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Woodward in march this was terribly deadly and contagious at the same time he was saying to the rest of us do not worry so much. Jeanne this is not the conversation the president wants to be having. Any top of the pandemic does not work for him politically. This is not what the campaign wants to be talking about. More importantly, we have a president on the record admitting he knows how devastating and deadly this is, and many months later you have 190,000 americans dead, many of whom have been sick and ill as a result of this, and you had the president , months after he told bob woodward how bad this was inviting people to places like tulsa and saying you do not have to worry about safety protocol, you do not have to worry about masking, you do not have to worry about social distancing. This is being drummed up by people who want to get me. When he is on the record with bob woodward he is saying the opposite. The president and his team have to explain why he is saying one thing privately to bob woodward and another one publicly. Not just to the American Public, which is bad enough, but to his supporters, who put their lives on the line as they went to these rallies. Many thousands did not show up. We know people were sick as a result of that, not least of which herman cain, who is now no longer with us. This is a devastating report for the campaign either way. The one thing people keep asking is why would he talk to bob woodward, which seems to be the question every president is asked after they speak to bob woodward on the record. David it is not unique to President Trump. Bob woodward gets people to tell them things they should not be telling him. What about the president , he said im not apologizing for anything, i am doing what a leader does, try not to panic my people. Is there something to that argument . Jeanne he is trying to make that argument, he will also try to muddy the waters by saying nancy pelosi is inviting people to visit chinatown, joe biden was not more on top of this than i was, he will try to muddy this that way. There is no good way out of this. You do not want to panic the American Public, but there is a big distance between panic and being honest and telling people to be safe because this is a dangerous situation. More than anything, we want our leaders to keep us safe, whether it is from insurrection act certainly aism, but pandemic. This is a hard thing for the president to walk back. He cannot claim it the fake media. His own words are making the case on tape. David it strikes me that it puts the focus firmly on what he did. Whatever he was saying, if he understood to be as deadly as it was, i would think he would have to do an awful lot behind the scenes. I am not sure whether that happened or not. Jeanne we will have to find out. They are trying to put fauci forward, they are trying to make the case he did a lot to address this. If we look at the polls, the American Public, even supporters, do not feel like he handled the situation well. This is not what he wants to be talking about as we are in the height of Campaign Season and he is trying to make his case for the second term. David part of the defense of the president is to attack bob woodward. Saying he had my quotes for many months, if he thought they were bad why didnt he report them . Is there something to that . If this is a smoking gun, why did bob woodward sit on that . Jeanne he can raise that. Bob woodward reporting in a book. Im not sure it wouldve been any different if bob woodward had released these tapes several months ago or now. The president would have still taken exception. Let bob woodward respond to that and the barfing to post in the Washington Post however they want to. This talkesident, all of joe biden and nancy pelosi does not change the top politically. He is president and he is responsible for handling that. The American Public are going to be voting in part on his handling of that. David that is the question i have. How important is it to the voters and keep voters in battleground states, the women we talk about all the time in the suburbs, how important is this issue to handle the coronavirus . There been disclosures in the past for President Trump that people thought would hurt him like the access hollywood tapes that did not touch him. Jeanne it did not touch him. We are hearing from the latest polls that the comments on the military not having an effect. I do not think we know whether this will have an impact. Lets be clear. There are people struggling with this. We talk about the women in the suburbs. Women and parents everywhere who are making smart choices today about how to send their kids to school safely, whether they have to take time off work to do that and be home with their children, whether they have to think about leaving their jobs if their children cannot go to school. This is impacting people today. The polls show it is one of the key issues on peoples mind as they are voting. Will it change people who were supporters of trump to not support him . Im not sure. This is such a tight race and will be such a tight race, it is not what the president wants to be talking about, not when his campaign not what his campaign wants to be talking about. He wants to turn the page on this. What bob woodward has done is open this up for people to talk about and reflect on, whether they think the president handle this appropriately. We have a congress which still has not passed a second bill on this. By any stretch, things in washington do not look good and he is the president and he cannot run away from that. David that is for sure. Thanks so much. That is jeanne zaino, bloomberg political contributor for us. Coming up, plenty of news out of europe. Tough on a new u. K. Brexit law. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of andr on Bloomberg Radio television. We turn to Mark Crumpton for first word news. Mark it is likely to be the final stage over the months long fiscal stimulus. The senate votes on a slimmeddown republican relief bill. It is not clear if it will lead to more negotiations. Democrats want a much larger bill than republicans will go for. The United States is ending its covid19 screening of International Travelers arriving in airports. The center for Disease Control and prevention have been testing passengers on all to 15 u. S. Airports. The cdc says the system was not effective because so many people who transmit the disease do not show symptoms. The government says it will focus more on voluntary measures such as educating passengers and requesting Contact Information electronically. President trump is pushing ahead with the visit to nevada this weekend even after coronavirus restrictions nixed his plans for a big rally. The Trump Campaign had scheduled a 5000 person rally at an airport hangar in reno. The airport told a Aviation Company that would violate state restrictions and raise security concerns over protest. The president s day campaign cochair is calling a partisan political retribution from nevadas democratic governor. Iran began its annual military drills near the strategic strait of hormuz. The wargames are taking place amid escalating tensions between the United States and iran. Iranian state media showed footage of various short range missiles and jet fighters being launched. Units from the iranian navy, air force is, and Ground Forces are taking part in those drills. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. I am Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. David European Central bank today held steady on rates and the bond buying program, reflecting a careful balance between signs of recovery and continued risk to the european economy. Even as the ecb president warned of the risks to the downside. Legarde the balance of risks to the euro area Growth Outlook is seen to remain on the downside. This assessment largely reflects the still uncertain economic and financial implications of the pandemic. David we welcome Stephanie Flanders, Senior Editor for economics at bloomberg. Thank you for being here. We heard madame lagarde say risks are to the downside. Some came away from the News Conference saying she painted a rosier picture than they thought. Stephanie certainly the formal language out of this meeting was exactly the same as at the last meeting, pointing to the fact risks were on the downside. Coming into it there were another burke there were a number of people in the markets, considering the data has not been so great, you are seeing the data leveling off and even starting to go down, the momentum weakening in european countries. We were wondering whether she would sound even more downbeat. As you suggest, the overall tone of her press conference was ,pbeat and we have heard bloomberg has heard that some members of the council had wanted to be even more upbeat in their language and had been overruled. David are they seeing something in the numbers . The numbers came up largely. They are not cheery economic numbers, but whether it is gdp growth or inflation they have come up somewhat since the last estimate. Stephanie there was no big change in the forecast. The growth forecast is a tiny bit better. They are still expecting a big hole to be missing in the european economy at the end of the year due to the covid recession. The Inflation Numbers looking a little bit higher, but that does not take into account the fact the euro has been soaring in the markets in the last few weeks. When you thinke there would be changing their signaling around risks. Many people in the Financial Markets are expecting them to have to do more to stimulate the eurozone economy before the end of the year. You mentioned the euro soaring. That poses challenges for the European Central bank. Thehigher the euro goes, harder is to get inflation up. Madame lagarde did address it, although she did not seem to be overly concerned. Stephanie this is the first time we have seen a shift in the Christine Lagarde ecb relative to the central bank under mario draghi. The Exchange Rate, although they do formerly say they are targeting the Exchange Rate, the Exchange Rate seems to loom large in their strategy. They want to keep it down to help the economy. We get the impression the Council Overall was not so concerned about the level of the euro or the fact it is likely to go up further. That is a shift, and it will make it harder to hit the inflation target, which at the moment they have no sign of hitting. It looks like in two years time the core inflation rate will be 1. 1 . Half of the target they are trying to reach. Their they have indicated extraordinary bond Market Program will go through the middle of next year. Some thought she might extend that. When do they have to address that question of when they go further with that program . Stephanie an interesting debate on the council about whether the amount they previously talked about, the 1. 30 5 trillion euros is a ceiling or the overall amount they will spend, and then they might think about spending more. They can keep up the bond purchases through the middle of next year. There is no particular moment where they have to announce a bigger envelope. A lot of people in the Financial Markets, if you continue to see this trajectory of the recovery flattening out, not continuing the last bit of the v, i think there will be a question about whether they should increase the bond purchase at the end of the year or announce it will increase and extend longer than the middle of 21. We focus particularly on the jobs numbers every month. Give us a sense of the Employment Situation in europe. It has done relatively well, but ive also heard some of these furlough programs they be expiring at some point. Stephanie every government is facing the same challenge, a version of the challenge the lawmakers are facing in the u. S. Over the stimulus package but in reverse. The u. S. Has had a lot more people join the unemployment rolls and then they have a debate about whether or not to keep the increased benefits going or reintroduce