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Bid Now, Win a Piece of Legend History: Auction for A-Basin Pali Lift Chairs Underway :
Bid Now, Win a Piece of 'Legend' History: Auction for A-Basin Pali Lift Chairs Underway
Arapahoe Basin Ski Area is auctioning off the last two Pallavicini chairlift chairs, and they could be yours. Bonus: 100% of the sales go to charity.
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United States
Alan Henceroth
Mary Murphy
Al Henceroth
Pallavicini Pali
Summit Community Care Clinic
Summit Foundation
Family Intercultural Resource Center
Pali Lift
Pali Outpost
Pali Cornice
West Wall
Basin Alan Henceroth
Basin Ski Area
Eblack Jewel
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