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Measures protests in a series of democrat led state, including michigan, a crucial state in 2020. He is going back and forth between whether he is in power or not in power when it comes to these decisions. The main critique for measures he introduced yesterday which will allow states that believe they have it under control to start loosening restrictions is that we still do not have Testing Capacity to catch any outbreaks that might pop up. That is fueling concerns there might be a second wave, either in regions or nationally that would lead us back to having to reimpose shutdown measures. That is the concern right now. Certainly trump once certainly trump wants some states to start moving towards an opening. David the president does not talk that much about testing, but every single Public Health official we saw, that is key. We have to test to know whether we are going too fast too far. We have a sense the white house has their arms around testing and know what testing is available . Do they have a means other under the defense production act or otherwise to ramp up the test kit . Josh their calls from democrats to get them to ramp up testing. We need to expand testing of people we think might have it and people who have met folks that do have it. We are nowhere near having the capacity to do that. There are all sorts of bottlenecks. Some places are short ons walls test, some are short of processing the tests. Another thing we are missing is anybody tests. If you want to bring your workers back into the workplace, you might want and Antibody Test to know who has it. Is there immunity . These are questions we do not have. It is Testing Capacity we do not have. Some employers who choose to open because they will be rolling the dice because they do not know which of their employees have it or which do not. David another place we do not have the capacity is getting money into small businesses. They ran through that 349 billion quickly. Their plans to get it going on capitol hill but that seems to be deadlocked. Vice president mike pence will have a call with democratic senators. Is that about that funding issue . Where does that stand . Josh for republicans, it is a simple issue. They want the ppp money for small business. Democrats say the program is not working. It is skewing towards the bigger of the small businesses. The smallest of the small are complaining they have not been able to access the money. The democrats want changes. Chuck schumer was saying he and mnuchin and Speaker Pelosi are continuing to talk. He says he does not know why they would not be able to get a deal in the next few days. It does look like it will take the next few days. They want changes. Democrats say the program is not working. Republican say the democrats are holding it up and should do a straight top off and deal with other stuff later in a socalled phase four deal. So much to josh wingrove, our White House Correspondent in washington. Now it is time for bloomberg first word news with mark crumpton. Mark more and more u. S. Homeowners are not paying their mortgages. According to a report by black night, nearly 3 million American Home loans are in forbearance plans that allow delayed payments without penalty. The homeowner skipping payments because of lost jobs or income resenting 5. 5 borrowers more than 20 million americans have filed for unemployment in the last four weeks. The British Government wants its money back from coronavirus tests that did not work. Britain spent 20 Million Dollars on more than 3 million Antibody Test at the beginning of april, hoping to find which people had been exposed to the virus. British officials said they hoped the tests could be made available on amazon and at pharmacies. The virus death tolls in the u. K. Has risen to more than 14,000. In spain, the government reports more than 5200 new cases of coronavirus. That is the most in a week. Spain has the worlds second most extensive outbreak. The country is already past the peak. They are starting to focus on how to relax nationwide restrictions. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. I am mark crumpton. This is bloomberg. David . David thanks. Coming up, Amanda Glassman from the center of global develop is here to talk about President Trumps decision to stop funding the World Health Organization. That is next on balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Equity markets are uptodate because of their is encouraging news about possible treatments. Whatever the case, Abigail Doolittle is here to explain what the equity markets are doing. Abigail an interesting session for the Financial Markets on this friday. It has a lot to do with those reopening plans for President Trump. What makes it so interesting is stocks in the premarket were much higher. Ow we have the s p buy the rumor,of sell the news. Traders hearing the word snapped up stocks quickly. In terms of those guidelines, there are lots of holes, lots of climbing ahead, and lots of uncertainty. 500 is off the highs of 3. 5 . Now at 1. 4 . Take a look at the nasdaq, now down. 2 . That has been one of the leaders. That tells you some investors are facing uncertainty around this, plus the nasdaq has been up so much more. Profits being taken off. Another interesting idea, take a look at the new york faang index. Reopeninge will be relatively soon perhaps putting a bit of a breather for those stocks. That is an interesting new wants think about. The big story beyond stocks rallying on the day, crude. Wti down 8. 