A country is on a very bad course and the question is, what are we going to do about it . The question for me the question for me is, what am i going to do about it . And i decided i am candidate for president of the united states. John mark, you were they are, there on the scene, live. , the perennial, ageold question. How did he do . Mark he was more upbeat, more smiley and he will send a message to his supporters who have become a little nervous that he is going to fight to win this, and he gets the points. He did today more than i have ever seen him do. John nothing troubles me more than a disagreement with you but i have to agree. A candidate, now an official candidate. He started slow, i thought. He was very casual coming out there. No tie, no jacket, just looking like a soccer dad in that oxford shirt but as the event proceeded and the crowd and the energy and the enthusiasm built, and he sort of rode that wave, and as you said, this was the best we have seen him, and if he can keep up that kind of optimism, he will be a very strong candidate. I dont know if he can, though. Mark he is going to have to keep it up, because people are going to say, is this a one off, or can jeb bush deliver that kind of energy . Not as much policy as i thought it would be. The things about being a florida governor, being a reformer saying i will go to washington and shake things up, even though he is a son and brother of president s. John hitting 4 growth, but not saying how they will get there i always think that is hollow, but he hit the high points making it clear where he stands on things. Not bad, not bad. Mark the other thing i thought was good for him was he was surrounded by supporters. And part of what jeb bush feeds off of is when there are people around him, and there are people today who were there. And a second part of his announcement is he has to make a lot of choices, and he has to make more choices than other candidates in some ways. John, did he make good ones . John well, the biggest one everyone is going to talk about, and we talked about it when we were broadcasting and streaming the event was the absence of his father, and more pointedly, the absence of his brother. His wife was there. His kids were there, but the absence of george w. Bush, it was something they had to do. I believe as you said, it would have been worse if he had been there. But it was noticeable that the one big member of the bush family was not there, the controversial brother. Mark you can hear that there is like a little street festival and music playing, part of a much more diverse crowds in terms of economics and race then you would normally find at a republican announcement, and jeb bush is doing what his brother did when he ran for president , saying he would be a leader of a more inclusive republican party, and this setting was that he cares about education and that he once a more diverse republican party. John and the way he went about his wife, the personal side of the speech, there were not a lot of them, and they came at the end, but i think they were quite effective. And he spoke at the end of the speech in spanish, fluent spanish, for quite a time, and it will be very impressive, and it would be a big electoral asset, especially if he becomes the nominee of the party. Mark another good point was when he was heckled by some on immigration protesters who were upset about his acceptance of an Immigration Solution involving a path, a legal path as opposed to citizenship. The protest came as he was paying homage to his mother, and he very skillfully did that, paying attention to the hecklers and then going back to his mom. John and now, the candidates name came up, Hillary Clinton, who talked to the press today in concorde, new hampshire, in any event about as rare as a lunar eclipse. She doubled down on her trade position, whatever that is. Hillary clinton i have said, i will judge the tpp on whether it raised wages or whether it was good for our national security, and therefore, i hoped that we can see this time as one to take advantage of and try to make it stronger on behalf of our country. John mark, we have been waiting hillary to take a stance on the trade bill for quite a while. She still has not really, not in the way that members of congress have to, to the question is whether she is helping or hurting herself by not taking a more decisive position. Mark i think she is hurting helping herself but this is but this is part of her , campaigns view that a lot would get talked about on television and speculated about on twitter. She has moved a little bit more with their comments yesterday and today towards the nancy pelosi position and skepticism towards the deal, but i think not being decisive right now helps her, because being decisive would put her as being very exposed on the left. John well, i dont know, man. You can see the calculation here. There is no doubt about it. She does not want anybody to get to her left. She wants to cover her left flank. But that kind of calculation does not look good on Hillary Clinton, i dont think, and when you hear Bernie Sanders say, what is the deal, we all have a position. You are for it or against it. Pick a side. I think it makes her look a