CiTR’s 24 Hours of Radio Art in a snack sized format. Dark Ambient. Drone. Field Recordings. Noise. Sound Art. Or something.This afternoon's Fundrive Special features new Deep Dive Sound, Edward Ka-Spel, John M. Bennett, and Incidental Press' v/a 100 Block Rock 2 compilation showcasing Vancouver’s most marginalized community of artists – the people working, living and creating in the Downtown Eastside (DTES). Plus, from the Voluntary In Nature archives - new collections assembled and curated by Canadian music historian / producer Kevin 'Sipreano' Howes - Catseye (Vancouver), Wayne McGhie (Toronto), and Willie Thrasher's Indian/Inuit Country (Aklavik, NT). Starting at 2 PM Pacific on CiTR 101.9FM, streaming at PLAYER.CITR.CA(Photo Credit: Voluntary In Nature)