Which also implies gdp will not be as bad and the final quarter of the year. David what you project for the Fourth Quarter . That is the critical question. Tracking estimates suggest that growth will fall below 1 . We do not think so. We think growth will be in the vicinity of 1. 7 , which will be just enough to keep the projections at 2. 2 for the year as a whole. David the direction is clearly down. Absolutely. The direction is showing deceleration in the main engine of Economic Activity in Consumer Spending. David thank you so much for being with us. She is senior u. S. Economist with bloomberg economics. Now we go a Kevin Cirilli in washington. How long ago was it Elizabeth Warren was almost being christened . Now she does not seem to be doing so well. Kevin she remains a toptier candidate, Vice President joe biden, Bernie Sanders, and mayor Pete Buttigieg. A new paul has are significantly slipping. You look at joe biden able to maintain his lead against Elizabeth Warren. Bernie sanders still maintaining that. Then you look at the lower tier candidates, amy klobuchar, michael bloomberg, and kamala harris, but good news for joe biden. Im told sources connected to his campaign are fully prepared for a long indelicate fight beyond super tuesday heading into the convention. Sanders campaign is also incredibly confident they have been able to maintain their ceiling. The question becomes with senator warren flipping, will the Bernie Sanders campaign be able to seize off of that support . Another unknown is whether Pete Buttigieg can expand his support into africanamerican communities. In the past week or sophie has been attacked by his political rivals on that point. David we are getting to the point where we will have to go beyond the nationwide polls. For example, when you talk about the africanamerican vote, we are talking about south carolina, not iowa. Kevin precisely. South carolina going to be a crucial early primary state in terms of where it comes ahead of super tuesday. And newe iowa caucus hampshire primary, joe biden feels confident that he will be able to get momentum heading into super tuesday fueled off of a Strong Performance in south carolina. Meanwhile, in terms of the iowa caucus, Pete Buttigieg surging to the top of the polls there. That would set up New Hampshire to be an all out political mud fest for lack of a better word on thanksgiving eve. David a lot to talk about around the thanksgiving table, or not. Thanks to Kevin Cirilli in washington. Michael bloomberg is the founder and majority owner bloomberg lp, the Parent Company of bloomberg news. Now we go to london. There is a race going on over there and it looks like they are charging and counter charging. Now we have this allegation that the tories are secretly dealing with the National Health service . as we going to the last two weeks of this race, the game is to find some issue that turns the tide to one side or the other. A rowe had two days of over antisemitism in the labour party and today Jeremy Corbyns labour party released a trove of documents they say prove or is johnson wants to sell out the National Health service to u. S. Manufacturers. One of the claims is that they would agree to shorter patent times which would result in an increase in drug prices they would have longer patent times which would result in an increase in drug prices as it would take longer for generics to come onto the market. We have seen both sides jockeying for position and trying to convince voters their offer is better and it would be damaging to the National Health service to go for the other party. David we like to look at the markets as a way of getting into the politics. When you look at the pound, it seems to be tracking according to whether the polls indicate labor will win or the tories will win but by how much. We got a big pull overnight. Yougov. Will that tell us the answer . Therese that will be one to watch because they use a new methodology that was remarkably accurate in 2017 called mrp. It takes a much larger sample and then it grabs the answers onto the different constituencies. It gives us the first real picture of how the vote might break down by constituency. The u. K. Has a winner takes all system by each constituency. That can matter a lot. That comes out at 10 00 tonight. Watchingraders will be that closely because it was accurate in 2017. Polls have been wrong before and yougov is important to say this is not a perfect methodology and a lot of these questions were asked before the recent antisemitism row heated up. David if you find a perfect methodology, let us know. Now we get a check on how the markets are reacting to todays top stories. We turned Abigail Doolittle. When i came in early this morning, the futures were all off because of trade. Now it looks more mixed. Abigial we had mixed Economic Data. You were just talking about Consumer Spending and income numbers, a little bit disappointing. The consumer is two thirds of the economy. If theres any trend, it is a oneoff. On the other hand, durable goods came in better. Mortgages came in better. Pending home sales slipped. A mixed bag in terms of the Economic Data. Overall we are looking another day of record highs. David what is the volume like . We have to be careful about reading these numbers. Abigial super light. The gains will mix if the dow is down. They are slightly larger than i wouldve expected. It felt like the moves were slightly smaller. If we close higher, the 26th record close for the s p 500 is pretty extraordinary. David we are at or close to the records. Did john deere affect that in the dow . Abigial john deere is weighing on the dow and that could be a concern because of the big ticket items. Another concern could be the vix is super low, but some are saying is complacent. If you take a look at the vicks curve which prices out for the future, it suggests there could be volatility ahead in 2020. David thank you so much. That is Abigail Doolittle bringing us uptodate in the market. Now we turn to ritika gupta for bloomberg first word news. Toll inthe death albania has risen to more than two dozen. The Defense Ministry confirmed the death, adding more than 660 others were injured as a result of yesterdays magnitude its. 4 earthquake. The country has declared today a the countrying as searches through the rubble where people are still believed to be trapped. The eu bought has pledged major policies to address some of the biggest problems from defense to Climate Change. Ursula von der leyen will be the first woman to assume the role of the European Commission president next week. In an interview with bloomberg, she said a European Defense union could play a complementary role to nato. Nato isut any question, the Strongest Military alliance in the world. The European Union has a central role. We have many european Member States that are also members in the nato alliance. Feel we do not need nato. The European Union is called upon. For example, five years ago in mali, the European Union had the will to answer to the crisis and to fight terror. Therefore, we are building up the European Defense union knowing it will be complementary to nato. Leyen hassula von der vowed to take a pragmatic approach and pursue policy priorities. President trump says talks on a china trade deal are in the final throes, but he will hold up an agreement unless it is a good one. The first phase is expected to include chinese commitment to buy more American Farm products. A possible stumbling block is how to rollback tariffs. Former president jimmy carter has been released from Emory University hospital in atlanta. He had been recuperating from surgery to relieve pressure on his brain caused by bleeding from a fall. A statement from the Carter Center says he will continue to recover at his home in georgia. Hip replacement surgery after falling earlier in the year and he fell twice in october, hitting his head at least once. Global news 24 hours a day, on air and tictoc on twitter, powered by more than 2700 journalists and analysts in over 120 countries. Am ritika gupta this is bloomberg. David . David thanks so much. Coming up, turkey with a side of data. There has been a flood of Economic Data ahead of the holidays. We parse through it with douglas holtzeakin of the American Action forum. This is this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. I am david westin. This morning we got a rush of Economic Data. The u. S. Economy expanding 2. 1 in the Third Quarter, better than initially expected. Demand for u. S. Business equipment unexpectedly increased in october by the most this year. Here to take us through it is douglas holtzeakin, former director of the cbo and current president of the American Action forum. Thank you so much for being with us. What did you make of this data . The Third Quarter numbers were encouraging, and that i saw the october numbers not quite so much. Douglas it is a great thing when you get a lot of numbers, so lets walk through them. On balance, this is a good day for Economic Data. The gdp got revised to some important places, most notably revised up. So did inventories. I would not get carried away with that. This has been an economy carried by the consumer. What has been missing his strength out of the business sector. We saw a good sales number for new homes last month and we saw existing home sales up. We have seen a record pace in 2007 for permits. That feeds into the notion that somehow we will get Residential Construction and business fixed investment. Picking up some of the loadbearing in the economy. As you mentioned, the nondefense capital goods were up sharply, 1. 2 . Really, if you took out the boeing impact from the 737 max 8 , this would look good and there would be no downside. David clearly the economy is slowing down somewhat. What does that curve look like . Is it leveling out into the Fourth Quarter . Will it come down some more . Douglas i think you could easily see it go down more and get a fourthquarter gdp number that looks like one point 7 or 1. 