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Sciences, vadim gigin, general director of the national library, head of general knowledge, also a candidate of historical sciences, thats right, yes, and vladimir pertsov, minister of information of the republic of belarus, good evening, thank you very much for coming at the very beginning of the program, let me do something nice today, irina borisovnovichs birthday, congratulations, congratulations, all the best, success, as they say, in your work, etc. And personal life, its a pleasure to work with you, a great professional, thank you for coming to the editors club, thank you for spending this day, including with you, yes , we specifically invited you so that you, so to speak, would share your holiday with us, and so, lets begin, lets begin, the news is sad, well in recent years, as a rule, we have been discussing wars, recently ukraine has somehow pushed it aside, although a special military operation there continues in principle, nothing else has changed, although they say. That Russian Troops are somehow actively defending themselves , yes, probably in active defense crossed, which means that the counteroffensive essentially failed and perhaps some first shoots of an offensive by Russian Troops, well, maybe well talk about that, well, of course, israel, hamas, a terrible, tragic incident has happened since the recording of our last program, i have i see an attack on a hospital in the gas sector, well, whats there to discuss, of course, whoever did it, its monstrous. Hundreds of victims, a huge number of children died, old people, this is a hospital, after all, today, by the way, i saw a table, maybe you saw a map of countries on the internet, which, well, who, who takes what position, belarus is marked there with a purple neutral color, one of the few countries in this conflict, well, the israeli side, as i understand it, evaluates our position, we are against the loss of life, of course, against wars, against horrific crimes, no matter who committed them, this applies to both sides, lets call a spade a spade, we are, as always , interested in, of course, the political component, somewhere the military, but also the media component, how is it all ours pseudocolleagues highlight in western countries how politicians comment on double standards, we devote a lot of time to this in our program in order to show people with concrete examples what the policies of our western partners are, lets. If we briefly discuss, they hit us, well, naturally, hamas says that it is israel, israel, it says that it is not us, well, thats all , today i printed somewhere, the United States of america said that there is no need to conduct any investigation, israel showed us, that they didnt do it, but i immediately remember the situation with the planes that belarus allegedly landed here, yes, there was no evidence, an incident that happened on the territory since the death of people. Ukraine, kramatorsk, odessa, shelling of the executive committee in lugansk, and who blew up the nord stream, and the nord stream, too, yes, lets go over the facts, as soon as this happened, netanyahus former adviser, Hananya Naftali writes in his office, the Israeli Air Force attacked a terrorist base hamas inside a hospital in gaza, a large number of terrorists died, it is heartbreaking that hamas is launching rockets from hospitals, mosques and schools and using civilians. As a living count, he wrote, after which the post was quickly deleted, when a scandal broke out, the guardian even wrote, yes, that hot on the heels of the scene, it released a report that indicated that it was israel that struck the hospitals in gaza , but he also finished off those who came to save, you see this video, yes, people are clearing away the rubble, they came to save, they received another missile at the same point, new york the times, you know, this is such a propaganda publication, it writes, the headline Israeli Attack led to the death of hundreds of people in hospitals , they received a cap, writes after a while, erases its headline, as a result of the attack on a hospital in the gaza strip, at least n people died , gets it again for this and writes an explosion in a hospital in gas killed at least 500 people, we started looking, and as usual, these publications, western politicians reacted to events similar on the territory of ukraine, ill give you the headlines, without appeal, without any investigation, war in ukraine, three people died as a result of a russian air strike on a Maternity Hospital, russia bombed a ukrainian Maternity Hospital after the birth of two children, the minister of health, a pregnant woman. And a child died after russia bombed a Maternity Hospital house. Ukraine , a Childrens Hospital was completely destroyed by russian bombs in mariupol, a pregnant woman and a child died after shelling by russia and mariupol, remember, it is still unknown who fired there or not. Putin targets ukrainian hospitals. This is a war crime they write, here is the headline in front of you. Lets take the same headlines from the israeli incident. And a statement from politicians. Fondern added that she needed confirmation and that i could not comment at this time. The Uk Home Office will work with our allies to find out what happened and protect innocent civilians in the gas. Biden seems to support israels denial of responsibility for the gas hospital bombing, from what ive seen. It looks like it was done by someone else, not you, he said. German chancellor scholz called for a thorough investigation into the hospital explosion in the gaza strip, no countries, no names, icing on the cake, our beloved barel, you know, the gardener from the european garden, pride. Politicians writes, previously writes russia is to blame, it is she who carries out indiscriminate attacks, josep borel, an hour after the missile attack on the kramatorsk station, the ukrainians, by the way, hit it, yes, and now he writes, declares, it is not clear who is to blame, it is necessary establish responsibly, he said, after that, but state Department Spokesman Matthew Miller responds to a question about the idea of ​​an International Investigation into the bombing of a hospital in gaza, i dont think it s appropriate at this point, the Israeli Government has provided plenty of evidence to support its claim about that it was a rocket attack from the gas sector, we do not know who did it, and so we declare, in the same way we declared during the ukrainian conflict, there is no evidence, do not declare, according to the guardian, well look into it later, but these are the wellknown New York Times and the Washington Post guardian, wellknown fakethrowers, more than once we wrote to them in the Editorial Office after they slandered belarusian topics and wrote neither an answer nor a greeting to the interview do not agree. Well, they are doing their job, no, so you see, the position of the western , socalled media is a separate topic for analysis, how they manipulate language, they were killed here, they died here, or for example, when our fugitives say something, they they say belarusians, like as if one person, with a dubious reputation, he represents the whole people, this manipulation of various phrases, terms, it has become characteristic of them, they clearly. They fulfill an order, we see it, well, okay, thats understandable , they are practicing some kind of craft, but these publications add fuel to the fire, they lead to confrontation, they incite hostility, they try to manipulate society by distorting information, and the trend is very important here Society Stops believing them, the mass demonstrations that we see on streets of european cities, yes, they go in support of palestine, but they diverge from the trend that is reflected. That is, there is a break in the establishment, its information agenda and people, they create a kind of distorted picture of the world, here the position that ours takes is fundamental country, the Russian Federation, the key point, we sympathize with the victims , human death is terrible in any case, no matter who is behind it, our policy is aimed at deescalation, this is also what the resolution in council. Un security, which was carried out by the Russian Federation, who blocked it . Usa, usa, uk, france, but japan voted against it, it could not block it, that is, well, okay, you dont like the russian resolution, propose your own, what do you propose, or this horror will continue endlessly, only a longterm settlement of the arab the israeli conflict can put an end to the bloodshed, and now this settlement is in big question, not only in connection with the situation with hamas, but also with the west bank of the jordan river, because during this time, when the americans, it is necessary to constantly emphasize, the main blame for the crisis is borne by the United States of america, because since the nineties, since the collapse of the soviet union, they have accepted the main responsibility for resolving security, adding fuel to the fire , they say, they say that the american missile was supplied with weapons, by the way, and the speeches of president biden, we will probably talk about this later, who. In fact, he did not announce the amount, but