them. In europe you have a lot of people who are not unemployed yet. They managed to suppress the rise in the employment rate they might have seen because they have these furlough programs or versions where the government is paying employers to keep people on their books. It is an enormous program that was supposed to run out at the end of october. Similar programs in europe. Different countries are taking different positions. Germany has said it will extend its program. Spain has said it will end its program in september. There will be a lot of different difficult debate in Different Countries in the next few weeks. At the moment yet up limit rate is much lower than the u. S. Because they have managed to keep those people on the books. Still effectively paid by the government and supported by the government. David is fair to say in the United States we saw a rabbit uptick in the economy in may and june, and although it is returning, it is doing it more slowly. Is that the same situation you are watching in europe . Stephanie yes and for a while it looked like the euro zone would come out better than the u. S. , in part because maybe they had kept people off the formal unemployment rolls. There seems to be a natural stopping point that economies are getting to, maybe eight percent or 9 or 10 below their normal level of activity. If you look at the highfrequency numbers, mobility, all of the things we are looking at for a more timely indicator, we are seeing countries flattening out at around the same level. We got used to the big numbers. It seems like we have a lot of the economy back relative to the worst moments of the recession, but relative to any normal recession we are still talking about a big hole we have not dug ourselves out of yet. David you mentioned the united kingdom. That is making the news this week with growing uncertainty over brexit, as if we do not have enough already, with Boris Johnson saying maybe we will renege on the deal. His minister saying in parliament in violated international law, and the eu saying you have until the end of the month to say you will stick with the deal. Stephanie they keep raising the ante to make us have to talk about brexit. Maybe it is almost a relief after months dominated by covid we are now back to the crazy talk around brexit. This is an Extraordinary Development we have had with the conservative Prime Minister, conservatives in the u. K. Associated with the rule of law and keeping strong legal traditions, basically admitting the bill they are introducing into parliament will violate, or allow them to violate parts of the deal that Boris Johnson did with european officials before the end of the year. Remember he had that election where he was able to say i was the one who is able to deliver brexit. He had agreed to a deal that his predecessor had not wanted to sign up to because it suggested you might have order controls border controls between the u. K. And northern ireland. Preserve what to was going on in ireland. Now he is suggesting i do not like that bit of the deal, so if we do not get a new trade agreement with europe we will reserve the right to not enforce some of that deal. Completely against international law, and the europeans have said they will take him to court if it goes ahead within the next month. David as far as we can determine, what is the thinking about the method behind what some would call madness. Ive seen Boris Johnson is taking up hard look at situations saying i need to give state aid to my Tech Industry more that i need good relations with the eu. He is willing to do a hard brexit. David it is a funny situation. We have conservatives traditionally associated with not wanting to support a proper Ailing Industries or give special support to different sectors. It is odd that should be the sticking point, the access to british fish is the other sticking point. Percentage,. 1 . Except he is read, making it even more likely the europeans walk away from any deal and he gets to blame them for any carnage that happens in january. It is highstakes. David always great to have you with us. That is Stephanie Flanders of bloomberg economics. Still ahead, interviews with two former democratic president ial candidates, develop patrick and tom steyer. Ons is balance of power Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Citigroup announced a transition at the top as ceo of Michael Corbett announced his plans to step down after the first of the year and turn leadership over to jane fraser, which would make her the first woman ever to run a major global bank. For a view of citys performance, we welcome scarlet fu. Scarlet it is about time. Jane fraser is stepping into lead city. She is a former partner at mckinsey. Private bankitis and latin american operations. This year she has had the challenge of leading the banks through the pandemic, especially making plans for returning workers to the office. Paul sweeney of Bloomberg Radio points out jane frasers appointment is another sign of the rising confidence in the consumer side of the bank versus investment bank. Citi is the worlds biggest credit issuer and is in the front lines of dealing with persistently high unemployment dealing with potentially high loans. The surprise is not that fraser was named ceo. The firm telegraphed as much when she was named president. The surprise is in the timing. She was just named last year and there are reports Michael Corbett would stay on for another two years. Fascinating. It mightve been influenced by the fact that down and congress when the heads of the bank testified if they see a woman succeeding them, and Michael Corbett said he could. You could see that in the cards. Theres also questions about the board of directors of some of these banks. Scarlet . The board matters. I was looking at the bloomberg the big and citi leads banks when it comes to women on the board. It has 17 members. Eight of those members are women. The next would be goldman sachs, with 36 , four out of 11 members. Bank of america are 35 . Morgan stanley and wells fargo in the 20 range. Michael corbett will stay on the city board through next february. When you look at what he has done over the years he has led the firm, he guided city out of a tricky position, a near collapse following the Global Financial crisis. He shrunk citis operations and returned it to consistent profitability. According to analysts, not enough to achieve internal targets. Stock has an average 7. 