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With the economy, ending with the leaking of military negotiations discussing strikes on the crimean bridge. All this does not go unnoticed. Demonstrators accused scholzs government not only of being bloodthirsty, but of destroying the countrys middle class. We spend billions on weapons for people who urgently need our money, but not their own health care or schools and kindergartens. The Authorities Say that we must save money. How can it be that the freebie is ending, with the growing indignation and falling standard of living of europeans , it becomes increasingly difficult for those who decided to live in the wellfed west away from the front, so a number of countries tightens the conditions for the stay of ukrainian refugees on its territory, cuts benefits, cuts assistance programs, in poland there is absolutely no limit going on. The limit is in wroslav at the expense of a homeless ukrainian, who is also mentally ill, the police intended to improve the statistics on detection, they treated the poor guy to a hot dog and they tried to force him to commit 26 crimes, of which he committed only a few. In addition, six ukrainians were among those injured during the incident in cetin. A thirtythreeyearold driver drove into a crowd of pedestrians, and, as the police stated, he did it deliberately. Bakhmatova, the subway should be closed, its Ukrainian Office of transformation maxima kiev metro to the handle, according to the head , further operation is dangerous for the lives of passenger workers. According to his information, more than 780 thousand dollars were allocated for subway maintenance, which were simply stolen. According to the law, once every six months divers were supposed to check and monitor the water situation in the underground tunnels, but no one carried out any actual work, and signatures were put down for the sake of show. Against the background of provocative and aggressive actions on the part of our neighbors and the obvious escalation of tensions on the other side of the borders, belarus needs to be prepared for any turn of events. The concept of National Security and a number of other decisions are aimed at this. In belarus , the procedure for transferring Government Agencies from peacetime to wartime has been improved. The corresponding decree was signed by the president. The document defines the circle of state bodies to which its actions apply, including the addition of the allbelarusian peoples assembly, chambers of the national assembly, constitutional and supreme courts. There is also the possibility of conferring military ranks upon the introduction of martial law by the head of individual state bodies and a number of organizations. The issuance of a decree will ensure the systematic and uninterrupted functioning of the state apparatus during the period of increasing military threat in wartime. Both on weekdays and on holidays at the post, they do Everything Possible so that our people live in tranquility, peace and harmony, and this has been the case for 107 years. Today is police day in belarus, the president congratulated employees and veterans of the internal Affairs Bodies on the holiday. Our citizens completely trust you and know that the belarusian policeman always fulfills his duties with honor and is ready to help at any moment. I express my special gratitude to women in police uniform. Who, along with men, bear all the burdens of difficult service. I thank the mothers, the employees of their wives, who provide a reliable rear for the worldwide support of their beloved men in their difficult professional choice. Today we we also honor veterans of the internal Affairs Bodies who made a great contribution to the fight against crime, ensuring peace and tranquility in our native belarus. Thank you for now taking an active part in the Patriotic Education of young people, sharing your personal experience with them. We will never forget the heroic exploits of our Law Enforcement officers and honor those who died in the line of duty, Alexander Lukashenko noted. Flowers and wreaths were laid at the monument to employees of the internal Affairs Bodies who gave their lives in the name of serving the people. Rally rekovem took place today in vitebsk. The best police officers, more than fifty employees, were awarded certificates. Representatives of local authorities, related departments, and colleagues from the pskov region of the Russian Federation congratulated their colleagues on their professional holiday. Citizens always, without hesitation, contact the internal Affairs Bodies by phone, or even just anyone. How much we talk about crimes, serious, economic, drug trafficking, and a little less about the work of the police to prevent their disclosure. On the eve of the holiday my colleague alena lishkevich spent one day at the main Police University of the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, about how they train those who do not suffer from star fever, but proudly wear stars on their shoulder straps. In her report. The pensioner turned out to be not so simple, a man from minsk outwitted telephone scammers and gave them de. Crime, everyone who enters the main Police University goes through criminology; this is, so to speak, the basics of any