Best Life: Exercise can help with cancer fatigue and prevention
Best Life: Exercise can help with cancer fatigue and prevention
By Ivanhoe Broadcast News | March 2, 2021 at 6:47 AM CST - Updated March 2 at 4:16 PM
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Researchers credit regular exercise with preventing a number of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, dementia, depression, anxiety, and even cancer. Being physically fit can also make the cancer battle and recovery a little easier. Ivanhoe has more on the exercise prescription for cancer.
Seventy-five-year-old Linda C. Johnson admits she doesn’t love to exercise. But she started working out 17 years ago to keep up with her grandkids. According to her doctors, Johnson’s years of fitness helped her bounce back in 2018 from lung cancer treatment.