Access on the tourist portal of minsk. Allacircular cola at a glance, turns, autadromes, extreme calypses, attraction parks the steel is roaring and the season is new. At the end of the day, everything is completely reconstructed, the details are wrinkled and smudged, and the correctness is correct. And you can feel the bright emotions in the park named gorkag, and chalyustkintsa in 900 minsk, for more than 50 attractions. And seleta spіs papoynіtstsa zone adpachynka in the area of kamennaya gorka. Adkryts ya planuyutsya pershaga. Trampoline circuit, labyrinth, pleasure train, and two complexes, one of which is inflatable, work is underway to purchase four more attractions, this is a pink elephant, a flying saucer, a pet cinema and interactive shooting range. He will show up. There were 112 sun rays or 37 clear zens, so many winter glimmers there were in minsk, and in special areas of vitamin d belarus lasted for two months. Remember the frosty season and temperatures, the winter of 2324 became one of the warmest in the last 150 years. The past winter season, with an average air temperature of 1. 4, ranked sixth among the warmest winters over the entire period of meteorological observations in belarus. February turned out to be very warm with the average temperature across the country 1. 7, which is 5. 2 higher than the climatic norms, also february of this year took second place in the ranking observation from warmest to coldest, starting in 1945. The maximum plus was 27 degrees, the low temperature of the thermometer showed above 16 degrees. The people of the winter kingdom are called the most fortunate, and this time they are in great decline. This is what a meteorological dance looks like. Here the truth is right, five times a day. Information is collected automatically eight times a day, skin tissues. For this purpose, for example, selecting a food source to the wind, and geta yzho vobalkamer. Highly fixed with the help of laser beams. The minsk meteorological station is the most innovative in our region. In a unique way, for example, the aerial flow of the atmosphere is high up. Up to 30 km, the complex opened in 2018. In front of us is a psychrometric booth, with its help we monitor changes in air and air temperature, here we see four different thermometers, for example, the lower thermometer is responsible for the minimum air temperature, we look at the upper thermometer maximum air temperature, there are also two thermometers, one at a time we look at the immediate temperature, the second thermometer is wetted, using it we determine the humidity. Instrumental data, as a reserve, Operational Data is immediately collected from the online mode. The courtyard is what the experts call it. This one shows the daily transparency of the sun, and this way information from all computers is sent to our main computer. We now have good transparency, our range and visibility are 70 km. Our varnish is transparent, but are located at an altitude of 15601600 m. The building of the courtyard is regularly adjusted to the International Meteorological exchange, and the weather is controlled. Dzmitry radkevich is at the insti tute of climate control, and due to the flooding of the yard, the elements floated to the rural gas station for the next 20 years. This field is planted with wheat, we see that the plants overwintered normally, they have a Natural Green color, good. Bushiness we can look at any plant and analyze its condition, the root system is well developed, there is a little damage after overwintering, this is a yellow color, but in general it is in excellent condition, we monitored the crops and selected monalites, measured the temperature of the glebe and recorded the height of the snow cover, so the season would be contrasting and extremely continuous, and the plants would grow until. Please wait for the hell of spring forecasts. Alena vidko and aliaksey sasnoski, telenavin agencies. Winter, as much as you remember, the closest and stable plus, but for significant contaminations, the unstable yard will be taken over y Central Region y beginning of this year. In the morning, most of the time there will be short, hourlong rainfalls, rain, and in months there will be wet snow, and at night in some areas there will be slight fog and ice on the roads of galalodzica. Zen temperature pavetra yes . Moral achystsiyu your soul and napoynіy ya any and milasernastsyu and those who are more. Thats all, especially on our site tvar. By, on our yesterdays issue. Premnaga of the day and yes sustrechy. Hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer all questions, are you ready for meeting with our heroine . Olga alexandrovna, what do you expect from children in the studio . Well, in general, to be honest, im very worried, because children are the ones who scan you, and its impossible to be insincere. Do you promise to tell only the truth . I swear. Good luck then. So, we welcome our guest, the director of the National Branch of the interstate television and Radio Company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairman of the belarusian womens union. Olga shpilevskaya. Olga alexandrovna, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times. I hope you dont use it, and be careful about the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well , now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself. Time has passed. Well, in short, i was born in a small town, the city of derzhinsk, or rather, even in the suburbs of derzhinsk, there is such a village as koski , derzhinsky district. This is where i come from, born in 1976, so its easy to calculate how old i am, in a completely ordinary family, with absolutely ordinary parents, with great pleasure i went to school , not like my peers at 7 years old, at 6 years old, because i really wanted to study, and i was in love with a neighbor boy who was going to school, so i really wanted to go with him, so it so happened that i graduated from school before everyone else, and then gladly went to the faculty of journalism, because i was active at school, and it always seemed to me that this. Was my future, i was never mistaken, to be honest, because. All the time ive been working in journalism, ive been doing this with with great pleasure, and i really love what i do, well, in short, you did it in one minute, so, we have 100 children in the studio, each has their own question, lets see how much time you have to answer, children, who is first ready to ask a question, hello, my name is olesya, do you think it is more difficult for a woman to be a leader than for a man . But it seems to me that it is always difficult to be a leader if you are a real leader, and not just come to sit in a chair, yes, because it doesnt matter who you are, a man or a woman, the main thing is how your team works , how you lead it, so i wouldnt divide here, to be honest, into men and women, its difficult to do any work if you do it responsibly, who did you want to become as a child, who influenced you greater influence when choosing a profession in childhood . Whoever i dreamed of becoming, to be honest, well , at that time we all dreamed of becoming cosmonauts and teachers, because our teachers were, well, just such divine people who came down to us in order to give buildings, and it seems to me that all the girls wanted to be either a russian language teacher or a history teacher, and then, when i grew up a little, i really wanted to be a salesperson, i really liked this Cash Register with buttons, my mother is a salesperson, and i liked coming to her work, watch how she communicates with people, how she helps them choose what they need, so. I had such a dream, but at the same time i wrote essays well, was a presenter at many school evenings, and once a russian teacher she kept telling me that it wouldnt hurt you to look towards journalism, well, so i looked at her, thanks to her, towards journalism, but how did you get on television . How did i get on television . Well, at first i got into the journalism department, the faculty of journalism, and then in our time getting on television was much more difficult than it is now, and television was so closed. Fairy tale closed story every student of the faculty of journalism dreamed of at least crossing the threshold of this holy place, which for us was called television. I was lucky, because just when i was a student, it was the second year, and the ninetysixth year, a new department was created that processed information for radio and television, students were recruited into this department, and it so happened that i got to work there as a student, there was no talk of big money or anything else. I just needed hands, yes, that would help process this information, thats how i took a small step to the side television, and then, of course, we talked with the guys from television, we became acquainted very quickly, when you have a desire to work, you will always, you will always have an offer, so gradually i entered into this story, which is called television, at what age did you discover your Leadership Qualities, and how did they manifest themselves . Well, actually, i didnt find them in myself, to be honest, but it just somehow happened that well , i saw that my guys, my classmates, could hear me, well, somehow listen, i always had a lot of ideas, i always wanted to participate in some kind of, you know, different processes, not only there we organized some good things, somewhere we were harmful and, as it were, well, when you understand that people are following you, well , its probably called these Leadership Qualities that are manifested, but they certainly manifested themselves in me. At school. Who is your idol among famous female leaders . An idol among famous Women Leaders . Natatya ivanovna kachanova. And among men . President of the republic. Belarus definitely, please tell me, do you consider yourself a careerist . Well, to be honest, i have never treated my career as something that is obligatory for me, so i have to go step by step along these steps, strive somewhere, it just worked out that way in my life , that is, there were people who noticed me, there were some offers, for me there is a rule not to refuse offers, i always want to try myself in something that i have not tried myself in yet, but for me this interesting, first money, first money, oh, i dont even know if i should talk about how i earned my first money, no, it was honest money, but it was money that i earned in commerce, and my youth was wasted just at the time when the first commercial stalls appeared, here are some such moments, as they were called, buysell , well, i made my first money on such a buysell story, when my friends and i were just driving along and buying something, what it cost. In the capital and they sold it for more in in his hometown of derzhinsk, this is how the first money was earned. What time does your workday start and how do you start it . Well, i will say this, since i have been working on television, and this is practically my entire adult life, my working day does not begin