future police officer. This is a forensic testing ground, that is, a conventional place where an incident occurred. Future Law Enforcement officers learn to work at crime scenes, collect traces and evidence. Thanks to smart technology, it is possible to solve many crimes; where there is access to the world wide web, there is a whole field for Law Enforcement activities. In criminology introduces modern methods of identifying a person by appearance, that is , the socalled intelligent Video Surveillance systems, which allow you to literally, lets say, pull a person out of the crowd for certain reasons signs of appearance, usually a person, identify him, establish his identity and thus take measures to detain him. Girls, there are not many of them, but they occupy places in the classrooms of the academy of the ministry of internal affairs, the work is not easy, but what is the name of each profession. I am in no way disappointed in the choice of my profession, since it was my childhood dream, which has been going on for a long time, but this year i came to this dream of mine and celebrate police day in the new status of not just a civilian, but a cadet officer internal Affairs Bodies. Alena lishkevich, dmitry chumak, Television News agency. They are the people who are in the ranks around the clock, so that every belarusian feels under reliable protection and works. A familiar exclamation, known from blockbusters and our projects. A meeting on the creation of innovative production on the territory of horizon took place in minsk. In this direction , empty areas of the holding, which were leased, will be used. The president focused on this task. The modernization plan was developed by the end of twenty fifth year, which is now phased. Is being sold, in addition, last year the company increased volumes by more than 75 , over 90 of the goods are exported. More than 10 million belarusian rubles worth of equipment have been purchased over the past 2 years , and they announced how much they plan to use in order to modernize all buildings and purchase their own equipment if necessary. The total number of areas is 59. A good, smart ladybird, but she is a little fussy. Murka the cow is the most loyal ward of the new veterinarian. Less than a year ago, khalil balut came to work at the revival agricultural complex, but during this short time he established himself. The management respects me, my colleagues ask for advice, i wish i had taken care of animals since childhood. My parents, who live in lebanon, have their own farm, which is why i once decided to enter the vitebsk academy of sciences. Depends on how many medications we have, whether we have enough supplies, and i think that he is comfortable working, all conditions have been created for this, if the necessary type of medications, and help, he never works alone, always there are either doctors, livestock breeders, for example , everything is somehow friendly, and khalil fits in well, because he is very sociable, he is a good organizer, he is so conscientious, khalil travels to work from vitebsk, but by the end of the year the farm plans to solve the housing problem specialist cosmonautics, after which the crews visited the house of the academician korolev museum, where an exhibition was presented with the personal belongings of the chief designer, his library, Household Items and works of fine art. March 6 crew will go to baikanur to undergo prelaunch training. To present belarus to the whole world, this is the task facing our delegation at the world Youth Festival in sochi. This is a kind of platform where you can exchange experiences. Establish dialogue and create joint projects. The Belarusian Team consists of more than 630 people, including our film crew. Yulia khmel plunged into the atmosphere of the Federal Territory of sirius. The scale is certainly surprising; in addition to 2. 0 participants from 180 countries , politicians, businessmen, diplomats. The world Youth Festival was opened so brightly and spectacularly, the large olympic ice palace gathered full stands, the stage of the show is about love, a language that everyone in the world understands, through music, songs, dances they speak here, they are open to the guests with all their hearts, by the way, the organizers received record more than 300 thousand applications from young and caring people from almost all over the world, competition. Belarusians are also presenting themselves here, specific projects and initiatives; our country, including being open to the world, certainly does not build artificial barriers. We have a unique project at the pedagogical university, these are star treks to places of military and labor glory of the belarusian people, and of course i want representatives of other countries to know that there was such a feat of the belarusian people, that we preserve it, the preservation of historical memory is something , which is necessary, and it is important for me as a historian to convey this to others. People, we have already become involved in various environmental initiatives that were announced here, they are very close to our country, since our country is so interesting corner, including nature, ecology, and those areas that seem very interesting here, we have already actively collaborated with