little bit more like some of the unattractive parts of clinton type issues. Mark pelosi clearly had a lot of ambivalence and did not take a position until the end, and i think clinton and her advisers believe the more she does this the more she can keep her left flank protected, the better. She is willing to take the hit on what universally is seen in the press as something unbecoming. John a lot of convictions about a lot of things. I think both of us think, having lived through the first clinton term, knowing what her husbands economic philosophy is, knowing how much of a global guy he is and what she has always been, in her heart, she is profree trade, but that makes the hedging on this all the more, i think not damaging but unbecoming as you put it. Mark no question, but i think they are right. If she takes a position, it is worse. They are willing to weather this storm. John jeb jeb jeb and coming up, hillary style. John miami. Just the way it is on a hot, steamy, summer night, and we want to relive the speech by the candidate known as jeb, talking about his executive experience. Jeb bush there is no going into the legislative crowd or filing an amendment and calling that a success when you are a governor. As our nation has learned since 2008, executive experience is another term for preparation and there is no substitute for that. Were not going to clean up the mess in washington by electing the people who helped create it or who have proved incapable of fixing it. John a calling card. His experience as a twoterm governor in florida, the 43rd governor of florida, trying to become the 45th president of the united states. How strong was he today on those grounds . Mark i think he had a good point, but i do not think he was nearly Strong Enough for the people not from florida. I do not think it was quite tangible enough, but he does have a confidence. He does feel that what he did in florida, given the size of the state, given the problems he inherited, he does think he can make that debate. We get on the debate stage, and people say, why is your record from florida better than scott walkers record, he shows he has got confidence about what he can say. I think he will have to be more specific about it. John yes, he was, no doubt, a successful and conservative governor of florida, but as we know, you and i both know as go around the country, we run into Republican Voters who do not know much, but they know about scott walker. He fought unions, and one for and he won. No one can tell you what jeb bushs signatures were to four things they do not lie, like common core, so i think you are right. If he is going to sell executive experience, it is going to have to sell it a lot harder to you today. I thought it was one of the weakest aspects of the screen the speech. Mark what gave him some part is heart is that the people here, and around the country have asked fairly supportive of jeb bush know his record. He doesnt a template. It is us to figure out not at a salon in new york or in chicago where he has been able to sell his record to punish him felt that a broader audience like officeholders and voters . John had a how and if its very large percentage of registered in florida have never voted for him and have never even seen jeb bushs name on a ballot. It is interesting in that battle is as important, and it looks to be on that basis that jeb bush is not in as strong a position as his rival, marco rubio, is. Mark he is going to have to sell his record, because many in the state are not going to be familiar with him. Lets move on. Jeb bush had a lot of choices about what to say and what not to say about his familys political legacy. Jeb bush in this country of ours the most improbable things can happen, as it will. Take that from a guy who met his first president on the day he was born and his second on the day he was brought home from the hospital. [laughter] jeb bush long before the world knew the names of my parents, i knew i was blessed to be their son, and they did not mind it at all when i found my own path. Mark john, it is obviously a complicated minefield to go through. How do you think he did . John we talked earlier about the big decision he made which , was to keep his brother, 43, away from this event, and his father, pretty old and pretty frail. When i can do the people who were there and the people he talked about i thought it was , pretty effective. I do not think it will solve the problem for him by any means. It would be a longterm issue, trying to get past the family name, but this is about the best way that he can make some lemonade out of these lemons. Mark yes, i thought he did a good job. The question is will this , message breakthrough to voters . I dont think so but again i , thought in terms of the written speech his Comfort Level , was strong. John electability, and the name is a huge problem for electability. Those who do not mind the bush name, you see that on a drag on his electability, and i think that will be one of the things he has to puzzle through as he makes his way towards the nomination or not, which is how to convince people that, hey electability is my calling card, and if somehow this bush name, whatever you think of it, it is not going to