2 annualized return. It has trailed other banks. Jane fraser has her work cut out. David up next, President Trumps down troops in iraq. We talk with retired forget your general mark kimmitt about what this means for the country and the region. Ons is balance of power Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power. I am david westin. We got out of Mark Crumpton. Mark bloomberg haslinda Trump Administration may give tiktoks chinese owners more time to line up a sale. Bytedance is likely to miss President Trumps deadline for selling tiktok u. S. Operations to american buyers. Thats because beijing would need to sign off on any deal. The president s advisers have not given him recommendations on a new deadline yet. Western europe has surpassed the United States new daily infections, reemerging as a global hotspot after bringing the pandemic under control earlier in the summer. Cases happen on the rise in spain, france, and other nations. 27,000ion reported infections in the past 24 hours. The u. S. Reported 26,000. In beirut, a huge fire has broken out at the port a month after a massive explosion. The Lebanese Army said the fire is at a warehouse where oil and tires are stored. Last months explosion killed more than 190 people, injured 6500, and damaged thousands of buildings in the capital. Jp morgan has found some of its employees improperly received Coronavirus Relief funds intended for american businesses. Bloomberg learned the bank noticed suspicious amounts of money had been deposited into workers checking account. Some employees have been fired. Jp morgan is not commenting. Global news, 24 hours a day, on air and on bloomberg quicktake, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. I am Mark Crumpton. This is bloomberg. Administrationp announced it would cut u. S. Troops deployed in iraq again, going from 5200 to 3000 by the end of the month. We welcome no retired Brigadier General mark kimmitt. He served as Deputy Assistant secretary of defense. Give us a sense of the strategic goal here in iraq as we continue to cutback forces. Is that because we are confident or because they are nudging us out . A little bit of both. Since the end of the fight against isis there has been less need for u. S. Troops there. We were down to virtually no combat forces at the end of 2011 and it was only the emergence of isis that took us back in. We have trained and equipped and fought with the Iraqi Security forces. They are pretty confident in fighting the ground operations. Even though we are pulling out, we will still have overwatch forces and still be providing intelligence and air support. David iraq has become almost a surrogate place where we tousled with iran. What does this mean for iran . Does this give them elbowroom to operate in iraq . Gen. Kimmitt it has them in a position of more influence. The new Prime Minister has made very clear that we dont want u. S. Forces here, we dont want Iranian Forces here. This is our job. We dont mind influence but we might interference. David we heard from President Trump isis has been totally defeated and is gone. Is that true . We have heard around the world they have come back. Gen. Kimmitt defeat is a military term. That means the opposing force is no longer capable of conducting a largescale operation. That is true. Isiss caliphate is destroyed. Its ability to mount large military operations has been destroyed. As a result they have been defeated. Are they gone . No. They are still a terrorist organization inside iraq. They are capable of conducting terrorist operations. To suggest they are a major existential threat either to iraq or anyone in this running region, i think the Iraqi Security forces have taken care of that. They are well managing the isis threat in the country now. David you were in charge of planning for cnentcom. That region is a hotbed. If we pulled back to 3000 troops in iraq, do we have other forces in the region we can continue to have a stabilizing force . Gen. Kimmitt certainly, david. We had thousands of troops in the region. We do today mostly on a rotational basis. We have a significant ground component, air component, and the aircraft carriers inside the persian gulf. They are no longer there to fight wars. They are there is a deterrent and Security Force so ayone who wants to create significant amount of instability in the region needs to understand we can react to that if necessary. David what are the greatest threats to the u. S. Interest in the regions . Gen. Kimmitt when we wrote the strategy in 2006, the major threats were enemies, protecting our friends, weapons of mass destruction proliferation, access to strategic materials. We are doing much better than we were then in terms of strategic materials, but certainly iran with its everincreasing missile capability and perhaps nuclear ifability remains a threat, not from actual conflict but from black male and black and proliferation. Regionnce forces in the can destabilize governments. You have the terrorist threat. Threats thatack of can destabilize the region. A backwash, have over the United States as well. David what is the level of activity by iran right now . The surrogate terrorist efforts throughout the region. Has the Trump Administration curtailed that at all . Dontimmitt now, and i think any administrations before have either. We used to talk about iranian influence, then about the iranian shia crescent. Its an encirclement of the region. Iran is a revolutionary country and has to continue to promote that revolution. We see them with forces in iraq, yemen, thenon, eastern provinces of saudi arabia, inside of bahrain. About the only country immune is oman because they have had a relationship with iran over the years. They are a presence, a disruptive presence. They are unhelpful presence. David thank you very much, retired Brigadier General mark kimmitt. More coming up in the second hour on Bloomberg Radio. Coming up, we talk with former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick about candidate bidens approach to the economy. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Your big Corporate Strategy is to boost your shareholders profits, your ceos bonuses by moving jobs out. Only we will make sure not you pay full u. S. Taxes on the profits, but we will guarantee 10 e will add a 1 offshore tax to your bill. David he was speaking yesterday about his plan to ensure manufacturing jobs stay in this country. Welcome now a biden supporter, former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, cochair of american bridge 21st century. Thank you for being with us. Give us your explanation of what joe biden is trying to economically different than President Trump. Gov. Patrick as with all of joe bidens policies, he puts people first. That should surprise no one. He comes from people who work. He was raised around people who worked for a living. What he is talking about by emphasizing growing jobs for americans versus growing jobs for people overseas, hes right down the line. He understands, as i do as a former governor and a former person in business that you have to invest if you want growth. That means everybody will have to contribute a little more to get a little more. We have been starving ourselves in the ways necessary to cause longterm lasting Economic Growth. David joe biden has been fairly explicit on big programs he is proposing, whether it is in the energy sphere, buy american, which cost money. Is this a good time to raise taxes on the wealthier work corporations given where we are economically . Gov. Patrick there is never a good time. There is always an argument against taxes and we treat them as if they are some sort of penalty instead of what they are which is the price for civilization. The cost of civilization. They will be trades, of course. We want sustained Economic Growth that reaches everyone out to the middle and the marginalized and not just up to meansllconnected, it investing in education. It means investingin innovation and in infrastructure. Those are things we have been starving for a long time because in various degrees of our country. If we want real economic and social justice, we will have to do that ourselves. There are different strategies for getting there. Andng spent most of my life the private sector in the private sector as a Senior Executive or board member of a private company, rarely do companies actually make Investment Decisions on the strength of the tax code. Is what is a longterm return going to be . All consumenk we polls. We cannot always trust them. Polls, joe at the biden has been doing well nationally and in a lot of battleground states. Except president continues to have a lead with handling the economy. Why is that . Can joe biden overcome that . Gov. Patrick first of all, he cant and should. Can and can a he should. I say this as someone who is skeptical polls. At the kinds of Economic Indicators President Trump brags about before the pandemic, unemployment was low. That sounds good and for many people it is, but only if you count all three of the lowwage jobs people had. You want growth that goes deeper and broader and is more sustainable. Then you have to invest in it. If you look historically, Economic Growth of that kind, lasting and sustainable and meaningful for people has been greater under democratic leadership historically under republican leadership. Is truender obama and today. I think there is a certain narrative about democrats, that we dont understand or believe in Economic Growth and the importance of that in the andomy and in society organized around the idea of opportunity. We have to overcome that. This president is taking advantage of that without actually having the goods. We have the goods and we will make that case. David spend a minute with us on american bridge 21st century. You are focusing on telegram states and swing counties. How are you doing that . Gov. Patrick we are trying to address the theory that democrats should talk to everybody. People who agree with us and people who dont. People who sometimes do and the folks that never do in the folks that have checked out entirely. American bridge has a strategy focused on folks who voted once or twice for obama, and in 2016 for candidate trump. The idea is not to shame them for that vote, but instead elicit from them their own feeling, care own views of disappointment, of frustration in the wake of the president s election and create a structure neighbors and neighbor using their own voices to tell their story. It has been very, very effective. We asvey the idea that democrats and fellow americans are not giving up on anybody. David to that point, Racial Justice and inequality has become really important issues this year given what has happened in a lot of our cities. We have a viewer who has been listening to us and written a question which i think is quite intriguing. Ken systems manufacture equality . Can we get better Racial Justice through our systems . Gov. Patrick yes, we can. We have to understand what the roots are of our systems. Differences in credit decisions, and housing decisions. Habits we have about how we decide to hire and from where we thegoing to recruit many of many of these have roots that go deep and racist practices or are tainted by those. We have to be willing to examine those with an open mind and an open heart. The time for that is now. One of the reasons, if i may, for why the times feel so right andhe economic insecurity social isolation, the anxiety or depression which has been experienced for generations by black americans is now being experienced by people all over the country, from every background. There is a kind of confluence of tragedies that require us to examine whether the structure we had, the economy and social expectations we have are actually working in a country dedicated as we need to be too equality, opportunity, and fairplay. David governor, its a great pleasure. Deval patrick, former democratic governor of massachusetts and cochair of american bridge 21st century. Coming up, the devastating wildfires destroying a huge portion of Northern California and oregon with someone who lives there has fought for the climate for years. He is tom steyer, investor, philanthropist. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power. I am david westin. It is hard to comprehend the scale of the wildfires in Northern California and oregon. They exceed anything in recorded history and may just be getting started. Welcome someone who lives there, tom steyer. He has spent much of his career trying to bring about fundamental change to address the Climate Change that underlies much of what we are seeing. Welcome, tom. Give us a sense of how bad it is. It is hard for us to comprehend on the east coast. Tom let me give you a couple of parameters so people can kind of get their arms around it. We have had wildfires in california that have so far burned 2. 3 million acres this year. Where 2never had a year million acres have burned. We have two more months of extreme fire danger. With the famous santa ana winds bringing hot waves of air across the state. We continue to be at severe risk. Farcost of those fires so has been estimated to be about 400 billion. Those fires have followed the extreme heat waves, recordbreaking heat waves that have included what people believe is the hottest temperature ever recorded on the planet earth. It was in death valley, over 130 degrees. A much are seeing is larger amount of california at risk of fire for a longer period of the year. As a result we are seeing record acres being burned. I think yesterday, as someone who lives in san francisco, he really was as if the sun never rose. There was so much ash in the air that at noon it looked as if it were 10 00 at night. It was dark. The streets were lit by streetlamps. You can see this was in some way that weal explanation are in a Climate Emergency here in california and really in a Climate Emergency across the United States and across the globe. Is an i dont think it exaggeration to say you have been saying this is coming. What has brought it about . Its obvious to most of us it has to be something about the climate happening here that is exacerbating this. Tom we have seen temperatures go up around the world. It ists of that almost biblical. We are seeing fires and floods and droughts. We are seeing human suffering. Obviously this is happening in covid19a during a pandemic. The people who are suffering here, whose houses are burning down are also people who are already in extremes as a result of the pandemic and as a result of the sharp economic slowdown associated with that pandemic. Really we are in a situation where there are a lot of painful things coming together at the same time, which definitely requires a concerted governmental response across the board to support the people of california and the people of the United States. David when you are running for president you said the first thing you would do when you got elected, the number one item would be to address the climate. I asked this with some trepidation. Late . Almost too we have built in so much Global Warming into the system we cannot just flip a switch and turn it off. Tom that is true, but is never too late. We can always we are in a tougher position with regards to the Natural World and with regards to climate that i think scientists ever expected we would be in the year 2020. If you look at the projections, we are at the extreme outer end in a bad way in the Natural World. Ingenuity, human american ingenuity, American Technology has also moved faster then people would have predicted. Yes, we have a bigger crisis at this point than people expected but our ability to deal with that crisis is also more powerful. I have been working with the bidensmpaign and joe climate plan is very aggressive, very broadbased, and it is the kind of thing we need. We are in a situation where we have to pull together and act on this. We have got to stop talking about it. We have got to stop discussing whether it is happening. The time for action is now. It is not time, it is not almost time, it is past time for us to move on this very aggressively. David do both parties bear some responsibility here . Democrats have had a positional leadership in california for a while. Tom if you look at this, david, its a global problem. California has been has had the most Progressive Energy laws and regulations in the world. But we are about 1 of the co2 emissions in the world. The United States is 15 . For us to solve this problem we need american action, american leadership, and we need to pull other countries with us along to make the kinds of changes that will preserve a safe world. People keep thinking it is like way in the future. It is now. David tom, great to have you with us. This is bloomberg. Give you my world how can i, when you wont take it from me you can go your own way go your own way your wireless. Your rules. Only with xfinity mobile. Vonnie i am vonnie quinn and welcome to bloomberg markets. Here are the top stories we are following. Showojections from the ecb the economy collapsing by 8 this year, slightly less bleak than the outlook three month ago. The euro strengthening after Christine Lagarde said she will be speaking a historic day on wall street. Citigroup names its next ceo. He is the first she is the first woman to take the role that a major global bank. We will discuss the challenges ahead for her. Citigroup and other banks are planning to return of their selloff. I speak with the ceo looking to clear the air literally for employees. Lets get a quick check of the market. Despite the choppy s

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