representatives of the youth of india, and nicaragua, including cuba. By the way, many participants here know about belarus, and they also say they love and respect it. Ecuador has very friendly relations with belarus, i am very glad that i came to this festival, different countries, people, cultures, traditions, it really is. Russia and this is the information picture of monday, march 4th, sports news ahead and weather forecast, clear policy right now. I say goodbye, all the best, see you tomorrow. This is an understandable policy, hello, be careful, blind osce, many walls in donbass are painted with such telling inscriptions. This is how local residents assessed the work of the Monitoring Mission, which often did not notice the actions of ukrainian militants, but if only that. An example is the village of golubovsky, where even the last dog knew that the osce, passing. The front line to the ukrainian side, was collecting information on video recorders and handed them over to the ukrainian military, and then the federal media were amazed how it was that ukrainian militants knew where and what the luhansk and donetsk troops had stationed, why an Organization Called to fight for security turned out to be its killer, why peace did not come to peace during the peacekeeping watch other countries, a mission to order in a clear policy, we will show the true face of the osce, with us only the facts, you can draw conclusions. Legally searches are primarily a neutral organization during conflicts its employees. Impartially and objectively monitor the progress of the confrontation, as well as contribute to the resolution of disputes. Today it is obvious that the Social Security service failed on all counts. In april 2022, the dpr ministry of state security uncovered a spy network involving abce observers. It turned out that the video cameras of the International Mission were used by ukrainian ones. It is important that the cameras appeared after an urgent request from the osce back in 2018 , special Video Surveillance towers were installed along the entire line of combat contact. From the beginning the mission left the donbass, but the towers remained, the russians discovered one of these cameras, retreating to soushniki they shot it, but they could not completely destroy it. They, throughout this period, worked in conditions of conflict in the territories. Were actually engaged in intelligence activities, well, by and large, there are quite a lot of people there, who are represented from different countries, who are far from peacekeepers, but are, well, lets say, employees of certain intelligence services, who work very closely and accordingly inform about everyone events taking place, there using its mandate as an International Peacekeeping organization, so to speak, that is why in this regard i think there is a refusal to cooperate. Were supposed to monitor violations of the ceasefire, but they turned out to be integrated into the fire control system of the armed forces of ukraine, and this very fire was directed. The Osce Special Monitoring Mission to ukraine was supposed to help resolve the conflict in the region. In fact, employees of the organization. Understood in favor of the ministry of defense of ukraine and other foreign intelligence there are many surprising facts in the materials of our russian colleagues. Here is a detained employee of the osce mission in donbas, vadim golda , who says that he had to collect information about dangerous enterprises of the dpr, such as a mercury mine and others, and perform other functions unusual for the osce in the food situation. And the video information was not controlled by the mission at all. The Video Surveillance system was completely subdued. That all this is integrated into a certain control system, this is how the operator monitors everything that happens here on picture, everything is displayed in the same way on the map, all this information is passed on to the ukrainian military, bachimo the entire column, the distance between them is 20 m, between each car, in the village of marinka, not far from donetsk, where the fighting is going on. Reported, that osce agents had been monitoring for years, the positions of the military, the number of personnel, all this flowed into the right hands. The Peace Organization spied and transmitted intelligence to the armed forces of ukraine, they adjusted the fire and bombed the cities of the southeast, driving the crisis deeper and deeper. This is a peacekeeping mission. The facts look especially egregious given the fact that abce was the only independent Monitoring Mission in the region on a daily basis. Transmitted information about the hostilities taking place there, although taking into account the espionage story that had emerged, the phrase transmitted information takes on a completely different context. Some of the so called osce officers were, in fact, special services who solved intelligence problems, that is , they collected information about first about the militias, and then about the armed forces donetsk and lugansk peoples republics. Information was also collected about the leaders of these republics, information was collected about militaryindustrial facilities on their territory, which was also used for afterbirth. The principle was to be