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Territory. The week has had news of ashares cell a share sell. China puts money on chips to counter rising pressure from washington. It has the same level of backing as the Atomic Program enjoyed years ago. Sophie lets get a check on the set up in asia. Some much awaited pullback on wall street. Asian stocks look set to fall. 1930still Holding Around levels and the yen above 106. But when it comes to stocks in china and hong kong, a drop is productive at least 1 . Softbank is said to be considering a bid for tiktok. In the Semi Conductor space, news that china is planning to support the domestic industry, which launched a billiondollar route in u. S. Chip stocks. Also in south korea, watching for any details of a potential in thecash handout budget that could be announced this weekend. A snapshot of the u. S. Close, the s p fell the most since march, and it was the biggest sincefor the s p june, the biggest drop for the nasdaq since march, with apples market cap falling below 2 trillion, and zoom also taking a hit. Pulling up the chart, volatility spiked with a briefly topping 35, and nasdaq jumped to 40, so it is the highest level versus the vix since 2004, haidi. Haidi lets get more on the selloff. I will bring in Susan Schmidt with aviva investors. Great to have you. I am pulling up this chart. We have been talking about anticipating this rotation for quite some time, and it is never really held up with much conviction. Growth is still winning the rotation trade, growth outperforming valuation as rotation continues to whipsaw. It was interesting, it was not a real fearful day, was it . We saw just kind of a tepid pullback. We saw treasuries credit hold up pretty well as well. Is it the beginnings of a healthy correction . Susan i think it is the beginnings of a healthy correction. We have not really seen a dramatic pullback in the market. We have had a tremendous summer. When you think about it, we have had a lot of up days, very few days when it has been down, and we just hit market highs on some of these indices at new record levels. It is not unusual to see the market pull back at this. There are other factors to consider. The valuation discrepancy has been on the table for a while. As you said, those value names have not seemed to be able to hold a significant lead where they stay in favor. We keep seeing that flip back. We saw a little bit about today. Are, headlines at the u. S. String to attract investors attention, and you are going into a long Holiday Weekend for the u. S. Most investors want to take a risk off stance. That is also some of what we saw today. Haidi i want to jump in with breaking news out of brazil. More grim numbers when it comes out of the coronavirus situation. 4 million covid19 cases in brazil. More thanorting 40,000 do covid19 cases over the past 24 hours. We see record high after record high when it comes to these grim milestones from the likes of brazil and india. It is a reminder that so many of these economies and nations and Health Care Systems are battling to get this curve under control. To what extent do we not see meaningful rotation and a meaningful, healthy rally until there is as substantial progress on a vaccine and a path to reopening has been made . Susan i think the u. S. Markets are highly dependent on optimism around that Vaccine Development and a path to recovery. For the u. S. Markets, we are looking towards international and Global Markets as well, but u. S. Investors have become very u. S. Centric in terms of getting that economy domestically back on track. When you have those issues as a backdrop, but has supported the market thus far has been that active stance that the Central Banks have taken to help stimulate the economy, to keep pressures as much as they can low, by keeping Interest Rates as low as possible, net zero. That is where we have seen support. Overall, this cloud has not gone away. Investors remain sensitive to it. When you have numbers like that, it brings back to the forefront that we still are finding our way out of the coronavirus globally. We are still not back on sure footing. We are hoping to get there, but we are still on the path. Sophie outside of the u. S. , where you seeing opportunities for divergence when it comes to recovery across the globe . Susan i think this is where it really becomes a stock pickers market. You can find opportunity, but you have to look far and wide, and it is not broadbased across one sector or another. It is within each sector. It is company specific. I think you have to look for companies that have good strategy and management, who really are nimble in their approach to dealing with this. No one can say how this is going to progress. We know you have to be able to adjust your Business Model to best take advantage of the environment that you are given. In this situation, no one is quite sure what that environment is going to be. And is meant teams who have a strong Business Model that can adjust management teams who have a strong Business Model that can adjust quickly will fare the best. This has shifted consumer patterns. Look at that shift in consumer patterns and consumer