ahead. We have time. Group. E Law Enforcement chris gentlemen, i am going to take back the moderators role. I want to get to another subject which is the issue of protest in many cities that have turned violent. In portland, oregon especially, we had more than 100 Straight Days of protests, which i think you would agree, you talk about peaceful protests, many of those turned into riots. Mr. Vice president , you say that people who commit crimes should be held accountable. The question i have though, is as the democratic nominee, and earlier tonight you said you are the Democratic Party right now, have you ever called the democratic mayor for portland or the democratic governor of oregon and said, hey, you have to stop this, bring in the National Guard, do whatever it takes, but you stop the days and months of violence in portland . Vice pres. Biden i do not hold Public Office now. I am a former Vice President. I have made it clear in my public statements the violence should be prosecuted. It should be prosecuted. Me, you had never called for the leaders in portland and in oregon to bring in the National Guard . Vice pres. Biden they can, in fact, take care of it, if he would just stay out of the way. Pres. Trump oh really . They shot him. For days, portland would not do anything. Vice pres. Biden by the way, his own former spokesperson said and violenceos help his cause. This is what is all about that. Pres. Trump i dont know who said that. Who said that . Vice pres. Biden kellyanne conway. She said that. The point is that is what he keeps trying to rile everything up. He does not want to calm things down. Instead of going in and talking to people and saying lets get everyone together to figure out how to deal with this, what does he do . He pours gasoline on the fire constantly, at every single solitary time. Chris to button up the segment i will give you one minute to answer. You have repeatedly put aside no, you have been talking. Pres. Trump i would love to end it. Chris you know, if you want to switch seats, we can do that. Pres. Trump if we sent in the National Guard, it would be over. Chris you have repeatedly criticized the Vice President for not specifically calling out antifa and other leftwing extremist groups. What are you willing to tonight to condemn white supremacist and militia groups to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in kenosha, and as we have seen in portland . Go ahead. Pres. Trump i would say almost everything i see is from the left wing, not the right wing. I am willing to do anything. Chris then do it. Do it. Pres. Trump what do you want to call them . Give me a name. Chris white supremacists. Proud boys. Pres. Trump proud boys, stanback and standby. I tell you what, somebody has got to do something about antifa and the left. Vice pres. Biden his own fbi director says it is white supremacists. Antifa is an idea, not an organization. His fbi director says chris we are done, sir. Everybody inden your Administration Says it is a bad idea. You have no idea. Pres. Trump antifa is a dangerous, radical group. They will overthrow you. Chris i am going to ask a question. When a president seeks a second term, it is generally a referendum on his record. Vice President Biden, you like to quote one of your dads saying witches do not impair me to the almighty, compare me to the alternate, and in this case you are the alternative. Looking at both of your records, why should voters elect you president over your opponent . In this segment, President Trump, you go first. Two minutes. Pres. Trump because there has never been an administration or president who has done more than i have done in a period of 3. 5 years. That is despite the impeachment hoax, and you saw what happened today with Hillary Clinton, where it was a whole big con job. Despite going through all these things where i had to fight both flanks from behind me and above, there has never been an administration that has done what i have done. Before covid came in, the greatest economy in history, lowest unemployment numbers. Everything was good. By the way, there was unity going to happen. People were calling me for the first time in years, they were calling, and they were saying it is time, maybe. Then we got hit. But we are building it back again. Militarying of the including space force and all the other things. A fixing of the v. A. , which was a mess under him. 308,000 people died because they did not have Proper Health care. Now we have a 91 Approval Rating at the v. A. We take care of our vets. But we rebuilt our military. The job that we have done and some people say maybe the most important. By the end of the first term, i will have approximately 300 federal judges and court of appeals judges, 300. And hopefully three great Supreme Court judges, justices. That is a record the likes of which very few people and you know one of the reasons i will have so many judges . Because president obama and him left me 128 judges to fill. When you leave office, you do not leave any