Would steal my tax refund. It made me angry. He opened an account here and here and here. They want a payment for things i did not do. ToIdentity Theft can happen everyone. What does that mean for you . Find out as we taken inside look at Identity Theft with lifelock. Here is tom jordan. Technology makes Identity Theft easier and easier. If you use a smart own to shop online, fill out forms, you are at risk. Even your personal information is vulnerable to identity thieves. Therenformation is out and buying and selling it is big business for criminals, who can steal your identity from almost anywhere in the world. You are more likely to actually have your identity stolen van your car stolen or hanvan your car stolen t your car stolen or your home burglarized. If your personal information is out there, it could be used again and again. It is not there for one person, it could be spread out the numerous these all over the world. Tom how much do you know about Identity Theft . Is it just crooks making charges on your credit card . Think again, credit card fraud is only a small part of Identity Theft. It is only a small tip of the iceberg. Thieves commit much more serious crimes, they can take out loans in your name, steal your tax refund, even use your medical insurance to file claims. They can even use your name when they are arrested. Somebody obtained tickets pretending to be me, giving my information to police officers. My employer told me that i had seven days to clear out or i would be unemployed. I had to prove i was innocent, because to them i am looking guilty as if i have something to hide. Tom there is a new victim of Identity Fraud every two seconds, and one in four people have already experienced it. And 16 billion was stolen in 2016, millions of records were exposed in 2015 alone. If you have a Social Security number, it could happen to you. Is there anything you can do about it . I signed up for lifelock. We have somebody in our corner to help fight that fight. Tom millions of people have made the smart choice to become members of lifelock, because it is the best protection. Lifelocks awardwinning technology scans hundreds of millions of transactions to spot threats to your identity. If you are a member and lifelock detects your information being used, you get an alert. And unlike free credit monitoring that is monitoring your credit, lifelock detects a range of threats. If you have Identity Theft problem, a u. S. Based agent will work to fix it. We have your back. We will be there for you. We will give you the peace of mind. You have a team of people on your side and you know you do not have to go it alone. It was like, they know what they are doing. A great feeling. Tom identity thieves do not discriminate based on location or age. I have been a victim and even my daughter when she was seven years old had her Social Security number stolen. When it happens to you, you need to be prepared. Today, we will take a close look at the world of Identity Theft so you can understand where you are at risk and how to protect yourself. In my early days with the fbi, the crooks would go into a bank with sunglasses and a hat, they would get caught and face 10 years in prison. Now they take peoples identities. Tom jeff lanza was in the field for 20 years and he is an expert in Identity Fraud and cybercrime and he believes Everybody Needs help protecting their identities. Tom 10 years ago i did not even think about Identity Theft. But then unfortunately i became a victim. I think most people think if they have a problem with their bank, their Credit Card Company, will just take care of them. Depends on what the problem is. If it is credit card fraud, somebody used your existing credit card or cloned the card, the bank will take care of it. But that is only one part of the problem. There is a much broader problem, and that is when somebody steals your identity and they have your id, Social Security number, they apply for accounts in your name and you do not know it is happening. You may not figure it out until you get a call from a bill collector who says you are past due on a credit card that you did not know you had it. Tom so you are on your own and you are blind it is happening because nobody is looking out for you. Thats right. We have jobs, family, we have our life and you want to take hours out of your day for weeks at a time to figure out how to correct the problems the identity thief caused . If you were going to do that, i do not know how much time it would take or where you would begin to do that. You do not have the technology to do it. Tom what can we do to protect ourselves . The earlier Identity Theft gets detected, the sooner you can address the issues and to stop it. That is where lifelock comes in. They deal with this every day. So when people get their identities stolen, they know what to do and they help you through it. You do not have to think who do i call and how do i handle this . They will take care of that and that alone is great peace of mind. Even if it was going to happen to me, i have somebody who will work for me and help me get through it. Tom Technology Makes our life easier, but it also makes Identity Theft easier. Jim stickley is a Cyber Security expert that is paid to think like a hacker and we asked him to show us how criminals take information from us when we are least expecting it. Jim nobody thinks they will fall victim, but check this out. In a cafe like this, people have this idea they are safe online and they feel like it is provided from the cafe, so it should be safe. The reality is, Something Like this, a device can be brought to a local cafe, set up in front of people without them knowing it and instead of connecting to the wifi in the organization, they will be connected to this wifi device. And if they type in login credentials, i got them. If