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Accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. In our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. There will be time and for fun. Exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. Online travel and healthy lifestyle. All this and not. Only in the weekly project broadcast 24 7. Watch on our tv channel every friday evening. Let me love you like a flower in the field. Like a young bird, who is above the crayfish, like a patched bird, who is alive in the wild, may i love you, may i love you for the song that i can smell , for the laughter of the earth, for the frequent call, for clear eyes, for my young soul, may i love you. Let me love you for the bright hours that you give me , and every now and then, my dear daughter, let me love you hello, club editor on the air of tv channels belarus 1, belarus 24, as always on friday evening, with a repeat on sunday, monday, we discuss the most important topics of the outgoing seven days, the outgoing week, and let me at the very beginning introduce the guests who came to our studio today, dmitry sanovich zhuk, head of sb holding, belarus. Of the republic of belarus, namely the constitution, we will probably start with you, today it took place a wonderful event, the meeting of the president of belarus in honor of the anniversary of the basic law is no longer a secret to anyone that we are signing up at an offensive time, we have already heard excerpts from the speech of the head of state, alexander pavlovich, to my question, well, how did it go, he said, it was a powerful speech, such the words were spoken, but now briefly. Popular referendums allowed belarus to avoid many sharp corners, we resolved our complex issues of state building within the legal framework, not all nations can boast of this, and even more so if we look lets say that those republics with which it is logical for us to compare our development are our former sister cities in the soviet union, the postsoviet republics; unfortunately, statehood in many of these countries, well, i cannot call it a standard one. I spoke with quite highranking people, well, its a common thing, a speech there or a post on twitter the head of state, the head of government about injustice, for example, bombings, the scale of the use of force in the gas sector, on the carpet of the us embassy in harsh form, and theres no escape, thats why that if you have built your economy in such a way that if you turn off the switch everything will collapse, you have no chance. Power on the streets is decided only in banana republics, here are the americans, the whole world , where they use their own technologies, manipulations of the color revolution, see themselves as banana republics, as a model democracy, so they dont even invite International Observers to their elections , but we are not a banana republic, the president also said this phrase today, i remembered it a young state, but a mature nation, we rely on our history, Dmitry Aleksandrovich zhuk opened an exhibition in moscow yesterday dedicated to. The experience of the advanced countries of the world, remember, then we generally ran after the advanced countries of the world, copying them. Several decades later , we realized that. I became a billionaire, didnt repay the loan, well , there were good times, you hear, well, for the sevenbankers and the ashmetki of the sevenbankers , the times were amazing, for ordinary people, naturally, the nineties cannot be characterized that way, well for such as yuri blow, who said that grandfather yeltsin brought freedom to russia, well, he really thinks so, and his flock thinks so, they characterize the events that were associated with the collapse of the country extremely positively. With complete submission, god bless america, westerners , socalled democracies, you could smoke freely on the street, and not only could you smoke , you could kill freely, rob freely, a lot of things were possible, i think marijuana is interesting, how many years in general, i i know, old politician, i just no, how biden doesnt remember when he was born, he remembers well, its just that when we worked at the same time on one. On the federal sports tv channel, yuri dudya didnt mind anything, when he used state money to film a headbutt program on the russia 2 tv channel, well what is it, they behave in a very uncomprehensive way, on the one hand , they are adherents of western, so called democracies, just socalled, because what is recited and what happens as a result are exactly the opposite things, these cannot be called genuine democracies, what what is democracy in the west . Good day about the constitution, i , as a person who is both an International Political scientist and an international lawyer, have studied specifically, including the constitutional law of foreign countries, i can say one thing, you can write a lot of beautiful documents, wonderful ones, the question is who fulfills them and how, so today, of course, we are celebrating the constitution, this is wonderful, we have a really good one, but the most important thing is who fulfilled this constitution, lets call things in their own names, that is, alexander grigorevich. Lukashenko is leading this process and implementing those articles, by the way, of the constitution, yes, this