judges. You just dont do that. They left 128 openings. And if i were a member of his party, because they have a little different philosophy, i would say if you left us 128 openings, you cant be a good president , you cant be a good Vice President. But i want to thank you, because it will probably be about that number by the end of this term. 300 judges. It is a record. Chris looking at both of your records, why should voters elect you president , as opposed to President Trump . You have two minutes under uninterrupted. Vice pres. Biden under this president we have become weaker. Sicker, poorer, more divided and more violent. Putins puppet. He has not said anything about the russian bounty on american soldiers. Chris mr. President , your campaign agreed both sides would get twominute answers uninterrupted. Your side agreed to it. Why dont you observe your campaign agreed to . Vice pres. Biden he never keeps his word. Chris that was a rhetorical question. You may have 30 seconds. The pres. Biden billionaires have gotten much more wealthy by a tune of over 400 billion more just since covid. All, you have less. You are in more trouble than you were before. In terms of being more violent, when we were in office there was 15 less violence in america than there is today. He is the president of the United States, it is on his watch. In regard to more divided, the nation cannot stay divided. We cannot stay this way. Speaking of my son, the way you talk about the military, the way you talk about them being losers and just being suckers, my son was an in iraq. He spent a year there, he got the bronze star. He was not a loser. He was a patriot, and the people left behind there were heroes. Talkingsent i am about my son, beau biden. Pres. Trump hunter got thrown out of the military. He was dishonorably discharged. Vice pres. Biden that is not true. Pres. Trump he did not have a job until you became Vice President. Vice pres. Biden none of that is true. That is simply not true. Pres. Trump he did not have a job. Vice pres. Biden my son, like a lot of people, had a drug problem. He has overtaken it, he has fixed it, he has worked on it, and i am proud of him. I am proud of my son. President trump vice pres. Biden totally discredited. Chris i think the American People would rather hear about more substantial pres. Trump soda why. So do i. Chris well, as the moderator, i am going to vice pres. Biden that report is totally discredited. Romney said it was not worth taxpayers money. Chris i would like to talk about Climate Change. Vice pres. Biden so would i. Chris the forest fires in the west are raging now. They have burned millions of acres. They have displaced hundreds of thousands of people. When state officials blamed the fires on Climate Change, mr. President , you said you do not think the science knows. Over your four years you have pulled the u. S. Out of the paris climate accord, you have rolled out a number thats rolled back a number of obama and environmental records. What do you believe about the science of Climate Change, and what will you do in the next four years to confront it . Pres. Trump i want Crystal Clean water and air. I want beautiful clean air. We have now the lowest carbon if you look at our numbers right now, we are doing phenomenally. But i have not destroyed our businesses. Our businesses are not put out of commission. If you look at the paris accord, it was a disaster from our standpoint. And people are actually very happy about what is going on, because our businesses are doing well. As far as the fires are concerned, you need Forest Management in addition to Everything Else. The forest floors are loaded up with dead trees that are years old and they are like tinder. Leaves and Everything Else. He dropped a cigarette, the whole forest burns down. Chris what do you believe about the science of Climate Change . Pres. Trump i believe that we have to do everything we can to have immaculate air, immaculate water, and do whatever else we can that is good. We are planting one billion trees. The one billion tree project. Chris do you believe that human pollution, gas, Greenhouse Gas emissions, contributes to the Global Warming of this planet . Pres. Trump i think to an extent, yes. But i also think we have to do better management of our forests. Every year i get the call, californias burning. California is burning. If that was cleaned, if you had Forest Management, good Forest Management, you would not be getting those calls. In europe, they are called forest cities. They maintain their force, they manage their forests. I was with the head of a major country, it is a forest city. He said sir, we have trees that are far more they ignite much easier than california. There should not be this problem. I spoke with the prop the governor about it. Im getting along very well with the governor. At some point, you cannot every year have hundreds of thousands of acres burned to the ground. That is burning down because of a lack of management. Chris if you believe