they type in credit card information, i get that as well. So all this information can be captured by the criminal and they can use that information to commit Identity Theft. I do these scams to show people what is going on out there. Criminals are finding new ways to rip people off. And the bottom line is you need somebody in your corner. That is why this makes all the difference in the world. Tom if youre a member, you will get alerts like this when lifelock detects your information being used. If it is you, no problem. If not, the agent will do all the work for you to fix it. They have the expertise to get the job done. And that could save hours, days, even weeks of your time. Our responsibility and pride is making sure we do what we say we are going to do. So i want to let the member know exactly what is going to happen during our phone conversation so we can create a plan for us to start working on getting the issue resolved. We help with all those different types of Identity Theft, the smallest credit card, it could be home mortgages, tax fraud during tax season. I could work any case for you. My cell phone goes off and it is just past 6 00 a. M. And it is a text from lifelock, somebody attempted to use my name and Social Security number to open a credit card. They filled out an Application Online with a 10,000 limit. Lifelock caught it and notified me and we were able to stop that credit card from ever being issued because we caught it early enough in the process. Tom if your identity is stolen, dont you want the problem handled by professionals . A Credit Card Company might help you with a charge, but lifelock does more. They are completely dedicated to resolving all types of Identity Theft and helping you protect personal information beyond just your credit cards. Dont wait until you are a victim. Here is how you join today. Announcer how vulnerable are you . Do you shop online or give out your birthday or Social Security number . Do you use a smart phone . One in four people have been a victim, could you be next . I was scared. She had my telephone number, Social Security number and she was able to make a purchase for 8,000. I was hit with 12 Different Cases of theft within three days. How did somebody get a hold of my information and become me . When your identity is stolen, you just feel violated and so helpless. And knowing you have lifelock, it just, you have this whole team of people on your side and you know that you do not have to go alone. Announcer now, its your turn. Join the millions who made the smart choice to become members of lifelock, the number one was recognized brand in identity that protection. A membership means you have Technology Working for you, scanning hundreds of millions of transactions every second to detect and alert you. If we detect your information, we will send you an alert. If you have a problem, a dedicated u. S. Based agent will be assigned to your case and fix it. When i am assigned to a case, i am the restoration specialist through the term of the membership. Announcer while credit monitoring only alerts you to changes in credit, lifelock protects in a number of ways. And helps to observe problems. They will not just monitor your credit, they will be there to help you afterwards. The credit monitoring agencies will go, you have an issue, it is on you. Lifelock says, let us help you. If you are a victim of Identity Theft, a u. S. Based agent is assigned your case and you will have protection up to the limits of your plan. They know everything. I do not have to think about how do i fix this. I turn it over to lifelock and they help me. Announcer when thieves steal your identity, it can cost you time, money and peace of mind. Be prepared so you do not deface it alone. Start your membership for as little as 9. 99 a month. Every member gets detection and alerts, a u. S. Based agent assigned to your case. 1 million protection package for lawyers and experts. We have an alarm system on our house and we did not wait for our house to be robbed to put it in. I want somebody on our side to be proactive and protect their identity. Announcer and listen to this when you call today, and you use the promo code tv 60, you get 60 days riskfree. For extra security at home, we will send you this document shredder for all of your unwanted documents. It is free with your annual membership. Your identity matters, so do not wait. Call right now. Start your membership today. Enroll in minutes. I feel like not having lifelock is like not wearing a seatbelt in your car. Why would you do it . Lifelock. Call the number on your screen. Or visit trylifelock. Com. You get a free shredder with annual membership. Start your membership today and get the best protection available. Call right now. Use promo code get15. Tom whats the difference between facing Identity Theft alone and having lifelock . Meet jamie and elaine. They had their identities stolen. Jamie did not have lifelock and she struggled for 2. 5 years. I thought i would call the bank and rectify the situation and that would be all. And it was not. There is so much to handle that you are not even aware of. I talked to, i cannot even tell you how many people at different agencies. There was always something else, another number to call, another avenue to try to exhaust or clear up my credit and it did not happen. 2. 