Thought, i cant live without you, lina. I said get out of here, watch the tv series homewrecker on the belarus 24 tv channel. Many people are scared by this, that we work with energy, and what kind of energy is there, what is electricity, what is there, that we will move tables, and when will we start flying . Than a talented belarusian attracted by eastern wisdom . The eastern idea of ​​respect for the world where we are, not just what can i take from there, but also what can i give to this world, this society, these people, and then this Mutual Exchange occurs, and what is the great limit . We all know this inyang icon, but inyang is essentially the name of the parts, yes, thats the whole, this is taidz, that is, taidz is translated as the great limit, exclusive to the belarus 24 tv channel, the highest point in europe, first thought, then energy, breathing than relevant for a person . A practice that energizes, that includes some of these Natural Resources that are in the body, i wont say that taddian is some kind of magic pill, but it definitely turns on some mechanisms of the body when it begins to set everything up a little himself, the project of belarus, the winner of the International Championship in oriental martial arts, will tell you where to start the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step and do not forget about the main thing you want to feel the vitality, start using it, watch today only on our tv channel. This is an area of ​​interest, we continue, now about Exchange Rates the dollar and yuan have fallen in price, the russian ruble has risen in price. So, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 29 kopecks. The euro is now 3. 49 at the National Bank exchange rate. For 10 they ask for 4. 51, 100 russian rubles costs 3. 39. World experience shows that today one of the key points of Economic Growth is innovation. Belarus is introducing new technologies in all sectors without exception. And here it is significant. Support is provided by our scientific school. The share of scienceintensive and hightech products in the total volume of belarusian exports at the end of the first half of the year exceeded 40 , which is 6 more than planned for the entire year. The trace of scientists can be found everywhere, from modern medicines, space satellites, to lasers and microelectronics. Alina lopo will tell you more. The Global Market for Electronic Components last year was estimated at 600 billion, and semiconductors are generally called the new oil. Minsk nei radio materials specializes on the finest technologies for more than 40 years, but today this experience is especially in demand. The production of Semiconductor Microelectronics has been mastered in a full cycle, from photomasks to finished modules. We quickly solved the problem for our belarusian metallurgical plant, it was necessary. To replace the sensor we will talk about magnetic flux control for the production of highquality metallurgical products, the sensor was developed by us within 3 months, we traveled through a number of russian regions, for many Metallurgical Enterprises this problem, i was at the old oskol metallurgical enterprise, they need about 40 such sensors per year, but the price of one sensor is about 68,000 euros, which is also quite good. