Well, our computer was projecting the 8th would be more important than the 6th. The events today pretty much confirm that. Trump told his supporters to go home and Pence issued a letter stating he does not have the power to overrule Congress. As I have been warning, that I did not believe Trump would be able to overturn the election without the Supreme Court ruling which they refused to look at so they have condemned the nation to what will only become a violent confrontation.
The Democrats have also won control of the Senate so they can not change everything. We should expect a Wealth Tax which will be very destructive of the economy for you will pay taxes on high marks in the market even when you lose money in addition to income taxes. The Supreme Court may be changed and denied the right to rule on Democratic issues. Sources in DC warn that Biden’s Administration will impose nationwide lockdowns and will adopt the same policies as in Europe to crush small business, reduce employment, and further the Great Reset.