3 . This is important if we consider a year to date picture of crude oil and the s p 500. Crude oil has been leading the entire way lower. There is a big divergence. It is a barometer of the economy and Risk Appetite could suggest stocks may take a breather from the big rally they have had over the last couple of weeks. David . David thank you to Abigail Doolittle for that report on the markets. President trump criticized the World Health Organization for its handling of the coronavirus crisis. As a result, suspended u. S. Funding for the organization. We welcome Amanda Glassman, the executive Vice President as well as senior fellow at the center for global develop met. Thank you for being here. Give us a sense, does President Trump have a point about the way the who handled this in the early stages . Amanda i dont think so. The World Health Organization relies on officially reported data from its member countries. It has to ask for permission to enter countries and investigate outbreaks. I think they reported to us what they knew and when they knew it. We wish those reports had come out sooner and we wishful reports are available all of the time. The question is whether we want to give the World Health Organization the teeth to go in and investigate when we hear signs of an outbreak. As the World Health Organization going to become like the International Atomic Energy Agency that can send in inspectors . David i want to talk about possible reform, but on the specific issue about what happened in the early stages, i understand the whos main power is naming and shaming. Some of the things being said is the who did not call out china early enough because they do not let their people get information. Is that unfair . Amanda i think it is unfair. You have to see what is going on on the ground to use data to give a view of what is going on. I think it is off. David give us a sense of what is the significance of the usd funding for a period of time the World Health Organization. What does that do to who operations today . Amanda it is significant good the u. S. Contribution is about 100 million a year. We have a number of voluntary contributions we make through our u. S. Agency for international development. It has ranged from 270 million to 400 million. It is a significant piece of the who budget and will affect their ability to operate, particularly in the low and middle Income Countries which have less capacity to respond to the outbreak. David the who is working on the coronavirus but has a lot of other programs around the world. As a practical matter, what is it doing on coronavirus . Will this interfere with its ability to help the world cope with this pandemic . Amanda it certainly will. It is a very expensive distraction at an important time when all hands should be on deck importantre that interventions like childhood immunizations are sustained. If vaccination rates fall, that means kids will die. The who plays an Important Role in that. They also provide the technical guidance on influence monitoring, on polio eradication. All of those are important for the who. It is just a distraction at a time when we need to focus on the mission . David getting past the distraction, i want to come back to something you suggested, which is possible reform of the who. What are the prospects that coming out of this distraction we might have more teeth given to the who . Amanda as an intergovernmental organization, as you have said, you said they could use their voice to name and shame. It is very difficult for an organization owned by government to name and shame. In the wake of the Ebola Outbreak, the global community, the high Income Countries created something called the global preparedness and monitoring board. The idea was that that independent entity could give some voice and could do the naming and shaming needed when governments did not want to allow an official investigators. I would like to see the global preparedness and monitoring board have teeth and have a budget to investigate these kinds of outbreaks and to callout countries before they are willing to make those official reports. It continues to be a problem. It was a problem in the Ebola Outbreak and it was a problem today. David you know this world so well, particulate the world of global Public Health. Is it possible this may correct itself over time in the sense other countries are now turning their eyes on china in a critical way . Europe has skepticism and tough questions. Might this correct for the future countries behavior such as china . Amanda i think in any kind of autocratic state, you need other ways to be able to understand what is going on than the official panel of reporting. I always think of that pollution monitor that was on the roof of the u. S. Embassy in beijing and how that changed the conversation and also changed chinas policies in terms of what was the air quality in beijing day today. It creates an independent observation. Also in the same way countries have an countries official estimate of gdp, but then banks and other entities assess gdp, they do their own analysis of what gdp should be, what inflation rates should be. We need that in global Public Health. We need the independent monitors that let us know what is going on. David thank you so much, amanda. Appreciate you being here. That is Amanda Glassman from the center for Global Development on the question of the World Health Organization. Twong up, we will hear from president s of the regional fed about what is going on with the u. S. Economy. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David earlier today, mike mckee talk to cleveland fed president Loretta Mester about why the fed will be investing in highyield etfs. All of theester things we are doing our two fall. We are trying to make sure the markets stay functioning. Some of the efforts the fed has done are geared at market functioning. Some of them are geared to make sure we mitigate the negative effects on households and businesses by making sure we have credit flowing to those businesses. I look at the etf part of that as market functioning. We are continuing to look for gaps to make sure our markets are functioning. I would say some of the efforts we have taken have improved functioning in the markets. There are two things going on. One is making sure and this is the fed responsibility making sure we have markets wellfunctioning so that credit can flow, and do what it can to help shore up the economy and prepare it the recovery. Disagree on what the right way to do that is, but part of what we are doing is to try to make sure we have functioning Financial Markets precisely because those are an essential ingredient for the economy and for any other policies we do can flow through, so theres a transmission to the households and businesses that need those funding. Michael i know at this point the fed is all in doing everything it can to support the economy. When we get to the third quarter, maybe, reopening and it is time to stimulate the economy, is there more you think you need to do or can do and what would that be . Mester we will have to see what it looks like when we get there. I do not think we are up against any contrite on what we can do. I think we acted appropriately, rapidly, in an unprecedentedly rapid way because of the recognition of how deep the shop was. Shock was. The when we get to that point, we will look at our tools, do what we can to support them of the programs the federal government is doing in terms of the paycheck protection program, etc. , and be prepared to use our tools as appropriate. That was cleveland fed president Loretta Mester. Yesterday i talked to the dallas fed president Robert Kaplan and he said they are not done necessarily on their lending facility. President kaplan we are continuing to look for pockets of the economy that have been overlooked and through no fault of their own are under stress. I would say my own mindset would be we should be open minded about continuing to look for areas, whether it is nonprofits, that would be a good example, the example the issue of mortgages, mortgage servicers are under a lot of stress. Our goal is to have appropriate market functioning, and the other thing our goal is is to keep intact businesses and nonprofits that went into this healthy and only are under stress because of the situation. We would like to do what we can to help them come out the other side and continue to function. In that vein i would be openminded about what else we might need to do. David which takes us to a challenging point. The socalled moral hazard. The ones who came in healthy and through no fault of their own and are under stress as opposed to those who came in not so healthy. Are you concerned about the moral hazard and how do we come off of that return to a world where you are rewarded for prudence and offer the opposite . Pres. Kaplan i am concerned about that. That is why on the corporate cutoff ofam we set a march 22 and march 23. If you are Investment Grade on that date, you are in the program. That will include fallen angels. Companies that were Investment Grade but have been downgraded. We have said we will buy highyield etfs, but that will be a relatively small size and is intended to help market functioning. David that was dallas fed president Robert Kaplan. Now we are joined by Michael Mckee who have the conversation with retta mester with retta mester. With loretta it sounds like the fed is not done yet. ,ichael they are not done yet but the programs are designed to put a floor under the economy. You heard mester say we want to open the pipes and make sure the Financial System works so whatever we do to stimulate the economy gets to the economy. What will they do to stimulate the economy . They have already cut rates to zero. They are already doing qe. Is there anything else . We do not know yet. It will depend on how quickly the economy is recovering and what sectors are recovering when we get to grow again. David some of what they have done they have not done yet, like the mainstream lending. It is not up and running yet. How long will it be until they get the money out . Weeksl that will be two to get that started. That will be difficult for everybody to do, even the ppp program. You have to have sympathy for the banks that try to do this as fast as possible. They will start getting money out soon and the fed is lending to companies that have a cash cushion. The question is how long for this virus keep everybody down . Does it keep us locked up for another two months, three months . Or do we start to see businesses getting back and earning money again. Will people spend money . A lot of Unanswered Questions that the fed has to wait for the answers to before they decide what they can do. Questions of the big is when the oversight kicks in. People are already starting to talk about we need more oversight. Michael that will be an issue. There was a lot of strange stuff built into the federal government under the tarp program during the financial crisis. They want to make sure that does not happen again. Everyone will want to know who are you lending money to, what is the actual