5 years i tried to deal with this on my own. And i got nowhere. Tom when criminals tried to use elaines Social Security number, lifelock detected it and they sent her an alert and she spoke with a lifelock agent. Elaine the representative said she wanted to conference me in with the Cell Phone Company to verify it was not me and they turned it down, the application. It was a very easy process and that is why i am glad i was a member of lifelock. Tom so what exactly does lifelock do to find potential threats . I spoke with the chief analytics and science officer of lifelock to find out how their technology works. Tom doctor, thank you for being here. My pleasure. Tom tell me about the proprietary technology. We do a variety of things. Its really cool. Lifelock has exclusive technology that monitors hundreds of millions of transactions, watching for applications to credit cards, retail credit, cell phones and even loans and mortgages. We look for the use of your personal information, such as your Social Security number, so we can confirm your transactions really are yours. Tom and then you alert me if you see something out of the ordinary . Thats correct. If a member gets the alert, they have the opportunity to say, that is me. But if it is not them and they are just sitting watching tv, and they get an alert, they can press a button and contact lifelock. And then we can working to shut it down. Our primary purpose is to protect members from Identity Fraud. That is the reason we started, that is our purpose in life and our reason for existence. It is a huge amount of relief for our members that say, i do not know what to do but i know who i can call and they make the phone call and the agent takes the lead. Their job is to take back the effort and energy off of your plate and get the quickest result. I probably talk to six or seven people and each time i had to tell my skirt. That person said i cannot help you come let me transfer you to this person. When my lifelock agent not involved, she knew exactly who to talk to. It was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I do not know what i would have done without lifelock. Here is another scam. They will give you an 800 phone number and it will be forwarded and they will pretend to be from your financial institution. You get home and hear a message and you are concerned. You call the 800 number and they will say for security purposes they need to know your Social Security number. People do this all the time. May i verify your Social Security number . As far as you are concerned, you just took care of a problem with your account. Perfect. Give may just one second to pull up your account here. In reality, you gave up your personal information. That is all they need. No problem. And that is how easy it is to take somebodys Social Security number. In 2015, i got a letter from the irs saying they needed to prove my identity. Somebody had filed a return in my name. To know that somebody knew enough about me that they could go through with filing a tax return with my name and my Social Security number, it felt wrong. When i called my lifelock agent and when she started going through the process, the steps, it was like, and they know what they are doing. Great feeling. Tom do you shred your documents, have strong passwords, have a Good Relationship with your bank, do you believe these will protect you from having your identity stolen . They are not always enough. Lifelock members have protection in place before something occurs. If Identity Theft hits them, they have somebody on their side to help catch it before a spark of a problem turns into a forest fire. And that can make all the difference. Announcer like it or not, your personal information is out there, stored by insurers, employers, schools and more. Its everywhere and it could be stolen. Its no wonder one in four people have been a victim of Identity Theft. If your identity is stolen, who will work with you to resolve your case . Dont face identity thieves alone, there is something you can do to help protect yourself. I signed up for lifelock. We have someone in our corner to fight that fight. Announcer join the millions who made the smart choice to become members of lifelock, the number one was recognized brand in Identity Theft protection. A lifelock membership means you have awardwinning Technology Working for you, scanning hundreds of millions of transactions each second. If we detect a threat, we will send you an alert. If you have a problem, a dedicated agent will be assigned your case and to take the lead to fix it. Every single time the lifelock agents, if we have had to stay on the phone too long, the agent will always say, let me take this and i will call you back when i get them back. And i feel like they really respect my time and me. Announcer while free credit monitoring only alert you to changes in credit, lifelock takes the range of identity threats and help to resolve problems. They will not only monitor your credit, they will be there to help you after if something happens. Announcer if you are a victim of Identity Theft, a u. S. Based agent is assigned your case and he can feel confident knowing you are covered by the 1 million production package, including lawyers and experts, and reimbursement up to the limits of your plan. You have a team of people on your side and you know you do not have to go it alone. Announcer start your membership right now for as little as 9. 99 a month. Lifelock members get Identity Theft protection and alerts. A u. S. Based agent working to fix your case. Reimbursement of stolen funds and personal expenses up to the limits of your plan. And listen to this when you call today and use promo code tv 60, you will get 60 days of your membership risk free. Use promo code get15. For extra security at home, we will send you this document shredder for your unwanted sensitive documents, a 29 value is free with your annual membership. Your identity matters. Do not wait. Call right now. Enrolled in minutes. Having lifelock to help us, we did not feel like victims anymore. Announcer lifelock, call the number on your screen. Or visit the website. Use promo code tv 60 to get 60 days riskfree and a free shredder with annual membership. You must use promo code get15 today and get your free shredder. Start your membership today and get the number one