impartial, not to take sides and report only objective facts, it turned out that it was not just a biased structure, but also purposefully worked for foreign intelligence. Questions also arose regarding staffing. At different times they worked in donbass hundreds of osce staff. This was the largest mission in the history of the organization. Moreover, it later turned out that among the participants there were active members of the armed forces of nato countries. Using your leg. Status of diplomatic agents, they had access to various data and serious privileges. Among the International Observers were former nato military personnel who had previously participated in hostilities in afghanistan and even counterintelligence officers of western countries, while the mission was positioned as neutral and was supposed to observe situation on the contact line, but in essence the employees were collecting and transmitting intelligence data. When the spy network covered up. The osce revealed theatrical indignation, as if on command, rushing from the high stands. Voices well known to belarus sounded in this choir. This fact greatly outraged the osce chairman, polish foreign minister sbig niewarau, who called such actions unacceptable, demanded the release of his employees, and also caused extreme dissatisfaction with the Us Ambassador to the organization michael carpenter, the same exadviser to President Joe Biden in 2020. He said that the accusations of espionage against the staff of the osce mission in ukraine are lies. By the way, the Monitoring Mission also recruited locals for intelligence, so Dmitry Shabanov and maxim petrov, citizens of the lpr who worked in the abce office, received 13 years for treason. Officially, they worked as translators, but in fact they collected information about the military, equipment and the deployment of air defense systems. The missionaries were recruiting agents among local residents systematically. Alexey kazakov, manager of the lugansk osce team, said that during the start of the special operation he was asked to report details of the situation in the lpr and report the coordinates of the location of russian units and equipment. It is noteworthy that even after expulsion from the lpr , Foreign Mission employees tried to continue intelligence activities and recruit spies among citizens. And after the liberation of mariupol, the Russian Military found it in the office. And people who, of course, directly cooperate with these western intelligence services, therefore, there is no need to harbor illusions , there are no independent international organizations, this does not exist in nature, as we are convinced that there are no independent organizations, but this is all happening before our eyes, all these organizations are controlled by someone, their goals are completely different, they perform tasks that are assigned to them by those who, in fact, finance these organizations, from a platform of dialogue to the dictates of a military alliance. Quite a short path, because by coordinating its actions with kiev, it turns out that the osce, albeit indirectly, interacts with nato, openly accepting one of the sides in the conflict, without reacting to the killing of civilians in donbass. The osce, like most other international organizations, turned out to be politically biased. The organization hid in its reports the facts of war crimes on the part of kiev, for example, shelling of residential areas or sniper fire on civilians, if. Observers working on the ground reported such cases, then their report was censored and edited by the leadership. As a result, from the final version of the report, all mentions of ukrainian shelling disappeared. The leadership of the mission has never published a report on the oppression of the russianspeaking population in donbass, or on cases of nazism and antisemitism. It also refused to establish direct contacts with the authorities of the dpr and lpr, although the mandate obligated it to do so. Probably, somewhere such a policy can be partly justified in the sense that it is clear that they wrote the reports that the customer needed. But then lets admit that we are not objective, lets not teach others examples of democracy and stop. The active activity of albanians from the Kosovo Liberation Army against the serbian population not only intensified, but was secretly encouraged. Armenia has also questioned the relevance of the existence of the osce. Foreign minister ara ayvazyan stated that the osce failed to defend its core values, principles and commitments in the context of the war in nagornokarabakh, and this fact calls into question the relevance of the existence of the osce as a regional mechanism and organization for. Perpetrators of information provocation, which has become reason to brutally bomb belgrade. Everything happened in the kosovo village of rachek. In 1999, information was received that the serbian. Police allegedly executed 45 albanian civilians there, the village was suddenly visited by the head of the osce Verification Mission in kosovo and metohija, the same william walker, after which he told the whole world that he had seen a mountain of bodies, that is , he blamed the civilians who were shot without trial on the serbian police, and after that nato aviation