any science of Climate Change, why have you rolled back the obama Clean Power Plan which limited Carbon Emissions in power plants . Pres. Trump because it was driving Energy Prices through the sky. Chris why did you relax fuel economy standards that are going to create more pollution from cars . Pres. Trump not really. What is happening is the car is much less expensive and it is a much safer car. You are talking about a tiny difference. What would happen is because of the cost of the car, you would have at least double and triple the number of cars purchased. We have the old slugs out there, 10, 12 years old. If you did that the car would be safer and much safer. Chris in california they simply ignored your rollback. Pres. Trump people will be able to afford a car. By the way, we are going to see how that turns out. A lot of people agree with me, many people. The car has gotten so expensive because they have computers all over the place for an extra little bit of gasoline. And im ok with electric cars too. I am all for electric cars. I have big i have given big incentives for electric cars. But what they have done in californias crazy. Chris Vice President biden, i would like you to respond to the president s Climate Change record, but i also want to you proposed 2 trillion in green jobs. We talk about new limits on fracking. And in the use of fossil fuels to generate ending use of follow of fossil fuels the president says a lot of these things would tank the economy and cause millions of cost millions of jobs. Vice pres. Biden he is absolutely wrong. During our admission ration recovery act, we were able to bring down the cost of Renewable Energy to cheaper than, or as cheap as coal, gas and oil. Nobody is going to build another cool fire plant in america. No one is going to build another oil fire plant in america. They are going to move to Renewable Energy. Two, we are going to make sure that we are able to take the federal fleet and turn it into a fleet that is run on their electric vehicles. We are going to put 500,000 charging stations in all of the highways that we are going to be building in the future. We are going to build an economy that in fact is going to provide for the ability for us to take 4 million buildings and make sure that they are weatherized in a emithat will they will significantly less gas and oil because heat will not be going out. There are so many things we can do now create thousands and thousands of jobs. We can get to net zero in terms of Energy Production by 2035. Not only not costing people jobs, creating jobs, creating millions of good paying jobs. Not 15 an hour, but prevailing wage, by having a new infrastructure that in fact is green. And the first thing i will do, i will rejoin the paris accord. I will join the paris accord because with us out of it, look at what is happening, it is all falling apart. Talk about someone who has no relationship with foreign policy. Brazil, the rain forests of brazil are being torn down. More carbon is absorbed in that rain forest than every bit of carbon that is emitted in the u. S. Instead of doing something about that, i would be gathering up and making sure we have the countries of the world coming up with 20 billion. Stop tearing down the forests. And if you dont, then you are going to have significant economic consequences. Chris what about the argument trumpasically president says you have to balance environmental interests and economic interests, and he has drawn his line. Vice pres. Biden he has not drawn a line. For example, he wants to make sure that methane is not you can now emit more methane without it being a problem. Methane. This is a guy who says you dont have to have standards for automobiles that exist now. Its all true. Pres. Trump he is talking about the Green New Deal. Its 100 trillion. Vice pres. Biden i am talking about the biden plan. No. Where airplanes are out of business. Two car systems are out. They want to take out the cows. Vice pres. Biden not true. Pres. Trump that is more money than our country could make in 100 years. Vice pres. Biden that is simply not true. Chris i actually have studied your plan, and it includes upgrading 4 million board buildings, weatherizing homes, building 1. 5 million energyefficient homes. So, the question becomes, i think some people who support the president would say that sounds like it will cost a lot of money and hurt the economy. Vice pres. Biden it is going to create thousands and millions of jobs. Chris let him finish. Vice pres. Biden he does not know how to do that. It is going to create millions of good paying jobs and tax incentives for people to weatherize, which he wants to get rid of. Look at how much we are paying now to deal with the hurricanes. By the way, he has an answer for hurricanes. He said maybe we should drop a Nuclear Weapon on them. Pres. Trump you made that up. Vice pres. Biden we are going to be in a position where we can byte hard, hard, good jobs making sure the environment is clean, and we all are in