experts have already written 100 billion gives for war, well, lets say israel, their longtime ally, 14 billion, this is the position here, for ukraine 60 billion and you recognize that this is the legal territory of the peoples republic of china, on what basis do you provide Financial Assistance to the separatist regime, the regime calls it a reasonable investment of 100 billion, the most its scary that i listened to biden yesterday, so we started talking about it, here are a few of his statements, first, investments from ukraine are investments that will bear fruit, not a word about the fact that thousands of people are dying every day, not a word, further, we want to make this this middle east better in the middle east, and who asked you in the middle east to make the middle east better, we saw what you did in iraq, we saw what you did in other countries, the third point, in addition to the fact that the un blocked the resolution , the un secretary general proposed a specific measure, declaring a twoweek truce, so that issues could be resolved at the negotiating table, refusal, and where did the refusal come from . Israel doesnt even they ask, the refusal came from the white house, the white house said, we are against this truce , what does this all mean now, that the United States does not want peace in the middle east, but i would like to say that in addition to the crisis of International Institutions , which we are now seeing once again, neither the un nor other International Organizations influence anything, empty resolutions. Empty reasoning, might is right, but we still see the collapse, in fact , in my opinion, of american politics in the middle east, its failure, because literally before these events mean that there was an agreement for a meeting between the leaders of israel and a number of countries in the middle east, today these meetings have failed, everyone who can now believe the americans in the middle east, after biden flies to tel aviv and does not say a word about palestinian civilian children , and people, about the old people who are dying, he doesnt care about them, that is, all countries are watching this, so that people understand, even those countries of the middle east that are connected with the usa, financially, are connected by others in things, they will not forgive this , and every day of conflict, every day the belarusian, russian position, chinese position is ignored, because negotiations must be started immediately , this is a big risk of a huge war breaking out in the middle east, the middle east is a waste barrel, conflicts can now arise there not only muslims, that means jews, too shiites, sunnis, alovites, kurds, all this can flare up if iran gets caught, if other countries get caught, how can we stop it then, it will be impossible to stop, the second tragedy is that all this is for the sake of the dollar, thats how much 100 billion, so this everything will be printed, how these dollars are backed by nothing, just soldiers, these dollars are backed only by war, right . Weapons, that means money, money, money, and imagine how many people died in ukraine, in the beginning, the project failed, which means everything, obviously, the ukraine project is a failure, it is for this reason that we need to move away from the dollar, so that they stop printing these money, everything for the sake of the dollar, he says so, biden says so, this is a great investment, let it be, we are worried, we are connected with israel, from the middle east, we how many relatives, how many families we have, this is our history, but from. Today , unfortunately, belarus was created, unfortunately, this is an instrument, including the United States of america, this is scary, but we would like peace and the last thing, you look at history, arabs and jews lived in peace for centuries, until what point, until Great Britain came, until again an external factor, because they need war, i agree with all the previous speakers, of course the United States of america is the beneficiary and benefits from this, i just want to specify which one in this particular case , mr. Bai received the benefit. Yes, if you remember, after the us congress was beheaded, the tranche of transferring money to ukraine was stalled, yes, that means the republicans began to torpedo, but not ukraine, yes, we wont transfer money, which means that s all about it today they forgot, this attack, as they say, came crashing down, this tragedy in the middle east crashed, today these figures have already been announced that biden wants to pass through congress, and says that everyone, everyone, both republicans and democrats, even without a speaker they support this, that is, this is an attack. This was needed in order to push this money, including for the war in ukraine, so that it would not be stopped in any case, lets still not forget that, no matter how now the worlds attention to the community has not focused on the middle east and the problem, after all, for the americans the most important problem is the Russian Federation and the peoples republic of china, by the way, under this noise, biden today says that he wants to fight three wars, a big , naturally, that means with russia or with china and two others in the middle east and maybe taiwan, but what. Specifically, with this attack on the hospital, well , first of all, i want to remind you that today in the gas sector 14 hospitals are without power, yes, they are simply also under slow attack, yes, this is in addition to those that were destroyed, 14 hospitals, secondly there were not only patients there, there were refugees there, many expected that they will not strike at the hospital, so they went there with their entire families to somehow survive, because all the other carpet bombings are going on , and thirdly, what about mr. Bidens statement, already leaving israel on the plane, but coming out in some kind of undershirts, that is to say, with a snake, they obviously laid him down , he was out of his mind there, they put him in bed, they took off all these masks from him, and so on and so forth, his chin sagged, everything swam, blinken stood behind him, literally tugging at him, and the correspondent asked him, mr. Biden, many claim, many do not believe in the assertion that it was not israel that dealt a blow to the hospital, im just quoting biden now, yes, those who dont believe have every reason for this, then he fumed, he fumed, something yes, lets blink him back, after that kirby yes, he was standing on the side saying, its on video, stop it , he said to the press secretary, ill add, thats why, in principle, today the israeli authorities are so afraid of the media, information has been received that at the moment, yes, at the moment they want to close the Al Jazeera Office so that there is proper coverage of this conflict, as they want, in addition, they are specifically trying to influence even the bbc, because they are afraid that at least something has slipped through, even from allies i agree with this, even yes, it is necessary to influence, so we saw how the policeman approached to the journalist and said, film it properly, they have just passed some kind of law that seems to allow it to be closed, for which we were criticized, yes, its terrible, but there is one more figure, now one second, vladimir borisovich, about that today about almost 70 of the israeli population blames netanyahu for what happened, therefore, any information that will now be disseminated is not beneficial and should be covered up, thats what concerns this attack on the hospital, here we are 500 people, 800 people, hundreds of children, and we are talking about the dead, but you know, whats scary is that people are dying not only physically, this is what is happening socially now. Not thousands, but millions of people are dying in souls, because i was looking at the comments, its just mocking, when a father carries the remains of his children in a bag in his arms, yes, there is a comment, finally, even uttered, its difficult for me, they will have fresh meat, well, its just terrible, but the western press has published articles where they say, this is not a war crime, we need to distinguish between attacks on hospitals, when its a war crime, when its not, stupid, whats her name martynova, and in general there is a scandal all over the world from her statements, she agreed to that, agreed to what she said, palestinian, lets see, lets see, because in 2020, many of us, i personally confirm once again, i declare that among there were a huge number of organizers of this meeting and participants people with nazi views, i personally know some of them, these names are well known to us, here is confirmation of this, listen to the activist, well, one of the main ones they had, but she is a woman, i will not stoop to the dacha, so to speak, not a woman, characteristics, lets listen, i ll tell you how israeli children differ from palestinian children. When an israeli child grows up and its not just about love and prosperity there and so on, he doesnt come to school, where they start teaching him, kill, at the age of 16 his own mother gives him a weapon and says go kill a jew, thats the difference, in the israeli mother, in the palestinian mother, and