uptake, how investors are perceiving companies that offer services to that new consumer i think is a lot of what is driving the market and where you are going to find opportunity. In this new world, how should investors tweak their understanding of growth and value . Most that is one of the interesting topics that investors are having to grapple traditional themes of growth and value. I believe they dont apply Going Forward. What we perceive historically is , the forefront of cutting edge technology. Those sectors as we define them are no longer necessarily appropriately defined in the new era. As we go into this new world and think of growth and value, i really do think growth names have become this new order. When you thing about how much society has changed, i think that becomes important. What we saw is, perhaps, breaking technology or something new, it is becoming commonplace. You have to consider that some old names that were the tried snd true, very steady eddie have become value names with no perceived growth ahead of them. Thats why we have seen such a valuation discrepancy between them. You have to look at what has a dynamic Business Model that can flourish Going Forward in an uncertain environment. Those are companies we should perceive as growth companies, not necessarily because of the traditional sector they have been stuffed into. Go, webefore we let you are looking at fixed futures starting to show that we could be setting up for a bumpy ride going into november. To what extent are you watching out for uncertainty, a delayed result, or sort of a real change when it comes to what the election result is in november, and whether the market is adequately pricing that yet . Susan i think what we have seen in the vix, we have seen the volatility in the Options Market. That has hit the news quite a bit. Mainstream investors are starting to hear about that, and it has trickled into the equity markets. The Options Market is expecting volatility. You cycle them so that today in equities market, where you saw a glimpse of that today in the equities market. When you have an election coming, no one is certain of how it is going to take place. Markets dont like that uncertainty. It tends to lead towards risk off behavior. Thats what we saw today. I think we will continue to see asuncertain environment political winds shift back and forth preelection, and i think the markets are going to react to that, and we are going to see an increase in volatility. Sophie Susan Schmidt, thank you so much. Still ahead, Asset Investments key economist looks to whether the jobs numbers can have an impact on novembers election. Ip next, anthony fauc pinpoints 17 states for a possible surge in virus infections over this Labor Day Weekend. This is bloomberg. Karina you are watching daybreak australia. Thailand just lost its 100 day violence restrict, reporting its first locally transmitted infection since late may. It involves an inmate at a bangkok prison who worked as a dj before being jailed. France is throwing 100 billion euros at a stimulus plan aimed to revive the economy. Meanwhile, the government of indonesia says it does not support proposals to dilute centralbank independence and still relies on policy makers help fund the physical deficit fiscal deficit. Investors hope to maintain bond purchases next year to support social protection amid the coronavirus, despite Bank Indonesia saying this week that the program has simply been a oneoff measure. Singapores to fecteau central bank is to ease bank access to locally and u. S. Funding to protect from the fallout of covid19. The Monetary Authority will allow vendors to accept more forms of collateral. The mas says the move is intended to limit liquidity strains. The u. S. Trade deficit rose to july. Dest in 12 years in in goods and services swelled to more than 63 billion from more than 53. 5 billion in june. Exports rose month on month by 8 , but imports climbed almost 11 . Global news 24 hours a day, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. This is bloomberg. Sophie democrats and republicans say they will Work Together to avoid a Government Shutdown ahead of the election. Nancy pelosi and Steven Mnuchin informal agreement to keep the government running after the start of the fiscal year on october 1. Emily wilkins joins us from d. C. What are the implications of this pact . Does it resolve the virus stimulus standoff . Emily no, this does not resolve it at all. It guarantees the government is not going to be shut down, because that is one problem solved, but democrats and republicans still need to come to some sort of agreement on coronavirus. Right now they are more than 1 trillion apart. Democrats have come down, but they are continuing to push almost 900 billion in state and local funding. Republican senators are kind of sticking to a slimmer package that could only provide about 500 billion. Haidi family, we are getting increasing volatility when it comes to expectations of november. What are the latest polls taking us telling us . Emily what we are seeing in the polls today shows us that the recent conventions did not have a lot of impact. We are still seeing biden in the lead, particularly