better shape. We spend aliens of dollars now, billions of dollars on floods, hurricanes, rising seas. We are in big trouble. Look at what is happening just in the midwest storms that come through and wipe out entire sections and counties in owa. In iowa. They did not happen before. It is because of Global Warming. We make up 15 of the worlds problem. The rest of the world, we have to come along. That is why we have to get back into the paris accord. Pres. Trump so why didnt he do it for 47 years . Why didnt you get the world china sends real dirt into the air. They all do. We are supposed to be good. By the way, he made a couple statements. The Green New Deal is 100 trillion. Vice pres. Biden that is not my plan. The Green New Deal is not my plan. If he knew anything about pres. Trump you said i said something about the military. He and his friends made it up and then they went with it. I never said it. Chris we are done with that segment. Sir, stop. Pres. Trump i would never say that. Vice pres. Biden play it. Play the tape. Chris answer his final question. Vice pres. Biden i cannot remember which of all his rants were questions. Chris i am having trouble myself. About the economy and this question of what it will cost. The Green New Deal and the idea of what your environmental vice pres. Biden the Green New Deal will pay for itself as we move forward. We are not going to build plants which are great polluting plants. Chris do you support the Green New Deal . Vice pres. Biden no, i dont. Pres. Trump that is a big statement. Ooh. Vice pres. Biden i support the biden plan that i put forward. The biden plan, which is different than what he calls the radical Green New Deal. Chris final segment. Election integrity. As we meet tonight, millions of americans this evening are mailin ballots or going to vote early. How confident should we be that this will be a Fair Election . And what are you prepared to do over the next fiveplus weeks, because it will not only be through election day but also counting mailin ballots after election day whta are what to let prepared to do the American People know that the winner will be the legitimate winner . Vice pres. Biden let people vote. They should go to iwillvote. Com. Decide when, how, and by what means they will vote. His own home as Security Director and fbi director says there is no evidence at all that hollande ballots are a source of the manipulated and cheating. They said that. There will be millions of people because of covid will be voting by mailin ballots, like he does, by the way. He sits behind a desk and sends his ballot to florida. Two, we are going to make sure that those people who want to vote inperson are able to vote because there are no poll watchers to make sure they can socially distance. The polls are open on time, and the polls stay open until the votes are counted. This is all about trying to dissuade people from voting, because he is trying to scare people into thinking that it is not going to be legitimate. Show up and vote. You will determine the outcome of this election. Vote, vote, vote. If you are able to vote early, vote early. If you are able to vote inperson, vote inperson. Vote whatever way is the best way for you, because he cannot stop you from being able to determine the outcome of this election. And in terms of whether or not when the votes are counted and they are all counted, that will be accepted. If i win, that will be accepted. If i lose, that will be accepted. But if he says he is not sure what he is going to accept, let me tell you, it does not matter. Because if we get the votes it is going to be all over. He is going to go. He cannot stay in power. It will not happen. So vote. Just make sure you understand, you have it in your control to determine what this country is going to look like the next four years. Is it going to change, or are you going to get four more years of these lies . Chris mr. President , two minutes. Pres. Trump when i listen to joe talking about a transition, there has been no transition from when i won. I won that election. If you look at crooked Hillary Clinton, if you look at all the different people, there was no transition. Because they came after me trying to do it coup, they were spying on my campaign. They started from the day i won and after i won. From the day i came down the escalator. They were a disgrace to our country. And we caught them. We caught them all. We have got it all on tape, we caught them all. By the way, you gave the idea for the logan act against general flynn. Because we caught you, in a sense. Dont talk about a free transition. As far as the ballots are concerned, its a disaster. Solicited ballot, ballot is ok, youre asking, they send it back, you send it that. I do you have a undo lied to. Sending millions of ballots all over the country, trump in a name of waste paper basket. Theyre being sent all over the place. In a democrat area, everybody got two ballots. This is going to be a fraud like seen. Ve never the other thing, its