most recognized brand and Identity Theft protection. Call right now. Tom if your identity is stolen it can be by one culprit, but it could also be organized crime, criminals breaking into servers, breaching the personal information of thousands or even millions of people at a time. Your information could be included. [sound of typing] jim what happens when your information is stolen in a breach, what do the criminals do with your information . Unfortunately, it ends up on the dark web, a place where criminals can put up for sale with little risk of ever having that information traced back to them. So let me show you an example here. In this particular case, this is somebody that has put up medical records for sale on a black market website, including things like your name, your address, your phone number, Social Security number, date of birth, all the information that makes you who you are is for sale in this big bundle along with 48,000 other people. Think about it from a criminal standpoint, they will take the information and now they can start committing all types of fraud. They can do things like open up new charge accounts, get a new loan. They can get a fake id that has your information, but their picture. In and they will open up lines him and of credit that are him billed back to you. It does not matter how good you are protecting your information, fraud occurs. And lifelock can address it before it becomes a major issue. I have always heard of data breaches and you always think it does not happen to you. It did. My information and others had been breached during Christmas Shopping season by a major retailer. And i thought, i need to protect my family. I called lifelock and it was so simple and i actually kick myself for not doing it earlier. I like knowing there is an alert. Lifelock makes me feel safe knowing somebody is concerned about my future and my children. Tom why cant free credit monitoring handle it for you . It spots changes to your credit, but what good is seeing a problem if you do not fix it . Lifelock alerts you to potential problems and help you to fix it. If you are a victim of Identity Theft, you need that to make sure a problem does not get out of hand. It is something that is out of my control, i cannot protect my identity all the time with everything i do. Bad people will get your information whether you want them to or not. I have really a teammate knowing that they are keeping an eye out for things, things that could not do myself. And having them on my side, it really is that i could just relax and take one worry off of my plate. Tom protecting your identity is a Smart Financial move. Personal finance expert and journalist cox helps her clients with their portfolios. Here is what she had to say. Miss cox you might be doing things right, saving, planning for the future, investing, those are great. But if you have not taken time to protect yourself against the real risk of Identity Theft, you have not secured your familys finances in a way that is smart. This is financial protection you cannot afford not to have. It is like those people that say, i am too cashstrapped and i cannot afford to save, i say, you cannot afford not to save. Life wise, you cannot afford not to protect your identity. A lot of times, the members are so grateful because they do not know how they would have resolved it on their own, those cases that take a long time, members say i would have given up a long time ago. Tom most of us procrastinate more than we should. We know that Identity Theft is a real problem. We think we will put a plan in place someday. Now, maybe you have thought about joining lifelock and you have not gotten around to it. Why not join right now . Put somebody on your side to spot problems before they grow. And then to help fix those problems. Do not wait. Do it right now. I have been attacked seven times since 2011. And each time lifelock was there to help. I am going to be a member for life. The value is priceless. What is more important than making sure the only you out there is you . Now it is your turn. Join the millions who made the smart choice to become members of lifelock, the number one most recognized brand in Identity Theft protection. A lifelock membership means you have awardwinning Technology Working for you, scanning hundreds of millions of transactions each second to detect and alert you to threats. If we detect your information, we sent an alert. If you have problems, a dedicated agent will be assigned to your case and to take the lead to fix it. We really help deal with Identity Theft, period, whatever it might be. Whether it is tax fraud, credit card fraud, medical fraud, we help our members resolve that. While free credit monitoring only alerts you to changes in credit, lifelock detects a range of threats and helps you resolve problems. They do not just monitor credit, they help you when something happens. The credit card agencies will say, it is on you. Lifelock says, let us help you. Announcer if you are a victim of identiy theft, a u. S. Based agent is assigned your case and he can feel confident knowing that you are protected by the lifelock package, including reimbursement of stolen funds up to the limits of your plan. They know everything that i could not know. I do not have to think about, how do i fix this . I turn it over to lifelock and they help me. When thieves steal your identity, it could cost money and time and peace of mind. Do not face it alone. Start your membership right now for as little as 9. 