terrorized the residents of belgrade with aerial bombs for more than two months. The western press, playing along with the abce, will call it. And a year later, according to the classics of western institutions, it turns out that there were no mass executions, much less a bloody massacre in racika, this is a falsification, most of the dead were militants of the Kosovo Liberation Army , they were dressed in civilian clothes for the media picture, fabricating the same baileys case. This applies, of course, not only to the situation with kosovo, but also to the situation with the bosnian war, with the liquidation of the serbian region, where the osce conveniently ignored all acts of virtual ethnic cleansing that took place there was carried out, that is, they notice only what is needed and voice what is needed when other countries that are not included in the pool, say. As osce managers try to raise these issues, the osce is either profaning or ignoring these facts, that is, of course, there is no independence of judgment, and there has been no talk of any objectivity there for a long time. The Peace Organization has spectacularly failed its peacekeeping tasks in many regions, transnistria, karabakh and others, showing a lack of political competence and, most importantly, the will to. Settlement of armed conflicts, essentially did nothing to implement the minsk agreements. Osce missions also worked in the zone of the georgianabkhaz conflict in South Ossetia and a number of other locations of the former ussr. Their presence, however, did not imply active attempts to lead the parties to resolve conflicts; it was reduced to monitoring, the performers of which were more than once accused of bias. In addition to working in conflict zones, the osce actively participated in monitoring elections in the postsoviet region. Countries and after each Company Published your report, which is not always complementary. The complete degradation of international structures, including the osce, has been noted more than once by the president of belarus, who say they have turned into platforms for demagogues and tools for serving global players. But where American Capital rules, there is hardly any respect or support. And a capacious definition of the first pocket dogs of the west, what are they capable of, besides such stories . Everyone who asked. To come to us, in my opinion, we would not refuse anyone if the osce wanted to made such a request for us to come, we would consider it, most likely positively , well, they didnt ask, but why should we crawl to them, these are our elections for us, as i said, this is the first, second, if we invited them, the result obvious, today i was driving, i think, well, ill tell you how it was, they arrived, we met them, everything was there, well, as usual. Hospitality, they prepared the conclusion protocols in advance, lost them, well, naturally, our guys found them and took pictures on my table, we didnt take them. Photographed on the table, listen, 2 days before the elections, this preliminary voting is underway, they have already crossed out our elections, its bad, bad, really bad, well , why invite them here if absolutely normal people come, then they came now, they get good money, protocols were written to them from above, they were ordered , as it should, the handwriting was american, with such an anglosaxon flavor, all this is familiar to me and. The goals to ensure peace and maintain relations set themselves quite understandable and important between countries at a normal level, but a platform for respectful dialogue has transformed into a politicized and marginal structure, an appendage of the eu and nato, where washington and its vassals rule, imposing its cynical policies on the world. Naturally, all western similar structures, supposedly observational, supposedly human rights, supposedly regulating, are not neutral, they work exclusively in their own interests and to fulfill their tactical and strategic goals. And the balance of personnel in the same osce was not always ensured both at the Management Level and at the worker level. There was a strong bias towards representation western states. If our citizens got a job in this organization, then it s always on them. Looked askance, additional political checks for political loyalty were always used in their regard; if such a state position was discovered, then they were systematically squeezed out of the work of the osce, so it is not surprising that our work flows to the regional level in the cis, csto and sco. The osce is turning into a club of interests, our diplomat Andrei Savinykh will openly say this in vienna from the parliamentary rostrum osce assembly. According to the sovins , the regime is a thing of the past. Slanderous statements that we see from the collective west only lead to deepening dividing lines, one cannot but agree with this, the replacement of the european model of security within the framework of hysterical pompous, as well as the osce, has come to a natocentric model, and if so, then the osce as a protector european. Loses the european region, there is no longer any question. In the sense, but about security in the understanding of maintaining the balanced interests of countries in general, this is what the widespread imposition of democratic