in a number of states like arizona, florida, but it is not a huge gap between biden and trump at this point, so the polling is within a margin of error. But it seems like the messages that democrats and republicans pounded out over the last couple of weeks has not had a big shift in how people you both parties and both candidates. Sophie ahead of the memorial predicting afauci problem when it comes to virus infections. Emily we have seen this in the u. S. Back on july 4, and a spike on memorial day. We needi is saying everyone to be extra cautious. The states that he pointed out are states that do not tend to have big cities and large populations, such as north dakota, missouri, arkansas. Fauci is saying that even though in these places they are not having giant spikes, people still need to be cautious, wear masks, stay six feet apart. They cannot say it is over just because they have not seen a big spike in their state. Haidi that complacency is always a concern. Emily wilkins with us. The Analytics Company that tracks drug trials says we may see the first results on whether a Covid Vaccine can stop people from getting the virus in midseptember. Isthe preliminary data always, for any type of clinical trial, taken with some grain of salt. Hopeful about these findings, of course, but they are preliminary. What we are basically going to be seeing his patients that have been enrolled in earlier trials, their antibody responses, we will not know much about durability. We will not know much about the potential for exposures or reinfection, but we will know how well they do are do not react to antibodies or do not react to antibodies. What is the optimal speed at which authorities around the world should move to approve a vaccine . I am trying to work out how soon it is likely that we will get approval of a vaccine. Jason that is a great question. At least in the United States, the fda has a couple of different options. Trial,y kind of clinical whether it is a placebo or an intervention like a vaccine, we board who is external to the trial, whose job it is to review the data and say, is there signals of a response, and if not, they can stop the study and end it early. If it is, they can allow it to continue to go, but if there is a Strong Enough signal that says there is great response here and it is actually helping to prevent disease, they can fasttrack a vaccine or any kind of intervention study. What that data facing monitoring board will be doing is monitoring the data independently of the investigating team, and it is dependent on how fast the trial continues to move forward. Importantly, public trust is really essential for this vaccine, not only for its uptake, but also for, when we think about the way the public thinks about the speed of things, we are hearing a lot of anecdotes right now that the public is mistrustful of us lying too fast, and right so, because vaccine responses take time to know and understand. We need to monitor carefully and slowly and to ensure we have the right and safest possible vaccine options. Haidi is it possible to fasttrack just after these interim renounce, or do we have to wait longer . Wayn there is the right and the fast way, so what we should do is wait until we have a finall completed and analysis has been made. Ultimately, i think governments are really looking for speed here. I think the most important thing is that we get the safest and most efficacious vaccines to market, and the timeline for that the pins on the science and not the speed in which science and not the speed. Whatever safety profiles review is what should drive the decisionmaking and not a rush that could put patients lives in the public in danger. Johns Hopkins University nursing professor jason farley, speaking to bloombergs anna edwards. The Johns Hopkins school of Public Health is supported by mike bloomberg, founder of bloomberg lp. Still ahead, china lays out a fiveyear plan to develop its chip industry. U. S. Chip stocks tumbled in the u. S. On news china plans to Prioritize Development of its own Semi Conductor industry in the face of trump restrictions. Stephen engle is taking a closer look at this and joins us from hong kong. , and whats this rout are the ramifications . Stephen it is a part of a broader tech pullback, but there was if it does for the tech stocks to fall considerably. Thehere was impetus for chip stocks to fall considerably. Space, names in the chip like qualcomm, intel, also the equipment makers like applied. Aterials, all tumbled the Trump Administration had been threatening to cut chinese firms off from supplies of u. S. Semi conductors needed in everything from 5g phones to base stations and the like. This is what we know about this developing story. People familiar say china is developing a sweeping set of new Government Policies to really support and develop out its domestic Semi Conductor industry to counter those u. S. Restrictions, mandating the same kind of priority on a nationwide basis as its atomic capability. It is preparing broad support for socalled thirdgeneration Semi Conductors for the five years through 2025, because next month, we are going to get the next fiveyear plan, the 14th fiveyear plan. We are hearing of measures to tost education i financing the chip industry being added to the next fiveyear plan to present it to the top leaders in october. We know xi jinping has pledged an estimated 1. 