and my working day does not end. This is without any extra ones, because when you work in information, you have to live by it, live constantly. And you never know what. Will happen and you never understand when at what moment where they can pull you, so here it is state life at work, this is your state of life, in principle, gradually becomes, so, well, if you ask, this is what time i wake up, i wake up at 6 00 in the morning, for me this is the ideal time to wake up 6 00 in the morning, sleep i try to go to bed early somewhere at 10 22 30 in the evening, i still try to persuade myself to go to bed, it doesnt always work out, but at least i try, and hello, my name is tanya, do you sometimes use it at work with feminine cunning to resolve some issues, well, in general it seems to me, women always use womens cunning , thats why we are women, well, rather, maybe its not even cunning, but some of our feminine moments, our feminine charms, yes, when you can force men, for example, to do something just smiling at them, yes , boys, keep in mind, women, when they smile, they really want. You to smile back at them and do what they ask you to do, so you cant refuse a woman, well, probably this plan, yes, when its probably easier for a woman to join a male team, but because men are its in nature that when they see a woman, they really want to help and support, well, only if in this regard, yes, well, i think that every woman should do this, thats how you run a television and Radio Company and a womens union, is it possible to consider that you have two jobs, well, in general , the belarusian womens union is a public organization, everything i do there is my social workload, but in essence, of course, sometimes i dont even know which organization i devote more time to , yes, because thats how it is intertwined, and therefore one is a job where i receive a salary, the second is a place for my soul, for my heart, yes, where you can open up, where you have communication with women, where it is so big and somewhere, that. The manager, so thanks to them there are flowers in my office, paintings hanging, the walls were repainted in a warmer color, and a feminine color, but so on. I always have a mess on my desk, this is also probably something that is not typical for women, women usually still have order, on my desk a mess, Olga Aleksandrovna, what is in your office, in your opinion, the most unusual, the most unusual in my office, now im trying to draw the office inside, the most, well, the most unusual in my office is me, probably the black sector next in line, youll have to turn around, hello, my name is. Ksyusha, what does the womens union do anyway . What does the womens union do . Ksyusha, where does mom work . At the Republican Institute of knowledge control. And you ask your mother if they have a primary organization belarusian womens union . Yes, because in general the belarusian womens union is a very large organization, there are 165,000 belarusian women who are united in this organization. Therefore, i can tell you for a long time what we do, but in general for the belarusian womens union the woman is always the center of attention. With all her problems , questions, with all her desires, we help women realize themselves through our various actions, and in order for a woman not to be confined only to home, family, work, but to have some wider outlet, we want to show women that at any age they are capable of any selfrealization, and , of course, difficult questions that arise in women, a woman should know that there are women nearby who are able to hear her and who can help her in any way. That organization that doesnt take money from them, conditionally for some things, yes, therefore, when we need to carry out something important, grandiose or something that requires investments, requires funds, where do women go to ask for money, where, girls we go to men, thats right, and men always know that the belarusian womens union will come, and we must definitely help it, so we like the way our men treat us. Why do you think people unite in party unions . Is it for weak or strong individuals . Weak or strong, but it seems to me that it is necessary for those who are not indifferent, here you are, how, for example, some kind of community of your friends is created, yes, when you unite by interests, you have some kind of common interest, and you are this you either protect or develop your interest, there may be different options, but its good for you when there are likeminded people next to you, though , i dont know, maybe. Now, of course , the trend is a little different, and young guys like to be alone in themselves, but it seems to me that this is wrong, because its still like in a family, you have to to be a person who will support you, who will help you, who will advise you, this is why public organizations, Political Parties are created, and public organizations are organizations that are created for some kind of social tasks and interests, their Political Parties are a little different task, this is still a struggle for power, and these are also ambitious people, they have different ambitions, but they also have a common interest, they have common views, yes, some common points, how they look at things in principle the political structure of the country, how the state is structured, some political issues are discussed and decided, so it seems to me that this is why people unite, and it has always been so, well, it is common for any person to unite, even if you take the history there