6 . There are tracking numbers below one, but i think those are too pessimistic. Some will be transitory. We will see the inventories run off that will depress the Fourth Quarter numbers. On the whole, this economy has been remarkable. It has taken the headwinds of the trade wars up successfully. It has had a big dropoff in Business Investment that comes from confidence and uncertainty about the supply chain, and we are still chugging along at roughly 2 . That is an accomplishment. How much of that is speak david how much of that is because the consumer . Does trade affect the consumer at all in their willingness to open up the pocketbook . Douglas i think the consumer can continue to do this. Markets are doing well. Unemployment is low. Wages are rising. Everyone likes faster real wage growth, but we are still getting that wage growth. The household sector does not have a big problem on the balance sheet. No reason for the household sector to go south. They can keep chugging along. I do not think he gets affected by trade. It has become part of the chatter. The dollar value of the tariff, while real, is not enough to stop it. I think the household sector is in good shape. David we are talking with douglas holtzeakin, former director of the congressional budget office. Lets talk about the politics because we are entering into next year, an election year. Lets talk about swing states. The New York Times took a look at voters in six battleground states who voted for President Trump in 2016 but voted for the democrat the next time around. What they concluded is they will stick with trump as of right now , even though they voted for a democrat in the midterm, they will go back to trump. Given the nature of the economy if youre looking at wisconsin or michigan or pennsylvania, is this economy Strong Enough for people to stay with donald trump . Douglas i will give you two answers because i am economist. Here the conventional wisdom. What matters is the economy and its performance three to six months from the election. Right now is not important. What is on next june is next important what is going on next june is important. If the economy is growing Strong Enough and unemployment is growing slowly, he will have a big advantage. A big advantage for an incumbent. In his case it is a higher barth because he said a lot about how obama economy was not satisfactory. If youre growing into percent in june, that does not look so great from a political point of view. That is how the economics of this election lineup. The one thing i will say is a caveat. The other stories go talk to the clinical strategist and the people who do those focus groups. What they will tell you is the economy matters less than ever before, that the election has become extremely tribal and are only a couple of swing voters that will determine the outcome. David what could trawl the economy up or down as we going to 2020 as a practical matter . We talked about the investment in fixed assets that overtime can increase productivity, but that takes time. What in the shorter term could affect the economy . Douglas the Downside Risks are obvious. They are primarily located in trade. We can also see the Global Economy slowing further. Theres a lot of weakness and that hurts the u. S. As well. That is the downside risk. The upside potential is in Residential Construction where the fed easing has helped. Strong labor market has helped. There is a low inventory. Housing has not played a traditional role in the Business Cycle since the great recession. We could be seeing a resurgence of that. That is a strong upside risk. The business is the ultimate wildcard. The large investors, the Big Multinational Companies that have big fixed assets do not know where to put them or know if this is the time to go forward. That has to get resolved to get a robust recovery. David President Trumps answer is a clear answer that is the fed, you have to keep cutting and keep cutting. They have had some cuts. Is that affecting the consumer or the business fixed income . Douglas i think it is had a modest impact on consumers through the traditional channels. We have seen better housing market, that are durable goods. It has not been dramatic. They were insurance. They were not firstorder cuts. There was a principal case to not have some of those cuts. I do not think there is stress on the fed. I think the president is mistaken. I think the other factors are more important. David we have another extension of the funding for the u. S. Government to the end of december. Does it just come down to the wall . Douglas it comes down to the wall. They started praising themselves about getting a deal on the division of the overall total funding levels, the 300 to be, the truth is they cannot get their. They cannot get it done because of the wall. They have problems with the National Defense authorization act. That has always been bipartisan. It happens every year. It is stopped because of the wall. Until they figure out how to handle the wall and the ability of the president to move money to build the wall, they will not have a deal. David thank you so much for joining us. Have a happy thanksgiving. That is douglas holtzeakin, president of the American Action forum. Still ahead, the trade wars taking a big toll on john deere. It is our company in the crosshairs. This is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. It is time for the stock of the hour. Deere is the worst performing the s p 500, shares dropping 5 on a disappointing outlook partially the result of trade tensions. Kailey leinz is here to tell us about it. The headline is they beat a little bit on their earnings but they did not get any credit. Kailey the Fourth Quarter came in in line but we have to remember the bar was lower going in. They were taking down those estimates because we knew it would be week. We also knew that about the fiscal 2020 forecast. Analyst described it as far worse than what would be expected. For agriculture and term sales in 2020, they would be down between 5 and 10 , and for construction and forestry they could fall as much is 15 . Their net income forecast missed by a pretty wide margin. The street was looking for 3. 