now i understand, i say things generally close to nazism, but this is not about nazism, he said, when jewish children were burned by the extremists, he said, these are not children, they can be burned, she repeats the same thing today, as International Structures take on politics, so america, instead of burning through new conflicts, everyone knew that palestine and israel had broken out, everyone knew why the question of a palestinian state was still not allowed, there is a un solution, why International Structures did nothing, why the United States, which, why the United States, which said, we will bring peace to you know , we are discussing emotionally, because the degree of cruelty and inhumanity in this conflict, it goes beyond all previous wars, exceeds the Armed Conflicts that we ever seen in the stories that we have seen lately, although it seemed that it was already difficult to surprise us with anything, this is such a moment of truth, i think that not everything is so simple, even in the positions of the united. I seen throughout this visit is horror in the eyes of blinken, if mr. Biden, as you say, is a person with welldefined problems, and this question is not raised by us, but by the senators of the United States of america, unfortunately, he did not provide a certificate from a doctor stating that he has he has no cognitive disorders, then blinken, salevan and nuland are the three main characters in american politics, at least the speakers who form the agenda and who voice it, there was horror in blinkins eyes, primarily because to the end. Even he is there in the most eastern specialists, together with all american intelligence, understanding what this could lead to, no, firstly, they turned away from themselves and from the antiputin, antirussian and antichinese agenda the entire east, the middle east, and those countries that expressed solidarity or voted neutrally, supporting by. Just believe me, flowers, because the muslim world, the islamic world, with all these disputes that the sunnis, shiites and so on said, they united, in the face of such overwhelming cruelty, hamas may well to also be a gambit pawn. Game, because negotiations are underway, work is underway, which is poorly accessible to the american intelligence services, which until recently we considered omnipotent, omniscient and understanding, they slept through this brutal terrorist attack, which was the trigger for what is happening now, they overslept because they did not have so much information, there were devices, there were other actions, the preparation of such massive terrorist attacks could not go unnoticed, but now the islamic world unites, you know that a gas blockade may arise, which was already an oil blockade 30, in my opinion, or 40 years ago, in the year seventythree, just 50 years ago, the day of judgment, which gave rise to the World Economic crisis, the gas attack will give rise to the blockade will give rise to such an economic crisis , which in our days cannot be compensated for by anything, because the largest players in this market, everything is very bad with them, america alone with its shale gas and scandinavia will not cover even a small amount of needs world economy, european economy and so on, from this, you know, what can happen, well, benjamin netanyahu, who , thinking that this is such a nationwide. War against the enemy, hides his Corruption Scandals under the tablecloth, unites with the opposition and tries to survive in it also seems to me that they are not particularly enthusiastic about this political struggle now, because the situation has gone too far, the most offensive and, well, probably the most annoying thing is that they do not want to hear the voice of reason from the lips of the Russian Federation, belarus, china. The secretary general un, that this bloodshed needs to be stopped immediately, there are a huge number of antiisraeli rallies, they cannot cope with this information agenda, nor with their traditional media, nor with the most severe censorship that began on social networks, primarily in metacommunities, and i think that these unrest on injustice, and you saw that jews broke into the capitol. Who did not shout on our behalf, this is a wave of injustice and the consolidation of the muslim world, it can really lead, against the backdrop of all other contradictions lead to great political and economic upheavals to raise a wave of islamophobia in europe, declares that these demonstrations, demonstrations of many thousands , lasting for many years, are supposedly of you from the slave world, but we see in the photographs of europe that it is europeans who are coming out, vladimir said, it is very important here, if a new economic crisis begins, this is actually the third wave after the first crisis generated by the United States in 2008, they just started to emerge, covid collapsed the world economy, now there is an upward trend, and if there will be a new crisis due to this conflict, it will be a serious blow that can completely block the economic map, but what are the americans doing, this is how the hegemon does not want to give up, they announced the easing of sanctions. In relation to venezuela, that is, there has been a negotiation process there since twentyone, now in barbados the government there has reached an agreement with the opposition, in order to compensate for possible losses in the oil and gas market, they are trying to return for at least 6 years, for 6 months this Venezuelan Oil, but i agree with vladimir borivich, it is unlikely that they will be able to compensate for the potential losses that they will now think will be even worse after the start of the ground operation, which will now take place, but what are they negotiating with guado on Venezuelan Oil and gas, my question is, today the situation may develop differently, but after the start of the ground operation, there will be a lot of blood, this is the first thing. Second, what awaits europe . Another stream of refugees, millions, they couldnt digest ukraine, they couldnt digest those migrants who came after the destruction of iraq, syria and libya, now again the middle east, millions of migrants will go to europe, how europe will decide this already, they decide not to accept anymore, they will close it, if there is a gas blockade, taking into account relations with the Russian Federation, already the European Union is bursting at the seams, europe cannot understand one simple thing. Since the beginning of its imposition of sanctions and pressure on belarus and russia, europeans have been taught to live at their own expense, but they really dont want to, they lived at the expense of africa, at the expense of the middle east, here is biden openly, the collapse of the ussr, they lived at the expense of us, europe lived at the expense of the ussr countries for 30 years, thats enough, the second point, here biden told the truth, they are not blowing up the middle east in order to make the middle east better , people should hear the same thing here in belarus, they didnt blow up the resources to take away resources for this gas, for this oil, for what is located on the territory of the postsoviet space in belarus, for our enterprise and there is a war going on, no one cares about that how arabs live, jews live, ukrainians live, belarusians live, this is the bitter truth of life, only money, well, we see video on video screens of numerous demonstrations in many european countries, well, of course, there are a lot of arabs there, there are a lot of arabs and. This conflict that happened between hamas and israel, we said that this is the result of american politics in the west, they will still seem like flowers, because we see that there are more and more shares, they are being dispersed there, but this is for the time being, i know, looking at this, how a huge number came out in the cities people, just imagine, if they finally push back all the limits there, what will they do there, i remember, an interview with the president , they got into this region and did what the president told them then, look now, yes, what are they getting now for this , lets look at this episode, you go there, you arm your special forces there, you arm them, you give money, would anyone really fight there without money, without weapons . How did someone come from somewhere out of the blue and turn the country upside down, what should be the outcome what is happening in syria is deplorable for you, no, for the syrians, for the syrian people, and it is already a disaster for the syrian people, you are destroying another country, that is, you still believe that the overthrow of regimes directly or indirectly at all these points it was wrong, starting with iraq, afghanistan, i said it wrong , it was criminal, it was a crime, even with the participation of a huge number of people who protested against the leaders, people who it was a crime, my assessment is unequivocal, and you wont think much of what you mean by this, but whats happening, youre afraid of terrorism, but you got it, you created it with your own hands, see what else will happen. You are doing this in vain, in vain, no one needs your democracy through death, you have millions of dead, uh, relatives, people, and