5 trillion u. S. Dollars through 2025 for technologies ranging from Wireless Networks to artificial intelligence. Talk of the is beginning of a tech cold war between china and the u. S. Is this an unsurprising move, given how strategically critical these next generation chips are to just about every part of advanced technology . Stephen that is a very strategic question and something the white house should think hard about, because these moves by the Trump Administration, while shortterm, is limiting to the chinese. Look at the case of huawei. It couldnt up creating a world or several worldclass could end up creating a worldclass or several worldclass chinese tech finance. There could be a build out if there is a bifurcation of the then china is going to put lots of its money and reserves into this industry. It begs the question, will this open up another pandoras box on global trade front . If the last century had United States and airbus trading barbs about state support, etc. , for airplane building, that is nothing compared to what this might unleash if the chinese and the United States started growing Government Support toward its strategic industry. This next industry, this these next generation chips are going to be underpinning Economic Growth across the board. Indicatort another the tensions will grow beyond the election. Tech stocks seeming to defy gravity, but they are coming back down with a hard landing. We will look at if it is just about the tech sector or if other forces are at play in these corrections. Look here, its your very own allinone Entertainment Experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. You are watching daybreak australia. I am karina mitchell. Democrats and republicans will Work Together to avoid a Government Shutdown ahead of the election and to push a stopgap bill to let federal agencies keep working. Nancy pelosi and Stephen Mnuchin clinched an agreement to keep the government running after the start of the fiscal year on october 1. Theres still no progress on a new virus stimulus deal. Meanwhile, the nato chief says greece and turkey have agreed to reduce the risk of military incidents and accidents in the eastern mediterranean. The two countries have been locked in a standoff over offshore Energy Rights by an official in athens denied any such agreement, saying turkey Must Withdraw its more ship war ship. A potential drop in income. Sources say the English Premier League answered after they withheld payment. It was worth more than 600 62 5 million over three years. They are now seeking a new partner in china. The season is due to start on september 12. The race for tiktok assets seized softbank considering a bid. Softbank owns a stake in bytedance and we are told it has helped with geo platforms. Stalledsay negotiations but softbank remains interested. Buydowns it is weighing its options. Global news, 24 hours a day, on air and on bloomberg quicktake, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in more than 120 countries. I am karina mitchell. This is bloomberg. Looking to the weekend for some relief after what we got on thursday. U. S. Futures flipping following the s ps worst session since june with tech bearing the brunt and volatility jumping to that dip buying mentality that will be tested this friday. We are watching chipmakers at home and the nikkei 225 may halt a twoday gain but could clinch a weekly advance. Yen treading water, easing off 106. That was approached overnight. Muted moves amid the stock selloff for havens so gold is holding a two day decline around the 1932 level. Abn amros representative calling the peak bullion reflected in the current price. Haidi. Haidi lets get more on what we are watching as trading gets underway in asia. The king like the soft will continue. Mark cranfield joins us now. Surface, ugly for u. S. Stocks. The bigname tech rally coming down. When you take a look at the nuances when it comes to the session overnight, there were not really any haven bid. What does that tell us about what is going on here . Mark the first takeaway is it seems to be fairly contained not just to the whole tech sector but really some of the recent windows. We have had a number of names such as apple and tesla and a few others which have really out around the home market. They are heavily owned by individual players, and a lot of day traders are involved in those stocks. People tend to get quite jumpy when volatility increases so it does seem to be an event which has really been driven by people just wanting to lock in profits ahead of the long weekend. The specific no specific trigger, which tells us this is not necessarily going to be something which really spreads anything like we saw in february or march with the kind of selloffs we saw so it could be that by the time markets get back to normal next week after the Labor Day Weekend that the tech scene has settled down. It is a spectacular decline nonetheless. It could well be that it is mostly