5 million. David we tend to think in terms of agriculture, not the construction part. Construction is down more than agriculture. Kailey which is interesting. Farmers have been week, but a lot of this is about Business Investment. The company is putting direct blame on the ongoing trade war and the uncertainty it creates on the terror front and in terms of macro economics. As a result,hat Agricultural Equipment in general demand will fall 5 in the u. S. And china in fiscal 2020. What is interesting is this is backed up by usda data. We have that tract on the bloomberg terminal. Former Capital Expenditures have fallen 16 since 2017. Youre seeing reluctant to spend on new equipment. That is not just a problem for john deere, it is a problem for a lot of its peers. Youre seeing cnh industries falling as well. David is a stories of farmers going bankrupt. You see stories of farmers going bankrupt. When i was at disney, espn was known for sandbagging their budget. Any chance there is little bit of sandbagging going on . Kailey it is possible. He took the helm three weeks ago, so theres a chance he is being too conservative, and our analyst say they think that is likely, but you can see why exercising caution is a good idea given you have no idea what is coming three months, six months, a year down the road, especially in terms of trade. There is still uncertainty whether we will get to a phase one deal. What it will look like for agriculture. In that unclear environment, maybe it is better to hedge a little bit and err on the side of caution. You have to consider if the worstcase scenario comes to fruition. You have to do crosscutting and restructure and it has big implications. David a great report. Kailey leinz from bloomberg. Next, turkey is testing the Russian Missile system we have heard about in the clock is ticking on u. S. Sanctions enters those as a result. We talked to a retired Brigadier General. Power onbalance of Bloomberg Television and radio. When it comes to using data, everyone is different. Which is why Xfinity Mobile is a different kind of Wireless Network that lets you design your own data. Choose unlimited, shared data, or mix lines of each and switch any line, anytime. Giving you more choice and control compared to other top wireless carriers. And now get 250 off when you buy a new Samsung Phone during Xfinity Mobile beyond black friday. Plus, you can save up to 400 a year. Click, call or visit a store today. David from new york, this is bloomberg etf iq. I am david westin. Lets go to ritika gupta. Wicked weather disrupting Holiday Plans on one of the busiest travel days of the year. 55 billion people are expected to hit the roads or flights for the thanksgiving holiday. Two severe storm systems are creating travel problems. Parts of colorado have been hit by one foot of snow, causing multiple accidents and treacherous roads. High winds in new york city are threatening to grand the massive balloons that are a big art of the annual macys thanksgiving day parade. The governor of massachusetts has signed into law a ban on the cell of flavored tobacco and vaping products. The move by the republican governor makes messages is the first to enact a permanent statewide ban. A statewide Public Health emergency was ordered and a temporary halt on the sale of all baking products. The Trump Administration may strike back. The u. S. Is considering whether to retaliate with tariffs. Trade representatives are investigating the matter. It will announce its findings monday. The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons nerve today to ban a agent developed by the soviet union during the cold war, which was to infamy when it was used in the attempted assassination in march 2018 of a russian spy turned aa agent. It is the first time the Global Chemical weapons watchdog is updating its list of banned substances. Global news 24 hours a day twitter. D at tictoc on i am ritika gupta. This is bloomberg. Warned turkey. Not to purchase a new Missile Defense system in russia, but president erdogan did so anyway. A retired u. S. Army Brigadier General, former assistant secretary of defense for clinical military affairs, and he comes to us from washington. Welcome. Lets start with the National Security implications of this uruguay is the United States implications of this era is the United States so concerned about this system . The raiders primarily. The