My matured heart, golden dawn dreams, a good song on the way, high sky, yes, a brave bird, flying a little ahead, a high sky, and a brave knight, daring just ahead. We have one of the most modern production facilities in the cis countries, a unique enterprise, using the very best, just people working here, real professionals. Leading manufacturers of nuclear space, automotive, medical and other important products are interested in close cooperation with this enterprise. This Company Works well. And technologically, harmoniously and efficiently, unique, this is precisely the definition characterizes it most accurately, and this is the only microelectronics Production Enterprise in the country, the famous integral. In belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, and microelectronics in general. Here you. You dont see whether you have tightened the nuts or not, here you dont see at all what you are creating, you can generally control what you did after about 500600 operations from start to finish, yes, only on 500 operations, for example, you can check, and first, whether the tenth, twentieth, hundredth operation was done correctly or not, in order to make highquality products in a huge number of pieces, you need to build and imagine in your head. First of all , teamwork is welcomed and present here ; without teamwork , it is almost impossible to produce hightech products. Transistors, diodes, integrated circuits, microprocessors and microcontrollers, digital logic, storage devices, interface microcircuits, Electronic Component base for. From which our branch in pinsk produces plates by cutting them with a string cutting machine, a certain thickness, a certain roughness, plane, then they are ground. Microcircuits, 500 types of semiconductor devices, 200 types of liquid crystal indicators and modules. We still have an Electronic System for the movement of products, so that i , sitting here in my office, can use my phone to see what equipment is in operation right now, what product is being made there or whether it is being done at all or why it is not being done, such an important parameter is interoperational timing, a criterion, and for a number of technological ones. Operations between which cannot even exceed 30 minutes, so everything is tracked, this is a large amount of work that needs to be controlled. Today, integral carries out a full production cycle, from Product Design to support of the final product to the consumer. The history of the enterprise began in 1963 with the commissioning of the Semiconductor Plant devices in. After 2 years , a special design and Technology Bureau was created at the integral research and production association. Integral was awarded two orders, the order of lenin and the order of the october revolution. We received these awards for work related to space, including the buran program. And now on. In the facade of our building, on our official letterheads, these awards are displayed, we are also proud of them. By the way, the first domestic electronic wristwatches were manufactured at integral in 1973 in 1977 , the company produced the first integrated memory chip, and a year later the first microprocessor. Today the holding also produces medical devices, electronic displays, and units. Belt current to one degree or another contains an integrated circuit, even a light bulb is powered from a battery or from an led network, which we use in everyday life ; a good quality product also contains a microelectronics product. The holding produces. 150 types of electronic products, mobile devices artificial ventilation, Blood Pressure meter, irradiators, bactericidal, lamps and leds, clocks and stopwatches, information boards and other products. The work itself is interesting, the team is very good, i enjoy my work. The main products of the holding are microElectronic Components. Production is complex, scienceintensive. Production in which, figuratively speaking, every little thing is literally worth its weight in gold. In our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, i. This is the first time ive heard of such a person, but intuitively answered no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican, how interesting it is, it seems to me that he is italian, you can only rely on your own strength here, this is boris aglep church, it is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, victor, its simply tearing everyone apart, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is the name of the one thousandth . Exhaustive answer prohar, thank you very much. Well, granite is kind of a brownred stone, but what type of minerals . I cant give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that prokhor can give an answer to answer absolutely any question, is this a mineral, does it burn . No, watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel, a real man should be able to throw 100 m. youll become a man here, when there are only women around, dad, who is he, whats his name , i have no idea, and where you met him, nowhere, i ordered him, well, at least one fitter would come to me, and this is for you , thank you for throwing out all my ideas, it was really rubbish, please contact me if anything happens, theres another one. when you think about starting to look after your mother, you havent changed, you too, i asked you to look after the child, i see how you look after, you cant go on the screen, you will break millions of womens hearts, so you dont have to wait for her, she is now walking in the park with her daughter and her husband, you dont believe it, look, oh, sorry, i accidentally, watch the series, belarus, whats your name . And my name is olga, very nice. The preparations for peru were carried out by the cook, it was he who supervised the work of the cooks; the cooks were only men. Yes, at that time, only men, it was quite hard work. Ecuadorian has lived here for 8 years. Travels through our cities and villages, there is some kind of standard, well, if its a professional kitchen, it should always be the same, yes, the standard, mine probably isnt, mine is too big , scary, for the first time its normal, you