nice on november 3, youre watching and the election and i think were going to do well because people are really happy with the job weve done. You know what, we not know, we might know for months because all allots are going to be over. Take a look at what happened in a look at what happened in new jersey and virginia and other places, 2 , 11 . Not losing its too much, an election could be lost for that. Losing 30 and 40 . Its a shame. Can you imagine when they say your ballot in by november 10, november 10, means thats seven days after the election in theory should have been announced. Have major states minutes. R, two President Trump, youre going to be able to continue you have for months that mailin balloting is going to be a disaster. You say its rigged, that its to fraud, but in 2018 in the last midterm Million People voted mailin voting, that was a a quarter of than all of the voters that year cast by mail. Lots now that millions of mailin ballots have gone out, what are to do about it and are you counting on the supreme including a Justice Barrett to settle any disputes . Counting on im them to look at the ballots definitely. Them as farnt need as the election themselves, for the ballots, what is happening is incredible. 1 of the ballots for 2016 were invalidated. We dont like themmings we dont like them. Chris there are millions of going out right now pres. Trump you do a solicited ballot you about the ng act that millions of people pres. Trump you go and vote chris millions of people solicited you do a ballot where youre sending it in, youre sending it back. See have mailmen, do you what is going on, take a look at west virginia, mailmen are selling the ballots. Theyre being sold, theyre being dumped in rivers. This is a horrible thing for our country vice pres. Biden there is no evidence of that, there is no that. Ce of or more, five, two republican states and you solicit the ballot, its sent to your home. It, it has toaying be postmarked by election day, f it doesnt get in until the 7th, 8th, 9th, it still be counted. Afraid of counting. Chris excuse me, Vice President the biggest problem, in fact, over the years with mailin voting has not been historically, it has been that possible numbers, sometimes thousands of ballots are thrown out because they have or been properly filled out some other irregular later. Are you ion i have is, concerned that the Supreme Court with the Justice Barrett will settle any dispute . Im concerned n that any court would settle this because here is the deal. You get a le, when ballot and you fill it out, youre supposed to have an affidavit, if you didnt know, have someone say that this is me. You should be able to, if in verify that you, before the ballot is thrown out, to be able to nt count the ballots because not ne made a mistake and in the correct guy, who they voted for, testify, say who they its you, that is totally legitimate. A is all right, no, i have fine gentlemen, i have a final question. Cant rump you know it e done and already the mail chris gentlemen, final in eight States Election workers are prohibited urrently by law, eight states from even beginning to process ballots, each take them out of them velopes and flatten until election day. That means its likely because here is going to be a huge increase in mailin balloting that we are not going to know on Election Night who the winner that it could be days, it could be weeks until we find out the new president is. So first for you, sir, finally, i hope Vice President , neither of you will interrupt he other, will you urge your supporters to stay calm during this extended period not to unrest and y civil will you pledge tonight that you victory until e the election has been independently certified . Go first. Trump, you pres. Trump im urging my supporters to go into the poll watch very carefully. Im urging them to do it. Problem, e was a big in philadelphia they went into watch, theyre called poll very nice ery safe, thing, they were thrown out. They werent allowed to watch, things happen ad in philadelphia, bad things. I am urging, i am urging my going to be e its a Fair Election chris youre urging him what . If i see tens of thousands of ballots being go along d, i cant with that. S does that mean pres. Trump it means we have a fraudulent election. Quipped these people arent equipped to handle it, number two, they cheat, they cheat. Hey, they found ballots in a waste paper basket three days they all had the name military ballots, they were military, they all had the name them, you think thats good . Chris Vice President biden, you, will you for urge your supporters to stay countedle the votes are nd will you pledge not to declare victory before the lection is independently certified . Vice pres. Biden some ballots cant be opened until election day. Thousands of ballots, its going to take time. Our military have been voting by since the end of the civil war in effect and thats happen. Going to why is it for them somehow not raudulent, its the same process. Its