need. There is criticism under the ppp program that hedge funds have gotten loans they did not need, but it was free money so they took advantage of it. This will be closely scrutinized by people on capitol hill. Funds,bailout for hedge not very popular on capitol hill. Thanks to Michael Mckee for the great interview and for joining us today. Coming up today, we will talk to senator Sherrod Brown about the proposal for new spending in the new spending bill coming out just before he has a call with mike prince, the Vice President. This is balance of power mike pence, the Vice President. Ons is balance of power Bloomberg Television and radio. Nowadays you do more from home than ever before. The xfinity my account app puts you in control with Digital Tools to give you the help you need when you need it. Get fast and easy answers with personalized help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Change your wifi password to a phrase thats easy to remember. Even troubleshoot your services on your own. Were working to make things a little easier for everyone. Download the xfinity my account app today. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. There is something of a stalemate on capitol hill over trying to three of the amount of money being given to small businesses. The question is what more do they need and what should they go for . We welcome now democratic senator Sherrod Brown, who will be on the Conference Call with mike pence about half hour from now. There is clearly a need to have more money for small business. What is the hangup at this point, a question of what conditions you put on the extra money going to small business, or other issues, such as hospitals and states . Recognize e every democrat and republican the need to help more small businesses. We dont want it to be just that. We know that if senator mcconnell can get that, he may not want to come back to help with hospitals, state and local governments, Emergency Assistance for people that maybe on the verge of addiction, food banks, food snap programs. The need is so great. There is a lot of disparity. Time onpending Conference Calls with food banks, bus drivers, veterans, seniors, banks. The need is everywhere. We want to do this altogether so that we can reach out. As much as the Business Community needs this, we want to see some changes in the program. Too many people that dont need it seemed to have their hands out. This administration also has a reputation of helping their friends, special interest friends more so than most politicians, and we can do all of that in a week if senator mcconnell would open up the negotiations with us. David do you have to get it by unanimous consent . It will be hard to bring everyone back to capitol hill to get a vote. Does that essentially make you hostage to any individual member . Backbrown you can point to the last vote, 960. The 0 is the key number. If you go into negotiations and there is one outlier in the senate and there are often a couple, especially on the far there are ways of doing it without bringing quorum, back, to get a to do what we need to do. The point is, lets start the negotiations now. Senator schumer is talking with the administration. The republican leader of the house is there. It should be a fiveway negotiation. We have let senator schumer know what we need. We hear from people all the time on on what our states need. We trust that the negotiations can go well and can wrap up in about a week. If we have to come back and vote, i dont want to expose my staff to it. Drive, because it is ohio, but people west of the mississippi have a pretty long trip. I think there are ways of doing this, but it has to start with mcconnell money to start the negotiations, which he has refused to do. David what are you hear from your constituents in ohio . I talked to a group of people yesterday that you may not have thought about, grocery workers. They have all kinds of levels of concern, where they work, exposure to the public, and they know coworkers have gotten sick. Them essential workers. Many of the people we call essential workers are in no offense, but the news media, pays little attention to them. The bus drivers, the nurses, janitors, security guards, Grocery Store workers. They are essential workers. Now they have to, we need them. I am privileged to be able to work from home. But these essential workers, most of them only make moderate to low income wages. We should be giving them a bonus. First of all, we should be making sure that their workplaces are safe. Workers are trying to get their companies to pay more attention to safety. Those that are not union are having more difficulty getting the Companies Pay attention to their workplace. Whenn learn some lessons the viruses in the rearview mirror. Proposals about trying to take care of essential workers, as you call them. Premium pay, sick pay, job security. Is that realistic to get this in the fourth wave of the spending bill . I think it is realistic, maybe not as much as some of us would like. One of my favorite Abraham Lincoln stories is, he was in and lincolnuse, said, i have to go out and get my public opinion. I hope that my colleagues in the senate are talking to enough people so that they really know what sick pay means. You are a 12 an hour earner, you are the principal breadwinner for your family. If you get sick, you have to work ando i go to possibly get others sick, or do i stay home when i can barely make my rent anyway . Nobody should be faced with that in society. Combativeost dugin, conservative republicans are