from the moment the appearance of man, once upon a time it was boring on earth, he had eve, yes, that is, this is the First Community that appeared on earth. But it appeared because a person also could not exist alone, so, well, it seems to me , for this, in order to go through life together, so that someone would share your ideals, so that you understood how you develop your certain positions. Is it possible to say that the belarusian womens union is not only a public organization, but a political one . Do you have political ambition . No, we are a public organization. Many people have asked me the question about when we will have a womens party, we do not yet. Does not exclude the possibility that someday we will feel that we need it. Are you generally a risky person . Are you ready to risk what you have for something new . If we are talking about. About some things that concern the risk to life, in this regard, i am not a very risky person, because i understand that my life is dear not only to me, but also to the people who surround me, and i have no right to risk it unnecessarily, and if you are talking about some things that are related to my work or career, then i always take risks in life, to be honest, so that they dont offer me something new, but some new ones new interesting projects, and new interesting jobs or Something Else something, i always go for it with pleasure, because i really like to leave my comfort zone, yes, because when we dont take risks, we dont leave this comfort zone and live in it all our lives. I am a person who constantly goes out of my comfort zone. Yes hello me name is varvara, most bloggers, celebrities and tiktokers are reluctant to show their wives and husbands, why . Well, in general , ill tell you that probably for any public person, i wont answer for them, but for any public person, the more you appear. In public, the more you communicate with people, you still want to leave Something Like that thats yours for you, a little hole, yes, that you can always go into or that you can always go into, its not accessible to the general public, you know, like that there is a phrase happiness loves silence, if this is their island of happiness, which loves silence and does not like display, then they probably have the right to it, but is your heart free, my heart, you mean now . Develops, who is able to take responsibility for himself not only for himself, but for his family. Now, if a man is able to take responsibility, if a man is able to go forward and lead his family, then for me this is a real man. I completely agree with you. Another question is, what do you mean by the concept of female happiness . Womens happiness, would be darling is nearby, well, not quite like that, of course. You know, a woman is happy when her parents are alive and her children are healthy, of course, because children are our continuation, they are our future, we see ourselves in children, yes, so the happiness of children is, well , probably that , for what any woman lives, and if a woman is lucky she has a job that she loves, then she is truly a happy woman, this is probably a womans happiness, what music did you listen to as a teenager and what music do you listen to now . Well, in general im not a very good person musical, well, in general, of course, we went to discos, of course, we all listened to tender may, now i listen a lot, because our television and Radio Company includes radio world, so i have to listen in order to understand where the Radio Station is developing, how it is going certain hits, yes, and i also like to listen to what my daughter listens to, well, im just curious. What are teenagers listening to now, and what song in your youth would you now sing somewhere in a karooke . Pink ones immediately came to mind roses from sveta sokolova and apples from the snow, for some reason i remember exactly. Now, if i asked you to sing one of these songs, would you sing it . Its difficult, but you will help me, yes you will, pink. I bring roses to her again at age, how great it is, thank you, thank you, memory of our past, memory of our past applause, is it necessary to have a Higher Education in order to work on television . Higher education in order to work on television, well , it seems to me that now its not at all. The goal is to have a Higher Education, the goal itself is to be professional, yes, because when people come to me to get a job, i dont ask about their education, it doesnt matter to me what kind of education this person has received, its important to me. His horizons, its important what hes imbued with, its important how much he likes what he does, as far as it turns out , it is clear that without some good base, it is impossible to write good material, yes, so there must be education, but what does it consist of, just in your diploma of Higher Education, or you can not get a diploma, but be very educated, an erudite person, then thats a different story, so if youre talking about Higher Education as if its just a crust, it doesnt matter at all. If you are talking about such a broad concept of Higher Education as a package and Knowledge Base that you have inside, then this is important. Hello, my name is valeria, do you like to watch tv . Very much, i do this around the clock, one might say, only when im not sleeping, im not watching tv, and then i dont dream about it often, to be honest with you. What are you, what is your favorite show or series . Yes. Transfer, well, now call it some for you. Program, this means selecting someone from those people whom i love very much , who work on all tv channels in our country, but someone cannot be singled out, so i wont say what my Favorite Program is, i love all the programs very much, right now i really love the broadcast of 100 questions to adults, yes, because well, thats how i would become a participant in this program, and as for the series, i really love everything connected with some kind of detective stories, yes, everything connected with investigations, everything related with. With some complicated situations, these are the kind of series i love. Imagine that you are hosting your own talk show, who would you invite first, which world star . Well, honestly, now i ll remember some world star and ill name you, yes, but to be very honest, very sincere, but i would make my heroes not just stars, but ordinary people, because when you come across stories of ordinary women. You understand that their stories are much more interesting, their worldly wisdom, it much more important than the story of some star, about how she ascended to some of her peaks or took some of her first steps, well be happy to see, were moving to the yellow sector, hello, my name is andrey, and what was the best day of your life , why do you think so, i believe that the best day of my life has not yet come, i perceive every day. As the best day of my life, do you know why . Because you wake up, you see this world, you can get out of bed, you can get dressed, eat, go to your favorite job, communicate with people who are dear to you, close to you, go to the gym , do what you want to do, because this is the best day, really, and if we are talking about some very happy moments in life that happen, then. And i have many examples, since my daughter recently graduated from our university in belarus, a linguistic university, there are many examples of how her peers go somewhere to study, for what purpose, well, whats next, whats the development . Further, what will happen to you there after receiving that Higher Education, do you have a clear plan for your further successful future, it will definitely be here, yes, because even because you are a belarusian or a belarusian, your country definitely needs you , and you will definitely make and build a career here, because you are a person of this country, this is your homeland, these are your roots. I would really like to know how you manage to maintain physical and Emotional Health while being a leader . I am a person who loves to exercise, and morning exercise is a must. Exercise has always been mandatory for me, and if possible, the gym, but i dont like the gym in terms of lifting some heavy weights or Something Else, i love everything that our girls do, pilates, colonetics, thats some such stories, but for me its important, i do this, emotional, well. Im lucky, i have very good teams, in which very good people work, they dont make me just emotionally burn out at my job so much that it s disrupted some kind of Emotional Health, yes, that is, well, kind of plus these are my family, whom i always come with pleasure to, who give me this recharge, some kind of emotional good recharge, i love doing this, to your right is the black sector, please tell me what is easier to understand why they put pizza in a square . Box or women . By the way, why pizza . Well , its easier to make a square box, its just cheaper in the end , in fact, it seems to me cheaper to make a square one than a round one, so they put a round one in a square one, but which is easier . Well its not difficult for me to understand women , maybe because im a woman myself, yes, so when they tell me such things, theres womens logic or theres a woman to understand, but i dont know who comes up with this, it seems to me that were quite easy to understand , if you can feel us. Yes, because a woman, she lives by feelings, she lives by emotions, she lives by some such moments, but absolutely positive ones in this life, so let s say that this is equivalent, right . Hello, Olga Alexandrovna, my name is anya, i want to ask you, what do you always carry in your handbag . In a ladys handbag . In general, my handbags are usually very heavy, they can hardly be called ladies, when a man tries to help me support my bag, he always. Asks, anyone, all the time asks what could be in this handbag, what are you wearing there, can you show . Well , probably, please show me a bag, a handbag for the studio, well , a handbag, well, not as small as i would like and a womans one, so thats what i. Said, heres a wallet, yes, here i have there are a lot of different cards here, a fashionable comb, by the way, a comb, yes, the girls know, and a cosmetic bag, which has a lot of everything a girl needs, here is a notebook this is such a musthave story, a notebook, a key holder, a passport. Just in case , well, whats here, theres also a prescription in my purse, my mother asked me to buy medicine, theres a recipe, and well, here are some icons, and the book olga, a saint, an insurance policy, and i also have rights , which i carry with me, car licenses, they are so very interesting, because they are rare, here i am i think youve never seen such a drivers license, but everyone has plastic cards, and i. With them you cant drive a car behind a traffic cop and it opens on the territory of our country, but on the territory of our country, when youre stopped by this wonderful little book of yours, they they are always so surprised, they look at it carefully , thats why i have such a rarity in my purse, its always amazing how so many useful things can fit into one small bag, we continue further, we have the purple sector, well have to turn 180. Which your favorite place on earth . My favorite place on earth is my parents house. This is where i come to relax. There, in this, in this favorite place, for me on earth, there is another most favorite place this is a bathhouse. I really like going to the bathhouse. And this is what really gives me pleasure. If you were participating in a competition, Something Like. From the world, what would you present at a talent competition . Well, im miss of the world, this is of course cool, in general i really like to dance in life, here i am i would probably dance, Olga Aleksandrovna , maybe well dance, unfortunately i cant go out to keep you company, but i think there will be a young man who will be happy to spin you into als, but come out, dont be shy, lets get applause. A very good groom is growing up. Guys, whose wisdom would be the envy of any adult, which russian writer held the position of vicegovernor for some time . Mikhail soltukov shchedrin, and because soltukov chedrin he came from a native family, as far as i know, and it is quite possible that it could be a. A pet cemetery, a favorite movie, a house of wax, a thriller, a horror detective movie, once my friend and i decided to try it, well, we liked it, but maybe you watched horror movies with them, no, i m afraid, we remember the School Program together with the project participants, i know, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. How do you feel about people who tell the truth to their face . Very positive. Well, i believe that the earth rests on these people. You must tell the truth. What if its unpleasant truth . Well, who said that the truth should always be only pleasant, but this is the truth. How often do you let your fear keep you from taking action . What is fear . I always. I explain my fear to myself, but the best way to overcome any fear is to look it in the face, we need to understand whether this fear is as terrible as we imagine it to be, and most importantly . Here is the opportunity to overcome this fear or make this fear disappear from your life, this is to do what is scary to you, so if it again does not threaten your life directly, yes, because its scary to jump, for example, from the twelfth floor, and you dont need to do this, even if it will always be scary, yes, because it will simply end your existence on this planet, you cant do that, but what if its fear in front of something new, but which does not threaten. Your life, gives you the opportunity to learn something new or develop in some direction, will not harm you, then of course you need to go forward and not be afraid of anything, because all fears are what lives in our head inside us, yes, and these fears are afraid ourselves, when we become strong, when we ourselves try to overcome them, these fears disappear because they are afraid of us. What are your fears . Well, probably the biggest fear is that, its not even. Fear, yes, its the desire for my family and friends to be healthy, theres not a single fear that you cant overcome when these people are around and when they are healthy, for me it is, for me the most important thing is only this, it is true, how do you feel about animals and do you have a pet . I treat animals very well, well, probably because that i grew up in a private house, we always had cats, dogs and cows, and horses and. Pigs, and sheep, and ducks, rabbits, we didnt have anyone, however, from the moment we moved to the city, when i had a child , i always knew that there must be an animal next to the child, because it seems to me that it makes you warmer and kinder, so my child had a cat, she lived with us for 20 years, but unfortunately in her twenties year, she died already being such an old lady, we always had an aquarium in which fish swam, and so it was always. When my daughter grew up, she had a dream to have a dog, when her daughter grew up, she earned herself a dog, because she wanted a certain dog of the ausi breed, this breed was not cheap, but she really wanted it, our dog brought us another one, well, i found a small cat in the trash, to be honest, we picked her up, and six months later we got another cat, she was found in the elevator, she was practically blind, and her daughter cured her, and now, well, it so happened that we are now we live in different places, but daughter, she has a dog and two cats, thats how i would come now in order to understand the dog and two cats, how do you feel about the draft law that it is necessary to chup and register pets, but its very positive, you know why, because there are often such cases as i told you about these cats, which we found one in the elevator, the other in the trash, well, this shouldnt happen, if we get an animal, we take full responsibility for it, and we must be aware of this and we must be responsible for it, this not a teddy bear or a teddy kitten that you bought, you got tired of it, you put it on the far shelf in the closet and forgot about it for a while, this is the one who needs to be constantly fed, this is the one who needs to be vaccinated, this is the one , who. You need to constantly take care of, this is someone who cannot be thrown away simply because you are tired of him or scratched something, so i believe that since a person, and for people to do this consciously, have pets consciously, how times there must be such laws that according to the law will holding you accountable for what you do to a living being, so that we can find the owner and understand who the owner is, who did this, well, conditionally its not good, but well, plus this is also when. Who is constantly on the street, well, you know, we always like to look at laws from one side, we always try to exaggerate them, yes, you understand that no one will force a grandmother or grandfather who has a dog living on the street, so to speak, to urgently microchip it or something register, yes, but even if its grandparents and the animal you live in a kennel, it should live in what conditions, good ones, of course, it should be vaccinated, this animal is correct, it. Should be fed, it should not die there from hunger and cold, and sitting somewhere on a chain , it seems to me that it doesnt matter where the animal lives, its important that the one who gets it takes responsibility, its a living creature. What would you like to achieve in your career, in a year, five, or maybe in 10 years. Well, you know, i have some ambitious plans, to say that after some time i want to be this and that or Something Like that, i definitely dont put it. And, the main thing i want in my career is to work in good creative teams, yes, work with those people who are passionate about their work, who like what. They dont do, but how will it turn out, to be honest, im human state, if tomorrow they tell me that i must, from the point of view of the fact that the state needs it, the people need it, the system needs it, to work in a certain place, i will do it without thinking, because i understand that otherwise, what have i achieved and where i am, already entails such , you know, responsibility, not only for myself , but responsibility for those people who follow me, and also responsibility for those people, for those places that trust me, if they trust me, that means. Because the most unfair thing, it seems to me, is when people, hiding behind their own momentary interests, lie or try to offend a person, or try to humiliate a person, or try to put him in some kind of conditions that would like somewhere they even humiliated him human dignity, therefore, the most fair thing for me in this world is respect for those people who surround you, and its unfair. When we treat people ourselves unfairly, this is probably the greatest injustice. Further, yellow sector, to your left, please tell me what can make this world a better place . You and i, you and i are capable of making this world a better place. If we lived in this state of love, but constant love for what we have, for what surrounds us, for everyone to the people who surround us, yes, this feeling of love, it seems to me, evokes a feeling. Leave the same sparkling eyes, leave the same sincere smile , remain the same open person, you will attract the same people, because thats how the laws of the universe work, it seems to me that this is, this is our universal, it seems to me, love, mutual assistance , kindness will make this world a better place. This signal means that the time for questions to the heroine has expired. Olga aleksandrovna, now you have to choose the best question of this program. Difficult task, can i divide it into a male and a female question . I want to give something of myself as a souvenir to the man who invited me to dance today. May i . Young man. Lets get to know you. In principle, i study well, well done, and you dance well too, thank you, well, your gift, come out and take it, i want this thermal mug to remind you of our dance, of the world, good, thank you, thank you, and now lets talk about women. You know, the questions were different, there were a lot of questions, they were all so very deep, very cool, thank you thank you for all your questions, but the most unexpected question for me, which i really thought about, i thought about whether i was absolutely sincere at that moment, it was a question about whether my heart is free, who asked this question, please introduce yourself, my name is varvara, i study at school forty in the fifth grade, an exclusive barbarian gift for you, but i am sure that this is a future member of the belarusian womens union and the leader of the belarusian womens union organization, let this village always remind you of this, we are waiting for you in our ranks, you too Olga Alexandrovna, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, you know, my question will probably be very. Simple, very complex, so tell me, guys, what does your homeland mean to you . The homeland is such a very large family that, if necessary, will support and. Make you happy with something, help, financially, spiritually. For me, my homeland is something very important and even if i move somewhere, it will be very difficult for me, i will come back here again and again. The homeland should be associated with absolutely every person, as a place where he can always return, where he is always welcome and a place where all his memories of the past are stored, and most importantly a pleasant and warm memory, i love mine very much. Spilevskaya is also a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, and here i will ask you to stay. What was the most difficult question for you today . Even now i think about it, this is a question about justice and injustice, about what is most unfair in this world. Do you think you did a good job with our nursery today . Audience . Oh, i dont know, this is a very difficult question, this question will probably be the most difficult for me did i cope or not, but i tried to be sincere. What surprised you about the children . And you know, they surprised me with their openness, with their sincere attitude towards what they ask, and with the depth of their questions, today you managed to answer 51 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree to cross, with great with pleasure, well, now i turn to our audience, do you think that our heroine was as happy as possible today . You frankly, who thinks so, raise your hands, Olga Alexandrovna answered everything honestly, sincerely, she never tried to skip her question, and this is very inspiring to become people like her. Olga alexandrovnas eyes showed a sincere desire to see what modern children are thinking about, what worries them, that they actually want to ask adults a question. I learned a lot. Honor of women, about her life, and the fact that adults dont treat children the same way as, like, i i want to be on my own wavelength, and she found out something about us, asked what we think, she even sang with us, learned to dance, just like that, and im sure that our heroine spoke only the truth, because she spoke it herself that being sincere is very important. That the earth rests on such people , thank you, are there those people to whom it still seemed that Olga Alexandrovna did not Say Something today, behaved diplomatically and omitted some details, there are those, raise your hand, not a single person. Olga alexandrovna, we have this as a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero; summarize the conversation that took place. Well, i want to thank the guys, really, for their sincerity, for asking and for the answers they gave. And for me, what i heard from the guys today was simply amazing. So, the director of the National Branch of the interstate television and Radio Company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairman of the belarusian womens union olga shmelevskaya was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week. Watch in the next episode Deputy Director of the republican scientific and Practical Center for onology and medical radiology, professor, academician, oncologist, sergei krasny. They say that to become a doctor you have to be kind, and you are a kind doctor. You count how many lives you managed to save. Do you cry when you lose your patient . Are you afraid of cancer yourself . And what place does belarus take in the treatment of oncology . Can you now call one of your children and ask what kind of dad you are . 100 questions for an adult you are simply the best dad in the world for me, and i really appreciate everything what are you doing for me . I love you too. Lets plunge into the physical, intellectual world of sports, where everything is important, everyone worked on the lines, its great, even, say, a slight hitch for dasha kudaeva on the stand, but nevertheless third place is very cool, victories and defeats, to be honest, one can only envy , because today and tomorrow you have such an amazing opportunity to feel yourself in the role of a professional. Athlete, try on this role of yourself, look from the outside, look at other guys, well, understand that yes, this is mine, minutes and seconds , and we still remember this match, and guys , how many of our zhoden football fans came there and how they supported the team for the wrong reasons, from our side i promise that we will do everything, to win this super circle, only sports, only belarus 24, who helps and how . To make our lives better what are scientists working on today . Science certainly plays a role in this matter. What happens if you combine the labor of farmers and innovation . They are now actively in development, starting both groundbased unmanned vehicles and aerial ones, agricultural drones and other equipment, complex things in simple terms. Just recently , scientists released the fourth. Volume of the publication flora of belarus, it includes 34 species of plants that world science did not know about before the research of our scientists. What is this for . Yes , so that we can predict the future behavior of the species. And also the most interesting facts. French writer george sant once said plants are created to grow in one place, but people are created to move and communicate with each other. So that move on, communicate with each other, and of course, discover something new, watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. Our Republican Rehabilitation Center was built according to the program of the president of children of belarus, this is a unique institution, the ministry of labor and social protection, this is one of the forms of rehabilitation in such a special way. A form of rehabilitation as a social institution, mainly for children with Cerebral Palsy. 80 are children with musculoskeletal disorders and this is the Cerebral Palsy group. Last time we began to take children with concomitant pathologies for rehabilitation from time to time, that is, children with autism, these are children with systemic diseases, these are children with psychophysical characteristics, these are children, all with the status of disabled children. Over the years of the center s functioning, about 26 thousand children have been rehabilitated, this year we can please our society, because this year we have a record, 1,303 children have been rehabilitated during the year, eight children have gone independently and 10 children have had their disabilities lifted, every year we have 10, 11, 12 children lets get on our feet, this is an achievement, yes, this is an achievement, this is the work of the whole team, this is the work of