For almost two years, a jumbo-sized Diptyque candle sat on a bookshelf in my living room completely untouched. I insisted I was "saving it for a special occasion." This, of course, was ridiculous. Life is a special occasion. (And it's nothing if not unpredictable: I finally burned that candle during a days-long power outage.)
Several months into stay-at-home orders, I was reminded of this as my eyes danced over the bright lipsticks and colorful liners in my makeup collection that sat gathering dust. I could wait to wear them for a special occasion — maybe my first day back at the office, or to one of many weddings postponed to late 2021 — but... why? Instead, on a random Wednesday night, I poured myself a glass of red wine and reintroduced myself to my favorite eyeshadow palette. And fire-engine red lipstick and cream blush and a contouring palette. Because even if you have to stay inside, you can still go all out.