honest. No one has established at all related to s fraud mailin ballots. A fraudulent s process. Pres. Trump its already been established had an opportunity to respond, Vice President biden he has no idean what he is talking about. He will accept it, and he will too, you know why . Once the winner is declared after all the ballots counted, all the votes are counted, that will be the end of it. If its not me, ill upport the outcome and ill be a president not just for the emocrats, ill be a president for democrats and republicans hris gentlemen, this is the end of this debate. Were going to leave it there to more debates as we go on. Trump, Vice President biden its an interesting hour i want to thank you both in participating in three debates you have agreed to in. Icipate next debate will be one week at the orrow october 7 university of utah in salt lake ity, the two Vice President ial nominees Vice President mike pence and senator kamla harris debate that night. We hope you watch. Until then, thank you and good night. The first concludes president ial debate of this 2020 election year, a debate i guess although its one unlike i ever witnessed in my life. Follow, even Chris Wallace points out, i had exactly where we were, President Trump in particular talking a lotd on dr. Jill trump and biden. Wide range of suspects, from the economy, the end there, the integrity of the election. To get initial reactions here, political our contributors. So, rick, what do you make of get into the e issues, just the atmospherics of this debate, as i say, i have seen anything like it, i dont think. The debate organizers have to rethink their process here. You always want to try to get engagement between the of idates and the design this debate was two minutes for each one and then open it up for ome discussion with the moderator. By and large, Chris Wallace was an effective moderator in trying to control the stage. Most of the time as you described it, david, you understand what they were talking about, they talked over each other. Im not sure what the american it, but, look, of trump came to brawl. Thats what he did. Biden came to try to make appeal directly to the audience, voters, and he tried to do that could. So i think both men probably executed their strategy and them probably got much points out of this debate. From the biden side in particular, we did talk earlier about the need for joe biden, to former Vice President talk directly and not get sidetracked by President Trump, did he manage that . I think he did get sidetracked a bit more than his team is going to be happy about. Able k the president was to needle him repeatedly about is son and we saw him get very frustrated about that. I was surprised he didnt raise ore about the president s payment of the taxes, that seemed to go right by him. He did some shots in. Do think, my naming takeaway s we think about these atmospherics, i cannot imagine that either of these men did needed to do and that means, in my mind, that the race go robably going to unchanged and biden remains where he was. Rump needed to shake up this race and i dont think you can say he appealed to seniors, he women, he suburban appealed to the College Educated that he needs to pull out in with these kinds of attacked and by the same token, i dont think the Vice President here, but h ground since he was ahead, i think were probably looking at a sort you know, even Playing Field at this point where we came into this thing. Rick, were going to put you on the spot, what was the best issue do you think for President Trump . For President Trump, probably when he talked about the economy. I mean, he likes to inflate the that he uses, but thats, look, thats the one spect that voters tend to free with him on. I think that he did a little bit f a victory lap on the economy prior to covid. I dont think he gave much ssurance that in the covid period of time that he was able to stop the economy from i think to a halt, but he got away with the vshaped ecovery and was able to give a pretty compelling argument as to why the economy could improve as of covid y comes out and i dont think that vice a sident biden actually did very good job of challenging him on that. There were a number of instances own track record and the Obama Administration was by of thrown under the bus trump and i think that biden for the one issue that he really trump on on llenge the economy where trump leads him, he probably didnt meet expectation. Ok, please stay with us rick nd jeannie, we want to go to mario parker, he covers the white house for us and the Trump Campaign. You were in much, the hall as i understand it. Let me play on exactly where rick was talking about which is of jobs and the economy. This is part of what President Trump had to say during the debate. Vice pres. Biden i was asked to bring back chrysler and general motors, brought them back in the ohio and michigan, he blew it, theyre gone, in fact, gone. Re pres. Trump ohio had the best year its ever had last year. Year they