raiders have the capability , those that are part of the consortium, we have great concerns that that can start taking apart its self profile. So this is a capability that the turks have which we expect the russians to put a backdoor on. Makewould, in many ways, it very difficult for us to maintain the air superiority of the f35. David turkey, as a part of nato, is the rest of nato as concerned with this as the united needs is . It is not just the radars. Turkey announced they may reconsider their nato article five obligations. An attack on one is an attack on all. This is one indicator that turkey is moving away from the nato family and starting to look elsewhere. And that has europeans more concerned than anything else. Kimmitt, why is president erdogan doing this. It is pretty clear why putin would want him to do this, giving advantage to russia, but why is president erdogan doing this . He has had some concerns for years and years about the European Union failing to bring turkey into the eu. He also had some concerns about the United States allowing an enemy of turkey on its borders, and now it is working alongside of those tariffs. Candidly, putin would like to get his claws into turkey and gain more influence. Turkey is a very important ally for us and has been for years, has the largest army in europe. And there are a lot of reasons for us to want to stay close to turkey, but erred again is making it but president erdogan is making it very hard. Automatedre could be automatic sanctions. It clears that can move forward. Do you expect the u. S. To post sanctions unless turkey takes a different path . I think that is up to President Trump, but sanctions could be voted on and President Trump could override them with a veto. I think it is more about the relationship between President Trump and president erdogan then what is happening inside the u. S. Congress. David we had the u. S. Ambassador to nato on recently, kay bailey hutchinson, and she said she thought there was still a possibility of pulling back on the 400 programmer turkey. She had not given up. Seems late in the game, isnt it . I think turkey would like to see the United States make some significant steps. They want the United States to clear the ypg, this area incurred group on their borders, a terrorist organization to declare them a terrorist organization. The goo lawn in pennsylvania erdogannent of the administration in pennsylvania come i think he is ratcheting the issue up until the United States shows willingness to address those issues that he has concerns about. David retired Brigadier General mark kimmitt. If you were the advisor to the president right now and your only goal would be u. S. National security, what would you advise him to do when it comes to turkey . I think it is time for them to meet again face to face. Every time they get together they seem to come up with some sort of agreement. I would also try to get congressional support for the president before he talks to erdogan because everything he says can be undone by congress. We need to keep turkey inside of nato. We cannot let it drift into the russian hold. It is too important of an ally and has been for years. Isid mark, how much of this really National Security concerns or Even Economic concerns, but how much is it values . President hartigan as a particular set of values that may align more with president putin than with the west. I would say that his values are still closer to the secular the concernsy are we have with some of the countries we are working alongside in the middle east. The Cultural Values are more islamic that were concerned about. His country is becoming more and more islamic. He himself is pushing that, building one of the Worlds Largest mosques right in the middle of the tourist area. So i am less concerned about his leaning towards russia, more culturally leaning towards iran and the middle east. David if you were going to guess or give us your best estimate, how long before the as 400 system would be fully operational once they started testing . They are testing now. I do not see it having problems being fully operational in the next six months. David so we are really up to get up against it as a practical matter . You can always turn them off. When they start turning them on and collecting intelligence, potentially having a backdoor on that system so the russian intelligence can read it, he needs to be as concerned as anyone else. Two many thanks to mark kimmitt. Much more with general kimmitt in the 1 00 hour of bloomberg radio. There is a lot more to talk about in the region, which he knows well. Latvianp, the former Prime Minister was elected to a senior position on the European Commission today. We talked with him about what is on his agenda. That is next on bloomberg etf is next on balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. Evision and radio. David this is balance of power on Bloomberg Television and radio. I spoke with the newly executive Vice President of the European Commission, and we asked him what the economic goals are for the next European Commission. If you look at the next European Commission, we will be