hearing the number of those stories that maybe they will understand we really do need some longterm sick pay policies and other things like that to protect this essential workforce. Talk to us about Unemployment Insurance. A lot of money has been appropriated for that. How is it working in your home state of ohio . The difference between federal unemployment and state unemployment, most states have restricted unemployment they have reduced the benefits, the weekly dollar benefits, and have also narrowed the definition of who is eligible. In our week, people who are workers, they are eligible now. That will make a huge difference in their lives. I am hopeful that we look at Unemployment Insurance the way that we should, where people that dont choose to lose their job, and can get by with what they are getting. I am hopeful that we can extend that beyond july 31. It is clear that while this pandemic may have played itself , some people then will start returning to work on that date, but the economy will not be vaulting forward. Really appreciate your time, we know you have a busy day today. Now it is time for bloomberg first word news. Thank you. Back againstsing President Trump and some of his officials who repeated a terry that the coronavirus was set loose by a chinese lab. President trump says china is trying to shift the focus in dealing with the pandemic. A Scientific Consensus is still evolving with the leading theory is that infection among humans begin at an animal market, probably from an animal that got the virus from a bat. Pressure is worried that the worst is yet to come. Vladimir putin said that the country has not yet seen a peak of infections. And regionalral officials to work hard to get ventilators, protective gear, and other necessary supplies. Russia has more than 32,000 confirmed cases, more than 270 people have died. Japans Prime Minister says more social distancing is needed. He declared a state of emergency in tokyo and other urban areas 10 days ago and says many people are following the guidelines but not enough. Tokyo set a record of 201 daily increases for a total of almost 3000, calling the situation severe. Global news 24 hours a day, onair, and on quicktake by bloomberg, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Im mark crumpton. This is bloomberg. , jane harman of the Wilson Institute on dealing with National Security and a time of pandemic. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im david westin. Even as a pandemic sweeps the world, National Security concerns persist. We welcome the president and ceo of the Wilson Center jane harman. She served for nine terms in the u. S. Congress. Thank you for being with us today. First of all, are we prepared after we had that awful incident with the aircraft carrier, the , thevelt, are we prepared u. S. , our allies in nato . Jane its a complicated question. Nice to be back on the show. We have learned ships are germ factories. The other parts of our military, the army, marines, not the ones in the navy and air force, dont. I have heard our defense areetary esper say that we prepared, readiness is a huge focus. We will have to adjust to a make usere pandemics all vulnerable in a way that we have not planned. About some ofalk the things on your list that we need to be prepared for. Start with afghanistan. We are so consumed with the coronavirus for good reason, we forget about things like afghanistan. Jane right. We cannot forget about afghanistan. Recently,out this saying the bad guys are not waiting on coronavirus to launch attacks. A month ago or so, the administration announced a peace deal with the paladin, negotiated with them but not the government of afghanistan. That the deal is Afghan Government will let some of the prisoners go, and they will negotiate good faith with the government. Problem, the government has two elected leaders at the moment, both claiming victory. So the government is not functioning. The same thing is going on in israel. I worry that there could be a taliban takeover of afghanistan. I worry more that the missile tests in north korea, the fact that the iranians are doing provocative actions against our vessels transiting the persian gulf, could lead to a miscalculation. Betweenalk about iran, afghanistan and israel. I think they had gun boats buzzing u. S. Navy vessels in the gulf. Jane it is not new behavior, but it just happened this week. Fiveanian vessels buzzed of our ships, according to u. S. Central command. I dont think there was a response, nobody was hurt, but also on remember, there were attacks on two bases in afghanistan following the drone killing of solemani. It is not clear to me what our strategy is there. Again, i worry about a miscalculation, something that would set of others in the gulf. Iran is funding the coronavirus just like we are, they had 4500 deaths. It is very worrisome. I am not clear what our strategy is. I also wonder, is there a potential this will change the worlds relations with china . Apparently the British Government is reconsidering its position on huawei. There are various people in europe who are saying im not sure that we can trust china. Is it possible that chinas relationship with the world may be shifted because of this . Jane i think that is possible. The fact that this virus originated in china, and that it was underreported, certainly a credible claim, is hurting china. Chinas economy is hurting. Britain now also has a contract with ericsson, so thats interesting. End, theful, in the only way to do with a pandemic, is to Work Together as a world. We are