you know among muslims what it is, blood money, they will never forgive this, never, thats how right the president is, for the palestinians are not asking for theirs, europe, unfortunately, will not be overwhelmed by the pirates, but the swedes, the swedes, and the coral was burned, that did two people, shot the swedes, look what the president is talking about, this is the twelfth year, yes, what gave birth to, the situation in syria, the arab spring and gil gave birth to which two coalitions then fought, one led by russia, the second by the United States, and russia offered cooperation to the americans, they actually refused, it was a unique situation, the next moment, look, who brought up hamas . The eightyseventh year it appeared, the eightyeighth year hamas militants went to afghanistan, then the western ones, including the special services, tried to use it to weaken the role of the palestine liberation organization, fatah, yasser arafat, who did all this, who brought it up . And we dont know where alqaeda came from, where osama bin frankincense fought in afghanistan, who sponsored the war in afghanistan in the eighties. Where did islamic terrorism come from, which swept through in the nineties for, with their own money, in fact, they raised this notorious islamic money, they are fighting with them, i want to remind you that in 2007 , the israeli units withdrew from the gaza strip in order to give the opportunity to flex your hands hamaz, yes, they massacred 7,500 militants, well, not militants, but activists, that is, again , as we see, there is cooperation, but regarding the words of the president , if you look at what is happening in europe today, lets call a spade a spade, a civil war is being prepared there, all the ingredients have already been laid, and terrorism in the middle east , the deterioration of the Economic Situation and the flows of refugees who came there, whom mrs. Merkel invited there, and what is happening today, lets call things like this simply, how many attempts have there already been to set fire to synagogues, yeah, thats the one, xenophobia, yes, which is hatred of jews. Yes, which seemed to have died down in europe, today is rising again, and is rising not only with the help of arab nationalism, or some kind of reaction to events in israel, but local, european, yes, hatred of jews, that which has been smoldering there for years has now died down, it again turns out to be a trigger, and its like a generator for kindling, so lets call a spade a spade, United States of america feeling that they are leaving the post of, so to speak, this king of the hill, they are creating. Just uncontrollable chaos with one simple task you will all get tired, without our management, you will eventually ask us to become bosses again, but this plan is crazy , because the United States of america will also burn in this cauldron, even first of all, i would say, these are the shots from the capitol that we saw today, this is not the first time people have come to the capitol, and today again lawabiding people came there people, in the vestila they broke through there, and correctly jewish voice for peace, yes, that is, this is a jewish voice for peace, jews understand , lets. Remember a simple thing, there are much more jews living in the world than in israel, if someone wants to save the jewish people, they must save jews , those who live where they can easily be subject to terrorist attacks, yes, maybe in israel there will be some kind of idf army that will defend itself, and those jews who are scattered all over the world will not be able to defend themselves, which means that today the israeli pro thereby substitutes their blood brothers all over the world, and this policy is only for one thing, so that mr. Biden gets reelected, so that everyone forgets, yeah. He threw another 100 billion dollars at ukraine, and he would have pretended to be some kind of victory before his election debates with his opponents, well, this is supercynicism, listen, well, the world understands this, i saw information that the American Government warned its citizens about the whole world that there are threats of theoretical attacks against, they do this as a standard when there is an aggravation in the middle east, so look at what the American Embassy looks like now , we have no one left in this embassy , ​​there are concrete blocks around, in moscow, where the situation is generally calm, there is a fortress, in other countries there , they are always one of the conditions, they almost have companies of marines, why did we have, we didnt talk about it much, a conflict with them, they demanded that their marines stay here, we say, we have a calm country, but they equip their embassies everywhere as fortress, why . Because you know that their people hate them, that this is not for protection from those who will have a visa at the largest us embassy in armenia today, they can be scammed there. An indicative reaction of americans to bidens speech inside america, i also observed, a huge number of americans are outraged by bidens position , they write the worst president of the United States, they write a fascist, a racist, who lives in a fascist state, people themselves understand everything, look there, america , she is also multinational country, how many migrants there are, how many people, including from the middle east, there from latin america, they themselves say, the worst president , and the worst thing. The worst thing, the worst thing, so i agree with the assessment of the chairman of the russian state duma, this is mine personal opinion, in fact, biden today is a war criminal, taking into account the policies that he is aware of, he is not aware of, after he boasted that he proposed bombing bridges in yugoslavia, even then it is possible that he is a war criminal, and the fact that what the usa is doing now, it will have to pay for it sooner or later ill have to answer, it wont work out like this, all this is asking, people wont forgive, they wont forgive, no, she died in the gas. What a journalist does is fraught with risk and todays incident is a reminder of this, it was the journalist reuther who died, they jumped off, what kind of answer is its a pity, but not really, right . There is no need to go where you dont need to, that was the answer, and the last statement, america is making the world a better place, that is, thanks to america , the world goes and sees. Thats exactly what kind of lie, thanks to america, the world is cracking, light is exploding, leave europe, there will be peace and union with russia in europe, leave the middle east, arabs and jews will live in peace, leave africa and there will be no coups detat, why are you interfering everywhere, leave us, for gods sake, in general, leave to your island, leave north america , indians, finally happily ever after, i think that we have already seen, of course, an escalation around the world, but we know, and the western news agency and the same reuters write about it, oh that an operation of iron swords is expected, the army is a land operation with almost one hundred percent. Extermination of the population that lived in the gas sector, is still living, and they have nowhere to go, then what we say flowers will turn into berries, there will be a series of consequences that will be very, very extremely difficult to turn back, and those stars of david that appeared on the doors of houses where jews live in europe, which has not happened for almost 100 years. This whole tolerance of them, and multiculturalism and multiethnicity, their whole ideology will simply crumble like a house of cards, well, plus all the economic consequences, civil strife, etc. Civil wars that are now brewing in many european and generally western states, and where will these 2 million from the gas sector go . Well, regarding the consequences of financial times, as the publication writes, the wests unconditional support for israels military operation the hamas that began after the attack put an end to months of efforts by the eu and the us to turn moscow into an international pariah, well, good news from the Financial Market came this week, yuanne overtook the euro for the first time became the second main currency in world trade, this is swift data, here is the history of civil wars, so that people do not think that these are our assessments of the topic of the day, yes, as they say, lech walesa, the former president , was accused, so that people know 30 years of poland controlled by agents that he declared literally the day before the elections that poland was on the brink of civil war. Yes, i m finishing the question on america, i hope that we will probably move on to another topic, we are talking about the 100 billion that will be invested, im just on a very simple level ill give one example from everyday life, people who left belarus. To america many years ago, now he talks about the situation, simple appendicitis, 5,000 operation with medical insurance, replacement of two bearings in a car 600. I just want our people to understand that america really invests money in wars, in blood, without even caring about its own citizens. Therefore, we need to draw conclusions about what america is like and life in it, which