standards. And the highprofile story of espionage for the armed forces of ukraine, it seems, has finally finished off the reputation, no longer of the osce, but rather of a proxy detachment guarding the global west. Now it is a servant for the selfish interests of the owner and a prowestern performance that kills security. Its important to understand this. Happily. The total volume of declared investments exceeds 1,400 million us dollars, in general we have already invested in the project. Business on the belarusian market, we often receive delegations from russian business, russian regions, we have a number of advantages, we offer tax benefits, customs benefits, in general, in terms of preferential policies, we probably occupy a leading position, we absorb the best practices, we study world experience, we are constantly improving our legislation in favor of residents, by the way, we already have several decrees of the head state advertises the activities of our project, which indicates high attention from the leadership of our country, and of course, these are the conditions for business that we offer, these are readymade production sites, this is land as in rent, so into private ownership, this is the entire infrastructure, by the way, we have all the conditions created in the territory of priority development, that is, we have all the land prepared for transfer to investors and residents, all communications have been created, luxury roads have been created, more than 300 roads have been laid there km of various. From the country, we also have Russian Companies involved in such areas as new materials, pharmacology, one of our residents this year will begin producing products in the field of veterinary medicine, namely medical preparations for veterinary medicine, this is a russian resident, so they have an interest, and of course, our platform is also of great interest to them. What other Business Ideas are the residents implementing today . If we take into account not Russian Companies, in general, the largest, the most ambitious, the most interesting, perhaps the most unique for the belarusian market, you know, the most diverse, probably a lot has already been said about our large anchor projects, so i will not repeat myself , i will talk about those residents that we accepted last year, and twenty the third year was unique for us in this regard, because practically we set a record for the number of residents accepted, about the number of companies accepted into our park, these are 26 companies, this is. We even exceeded the precovid period, because well, its like a business has revived, interest in Business Development in belarus is, of course , growing, of these twentysix companies, 12 companies are companies from china, with chinese capital, what should be noted here, what are the trends, various businesses are coming from the field of logistics, in the field of new materials, so we have one company that will carry out production. Carbon fiber products, this is a very interesting, new material for us, a number of companies in the medical field, one of the Chinese Companies will. Produce orthopedic dental products using additive technologies, well, this is 3d printing. The information picture on monday will be complemented by sports day. Hello. Lets start with hockey dynamo minsk and moscow met again in the 1 8 finals of the gagarin cup. In the starting duel, remember, wolves were stronger 4 1, but the second confrontation on the ice of the vtb arena in russia turned out to be more stubborn. In the first third, the spectators did not see any goals scored. In the Second Period, early in the Second Period , the minsk team scored twice with goals from satishvili and volkov, but then the home team managed to recover. We played the second game of the play series, let us remind you that the southerners were stronger at home with a score of 4 2. In the return match, 60 minutes were not enough for the teams; in overtime , denis tsyganov brought victory to the zubr 3 2, this exit in the knockout round was the first for breshchan in three seasons, an opponent sergei pushkovs squad will be 1 4 in vitebsk. We continue to do the same, we play, we play hockey, we have fun , i think it will be an interesting series, i dont think that. It will be a strong advantage for them or for us, again everyone sees ours, how we play at home , that is, i think that they will not have any advantage at all. In the second playin series, where the chemist and the locomotive are fighting, a third decisive match will be needed. On saturday the Napoleon Team lost to zheleznodorozhnik in overtime 2 3, and today with the same score, but in regular time the oil workers defeated the orsha team on the road. The next match will take place on wednesday, its winner will most likely also be able to win at home, but as the coach says, we have our own tasks, so we worked on new combinations in defense and attack, so some things worked out, some things didnt, well watch this game, disassemble and prepare for the next games. Cska moscow completed its performance in a sensational manner; it allowed the viktor club from stavropol to advance to the next stage. The army team performed 2533 in the home game today. The final

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