99 a month. Lifelock members get Identity Threat Protection and alerts. The u. S. Based agent assigned to your case. A package including lawyers and experts, if needed. And reimbursement of to the limits of your plan. We have an alarm system on her house and we cannot wait to be robbed to put it in. With lifelock, i wanted somebody helping us be proactive and protect our identities. Announcer and listen to this when you call today and use the promo code, you get 60 days of the membership riskfree. You must use promo code get15. And for extra security at home, we will send you this document shredder for all of your sensitive documents. A 29 value, free with your annual membership. Your identity matters, so do not wait. Call right now. Start your membership today. Enroll in minutes. I feel like not having lifelock is like not wearing a seatbelt in a car, why would you do it . Announcer lifelock. Call the number on your screen. Or visit trylifelock. Com use promo code tv60. Get 60 days riskfree and a free shredder with your annual membership. Start your membership with lifelock and get the number one most recognized brand in Identity Theft protection. This offer wont last. Dont wait. Call right now. Next, a paid presentation featuring a lively discussion on aging with televisionss favorite faces. Your host, courtney smith. They are ready for us, come on. Action. Side. I am thrilled to be here with a group of absolutely gorgeous women. Today, you will get an inside peek at one of the most groundbreaking antiaging on the market today. Secret we all swear by and it can help you feel years years younger. It is not something that will cost you an arm and a leg. Everyone at home can use it. Name but a scientific you may be surprised to hear the formula in this mixture is not made made for your face. It is made for the skin below the chin. Most forget to take care of it until they one day notice a change. If you are a woman of a certain start appearing. That chick in the thing. It starts happening to you. You see it in the mirror and you see it in pictures. Or you catch it on your cell phone, that unflattering angle. Courtney exactly. Cold plasma subd helps all of that. When you look in the mirror, what signs of aging are you seeing below the jaw line . My neck was aging much quicker than my face was. Stretched out, turkey neck going on. I started to develop a lot of fine lines around my neck and chest. I just looked old. Everything just looks yucky. Announcer if your neck looks old, now there is something you can do. Take a look at this transformation. So smooth. How about this one . Looks like a new neck. And those wrinkles . Incredible. These mind blowing results were achieved using the product that everyone is talking about. Cold plasma subd. I am looking in the mirror all the time now going, wow. It is pulling everything up for me and keeping it in place. I want to wear a little badge that says neck by subd. Announcer cold plasma subd is actually designed for the submandibular. This is the area that most women forget to take care of. Even though the skin here is especially fragile. Subd is helped to design to help fight the look of sagging jowls and wrinkles. My chin looks firmer. Not like a rooster anymore. I am elated to find subd. No one will look at my neck in the future and think that really shows her age. Announcer this miracle product is the brainchild of one of the most famous dermatologists in the world, dr. Nicholas perricone. Dr. Perricone is the living embodiment of a antiaging pioneer. His accomplishments around Healthy Aging are legendary. You have read about him in just about every major beauty publication in the world, including vogue magazine, who named him one of the best dermatologists in the u. S. He is the bestselling author of five books. They address aging and a whole new way, including the perricone prescription, and the wrinkle cure. Dr. Perricone is also a Board Certified nutritionist, celebrated for his series on inflammation and is the founder of the global line of perricone md. This is the future of beauty, dr. Perricones steadfast commitment to learning more, not just about skin but the human body in general. Announcer dr. Perricone likes taking on the Beauty Industry and has been called a scientific rebel. It was no surprise when he met the challenge of treating the aging neck. Dr. Perricone the skin is very delicate so we will see changes fairly rapidly that will make you look older. No one was approaching this problem, i had to come up with a formulation. Announcer he figured out a way to suspend them in a revolutionary substance he calls a liquid crystal. When subd is applied, it helps the next look much younger. You will catch yourself in the mirror and think i cant believe how much better that looks. I cant believe the smoothness, i dont see crepey skin anymore. I just feel and i know i look better. Announcer with reviews like these, subd has become a breakaway hit with women across the country. It is so good that new beauty magazine, gave cold plasma subd the beauty choice award. I was having a conversation with a girlfriend of mine and she literally said, im sorry. I cannot concentrate anymore until i ask you what on earth you are doing to your skin . I said im using dr. Perricone. Im using subd for my neck. I barely got the next bite of salad in and she was on the phone ordering. Announcer you will hear how subd has become a favorite of hollywood celebs who used to worry about their neck giving away their age. You can almost just use it and be great yeartoyear. Announcer plus, what happens when we ask people to take part in a selfie study . Turns out there is cheating going on to avoid a problem neck. Find out how a secret promo code gets you in on a new collection of perricone products that are have you will only get it by not been available before and not available by retail. This television offer. Stay tuned. Courtney we are back, talking about one of our favorite skincare products of all time. Cold plasma subd. What i want to know from you ladies is, before you found subd, did you have a moment where you felt selfconscious . My tv husband and i were we both at an age where we