drag me down. Mark absolutely. The other thing is his son spoke before him, and an undervalued asset he has here, his two sons, very strong in terms of being able to be a surrogate for their dad, part of a new generation. John he spoke to the crowd and towards the end of the speech about the crowded republican field and how he plans to stand out. Jeb bush and i know there are a lot of people running for president. Quite a few, in fact, and not one of them deserves the job im right of resume, seniority family, or family narrative. It is nobodys turn. It is everybodys test, and it is wide open, exactly as the contest for president should be. I will campaign as i would serve, going everywhere speaking to everyone, keeping my word facing the issues without flinching, and staying true to what i believe. I will take nothing and no one for granted. I will run with heart, and i will run to win. John mark, i thought this was almost the high point of the speech. He was rolling by the time he got there towards the end. There is not a lot of poetry in this speech. It is mostly prose, but i thought there was a real momentum to it, embracing confidence and optimism. Mark one of the striking things was that there was a motion a motion today emotion i have not seen very often from jeb bush. I want to bring in the former chair of the florida party, who has known jeb bush a long time. Have you seen jeb bush fired up like this before . I have seen him fired up when it counts and today it all caps. This is a start of a journey. We have been in the pulmonarys, but i think you will see a jeb bush with the energy to go the distance and i think you will see them get stronger with time. Listen. He hasnt run for office from us a decade and these past few months, he was getting his sea legs. You can expect jeb bush with this level of energy and emotion from now on. Mark al, is it the case that people on the campaign will be reassured and need to be reassured by a Strong Performance by him today . Al there have been some things that were important, the resources, the staff we wanted to hire. Everything that we set up to do in this campaign have been done. The number of people who are endorsing the governor. Most of the state legislature. Mark is he the front runner . Al i think he set the bar. I think he said it in your segment just now. This is a tough contest with a lot of talented young people and i think the senator said it all. We have had a young person who had to learn in the job, and it did not go so well, and we have got a seasoned man who can be a great commander in chief. Mark what is the one thing to stop him from becoming dresden . Al somebody better than him. Ever since eisenhower, the candidate who had the best resources and has done the best job has won, and we believe that will be jeb bush. Now, if someone else can prove us wrong, me wrong, if they can raise more resources and be a better candidate, they will win. Mark you think the person with the most money, best organized will be the nominee . Al sure. Mark did you spend time with the family . Al yes. Mark how did they seem . Al very excited. This is a huge moment. This family is very close. It was really cool when his mom decided to come and join him as well. It is a very emotional day for him, and a very emotional day for me. I went to his school. I was a low income kid had no other way to get to college. Mark al, former chair of the party here and a supporter of jeb bush, thank you. John . John our thanks. When we come back, team clinton, the dodges, the spin and the , politburo, after this. John a trio of Hillary Clinton spokespeople took to the morning shows, but instead of answering questions, they gave off the distinct with of the politburo circa 1985. In case you missed it, lets go to the tape. The biggest problem for her is trust. The polls show voters do not trust her. How do she overcome that . Well, no polls show that voters do not trust her. No polls shows that. Only 42 view her as honest and trustworthy, compared to 57 who do not. You know, the way questions get asked determine a certain answer. A critical question is who do you trust to fight for you every day, cares about people like you, and that one question which was just a binomial question. The president s trade bill every single democrat running for the presidency has taken a position on except for the one who helped push it, and did she even helped write it . I think she helped write it. I cannot speak to that because i was not in the state department. Hillary clinton we are getting close to having an agreement called the transpacific partnership. The socalled tpp will raise standards and drive longterm growth. Does she not have to weigh in pretty quickly . The president can make the deal. We will see, wont we . John after the break, we will head back to miami. The big day. John . The opening act for jeb bush in miami. Is it a bad cable . Maybe we can put a mic on it. Ok. John they played the bee gees and it sounded pretty good. Mark a good group. A good event for jeb bush. We are on twice a day at 5 00 and 8 00 will stop thank you for watching. Sayonara. Emily alibaba is building its answer to netflix and hbo. 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