driven by anxious day traders who are very keen to lock in the very good profits they have seen already. People have been saying for some time that the nasdaq was well overdue for a healthy correction. If you look at it from the low point in march to the recent highs, its more than 80 increase, which is pretty spectacular by any standards, and the kind of brats of the market is getting narrower and narrower. A few major names have been driving the index which is not very healthy. You have been Warning Signals for a while. This looks like a classic case of people saying too much too soon. Theres plenty of risks coming ahead for the long weekend. The president ial election is getting tight. There will be a lot of activity. Just to take some chips off the table and step aside. Market brats in asia has relatively been healthier than we have seen in the u. S. Stock futures pointing lower. How do you see fighting playing out . Mark it would be surprising if theres not some spillover. Major Tech Companies in asia, china, korea, japan. Hong kong has got some listed Tech Companies. It would be pretty surprising if those names not at least get hit. Maybe not to the same extent that we saw in new york. We would expect some weakness in the major tech names across the regions. Play. Spects will be in it would be important to see especially the chinese names, some of the Major Chinese stocks are also very widely held by individual traders. They are in most portfolios. If we see some of the big names related in china that do business in the United States, may have a particularly bad day, things could get nasty. The suspicion for a lot of people will be that this is just something that was coming. Manys not spread to too other Asset Classes as well. The fx market is relatively calm. Gold is down a little, but not too much. For now, people will take some comfort from the fact that, yes, this is a big selloff, but it is not something we need to say has a fundamental change to the markets. Central banks are pumping in the country. Asia has plenty more room and they are talking about korea about to do even more stimulus. Japan probably will once the leadership change is done. Governments and Central Banks are not walking away all of a sudden from what has been going on in financial markets. It will probably be a bumpy day. Its probably not going to be a major change in direction for market. Sophie waiting on a potential update for the extra budget this weekend. Mark cranfield. You can follow more of the days trading on our markets live blog at mliv. You can get a market run down in one click and commentary and analysis from bloombergs expert editors so you can find out what is affecting your assessments right now. Techdiscussed his views on valuations amid the current uncertainty and how the presidency will shift his companys position. Bill it is not the beginning of the end but i would say we are coming upon one of the more uncertain periods in american history. We have a very divisive president ial election coupled with a virus that has had a huge impact on the economy and the markets have been remarkably strong since really the third week in march. Its not surprising. Valuations, particularly certain technology landscape, have gotten to some pretty extraordinary levels, so i think it is not a surprise. I dont think it is any indication of the beginning of the end. I think markets do not like uncertainty and we have an election in fixed days where its a tossup who is going to be the next president and what the policies of the next president whether it is trump or biden and what that means for corporate america, for taxation. These are uncertain. Its the enemy of markets. Sophie you have said it would not change your investment position no matter which person was to be president for the next administration. Are you exchanging the results on that now . Do you think you have widely different policies were it to be a Biden Administration rather than a second trumpcare . Trump term . His voice of the bidens choice of a Vice President is more moderate versus more progressive democratic, you know, administration, to the extent that biden is sort of the winter, but i do think they are going to have different policies and approaches toward taxation, business, etc. , although i do harris, is, kamala in the more moderate camp than a bidenwarren administration, for example. You mentioned how things got fully valued or overvalued. Tesla down 8 today. Sort of theer to real valuation for these companies or a fair valuation in this environment . Could there be a lot more to go . Bill i dont know enough about either of those two businesses to know whether the price is a fair price or not but when i speak of a valuation for some of the more highflying companies, a lot is predicated on what will happen in the future. What is interesting is when you have a world with almost 0 Interest Rates, you have discount rates used for discount the future very low. Companies which are growing very discountand low disk rates for a growing companies. Small changes in the assumptions would lead to a very different outcome. Those small changes in assumptions would relate to someones confidence