felt like a prisoner , probably now the soldiers should feel, come on, okay, lets go to the tower, the model of our church, which is located in our town, was made by the hands of our children and wow, the children are happy to make it tell about the most colorful places in the country, it was unexpected, my mind wants to build some kind of film that people have already walked here, ran around all sorts of massacres, all sorts of epic stories, look at the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel. The process of making a microcircuit is influenced by everything, from air to materials, how a person wears makeup, very much a lot of resources are spent, for example, on maintaining climatic conditions, this is huge. Costs, a laborintensive enterprise in terms of microclimate and energy, that is , everything depends on the quality of the resulting materials for the microclimate itself, which is here is used, that is, the preparation of the microclimate is both temperature and air purity, air pressure, if you Pay Attention to the ceiling, then the ceiling is one continuous filter, there the entire ceiling consists of filters, filtration there consists of hep, we use it in vacuum cleaners a hepa filter to clean the exhaust air so that dust doesnt come back into the room, we use it in exactly the same direction, but only to ensure that the air is clean in the room where the microcircuit is being manufactured, you will walk along the raised floor, between the main floor on which you will walk is 20 meters high, the air there is spinning in a circle, the most important point for any production is that in order to have clean air, it is necessary. To filter the same air several times, we and you are now in the service zone of one of the Service Zones of production, here the frequency class is 1. 00, in clean rooms we will see the frequency class 10 somewhere around one, what does this mean, it means that per cubic meter of air there is one particle of size 0, 1 micrometer, its cleaner here than herbic operating rooms. Integrals twelfth production employs 280 people, of which about 100 are highly professional engineers and technical workers, about a Million Dollars are spent monthly on air treatment for air alone, whether you make products there or not, whether you are busy or not. Everything that is important is here there are no irreplaceable expressions, but the production of the integral is the case when there are irreplaceable ones, this is the appearance room, this is the kind of operation when the plate has gone all the way, comes to us on appearance, and we check the microcircuits for defects and then to. Russia, china, south korea, india and other countries. We look at the microcircuits through a microscope, check them, but , of course, after every hour and a half we have a 15 minute rest for the eyes, its mandatory to do exercises, we have an appearance map, and we re all there. Are scheduled, we need to know them and check that everything was as it should be. Impeccable, highquality work is the everyday life of another structural link of the enterprise, intes production. Our production is engaged in packaging integrated microcircuits, that is, we take a crystal, put it in a case, seal it, then conduct a whole series of tests, check them for reliability. Intes, as production in the structure of a branch. In the structure of the holding it is the flagship for production, assembly measuring and testing production, but the final testing is carried out by a testing center, we conduct research in the field of operation of its electrical component. In this case, the static electrical parameters at extreme temperatures 60 125, it must withstand and correspond to its parameters. Here is linear acceleration, the microcircuit can withstand linear acceleration of 10. I can say that at my inte, specifically at my production, there is a team of professionals, i would even say the best of the best on the integral. The holding team is another of its distinctive features people who do important work, pride, glory and good prospects for the enterprise, experienced workers who have given the company decades of years of honor and respect here, and young people have every opportunity to develop and gain strength. People polish, polish their knowledge, hone, gain practical skills and subsequently become qualified specialists. If you dont like 8 hours of life a day, then something needs to change, so work should provide pleasure to a person, and i get pleasure from this job. Today integral is a large holding company, which includes enterprises and production sites. In minsk, molodechno, brest, pinsk and gomel. The holding has more than 500 employees, of which more than 1,800 are young people under the age of 31. Work after college was 2 years, but then i stayed, worked for 2 years, now ive been working for 3 years after my service, i stayed here, which means i like it. The team is very good, we became friends right away, i can say that i made friends here, thats it. And im glad for the teams , ive never regretted that i ended up here, ill be honest, i got an assignment here myself, went, tried to get it, i was assigned to the city of molodechno, and i wanted to take the integral, among the students i had heard a lot that this is a knowledgeintensive enterprise, im interested in this, then integral is like a family, well, here you come into a family, at home its convenient, comfortable , and here you feel it, but family, we, of course, have a team, one that our country should be proud of. And innovators, scientific and technical developments and innovative breakthroughs, modernization of production and high quality is here now, this is the everyday life of the famous integral, the Constant Development of the teams competencies and a wellthoughtout social policy, the secret of success of the unique belarusian microelectronics industry enterprise, the integral holding, my work for me is life, this is a second family, this is everything, my work is for me this is a significant part of my life, this is probably joy for the soul and mind

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