turned out to be very sweet for us, people live differently, but thats all. There is no answer to the question, yes the rich, yes the big one, yes the hegemon, but what is going on in their cities, where people are shooting up on the streets, where the neighborhoods are afraid for their lives, no, if you are coming from the airport, kennedy, the road is long and you are going to manhattan, of course, you come to manetten, fantastic, skyscrapers, but what kind of houses stand along the road, those famous ones that , at the first normal wind, whole slums fall apart there. The adviser of one there avoided from these same ones, once ended up in american hospital, i think 20, yes, with some kind of turning point, how is this an agent, he was an agent, of Foreign Intelligence Services named after fran, like we are also an agent, they all have an achievement, that of the ukrainians, that of ours, running, and you, when you worked in frunzinsky, consisted of stood, their only achievement was that he was a kgb agent, let them be proud, for you it was olga, as her karach agent was, and triple. She wanted to get the nobel prize, no, they didnt give her the nobel prize, shes a sick little sister, but there its practically a passing grade right away for the nobel peace prize, right away its mandatory demand, remember, obama, yes, he unleashed two wars, the nobeve peace prize, the president read stories, they say that obama was most shocked by this decision, he remembered an anecdote, and the Personnel Department there in some white house, and asked who who who . You are a moron, what is this mandatory requirement . He should be given another bonus for this, but what about the fact that ukraine received from otaks from we have already seen the first strike 160 km, yes yes they are happy there they hit the airfield, but we are these miracles, so i ll list how many we have already met bayraktar, jevelin, sy, leopards, abrams, yes, of course, unfortunately, behind each of these deliveries there are deaths, we must understand this, military personnel, civilians, they play a certain role, there were meetings with us and representatives of venezuela yes we had and orban met with putin for which he received the most interesting thing from the Prime Minister of estonia and the ministry of hungary was very indignant, because this is a wife, this is a Prime Minister, whose husband traded with russia until recently, says, you yourself, look at yourself, you dont allow it our leader to communicate with putin, well, in china, as i understand it, everything went well, so regarding the attacks and these missiles, thats right, so you noted that this can only prolong the agony of the ukrainian regime, and this again is not aimed at what these are military facilities, and the airfield was hit, but mind you, the warhead was an explosion , that is, again, this is for the destruction of manpower, some serious objects, these are missiles, at least now, in principle, the missile itself can, but with such there is no warhead, and of course, we understand perfectly well that the mik31 is now patrolling over the black sea, this is being done with the simple task of instantly responding to the launches of these missiles, tracking the points and how they were launched, and then learning how to quickly destroy them remember the words of the president , but he. Said this about these missiles and said that it will happen, that russia will not leave it like this, you are provoking russia to take tougher, more aggressive actions, in a moment he is already patrolling with calibers, he said to use the worst thing possible than this already, we are already talking about this, that russia will not answer, if suddenly necessary, russia simply does not give in to provocation, i listened carefully to putin, he clearly answered, this is the only thing that they will achieve more than human lives, this is ukraine. More, in fact, the americans are now doing cunning tactics, there is less money, but so that there is more information noise somewhere, no one will turn the tide of the war, the americans themselves have never believed in the victory of ukraine, it is necessary to extend it, how to extend it . So, that means we see there will be no counteroffensive, lets fire missiles lets say, noise, it might get somewhere, kill someone, or maybe it will be possible to provoke russia into a stronger response, and excuse me, they settled down, settled down when the moments flew by, because everyone knows that these. This who are flying into the stratosphere, who are now on patrol, they are being pinned down by four missiles, they wont be easy, its just the end if something happens, that zelsky asked not to talk about corruption now, journalists, really, because it turned out, by the way, the resignation of the minister of defense , all his deputies, which is simple they plundered bundles of this military aid, which, and now remember, there were several honest journalists in the west, a film, there were publications, what did they do with them . The film was removed, the publications were closed, although at that time it was obvious that ukraine was stealing these weapons, now ukrainian bloggers are openly talking about massive corruption in the supply of weapons, in the aid that was provided, in the aid that was being given to refugees, entire supply chains have been created there , if you can call them that because of theft, you think about it, the help that volunteers collected there should have only gone to specific warehouses, to learn about the essence of the Ukrainian Government firsthand, there is this bogdan, remember, he worked in the office, yes, he was the head of the office, he gave two interviews, to the notorious propagandist gardon, the last one there probably dates back a year ago, two hours long, if you want to know what a democratic, postrevolutionary state called ukraine is like, listen. At the end he said the phrase that i have never been so low human fall, like working there, he didnt see how they stole money, how they ruined the country, so he just hates him, its a pity that he was pushed away from this, no, no, he left and he, he just admits that uh, zelensky, a man who still plays his role as a servant of the people, never became president , he simply ruined the country, if you listen carefully. The president of belarus is also remembered there, he almost openly says that it was almost already, well , it was possible to try, it was almost decided to resolve this conflict peacefully, it was thwarted, it was thwarted, provoked putin, he also says that we deceived putin, we simply fooled him, we cheated him, but as he should have, he said something that everyone understood how it happened, look, from the head of the office it s interesting why was, they say putins ultimatums peace proposal in december 200 february the minsk agreements are signed february 15, december twenty years 6 years to agree on the normal implementation of the agreements several times a year, they tried to change the formula, the formula is not like that, this is not that, this is for this time in the ssu was driven through the confrontation line of 472,000 ukrainians, all your generals, then they admitted, the same angela merkel, and this is oland and everyone else , and it turns out that they were deliberately gaining time, that is, you initially deceived your partners, if yours had not started , the war would have been 100 , why they gave money to ukraine, but i also noticed this week that sometimes even our crazy people who are abroad have enlightenment, so i listened to lysov, who lives in latvia, how is our thief this corrupt official who tsypkalo , and he suddenly regained his sight and said listen, it turns out that no one is interested in democracy in europe , with a woman, she, i can see in her eyes that she is thinking about how to go to a cafe and eat oysters, she wanted to give a shit , im sorry, i didnt care about belarus for anything else, i i think that ivan mi, Ivan Mikhailovichna, you are probably waiting for kovalkova to visit, her statement was amazing again on this one, after after the film, which, yes, after the film that atn made, yes with kovalkova, that she is now stated that if she is removed from this beautiful their, lets call it that, parental committee, some strange committee there, she is ready to come to minsk for bt , she said, ill tell you who finances you, and ill tell you how it all happens, we know how it all happens, were here about it, but first, yes, first to the commission, and then there, but notice an interesting thing , she wants to come to minsk and tell this, but i have a question, why wont she tell it there, well, she now has the opportunity, she was on the air , shes threatening, ill go to minsk and tell you everything, because she understands that there she wont say anything, and no one, uh, the channel on which they tell the truth that would be us, of course, well, we can treat this differently, especially since the power in ukraine has always been thieving to varying degrees, but besides these bribes for derailment from military service, theft, as you talked about, material assistance, money, because how many weapons were stolen and sold on black markets. And were not just talking about machine guns and pistols, were talking about pazrk and other hightech devices that can shoot down highflying aircraft that can defeat a large number of people, these weapons are now wandering around in different countries, especially where there are frozen conflicts, and we saw this in the israeli conflict, that they directly showed american machine guns with numbers that should not have been in principle on this territory, and they tried to smuggle something to us for sure and are still trying to smuggle something here in preparation for the next election campaigns, this is what poses the greatest danger to all civilized humanity from ukraine and from of the conflict that is happening there and from the uncontrolled corrupt Ukrainian Government, well, now finishing this topic with israel about democracy, someone spoke about democracy, and was surprised that there was no democracy, and the american tv channel. Suspended muslim tv presenters from broadcasts, six people at once, they didnt speak out, didnt say anything, they were just immediately suspended, well, facebook and yes, these are these people, facebook and instagram block news about the war, we already know, they block news about belarus, finishing ukraine theme, the most eloquent example , the presenter asks bogdan, and why avakov was removed, he says, i dont want to, well, i didnt inject, he says, well , i cant say that to me, he says, what do you think, well, he started it. Reason, smart man, the politics there are different, he says no, we have a deputy, his mother, the childrens nanny, he says, in my opinion, zelensky was caught drunk driving, avakov didnt make excuses, he was fired, thats it, you can imagine this, its easy to imagine, i remember president yushchenko, but how else more or less sane, which means that at one time his son was also caught drunk in a porsche. About corruption, recently the president , when he held a meeting and talked about elections, he said, listen, we support candidates in belarus at the level of local authorities somewhere, there is nothing wrong, so listen, how many times before all these events did i communicate with the ukrainians, its no secret how much it costs to become a deputy, theyre happy, so whats better is that they have democracy, about elections, lets continue about elections, im just i wanted news from the lights of democracy of our beloved neighbors, the poles, who sheltered all the extremists and bandits. Well, apart from normal people, i dont want to offend those normal, respectable belarusians who went there, you know who im talking about, drug addicts and so on, to the garbage dumps, called tvp, they work there and so on, they had elections , you know, yes, uh , it turns out they had an osce mission, there was a representative of belarus there, you didnt let him in, you remember, and so, several conclusions, several excerpts of conclusions regarding the fact that how the poles conducted the elections, oleg sergeevich, this is a note, there will be elections soon , listen, according to the media, yes, paragraph during the election campaign, the ruling party received a clear advantage due to undue influence on the use of state resources and state media. The company itself was characterized by its widespread use of rhetoric of tolerance, xenophobia and antilifeism, a media monopoly. The National Television council was unable to stop the frank, openly biased tone of coverage of events on public television. Television, despite its constitutional duty to act in defense. Public interests in the context of a polarized media environment and a general narrowing of space for independent journalism, the state television and Radio Company openly gave preference to the ruling party and the third use of the resource was the participation of Stateowned Enterprises and funds managed by them in the Referendum Campaign , which made it possible to circumvent the rules for financing election campaigns, the National Election commission and district voters the commissions were not open to the public, moreover, information about the agenda and minutes of their meetings were not published to the detriment of the principle of transparency, but worse than Ivan Mikhailovich is not even this, but that the choice itself is very conditional, because those politicians in europe who would generally speak , that russia needs normal relations with belarus, there is no need to finance ukraine, throw america out of poland, they are, in principle, repressed and are not allowed to participate in the elections, so the choice is between. Will the polish team participate in the olympics . Games, whether sanctions will be imposed on the relationship after this in an amicable way in this story, well, you also monitored social networks on election days, there, of course, this is the missions conclusion that it is nontransparent. Or they poured mud these days on the radio, there were some radio plays broadcast right on voting day with a hint that they said that you shouldnt vote for this, it will be bad, as it was under him, you know, well, what kind of sanctions will we see after this, limited, this statement , in fact, this is tinsel, because then they will tell you , well, they used it, but then you see, an objective statement, and the opposition got a chance to form a government, all this is nonsense, what an opposition, this is part of a manipulative democracy, look how the opposition, if prorussian communists came, they would be there, they are not allowed at all, so they have a certain left party called the leftista, if you look at its ideology , under the microscope it differs from the ideology of the civil platform or someone else, even tusks party, as they define it, is liberalconservative, thats who the specialist is political, what kind of ideology is this . But they are not sure, because they are forced to not fully back down on abortion, to give in, these are the opposite, everything, both of them will support the war, both of them support nato, and are proud of what, look, they say, now the choice has passed democratically, yes, perhaps some opposition will change the ruling party , but at the same time the politics of poland. Will change , who are you trying to fool, look at how voters react, this is a very serious signal to the political elites ruling in poland, yes, there was a high turnout of 73 , but on the eve of voting day, what do they say. In normal, so to speak, democratic countries, the turnout is approximately around 50 ; if it is higher, it is always a falsification, an indicator that there is less for a referendum. This means that it is actually real, which means that the turnout was much smaller , its all made up and also falsified, as for this assessment of the general experts, well , its a rare case when im ready to agree with them, but today duda clearly disagrees with them , in general, he stated that it was the other way around the current elections, yes, are some kind of beacon of achievement, which means that he compared polish democracy with, well , the peoples republic of poland, and the polish peoples republic, not soviet times, but polish socialist times, thats when he said. Only pigs went to the polls, yeah, because it so happened that i recently published an article about the duda and called him a pig, well, apparently he has already turned from a pig into a real pig after these statements, he spits firstly in the poles, and secondly, judging by the pressure with which now he says that we have achieved there, we have democracy, he is simply preparing for another violation of his own polish constitution, because now he has little choice, which means that his allegedly ruling party cannot form a government. A coalition cannot the opposition is currently negotiating and can bring this coalition together, which can lead the government, but duda doesnt want to wait for this, he wants to say, no, ill just give my pussy, which means the right to form a government and this will be direct violation of the constitution and behind all this chatter, i think, is precisely his desire to make another, well, obvious in this case, state transfer to poland, and in general i think that all this leads to the fact that in poland they are preparing one way or another otherwise, because it always leads to the fact that a fascist coup is being prepared, some more radical and powerful force must come, which all these political, which means squabbles will lead to a new polish order, it seems to me that the current government is capable of this done, quite radically, from above, it is always done that in the military departments of poland they burn documents, destroy various orders, various ones. Connected, as polish analysts already suggest, polish analysts themselves with corruption, we are also talking about the fact that the regime of kaczynski, duda is extremely afraid of the investigation of those crimes that took place on the border, by the way, the results of the referendum, despite the fact that it did not take place, anyway, they analyzed how the poles voted, they were against the wall, against such a policy, they did not support, they did not happened, they supported, supported, supported. Those who voted, but actually did not participate