d the best had. Vice pres. Biden thats not true. Res. Trump they went to michigan and ohio. Chris mr. Vice president , go ahead. Look ats. Biden take a what hes actually done. He has done very little. His trade deals are the same way. He talks about the great trade perfected the s art of the steal. We have a higher deficit with we did before. On. Is hold hats a good come of example of what were talking about. President trump turned it around talking point. Will they feel they did what they needed to do with respect to the economy tonight . Yes, thats been the president s most blunt and most weapon during the course of his campaign as the conversation that pivots toward the economy, the Trump Campaign will feel as though thats a strength, thats conversation, thats a conversation that theyre willing to have. How thee get a sense of Trump Campaign regards basically the president s demeanor. Could watchk anyone this and not conclude that the resident was very interrupted a very great amount. Rules dnt abide by the that his campaign agreed to. Does the president think thats a good thing for his campaign . Thats characteristic of the president , that is nothing new. The president is a pugelist, where the rength president comes out and not only counterpunches but punches quite a bit. Is very aggressive. The campaign would say thats a strength. They were looking to knock joe ways sof kilter in some President Trumps strategy was to come out and be very aggressive with both joe biden as well. Oderator mario, thank you so much. Other side of the aisle, the Bloomberg National political reporter who bidens campaign for his thoughts on the debate. Exchange about socialized medicine and vice approach to ens medicine. Lets listen to part of the exchange here. Party wants tour o socialist vice pres. Biden right now Democratic Party right now. Its what i in fact approved of, proved of. Here is the deal. He deal its going to wide out preexisting conditions did he accomplish what he needed to accomplish with that. T to we heard the president call socialized care. He said you dont have a plan at all, mr. President. Thats a talking point that campaign wants to focus on is the battle over in the aggregate over obamacare and the supreme and the threat that barrett would oppose to the Affordable Care act. Was able to refute his socialist tag. To tie him to the progressives. To respondpportunity and say im the head of the Democratic Party, its not sanders, my position on healthcare. You mentioned joe biden was interrupted, im not sure how much he was to get across in terms of the specifics of his healthcare plan. He was able to make that argument that he has a decent bernie re plan than sanders. Thank you so much for being with us tonight. That is tyler pager who covers campaign. We have someone help us decide is won, thats what we are always asking, who won. Analyzed done polling, polling, doing focus groups and analyze things like these debates. He is joining us from cleveland, he was in the hall as well. Focus together his own group, 15 undecided voters from seven different swing states, no we would rather have on this subject than you, we have as nie and rick joining us well. Frank, there is the initial answer and the final answer, group tell r focus you . They told me that Chris Wallace is the winner in trying the two debaters, that america was the loser quite this is nd know that going to upset everyone. Its going to upset your colleagues. Supporters o upset in both campaigns but the fact disruptive,the most rude, i dont have thesaurus at my swing voter group. People were mad this was happening. I wanted to do this conversation want to do ecause i capture what was going on and the audience was stunned in this room. It didnt matter whether you or supporting Joe Biden Donald trump. They were shocked about it, they were agitated. Behaved well. Ate joe biden telling donald trump to shut up, my god, it has never happened in american politics, think about that, donald trump and interrupting and not stopping. I got to tell you that people this hall really disillusioned. Any focus group is really i tell you that the coverage that youre going to get tonight other than those and unfairly y partisan is that the public was of what e loser happened this evening. Davis, this is rick its good to see you, i hope you are doing well. Shocked by the outcome of this debate. Im curious, knowing where the and realizing how stable this race has been over a you seeiod of time, did anything with the groups today aat would have indicated even negative reaction to trump people not liking the way trump not likingden people the way that biden reacted, did you get a sense that anything is unraveled by this or was it just a hot mess . It was a hot mess. The sense of, i have been saying all along, were going to have the highest ever had, have everybody is going to participate, some people are going to participate two or hree times, dead people are coming back to vote. I dont believe that anymore. In ally what was