fight to be on the bottom of the love scenes. We are looking up. [laughter] selfies have to be made from a very specific angle. Then you see the reflection of yourself in the glass. Courtney it is so bad. You think you are taking a picture and it is facing you. Do you know anyone who took great care of skin on your face but completely ignored their neck . [laughter] i remember growing up, i see advertisements for just the face. The message has never been to include the neck. I think your neck changes as you get older. It is not something you notice when you are younger. But that is when you really need to start taking care of it. Peri i am so glad we have something that deals with all of it. I love subd. When you see and feel a difference quickly, it is incredible. I really love the feel of my skin. You can see it. When you look at yourself in the Rearview Mirror and go, my god, my neck looks so much better. It is hard to drive because i am looking in the Rearview Mirror so much. I am kidding, im actually a really good driver. I see definite results with subd. Lines were making me look older started to smooth out. Subd has affected my confidence level, just feeling that everything fits together again. After subd, i am not selfconscious about my neck. It is amazing. I would recommend it to all my friends. Use it now before you have to use it later. Courtney cold plasma subd is unlike anything you have seen or felt because it is a oneofakind product. To show you how to use it, lets hear from dana bledsoe, the leading authority on perricone products for all for over 14 years. Dana is an example of how fantastic and young you can use when you use subd. Dana your neck can make you look older than you are, and if you have neglected taking care of your neck, subd is a fantastic solution. I use this every day because it at 45, i was getting the bands across my neck and now i can hardly see them. Here is my tip on how you should apply subd so you get the most powerful results. As you apply subd, you will see how silky it feels. It has this very unusual slip to it. You need very little. Always apply in an upward motion. Taking it up to the chin. Take it all the way across the jaw line. Take it up behind the ears. Here is the real secret for getting the most powerful results. Apply a little bit all the way to the back of the neck and into the hairline. Dont forget to take it down to your collar bone. That is where you can get so much sun damage, causing real lines and wrinkles. Subd is a one of a kind formulation. I think we all know the pain of seeing ourselves looking old and a photo. When we take selfies, most of us try to help each other out a little. Or maybe more than a little. Look what happens will we asked people to take a flattering picture of themselves. Announcer we headed out to a Shopping Mall and we set up a unique photo booth, one where we can study how people take selfies. We rigged the whole booth with cameras. One here, one here, and one hidden behind this wall at eye level. Then we asked people walking by if they would be willing to stop and be part of our experiment. We are just going to have you look towards the wall. As they got ready to shoot, our cameras caught people adjusting their hair, their smile, and for almost everyone, the angle of their camera. I think that is a good picture. It does not look like i have several several chins. Announcer we definitely got a lot of cute photos. Look at how high each of our subjects lifted their arm to get the shot. 28 degrees, 49 degrees, 57 degrees. That high. The average increase in angle was 45 degrees. That is without a selfie stick. When they were done we asked if they were willing to admit any tricks they used to make themselves look better. There was one clear answer. The best way to take a selfie is from up above at an angle. You have to lift the phone up. When i was 12 i might have taken it here and now it is like that. Announcer the reason for the cheat was obvious. When i take a selfie too low, interesting things happen around my chin area that i dont like very much. You see double chins and the wrinkles. You want a selfie, not a necki. Announcer we are not saying you should take every advantage when it comes to producing the perfect selfie, but wouldnt you like to have something that would make your neck look good from every angle . Absolutely. If i could find a formula to help this area, absolutely. I would try anything that would firm up anything that is going on from here to here. Cold plasma subd. Is this my new plan . I have not heard of a product like this. I would love to tighten this area up. Smells nice. Can i have it . Please . I would love to take this and another box. Announcer imagine looking in the mirror and not feeling selfconscious about your neck. It is possible when you call the number on your screen and order cold plasma subd. Before starting using subd, i felt i was getting a jowl look. Now i feel the skin along my jaw line is much firmer and there is more of a distinct line. I started noticing results quickly. What i complained about before was the stretched out, almost turkey neck. That was tightening up. I was really pleased with the results. Announcer the subd with its liquid crystal Delivery System has won accolades from customers and beauty experts alike. So good, they got the coveted beauty choice award. As far as a product that is going to help with increasing in the neck area, cold plasma subd is a breakthrough. Announcer some people spend hundreds of dollars on high end spot treatments to improve the appearance of their neck, or expensive in office procedures. When you consider the time and success of those options, subds retail price of 135, you realize what a bargain it is. Especially when you see results like this. But because you are watching todays program, you can take advantage of this brand new televisiononly offer and get an introductory shipment of subd for just 69. 