in the referendum, what is this . There is another interesting figure, more than 90 of poles opposed the sale of enterprises to foreign investors, this is what they have always criticized, yes , the president of belarus was criticized, you dont want to, it was one of the main strong points, in fact, the economy was their main strong point in the rhetoric of duda and moravian, they accused tusk that tusk sold out poland. Referendum fence on privatization, of course, yes, our zmogars, according to everyone spoke out about the violations there, they also wrote openly, made video messages , nothing happened, neither about stuffing, nor about the violations that he wrote there, and so on, there is a new Corruption Scandal in poland, a poles card, right . Deputies found a large number of screenshots taken on various social networks, including russianlanguage ones, where it is proposed to buy a poles card and the corresponding conditions for employment, medical care, entry into the territory of the European Union for a certain fee, this is immediately after scandal with these 350,000, in my opinion, the last figures of visas, which are 5,000 dollars each, that is, in fact, in europe, what we are talking about, has turned into such a hole in the body of the European Union, so look at how polish politicians behave, they in fact, they are trading in their membership in the eu, and incredible corruption, corruption that is corroding the security forces, yes, we are talking about here, we are correctly talking about plans to build up the armed forces, all this is accompanied by corruption a little less than in ukraine, and poland makes claims to the European Union, she is trying to take first place there, they blame. The germans, who actually subsidized the socalled polish economic miracle, precisely during the premiership of tusk, this is the result of the party of law and justice, their rule since 200. The party is one of the most antibelarusian, russophobic parties, a party that the government was behind the organization, an attempt to organize a coup in belarus, which subsidizes, including terrorist organizations directed against our country, a party that completely fits into to ukraine, the war in ukraine, Economic Indicators are the worst since 1993, that is, first of shock therapy, as a result , polands security became not more, but less, in terms of taking first place in the European Union, and the project of turning ukraine into a polish protectorate turned out to be a tempting carrot, which is ishaka, the polish government was led by the americans, the ukrainians, having received sanction, spat on the poles, now the scandal between the two countries is growing, that is, this is this chauvinistic hysteria. Why the right camp in poland shrunk to less than 40 , but because their entire domestic political agenda also failed, they did not complete a single project that they promised to these voters, another very important factor, poland is divided western liberal, leftliberal, right right conservative, why the poles, by the way, the polish government did not go despite the referendum, how they puffed out their cheeks. The campaign was carried out in august, we will close the border with belarus, what is it of our own free will . Or maybe we made some concessions . What are we on have there been any concessions . We wont go, but because their voter lives there, we would close the border, deal a blow to business, especially small business, of the podlazskie voivodeship and the lublin voivodeship, we would strike a blow to those poles who come to us for cheap and highquality products, thats the answer to this question. And the collapse of polands policy, this nationalist one, also lies in the fact that the dream of building the polishlithuanian commonwealth. Failed for two reasons the first reason the year 20 failed in belarus, they were thrown at it huge resources, second the great empire that polish nationalists say is not built with other peoples money , poland cannot be an empire a priori, it will never happen, because their dream is to build everything at the expense of the americans, at the expense of berlin, at the expense of other countries , and to be great themselves, this does not happen, this will not happen, well, i would also say that the main mistake, so to speak, of this polish. Is that they want to create a large military machine, yes, but at the same time internal Production Base for they dont have this, so by definition they will depend on an external supplier, on the militaryindustrial complex of the United States of america, and this means that this is no longer nationalism, but ordinary servanthood, you are serving the United States of america, and we see this concretely today, thats all, what does it do, so to speak, is tusk , anyone will come, they will all pursue a proamerican Foreign Policy in order to stay inside, thats all. Well, they are very worried about the fact that the belarusian state is beginning to influence them in the information sphere, here is the belter company now works powerfully with its radio, but belta has now opened a new version in polish, thats what they were doing, as the oppositionists say, they didnt write anything about these bse dipchos, yes, but they wrote a lot about the fact that it its necessary, we started writing news in polish, our president is now constantly falling in polish, we will talk about it, this is almost interference in foreign affairs, we recently took on this job, the president congratulated the people of spain, yes, happy independence day, translated to spanish ones have posted tens of thousands of views, 99 coverage of spain, the entire geography of spain, so we need to work with this, somewhere our omission is that we have not done this before. How many times have they said that this friendship will end where it ends, as a historian, each time, obviously, they correctly emphasized what is the flaw of the polish imperialist project, and it is like this, it is impossible to impose on us the dominance of the polish view of their ideas on our space and resources no, let them figure out the elections first, let them learn how to conduct them, let them we have been coming for as long as we have called for training odb , they have not come, they tried to bring this as a concession and are ready to invite them to the elections, but not as teachers, but as students, so let them come. I read today Igor Vasilyevich korpenko opened a cool educational center, let him come to study, theres a museum there, hell have everything now, today i read that some other polish bank refused to serve belarusians, including those. Who have a residence permit, that is, those who live in the territory poland, they fled, and how they mock the fugitives, the lithuanians and poles constantly change their living conditions, they declare them enemies there, they demand that they give up, and the etymists, who organize explosions here on the Railway Tracks and so on, they need them here, although they want them here, they said, fate is a traitor, but there is no other way, did you think they would accept you there and make you the same as them . Listen, well , theres fermentation inside, we know, but naturally, we cant help but know based on this passport, first of all, theres another mess there funds, they are pouring money on this wife of extremists, what is the world worth, her coat is getting more and more expensive every time, they are all already millionaires, these work on construction sites and are slipping them in, the kgb will have a good new base, let them issue passports, the second one, and the poles will have cheap labor with a secondrate document, unfortunately, an analogy. Still proposed, i understand that this is not in our competence, but this is also a proposal, a long time ago, after a visit, i said, but there were conversations before, i i would also introduce a map of belarus for poles, for belarusians living there, we have visafree entry for polish citizens and we do not divide them into persons of polish nationality, we would immediately see how the polish leadership feels about this, i will say that we are working in parliament and the work is already in full swing. All normal europeans who want to obtain belarusian citizenship, believe me, there will be no problems, well, of course, with checking that aleksandrovich, again a decree was signed, again there are 200odd people there, citizenship of belarus, polish broadcasting, when it began, we saw a sufficient number of former citizens and current citizens of democratic poland who fled from the regime there and are hiding, living and working here in belarus. We heard their voices, we saw their faces and there were a lot of them, we thought that only from here they were fleeing to the European Union, to lithuania, to poland, hiding, in fact, everything is completely wrong, as for the passport, this is another one of very annoying our fugitive moments, because of which they got angry at this very wife of a terrorist, who was going somewhere, some kind of nonsense will generate, will meet with someone else like him, they understand that from the belarusian authorities. Retaliatory measures and now the passport can only be changed in belarus, but for