is precisely the decisive factor, in this we must understand the role of the individual in history, the papers themselves do not give anything, now we have a russian woman here, yes, remember when Dmitry Medvedev believed that legally, regarding libya, it was said that they would not attack, they gave legal obligations, and that they bombed this libya, that is, there are as many legal examples as you want about ukraine. A norm by itself does not work if there are no people able to implement it. And regarding what you and i heard from the president today, i want to Say Something else from my point of view, this is a message to the future, not only a memory of what it was like and the prehistory, connection with soviet times, with the concept of social justice , this is what constitutes the essence and, if you like, the brand and advantage of the belarusian state, but this is a look beyond the horizon in the future. Because we all understand perfectly well, today within union construction, within the framework of the new geopolitical status that the republic of belarus is acquiring, we see and know this all very well, we will talk about this a lot more the possibilities of our country are not only in the sense that we must maintain our sovereignty, we must influence the environment wednesday, on our world in the best positive sense of the word. I want to say that belarus, as in the constitution, concentrates and expresses the concept of the development of our state, once again justice, as the president noted, and wellbeing, constant growth in the wellbeing of the population and so on and so forth, this is a whole project that we can offer not only even within the framework of the union. States, i think that today the Russian Federation in many ways, well , roughly speaking, is adopting our positive experience, just as we do from them, but we can offer this project, having our capabilities, our partners in the peoples republic of china, and in everything the eurasian space, we can offer as an alternative to the very west that is leaving the scene today, you Ivan Mikhailovich mentioned what you can buy today in the west, today theres even nothing to buy there, because there in europe there is complete deindustrialization in the literal sense of the word, so. In their own words, we dont go there, yes, thats in their own words , they dont talk about it themselves, production is simply running away from the means of production, cheap ones stopped being used, stopped being used, they themselves abandoned cheap means of production, barel again said, our wellbeing was based on two factors, yes, cheap russian gas and the chinese market, yes, so relying on our own manufacturer is something that we , strictly speaking, have never given to anyone, which is why we wanted to knock it out in 1994. Take from us just produce production first, then produce, yes, this is sovereignty, an economy that is prosperous, developing, this is sovereignty, if we have this economy, we will always have sovereignty, unless , of course, we they say, lets show wisdom, i will continue the thought of my colleague ilfimov, everything is correct, that is, not only the law is important, but and the practical implementation of this law and the ability of society to develop in the spirit of the law, you know, well, one, i remember from excuse me from jurisprudence. This is reality, yes, when passing a law, because you can come up with any law and vote, but it still has to i wouldnt like to cite the textbook examples of ukraine again, some viewers say that they are tired of this, but, but this is next to us, 2014, anticonstitutional coup, yeah, society was not ready to resolve the crisis through constitutional means, they went in an unconstitutional way, and ill say this, that everything that is happening now. Is happening there, all these hundreds of thousands of deaths, the first murders, the ground was laid when the crowd raised its hand against the guards of order, Law Enforcement officers began to kill them, because of these murders investigations have not yet been carried out, there are no court decisions, and so on. Second point, the west declares the principle of rule of law, the rule of law, yeah, does it comply with this principle, here are the minsk agreements, yeah, they acted as guarantors france. Germany, and what they then said , holland, we were not going to comply, merkel, it was a military ruse, but this, you know, its okay if they didnt admit to it, they confess to committing an international crime, they flaunt it, what the hell are we talking about . We say, and thirdly, you know, i want to finish one more thing, this is what the president said, which countries they call democratic, lets take our postsoviet space, the countries are weak, humiliated. And this actually saved the people themselves, saved themselves, making the right choice. You said correctly, you can pass a good law, but it will not be respected. A man appeared who thought from. The future, so he was a political leader, who looked like a national leader, then he became about our life in future generations, and for 30 years we have passed this constitution of perfection, and we are really used to talking about the belarusian economic model , yes , we can say that today in this version of the constitution the belarusian