in what the future looks like and its hard to pick the future when you have an uncertain sort of political environment. Just the inherent uncertainty about the virus. The cdc tell states to prepare for the distribution of the vaccine november 1. If there is a real vaccine distributed in scale for the end of the year, it has a meaningful impact. There is not one until the second half of next year that has a meaningful impact as well. It is not known today and what those outcomes are. Premiumor in your risk which should go up when theres more uncertainty and the risk premium relates to the discount rate. The rate plus the risk premium in the future. ,any rapidly growing companies you cannot look at next years earnings, which is the convention for more mundane businesses. You have to make certain expectations about companys ability to become profitable and for the profits to grow and justify some of the values of where these companies are trading. Leads to more volatility when theres uncertainty. That leads to more volatility when theres uncertainty. Haidi speaking exclusively to bloomberg. Investors now turning to the u. S. August jobs report later on friday. The chief economist joins us for a preview and what to look for behind those headline numbers. This is bloomberg. Sophie the battered u. S. Job market likely got another boost in august. Nonfarm payrolls are expected to have risen by 1. 3 5 million, a slower pace than in july while the Unemployment Rate is seen falling back below 10 . But economists see the chances of further big gains diminishing. Joining us from philadelphia is the chief u. S. Economist for an investment company. Jobless claims offered a mixed picture, pointing to uneven improvement. Support be the last positive print before we see more losses . Laura that is an important point. We have made really strong recovery with jobs so far and i think a lot of the easy gains have already been seen so after this number for august, its probably going to get a little bit harder. We should continue to see steady improvement. We are all learning how to operate businesses with this pandemic still going around us, but i think one of the things we are looking for is for the pace of improvement to slow. Hopefully we will get below the 10 Unemployment Rate tomorrow. Our expectation is around 9. 5 Unemployment Rate. That still really high given where the United States has been historically. Sophie the jobless rate likely to stay. What hurdles are you seeing when it comes to the Energy Sector and manufacturing . What are the repercussions for the election . Lara well, this is a big issue when you think about energy. In particular. A lot of states like pennsylvania are heavily reliant on the Energy Sector. That gives us a lot of vulnerability when youre thinking about the fact that the Energy Sector is one of these areas where we have seen some recovery but its just not terribly robust. Things like not going back to school have really put a camp on how much transportation we are seeing. When we look at goods or the manufacturing sector, something that is interesting is a really robust recovery in sentiment, and we have seen a recovery in goods. A lot of that is pentup demand. That is an issue when the fact is, most u. S. Household spending is on services where we are just not going to get the same pentup demand. Challenges on Services Spending coming from the pandemic. Good spending has recovered nicely. We see that in manufacturing. That thet a sign further recovery from here may be difficult. Feds news the inflation framework really meaningfully change the trajectory of this recovery or is it a longerterm thing . Much of any impact does this really have . Lara of an impact does this really have . Lara they announced this framework that they are allowing inflation to go above 3 . 2 . We have not been above 2 for the last decade. It did not say what they are going to do to try and get inflation or to even average at 2 . Miss in thelaring communications that really leads us to have more questions than answers about what the fed policy is going to look like Going Forward. At the end of the day, low Interest Rates. Talking about a fed rate hike is more than premature. It is probably several years premature. I think the real issue im telling the folks are asking questions about it is if we do get some supply Chain Disruption , that perhaps causes goods prices to spike in the near term. That would really not be an issue for the fed. They could navigate around that very easily and it would not be a reason for people to get concerned about rate hikes. Haidi bill dudley said in an opinion article from bloomberg saying the feds framework, these tweaks, its a significant shift. But really, it kind of suggests that even more so than before, we are looking to the fiscal side to do the heavy lifting. We really need that to step up now . Lara i think if you look at the difference between forecasts that are fairly good for gdp and for the economy and forecasts that show either a doubledip or i think a slow recovery, a lot of the difference there is your assumption about fiscal stimulus. I think what i see as a real concern is if they wait too long, they