95. But that is not all. Call or go online in the next 20 minutes and we will upgrade your order to the perricone total neck duo. You will also get the high potency amine facelift at no charge. It can help smooth the look of wrinkles and deep lines around eyes, your mouth, even your four even your four head. Forehead. After the subd, i think this is the favorite. It is a topical treatment and look at the results. Peri i have been dealing with hyperpigmentation for a number of years. This definitely helps with the appearance of that. Making it a more even skin tone. Hello. Announcer that is two exquisite perricone products for just 69. 95. It is an amazing deal. Mention this secret promo code when you call, new 2016, and you will get two new products free. That is right. This new, exclusive offer gives you four perricone products for the price of one by using this special code. First, it is dr. Perricones eyelid serum. Like subd, this serum goes to work on the sag and troop of the upper eyelid. As the lids get damaged by sunshine and environmental aging, it looks like your eyes are not open completely. They give the appearance of a lid that is firm and you will appear more wideeyed. It will give us the elasticity to pull lids back up. This serum is my new best friend. This really helps with fine lines and making your eyes seem as open and awake as possible. Announcer the eyelid serum does not just work on the lids of your eyes. It lightens the look of dark circles and smooths the look of crows feet below the eye. It is a 360 degree product. In addition to your free eye treatment, you will get another new gift, our out of this world chloroplasma mask. With ingredients like water cress and bluegreen algae. When you first use it is white, but as you massage it in, the mask turns a rich green while it instantly revives your skin. The chloroplasma mask has been called the perfect fix for tired and clogged skin. Customer reviews are off the charts. This is the type of Beauty Products where your girlfriends come over and you have to share with them. As a soon as you smooth it on there is a remarkable color change. You are left with skin that is luminous. The chloroplasma feels more cooling and tightening, but the color changes as its on your skin. It is so much fun. Announcer by using the secret promo code, new 2016, you get all four of these of products for 69. 95. Which is a steal. What if we could make this new television offer even more irresistible . Order before the clock runs out and we will drop the price another 20. Thats right, you will only pay 49. 95 for everything you see here. That is a savings of more than 150 and an opportunity you definitely will not find in stores. I have spent 50 on something this big. What you are getting is incredible. Announcer we are so confident your skin will look younger and firmer, that we include a money back guarantee from trusted guthy renker. When they say moneyback guarantee, they really mean it. You can return the whole order if you want, even if you have used it all up. How can they make that promise . Because dr. Perricones products are that good and they know you are going to want to keep them and use them every day like i do. Announcer call the number on your screen right now. We will fasttrack your order with a free upgrade to priority shipping. You have to act fast. Mention the promo code. Dont wait. Courtney dr. Perricone is a man on a mission to unlock the secrets of Healthy Aging. We asked anna desousa to meet up with dr. Perricone. To learn about the Science Behind cold plasma subd, and how they have such incredible results. So good to see you again. Lets talk about the name of this unusual product. Cold plasma subd. Lets start with the subd. It starts with submandibular dr. Perricone which means below the jaw line. Cold plasma is interesting part of this, i call it liquid crystal. Crystal just means it is a distinct structure. Because it is a liquid crystal you can pack a lot of ingredients in their that would not usually fit in the jar. When you apply it to skin, the crystal collapses. Anna it took you about five years to understand and create the type of technology. Then you had to customize the formula for the skin around the neck. Did people think you are crazy to keep it this one formulation for so long . Dr. Perricone because they think i am crazy anyways, it did not matter much. I want to change the industry. We look it variations and try to get it to work best. It is one of my favorites. Anna how soon should women begin thinking of prevention in terms of increasing and wrinkles in the neck and decolletage area . Dr. Perricone they should start soon because prevention is easier than correction. Everyone has changes in their neck. It has worked really well. I am the mom and these are my two daughters. We all use perricone md. I am 34. My sister rebecca is 32. My mom turned 62 this month. We all have a different skin type and we are seeing different but positive results from using the same products. Our mom has 12 grandkids and they always pull at her Little Turkey neck. But they have not been doing it anymore. What does that say . Before i started using subd i was noticing all kinds of wrinkles. My skin was crepey along here. Since using subd, i can see a difference and i can feel the difference. It looks tighter and firmer to me. Just feels fresher. When i first started using subd, maybe i wont have any problems here. I did notice that my jaw line feels much firmer to me. If you are considering doing something, i would say that with the perricone products you will see results. Courtney we have been talking about how well subd works for us, but we are not alone. Look at these before and after photos. They are crazy. These are extraordinary. That