political model was fixed, the same institution of the Supreme National assembly, which arose among us again. Into an element of stabilization of the political system and became a constitutional body. Why . Because we began to live in a world where we realized that our model not only needs to be developed, it also needs to be protected. This is an important point about which we owe alexey viktorovich, ill give you the words, just one story. You remembered, excuse me aleksavich, polin doesnt know here. Sobchak, sakharov, the socalled opinion leaders spoke there, what they ultimately came to in the course of this discussion, the collapse of the country, here, in this regard, it is very important to move precisely along the constitutional and legal path and to look at these things in a state way, that is, we do not need polemics for the sake of polemics, we need a constructive discussion of the foundations and future of our state development, and Pay Attention to the crises in the latest history of belarus, how the ninety fourth year of the acute political. Collapse of the soviet union was resolved, he was 5 years old , so he must be, and he was born, my friends, in the podzdam of the gdr, and he lived there until 1990 with his family, that is, according to the version , according to the german government, he is the same son of the punisher who mocked the german people, well, apparently yes, that is, they are only dad is a professor, mom is also some kind of teacher there, dad is a military professor, too in general, this is an indicator, and then the person arrived. Lessons were decided on him, probably yes, and the man came to moscow, lived somewhere there, what he knows about that time, what he saw in the soviet union, i can say, as a person who, when dudu was 0 years old, i was already 12, i was a little older when the soviet union collapsed in the ninetyfirst year, i had just finished school, entered the university, finished school in one country, studied at the university, started in another country, the entire formation of the sovereign republic of belarus coincided with me. So to speak, with the formation of my personality, with real adult life, so i saw all this firsthand, so we went to the allbelarusian peoples assembly. On the rutted salts who did not have money for wages for everything else, i remember, though tv, these car overturns, and i dont know, i didnt see you, unfortunately, Ivan Mikhailovich, yes, although you participated directly there, but in ninetysix, in ninetysix, i also went to serve at the end, i spent the ninetyseventh year in armed forces, just explain to the audience which side i was on, otherwise he is now. Thats why i can say, from what we experienced, we survived the collapse of the destruction of the state in which we were born, we experienced humiliation, the destruction of ourselves ideologically and morally from the same the west, which tried to prove to us that we are bad people here, that everything is wrong with us, that we have some kind of authoritarianism, dictatorship in our blood, and in general we are here. Devices throughout the entire territory of the former ussr there were already president s, then there were leaders, yes, but from ninetyone to ninety four we didnt have a national leader, lets face it, this parliamentary democracy that we were told about was, in fact, complete parliamentary anarchy, that is, when there were a lot of people, but there is no one who takes charge of making decisions, who takes responsibility, as was quite correctly said. Here it was very clearly noted that when there is no personal responsibility , there is no responsibility in principle, indeed, if there is some kind of collective authority that is responsible for something, but there is no specific person to whom you can come to ask a question in the case. With the socalled tile protesters, and we have already touched on the socalled ukraine, what happened there and the fact that the turning point was the fact that there was violence in relation to representatives of Law Enforcement, the most important and key thing, especially today, especially in the context of threats, political provocations, attempts to shake up, society is quite stable, in belarus, in russia, what should be preserved is the states monopoly on violence, this is the most the main thing is. Without which order is impossible in principle, probably, i can also say from the example of russia, we have claims there against our president Vladimir Vladimirovich putin, that quite a lot is concentrated in his hands, to unfortunately, this is the problem of a large state with such wide borders, many issues, unfortunately, can be solved if. Multinationality, multiculturalism, here it can only be controlled by overcentralization of power, because otherwise it will again be what was mentioned earlier, socalled parliamentary democracies , when someone seems to be in charge, but no one is in charge, there will be discord, this is what we actually saw, unfortunately, in the example of socalled ukraine, among other things, because there is legitimacy, as it seems to me, was lost back in 2004, in fact, when. They came up with a third round, which according to the constitution did not exist, and im already silent about what happened in the fourteenth, and how sad i am that my country