digitalwith green and transformation of eu economy, so we announced intention for irope to become part of nato 2050, working on europe and the digital age. And Major Economic transformations, we need to ensure that we preserve our european model of social market economy. And this will be also one of my tasks when working on the economic and social matters. David mr. Commissioner come on the question of green, i know you have said you would like to see some reforms made within europe that will make it easier for banks in europe to make loans for green investments. Is that possible within your jurisdiction or does the European Central bank have to sign off on that . Financing, it must be said that it is much broader, so we will be working on sustainable Europe Investment to one trillion euros of investment over the next decade. And we will also be setting the framework for private finances, so we will be working on our ,ext sustainable action plan providing some support to green and sustainable growth. Green mortgages will be part of that discussion. This is one of the questions we are putting for the preparation of the next Sustainable Finance action plan. David as you suggest, this Green Initiative will require a fair amount of investment, infrastructure investment, and europe. Will that take the place of fiscal stimulus . Will that provide the fiscal stimulus needed for European Growth as an economy overall . We will be both public and private investments and so we are looking at what can be , andat the eu budget level we are proposing the mainstream of eu budget, 25 of the next eu budget to go for the sustainable goals. We will work with Member States to apply the same sustainable budgeting principles in the national Member States. We will be working with European Investment banks to ensure that by 2025 affect the lending and half of financing will be related to climate. So we will need to work with both public and private financing. As regards fiscal stimulus, of course this is a question of a bolder macroeconomic picture, so. O allens balance move toward as a Banking Union in europe. Thehat achievable within next six months or a year . As regards to Banking Union, this already we have two out of three pillars, and we talk about single supervision and single resolution. In the next mandate, it will finalize the work on the third pillar of Banking Union, which is european deposit insurance scheme. Indeed, banking unit is going to be one of the next European Commission priorities. David might interview with the European Commission vice for Financial Services and the euro. Coming up, fighting Global Hunger this thanksgiving, how i push for Food Security is getting harder because of Climate Change. That is coming up next. Is balance ofs on Bloomberg Television and radio. David this is balance of power. Tomorrow americans will sit down for thanksgiving and share a meal with family and friends, but not everyone will be that lucky. Concern rolled white is an International Humanitarian organization with which works with some of the worlds most vulnerable people, including the fight against Global Hunger. We had the u. S. Ceo of concern worldwide calling kelly. Good to have you here. Lets Colleen Kelly. Lets start with the nature and size of the problem. We all know that the Sustainable Development goals have been put in place with goals of number two of reaching zero hunger by 2030. And we have been making huge strides against that for years, but we have now kind of hit a plateau. One of the things that is starting to cause that to happen andore crisis and conflict also Climate Change. David how big a factor is Climate Change . We looked at a map and a lot of the problems seem to be in Subsaharan Africa and maybe south asia. Correct. It is very interesting that the people contributing the least to Climate Change are actually getting impacted the most, and that is creating huge problems, as you saw in Subsaharan Africa. For example, in the horn of africa over the years, the onceinalifetime or once in a problems happening now every year. The droughts are getting longer. The rains are getting shorter and more violent, causing flooding. That not only takes away people being able to plan and being able to build their agriculture that and harvest, all of is getting messed up, so it is very hard for people to continue. So what that does is create problems for people and insecurity and inability to feed themselves, therefore taking off more hunger events. those areas seem to sustain themselves through agriculture, and so this will affect them. How much of a concern is there as opposed toom addressing because i get some supply and food Going Forward . Waybviously, prevention is cheaper than solving the problem and way easier without people dying and all of that. So we are usually involved in not only handling the actual emergency working with people to learn some climate learn agriculture plans, learning how to function in this new world that is happening. David how do you get funding . We are based in ireland and have been around about 50 years. We have been in the United States 20 years. Our funding is from governments