is a big issue. You can see the difference in the front. And the texture and even tone. This one is amazing. She has gone from so many lines right here to complete smoothness. This all looks so nourished. The thing about the neck is you can get lines every which way. They go vertical, they go horizontal. There are so many issues to be dealt with. You look at these pictures and you can see that they all look better. They all looked tighter. They all look firmer. The lines are smoother. The pores are less. A lot of products promise a lot and you dont see anything. And do spend a fortune. Courtney and i am willing to. I have a big target on me. I am willing to. How many of us have filled cabinets with products with we spent a lot of money on that dont work . Courtney my cabinet is just perricone because it actually works. Dana because you are watching today, you have the unique opportunity to get four of these groundbreaking perricone products at a price never seen before. It is all because you are watching right now. First you will get cold plasma subd. It is so powerful. When you see the before and after pictures, you see what subd can do. Before i started using it i could see little creases and lines on my chest. I started using the subd and the lines look so much more smooth. You can see the difference. After using subd, there has been a remarkable change. It is like liquid gold. You can see it lifted. I felt so much more confident. Announcer some people spend hundreds of dollars on highend spot treatments or even thousands on in office procedures. When you compare the time and expense of those options to subds retail price of 135, you realize what a bargain it is. Especially when you see results like this. Because you are watching todays program, you can take advantage of this brandnew, televisiononly offer and get an introductory shipment of subd for 69. 95. That is a price you wont find anywhere else. Today, we are upgrading all orders to perricones face and neck duo. You also get the face lift at no charge. It helps to improve elasticity and luminosity, and it can also help to minimize wrinkles and deep lines. It gives a visible improvement of discoloration due to sun damage, hormonal changes, or just plain aging. It is a product that you will love. Fine lines, redness. Everything is different about my skin. Everything goes everything will thing you want in a skin product, that is what the amine facelift have done. This is Proof Positive that the amine facelift works. Announcer that is two exquisite perricone products for just 69. 95. An amazing deal, but it is about to get even more amazing. Dana remember, if you are smart enough to use todays special coupon code, you also get two incredible gifts from dr. Perricone. You also get the eye lift serum. It helps to firm and smooth the eyelid skin. You have never heard of that before, but it is not just that. You can use it 360 degrees, all the way around the eye area and see the most incredible result. You will see visible improvement in crows feet, in smile lines and deeper wrinkles all the way around the eye area. I was skeptical that a topical treatment would work and i did not expect to see the dramatic results. You had some redundancy in your upper eyelid. You can see the difference. You look like a different person. Dr. Perricone this appears that it is lifted. That is the idea of the product. Dana because you are watching today, you also get the chloroplasma mask free. When your skin is looking dull, when you look like you have not had a lot of sleep, chloroplasma is a must for your skin. It is so much fun because it gives you this incredible baby softness. This incredible radiance and glow, healthiness and vitality. I love the perricone products. As soon as you take it off, your face looks and feels smooth. It is fantastic. Announcer by using the secret promo code, new 2016, you get all four of these groundbreaking perricone products for 69. 95, which is a steal. What if we could make this bargain more irresistible . Order before the clock runs out and we will drop the price another 20. That is right, you will only pay 49. 95 for all you see here. That is a savings of more than 150 an opportunity that you will definitely not find in stores. Four Premium Products for less than the cost of one fancy moisturizer. If you do not try it at this price, you are out of your mind. It is a screaming deal. Announcer remember todays promo code when you order. You can lock in your discount and gifts. We will fasttrack your order. You cant wait because this is a limited time order and you will not find it anywhere else. Call the number on your screen. Or go to trysubd. Com, you will be very glad you did. You have seen how wonderfully dr. Perricones products work on all skin types. What i want to tell you is, just try it. It is the best skin care i have ever used. And i have used a lot. What i love about the perricone is how simple it is to use and how effective it is. The perricone products are doing wonderful things to my skin. I can absolutely see the difference. Dr. Perricones products, they are in a class all on their own. Just amazing. Dr. Perricone products have been wonderful overall. I feel like a new person. Announcer there is not much time left to get in on this brandnew television offer from perricone. So do not wait, get four exquisite Skin Care Products for only 49. 95. That is a savings of 150 and you are guaranteed to see results. Go to trysubd. Com, or call the number on your screen now. Operators are standing by. This has been a paid presentation for cold plasma subd brought to you by guthy renker. Announcer the following is a paid program. Announcer the following is a paid presentation for volaire. I love it. It feels like there is an air machine literally lifting my hair. I have never seen my hair go from zero to 60 in one go