recognized poroshenko even before that, as it was officially announced that Petro Alekseevich had won, even before the votes were honored, we made several political statements that actually recognized the victory of Petro Alekseevich poroshenko, after which the socalled explosion of air conditioners began in the city of lugansk in the administration area. Please understand what a catastrophe and tragedy it is for people in life, yes, they have no confidence in the future, i just wanted to say one more thing, as if to summarize a little, we must understand that the presence of a strong president ial power is there is a condition for democracy in our conditions, because demos kratus is the power of the people, if this power of the people is embodied and exercised, the president is the conductor, then everything, as they say, is absolutely democratic, we must understand that everything depends, as you said. The federation in general is violet, what the European Parliament in particular will say about these elections, absolutely, but we can only observe from the point of view of entertainment what the press will write there, its already started, what i said is blowing, but dont blow it, its not interesting , stop saying your last name, thats enough already, dud is not so interesting, it is more interesting, even from a purely humorous point of view , to read the socalled western press. The second second day they are attacking in the most brutal way, well, block 95 doesnt mind anything for the sake of a good video, they are trying to attack because that this is not, there is already according to data from the ministry of defense, in my opinion, so that i dont get caught for fakes against the russian army, i dont remember exactly the exact number, but more than one and a half thousand terrorists were destroyed, this data is already there, so the most important thing here this is ensuring security and. What was important for the citizens of russia, of course, who is our favorite, who with a probability of 99. 9 in the period will become the winner in these elections, i will personally vote in minsk, at the embassy of the Russian Federation, i i took it absentee, you can territory of belarus to vote, you know where, at the embassy of the Russian Federation, take an absentee ballot through government services, print it out or show it on your phone and vote confidently with yours. We can laugh at this, but there is one point after all, the overwhelming majority of information materials in the world are published in english, and my friends, for example, living in the philippines, india, and some other countries, they read it all, then they have someone to turn to with such a question, but lets say, the rank and file there are no ordinary people, of course there is a colossal Information Operation going on to demonize russia and belarus, and we have to think a lot together about how. Lets listen, everyone, when they come to a post, some top post, the first thing they do is run to change the constitution, that is such , you know, a brilliant ruler, that is, some american president s tolerated the constitution for 200 years, abided by it, yes, 200 years, there were several amendments, several amendments, yes, and these are such, you know, brilliant people who are in the way this is common a social contract that has been accepted by the entire society, dear experts , please tell these experts how many constitutional amendments have been adopted in the usa and how many we have, we just have white frames, this is 14, yes, in general, in my opinion, if im not mistaken, 27 26 amendments are ineffective, let me remind you that the constitution of belarus has been changed twice, and we can remind you how many president s have been killed in the United States of america, and i mean that people are sitting there, listening to the fact that alexander pavlovich, well, with a completely smart look, this the person says it was worn several times in the us. More than 20 amendments, moreover , which were significant, very significant and which introduced into the constitution something that was not there in principle, but also note that the american constitution is the constitution of the late 18th century, not changing it in the 21st century is already in general , young people today cannot ignore the realities that have accumulated over more than 200 years. American president ial elections, somehow, who is chosen by 500 or so people, we have opportunities today that are incomprehensible some kind of selection through these caucuses, through voting days, these grandiose tuesdays and so on, for some unknown reason they select people for themselves, this is all true of course, but we need to clearly understand whoever the americans elect and. In general, how could they work and live under such a system, if their fundamental document created precedents, when one person can not listen to another, this is incomprehensible, and these people are trying to teach us democracy, the belarusian constitution, by the way, if you already talking about her in accordance with the models, we have included and implemented in our constitution many provisions of the document, which they always like to refer to as a model of democracy, the universal declaration of human rights. Well, yes, well, regarding freedoms , here is a small fact sheet, the United States of america has often reproached us for blocking some internet resources, probably somewhere we even have excerpts from statements of the us state department, in in particular, that there, oh, the voice of america, we love our usa , 20 more judged the shutdown of the internet in belarus, usa censorship of belarusian social networks in the media in russia was judged, the United States is concerned about the internet shutdown. The states of america, im talking about today, voted to block tiktok within the country, because the social network sends personal data about american users to china. We believe that the initiative is aimed at breaking the platforms connection with any chinesecontrolled structure, including the dance company, which is now owned by tiktok. Lawmakers propose to give this company 6 months to sell to social. Network offer, raider takeover, in otherwise , tiktok may be banned in the United States; congress has also proposed that in the future, the same restrictions be imposed on any applications controlled by opponents. Syuvat propagandist demolished demolished my instagram account, exactly on the day when it was already disabled in russia, they didnt lose anything, it helped the ukrainian statehood, politely speaking, i didnt lose anything, but people need to do something while sitting in poland, in some Baltic States or somewhere else in canada, often in canada, and they are very militant, very patriotic, but for some reason they are outside the country. More than enough, thats more than enough , thats true, but regarding the blocking, again , instagram, it was, it was like this, as it seems to me, in russia, its just that in our realities it usually doesnt happen so abruptly, most likely, it was an emotional step, but it turned out to be the right one in the end. This is exactly the case with us and facebook, the same thing is still happening on twitter, despite the fact that twitter has a lot of interesting content lately, in in general, it would probably be possible to unblock it, but not yet, for now this is also so serious. August 10, the day after the elections , you know, just no bans, no warnings, no nothing, we had 17 channels demolished on that day, you want to say, this is an accident, this is patriotic hate, so this is what im talking about, we must learn from each other, when i told my colleagues from the Russian Federation about this, they looked at me so much that. I meant that here it is not typical for our roskomnadzor to accept this so quickly such decisions, i meant this, yes, that is, we have roskomnadzor, as a rule. Tune in blocked russian channels, oh well, the Police Conducted searches, the suspect, seized equipment for receiving and transmitting television signals, an attack, remember, in the third rake, but this also happened under hitler, when they were caught there, according to the department, a man born in the 19th year had services to at least 180 residents of latvia, the man faces up to 3 years in prison, okay, in my opinion, he was framed for illegal business activity, accused, but the most interesting thing is that responsibility in the form of a fine of up to 700 euros also faces those to whom he installed russian channels, and this. That this is goebbels in reverse, to be honest, because on the contrary, no, its like this is an obstruction of distribution for them, as if enemy propaganda, the nazis in a Free Democratic society, a person decides for himself what is of course for him, but this is not the first, the socalled latvia is not included in this cohort, yes, if we, if we speak without sarcasm, then again i i dont think that at all this is a state. Perhaps, but with a very big question, yes , they protect their own, especially since they have huge advantages, they have language localization, and this is another shield that allows them to protect their population from these foreign narratives, as for us, we were shot through history from all sides, and for our mentality, for the belarusian in particular, to prohibit something. This is the worst option, in fact, this is already an extreme and forced measure, when there is some kind of emergency, situation, we need to learn to explain this to our young guys, yeah , before you read that its sunny outside , open the window, look out, if its raining, take it, maybe i remembered this story , the last one, its familiar on. Here we are trapped, again, going back to the nineties and the unsuccessful socalled perestroika, we have lost technological sovereignty, and we essentially use means of communication that are made in the west, assembled partly in china, a lot of things are assembled in china, but technology, the same mobile phones , tablets, this whole base is not ours, we dont have our own, and really. We find ourselves in a very vulnerable position at the click of a button, we can simply be cut off from information , or we will stop broadcasting it through channels convenient for us, we have been talking about this here in this program for many years, to be honest, and we have always watched with a smile how putin forced your aviators, finally start producing airplanes and stop buying them, and we kept thinking, when will you finally get airplanes, at least create your own youtube, but you are still a big state, a