around the world, including the u. S. Government, involving foundations and corporations and individuals. David how do you find corporations or how do they find you . That is a great question, too. I was part of a program at Oxford Business School addressing this problem of how corporations can find and use ngos where there are experts on the ground that need to be on corporationsd use to help scale up the efforts we are doing, so we are discovering that there is a big lost in translation with big corporations. They want to do this. It is being pushed up from their employees, from trying to get new talent, and people are saying, are you really doing something or do you just have traditional grantmaking machines . So we really want to connect with corporations and help them because they are going to need the experts on the ground, especially as we move into more conflict zones, the harder to ethiopia, yemen, syria, all of those countries. David when you get corporations to work with, do they come from food and agriculture sectors or are there across the spectrum . Does have been some of the initial corporations we have been working with. We just did a huge partner with Archer Daniels midland, and they are obviously in the food business, but they went beyond and talk to us about the kind of programs we do and how they can help and how they can get involved. They want to make it part of their communications about what they are doing, and we hope to expand the program to talk about the future of how maybe some of their technology or innovation can help do the work we do on the ground. David you mentioned the originalcame from the crisis. How much of it has really been ass developed countries and opposed to developed countries . We have food problems in the u. S. , as well. Always focused on those first. If we are going to solve world hunger, that is the way it has to happen. We are also there because these places are often very insecure without governments or there are wars going on. So that is were refocused, but it is true that there is hunger around the world. Ceod Colleen Kelly is a for concern worldwide. Were talking about hunger on the eve of thanksgiving, not can coincidentally. You talk about the millennial goals, how far off of those are we . 2030 and we were supposed to eliminate hunger. How far behind are we . We were making huge strides, and in the last year or so some of those great gains started to level off or be mitigated by more conflict around the world and this climate. Truthfully, we need corporations and foundations to come in, and corporations will help scale up this. We will not be able to tackle this problem without the help of corporations. David does concern worldwide actually have employees that go to the locations to address this or do you work with contractors and people on the ground locally . We have offices in all 24 of those countries and have people on the ground. We work both with international stuff but a lot of National Staff because you need that for the cultural, and all of what we do, it is all about talking to the people to make sure were doing the right solutions. You cannot do that unless you know the people youre working with and what their needs are. David those of us who have thought about this program tend to think about the World Food Program. How does what concern worldwide does fit with the World Food Program . All of the Different Things going on we are often kind of differentme of programs, the guys on the ground that are working with the local communities in the hardest to reach places. what should people know about the food problem around the world . It is here. We are making great strides. We need corporations to scale up to tackle the problem. They can be done. We have the tools and language to use on the ground, but we would like to work with corporations to help make that happen. If it really great to have you here. For concerny, chief worldwide. Coming up, balance of power continues on bloomberg radio, and we have more with retired Brigadier General mark kimmitt. On whye have information the redskins owner is rolling in the dough despite his pitiful football team. Balance of power on Bloomberg Television and bloomberg radio. Everyone uses their phone differently. Thats why Xfinity Mobile lets you design your own data. You can share 1, 3, or 10 gigs of data between lines, mix in lines of unlimited, and switch it up at any time. All with millions of secure wifi hotspots and the best lte everywhere else. Its a different kind of Wireless Network, designed to save you money. Switch and save up to 400 a year. And now get 250 off google pixel 4 during Xfinity Mobile beyond black friday. Thats simple. Easy. Awesome. Click, call or visit a store today. Fu. Let i am scarlet this is bloomberg etf iq. Gupta. Charles schwab ones to only brokerage industry tomorrow with a block west or purchase of tdma trade. The next big thing paving the way for capita group and other fun giants into the etf world on their turn. And should you make this turkey the center of your investment menu . We will dig into the details in

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