happening my session was that people were telling me that theyre not going to participate, that to vote. Ot going that neither candidate, in fact ot that neither candidate won their votes, both candidates lost the right to appeal to them. Mistake, were not asking for bean bag, were polite ng people to be to each other and be reasonable with each other, they were just looking for a vision of the and what they got is this andky attack back and forth unwillingness to play by the rules, unwillingness to listen exactly ther which is what the mrp people have been complaining about for the last four years. Spades. T it in you got the session behind me, i thought that people would have to eachround and talked other and enjoyed themselves, you room, ill show you if cant say all the way around here, this room is almost vacant now. They had t felt that to get out because it was so bad. I have been waiting to talk o you all night, its jeannie, to see what did these undecided voters think and you described frightened to hear it. Did you get a sense from any of the undecided voters that they engage in the upcoming two debates, some of the chatter were hearing online is should next few debates go forward at this point, this thing was so distressing to so many people you just said that it sounds like many of hese people may just not participate in the vote at all at this point . Im going to give you four words, i dont think youre get in trouble with the hell with it was their reaction. They both initially went to camps, those that were undecided that donald trump came undecided, those were and leading the fight and the fact that he was more calm, collected, but as this the on, the anger and disappointment, i got people who re telling me in their communication that theyre crying they were so upset about what is happening. Urge those people viewing tonight not to see this as a ontext between republican or democrat or joe biden versus donald trump, this is a contest soul of the country and hether or not we can have a proper election, proper discussion over the last 35 days of the campaign. From the sion undecided voters is that we are so torn apart, so unwilling to each other, at least these candidates are that throwing up their hands and saying no mas, i give up. So, frank, were trying to find some upside to this, you a career, not just advising polls, political campaigns, if you are campaign, what would you tell them to do to turn this around for their candidate . Joe biden has to be stronger, he has to lean into the microphone. I dont know how he sounded at home, but biden was so soft that disappeared except when he lost his temper, joe bidens best line of the when he talked about his son beau and what his son sacrificed. That is where joe biden did his best. Donald trump was clearly prepared. Rumor was that he never went through traditional debate prep. Saw someone who was completely prepared, over prepared, veraggressive, over insulting,over interrupting, i would tell you you cant have at least 48 hours before the debate, chill out a little over anything. But neither joe biden or trump prep. Listen to debate you have two candidates who do it on their own. The American People, the lines would have been going straight that the level of frustration, disappointment if at how much Chris Wallace had to get in and just separate these candidates. This was not an ufc fight, this was just a brawl, a global brawl. I think its fair to say, we have seen something none of us that saysseen before, a lot. Frank, thank you so much. Luntz, an important Strategic Advisor to so many campaigns over the years. A final thought very quickly from jeannie. Say . Do you there was no winner here, certainly the American Public i think have lost and that means joe biden remains not a good night for anybody. Rick, how about you . Trump needed to upset the by doing this election something tonight and what he did isnt going to change anything. Much, to both o rick and jeannie, great to have always. Us as the first president ial debate, ext week well bring you the Vice President ial debate from Salt Lake City followed by the debates president ial the next two weeks. Im david weston, and this is bloomberg. Its almost 11 00 a. M. In haslinda amin, welcome to Bloomberg Markets asia. At our top stories. Angry blows in a chaotic first vice with the former president calling his opponent a and , covid, economy, law order and race relations. Haslinda at latest data from regaining economy is momentum, stronger out put on at home and broad. Chinese carries are ready for takeoff, millions of for flights. Included, the t most anticipated president ial debate where biden and trump ebated on a host of topics including Climate Change, trumps taxes. Lets look at where we are in futures, 3333, it was tipping higher before swing within the range of swing for the s p and the volatile stretch, some say data out of china is more, the u. S. Dollar flat right now, the index at

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