buying chinese equipment, some of it is not working that is another issue. They invested in some faulty equipment to protect against the virus. Thani am saying is, rather say, great, china is failing, then not have a strategy for the world going forward, i would love to say this is an opportunity to see whether we can have a more clear eyed and appropriate relationship with china. David the United States certainly has adversaries. Beyond that, i wonder if one of the threats to National Security is civil unrest around the world. Im afraid we have not seen the full extent of this pandemic in some of the poorer countries in the world, what it can do for their population. How big of a risk is that for our own National Security . Jane i think it is a huge risk. The population of africa is the fastestgrowing population. The number of people in africa will double by 2050. We were very helpful in africa against the ebola virus. Now, it seems to me, we are not doing so much. There is a possibility that, through efforts of the george w. Bush administration, supported strongly by nancy pelosi, this program we set up to help africa, could be used to help coronavirus. If not, what good will we generated will turn, in addition to the humanitarian tragedy that could happen. We need a worldwide strategy. Building bigger walls will not stop the threat of a pandemic. We will not stop travel forever between us and the rest of the world, and we will not stop trade either. Again, i hope that we use this crisis as an opportunity, to quote rahm emanuel, to look at what needs fixing, starting at home, infrastructure, etc. , but also start figuring out what needs fixing in the u. S. Connections in parts of the world that should be our friends. David thank you so much for joining us. Always great to have you on. Jane harman, the president and ceo of the Wilson Institute. Richard trumka, the head of the aflcio. What is his plan to bring the economy back . This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Im david westin. Outlinet trump has his or how to get the country back to work, but how does it need with the needs of workers across the country . To the man who represents 12. 5 million of those workers, richard trumka, president of the aflcio. I know you have your own concerns and prerequisites even to get back to work. Us why that is so critical . Standardit would be a that is enforceable in court that would require every employer to have a plan to go back, to protect people from contagious diseases. ,ou have to train the employees and then they would have to have the proper personal protective equipment on hand to protect those employees from the disease. You have been working with the white house on this. Are they open to this . In the past, there have been requests to osha, and they have not been interested. Is it possible the white house will include this in their guidelines . Richard we hope so. We are going to try to make sure it gets done. Thousands of complaints regarding the coronavirus have been filed with osha and msha over the past couple of months, and they have done nothing because they have nothing to enforce. His administration did away with the standards. Safetyworkforce standards have to be implemented and enforced, before the economy reopens. Lives depend on that, david. David if you cannot get it done at the federal level, is it possible to do it statebystate, or even collectivebargaining agreement . Richard thats possible, but unless you do it at the federal level, you will have groups that are missed. For instance, Public Employees right now are not covered by the standard. If we do a federal standard, we would cover those federal employees, so that no matter what sector of the economy you are in, you are protected. Be protectedan when you go back to work, not just rely on luck. David a contagious disease standard is something you want to get into the next bill. What about the Worker Health protection act . Four or fivee are things that we think are necessary in the next cares bill. 22 Million People have lost their jobs in the last four weeks. We are approaching an Unemployment Rate of 20 right now. The high as we have ever had was during the great depression, 24. 9 . Those workers that are laid off also lose their health care in most instances. So giving them health care, getting it paid through cobra is absolutely essential. During this pandemic is when they need the health care the most. We are focused on that like a laser beam. David we certainly need you to be given the fact that we have 22 Million People laid off in the last three weeks. Thank you so much, richard trumka, president of the aflcio. We will have much more with mr. Trumka on the second hour on bloomberg radio. 12. 5ll talk about his million plus million workers. York, this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. You doing okay . Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. In new york, 1 00 6 00 in london, 1 00 a. M. In hong kong. Im vonnie quinn. Welcome to bloomberg markets. U. S. Stocks higher with the s p 500 gaining more than 2 in the early going, now off session highs. Investors pouring record amounts of cash into global high yield bond funds as companies test is seemingly relentless appetite for risky debt. We get the view on Corporate Credit from christina minnis. And we will also speak with robert tipp of pgim. And the debate over when and where to open the u. S. Economy. Plan,esident outlining a leaving the toughest decisions to states, days after insisting

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