certain reasons they didnt want to come here yet and now no administrative procedures and notarial actions will take people years, but for me the belarusians, im going to them, well, i dont know, well, i didnt care well, i dont care at all, yes , well , but well, those who organized it, no, of course, but how many people did they scam . Look at them social networks, they are from San Francisco, to new york, london, they have already traveled the whole world for your money, who they have helped, they have one dream so that the government does not change for 30 years, i have conclusions written by people who, well i wont name which ones, so to speak, i wont say which ones, they dumped them all , they dumped them, they were scammed, they are asking for forgiveness, that they disgraced the company, that they succumbed to all this, and this one is taking a selfie in london there or in San Francisco on the islands, for what . Well, one office did an inspection and said that he was doing very well, you know that they are sitting, here they are waiting for the twentyfifth year, they have one dream , god forbid alexandrich will go in twenty to the thirtieth , so that the money will flow, they further finished off their pockets in poland, they have no other dream, i wouldnt be surprised if they are for they voted for him, yes, about democracy, already completing this topic, fresh news appeared, but we decided to dig deeper, but how did we find news like this from the beginning of 2010, the news is like this, remember, in the tenth year they launched, so to speak, such an action , opposition, take away my grandmothers passport in russia, ukraine, moldova, so that people dont grow old, dont vote, dont vote, dont go to the polls, heres the information. I posted a video on youtube and they called me out and forced me to resign on my own accord, i dont remember such a person, i dont even remember who was here in 1910, and look what a violation of human rights, but on this week in the us, a trump supporter. Sentenced to seven months in prison for a meme aimed at preventing black voters from going to the polls plots, his company was aimed at reducing afro. Accused him of this and probably asked him to write a statement, here they asked him of his own free will for the meme, the person was imprisoned for 7 months, and god bless them, too, let him come to study, but the call itself is to hide your passport with your grandmother this is a very democratic call, but dont check the Check Another to make their choice today , and the head of state had a very interesting meeting on the issue of improving the Planning System for strategic projects, interesting news came about statements by the head of state that belarus needs a Second Nuclear power plant and perhaps some new power units will probably be built on the territory of the current station or a new station will be built in the mogilev region, but something our lithuanians have already calmed down a little a little bit about it. They havent really calmed down, you know, they have some new toys, they ve brought the escalation to such an extent that being indignant about the Nuclear Power plant is like going down to a level a little lower than it was, theyre with the Nuclear Power plant started, although you see, lets now rule world politics, look, well just show the doubledealing of these neighbors of ours, unfortunately, peoples who are close to us, and what kind of politicians they have, we have already shown with what schemes, they are mercenary, seemingly belarusian, if the right of your these palitikans comes to power. We were criticized for the Nuclear Power plant, then the poles declared the need to build a Nuclear Power plant, moreover, several there, and lithuanians were involved in this project, and moreover, it was known that the project was being developed even before we began the construction of a Nuclear Power plant, that is, they saw competition, yes, so that we simply didnt have it, that they just didnt come up with a Nuclear Power plant, lithuania dreamed of a Nuclear Power plant for many years, the European Union didnt give them, they didnt have enough sovereignty, they didnt have enough strength, but the poles are mocking germany, german deputies came to me, they laugh at the policies of the ruling party, they closed everything in germany, and the poles will build, the germans will soon buy electricity from the poles, thats whats going on, yes, yes, well , the president criticized, of course, yes today to many oppositions, of course, and well, a lot has been done, heres vladimir, where we were, in svetlogorsk, and at the enterprise, well, listen, well, its a wonderful hightech enterprise, and its so busy. They are making bmbk to take Nuclear Power plants, this is absolutely perfect, a new model of a lekhkov machine was launched today, so this is a completely different level, yes, well, lets imagine, lets abstract from the fact that yes, there is a station there and in france, ecology and so on , but the nation is not young, but the state is young, it wasnt 30 years ago, it wasnt, were a republic, i interviewed kebich once, he said that we came out , we were in shock, we had no money, our own, we had no proper management system, everything was tied to moscow, we call, we were poor, we had nothing, we called moscow, no one picked up the phone, no one wanted to talk to us, we were on the verge of death, well, we remember, but then what kind of protest reactions there were and banging helmets and so on, by historical standards, 30 years is a measly amount, so please, go build it, i want more to say that since there is a need for new power units, that means there is a need for energy, which means there is. Industrial growth, that is, our economy is growing and its prospects are good, in contrast to their conversation with, i quote, today we have Nuclear Consumption Energy Sector to total electricity consumption is higher than in the United States of america and even in russia, of the total, we replace about a quarter with Peaceful Nuclear energy, that is, there is a lot here, by the way, in terms of Economic Growth , it is indeed true that if consumption grows , growing economy, after all, we were prescribed. In quotes, economists, a fall of 20 , and according to modest forecasts we expect, well, yes, this is on our fingers, expecting growth has already been observed in recent months of 5. 96 , the average for the year is three, and even 4 Economic Growth, these are wonderful figures, these are all the achievements that you mentioned, and with all the objective constructive criticism of the president , and this is largely an incentive thanks to which in our. Where there is no such resource base, no sea there is practically no black soil, no black soil, no gas, no oil, we we manage to make such achievements, create such hightech facilities, simply advanced, and this is all, i want to note, for a quarter of a century under sanctions, our country is under sanctions, very tough, sometimes, sometimes there were relaxations, but not for long, but can you imagine if we werent being strangled , and also if we had it honestly. Access to western resources, which were cheap at one time, as they gave to the same poles with an economic miracle, im not talking about subsidies, European Union subsidies, which were pumped into them in the hundreds of millions. Euro billion euros, can you imagine what our country would be like despite the fact that it already looks an order of magnitude better than almost all the countries of the postsoviet space, yes, i would be careful here, after all, i just know from a historical point of view , every time the west gives loans to someone, then in this country it ends with a coup detat, lets start there with yugoslavia, lets go, that means romania, poland, and so on and so on, so our president is right, in my opinion when he was even earlier in the nineties. I remember very well this phrase that our economy will never be creditdependent, we can remove loans a little, but in no case will we depend on loans, because it will end politically, you tore me out of my language, the most important thing is that this gives, if already talking about us as a nation , it gives us a feeling of the most important thing for us sovereignty, now take away help from lithuania, latvia, well , maybe, i dont know, now take away help from ukraine from israel, all these states will not be like this now the budget of ukraine accepted, he deficit by 50 , yeah, thats it, well, the same bogdan tells what he said earlier , how we in ukraine adopted the budget, received the price of gas from russia, calculated this amount , looked at strategic projects and prospects, what the president spoke about today , well, we havent said this out loud yet, we need to think about what will happen in ukraine ; the price was 7 billion and the prospects were even greater, we will still have to return to ukraine to participate in the restoration of this country, our grandfathers restored ours, so be it, thank you very much for coming to our broadcast today, once again happy birthday to you, its good to celebrate, thank you, it was the editors club, see you in exactly a week, goodbye

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