could be in in emergency situation. An emergency situation. We had a much stronger rebound in q3 so far and i think a lot of us expected this is a good be thoughtful and enact stimulus that is more targeted versus having to send checks to every household for things to really deteriorate rapidly again in the future. Even a doubledip scenario. Haidi really appreciate your time and your views. Lara rhame, u. S. Economist. Rebounding ins extended trade after a bullish forecast that topped estimates. The chipmaker seeing big demand for components. We have that story, next. If you are away from the screen, you can find indepth analysis and the days big newsmakers on bloomberg radio. We are broadcasting live in hong kong. You can listen in via the app. Radio plus or bloombergradio. Com. Plenty more to come. Stay with us. This is bloomberg. Haidi broadcom has a bullish earnings outlook for the fourth quarter, expecting a rebound in demand for smartphone components. Third Quarter Sales at net estimates. Covers broadcom. Talk us through the implications of what we are seeing here. Two different markets are doing really well. They are highly exposed to the apple iphone cycle and it was expected to see strength in the quarter that just passed but because the iphone is delayed, they are going to see that in the coming quarter and they had indicated that a quarter ago, and unsurprisingly, they are going to see that particular segment, which is huge for them. Because of the delay, they are going to see some of that growth carrying forward into the next quarter for them. Suggesting that there is going asbe a longer one than usual a result of the iphone. That is one part of the business that is doing very well. The other part of the business that is doing well for them is the networking and markets, which is benefiting from the cloud as well as so that business is continuing to see strength. Home and learned from home is pushing that business. Substantial piece of their revenues they are doing really well. Good business which is more and pushing margins higher and hoping their margins. Quarter fromgood broadcom. Also some strength continuing into the early part of calendar 2021. Sophie do we get more signals on how the fortunes of broadcoms customers will feed into its outlook . Anand obviously, this bodes for the business. About as worried technology analysts, is that cloud demand, Capital Expenditures on component makers tends to be feast or famine. A pause. There was fear coming into this period that they were going to a pause mode and that we are not seeing that. D segments, cloud spending on components for their data centers, things seem to be very healthy. Haidi our Bloomberg Intelligence Senior Analyst anand srinivasan. Said to be is weighing the sale of its u. S. Based Building Products unit for 2. 5 billion dollars. Firestone is part of Bridgestone America and reported profits of 250 Million Dollars that is expected to attract interest from private equity firms and other Companies Involved in the roofing business. Bridgestone is the largest maker of tires. Huawei is looking to expand its retail presence in europe as it fights 5g bans around the western world. They are planning to open eight physical stores in spain, france, germany, italy, belgium, and the u. K. Experienceaunch 42 stores. Huaweis app gallery is the thirdlargest with 33 million active users in europe. Fedex is planning to hire 70,000 Seasonal Workers to handle a holiday surge in packages as it sees delivery demand unprecedented. Jobs inded thousands of shipments, spiking 27 from last years peak. Deliveries will be expanded to 95 of the u. S. Population as more consumers browse and shop on home because of the coronavirus. Lets get a snapshot of markets, so we are seeing u. S. Futures moved to the downside after the selloff we saw on wall street with the s p following the most since june. He restocks under pressure. In australia, we are keeping an eye on banks who are to make their semiannual parliament to committee hearing. We are watching retail sales from australia and reaction to a asx 200. Be addedthe group to to the index as of september 21. In japan, we are keeping an eye on softbank on the potential for the group to be looking at buying tiktoks assets in india, and overall, we are looking at downside pressure. Cases are staying fairly steady despite not getting a bid overnight. The yen holding about 106. Goal trading around 1930 levels. We wait and see what their dip buying may come into this friday but taking a look at the set up, that might be unlikely. We will have more Market Analysis with the Portfolio Manager in the next hour. Plenty more ahead on daybreak asia. This is bloomberg. So youre a small business, or a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Haidi a very good morning. We are counting down to asias major market opens. I am Sophie Kamaruddin in hong kong. Our top stories this hour, asian stocks look set to fall as the tech really stumbles. U. S. Equities had their biggest fall in three months when did tech was dragging stock down and volatility spiked. Indman sachs faces Court Malaysia on charges

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