big country, and of course you were absolutely separate here. Presence in almost all social networks , somewhere the truth will break through, so this seems to me very important, you understand, here we need to understand very clearly, i dont remember who, in my opinion, told the golds that it is impossible to come to an agreement with the person who came kill you, yeah, well, yes, and we can broadcast our position and try to do it to the best of our ability, strength, maybe even a little more, but we clearly. Must understand the position of the red cross headquarters, the position of others some of the same Antidoping Agency , yes, im now taking structures that are completely unrelated to politics, consciously, as if unrelated, it is involved, all in the same desire to destroy us, not despite the radio, so we re even talking about fakes, about influence, we often talk about this to our russian colleagues. Especially after the twentieth year, when our Television Made a very strong breakthrough, especially news broadcasting, and we felt it and quickly changed, it was a matter of a few weeks when we gave without limitless word for people like you, we have classical information broadcasting, but colleagues wont let us gather, it has become half authors, we have dozens of authors projects in one week, in two. In networks, yes, in general, not only the internet , it is also a social platform, and networks, all this is sort of thought out, now the most important thing, and you were the first to say this, the first multiplex in the Russian Federation, this is the decision of the russian authorities state, and if this happens, it will be the most successful solution in media sphere of the union state over all the years of its existence, this is what our opponents fear most, when the union agenda comes out at such a serious level. Were running out of time, thank you very much for coming, thank you, why didnt we say your name, your channel, where viewers can find you, there is a great opportunity, so to speak, to advertise in belarus , optimist in shtatsko, optimist in shtatsko, youve probably heard, yes, come in, subscribe and read, theres a lot of interesting stuff there, thank you very much, thank you thank you very much, there was a club of editors, see you in a week, goodbye. Everything you wanted to know about the meaning of human existence is gods providence for everyone; this providence will already be fully revealed in the kingdom of heaven, and it will be even more open during the Second Coming of christ, when the lord will reward everyone according to their deeds. Him about the religious education of children, i, as a priest, very often try to be at school and invite children to our events from school, including excursions and various spiritual and moral events that exhibitions and others that take place on the territory of our temple, and thus our temple, it is filled with childrens voices, it is filled with new life, get a comment from. Covers our soul, and some become a stone wall that separates us from god, look at spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. Let me remind you that the ukrainian clowns president ial term expires on march 31, but he is in no hurry to leave his seat, despite the failure to fulfill his election promises, but this is different. Less than an hour after closing polling stations in belarus, and the state debt ran to declare the effectiveness of parliamentary and local elections, the absence of observers from the osce and forced elections. Fear and repression. The state debt does not say that observers are not required in the United States, that ballot boxes are opaque for voting, and that there is also uncontrolled early voting by mail. The single voting day passed without incident. The turnout was over 70 , and the atmosphere of fear and repression looked Something Like this. I got it at the highest level. Everything was done at the highest level, at the world level. Standard, an example for the democratic world. The United States sent such a signal to keep the world in suspense, if someone now denies that there is no democracy in the republic of belarus, come, look, evaluate, and do not argue. Ksenia lebedevas authors view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. Watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. The best way dont forget to spend time, take a short trip. It was the center of the principality, there are a lot of antiques, and the city, as you saw, has been preserved, they call it belarusian suzda, the most famous olephonari in belarus is located in brest, but our dinner lantern is the longest, with us you will visit the most interesting sights, and we also have a unique exhibition called the office of a soviet scientist. You can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003, when repair and restoration work began, the savior of the face of christ not made by hands was discovered, what does this mean, it manifested itself, and you will also get unforgettable emotions, let the iron for now its hot, you know the proverb, you see , its cooling down, thats why the proverb doesnt sound special, thats it, now we re heating it up again, and not only. The whole world has access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it

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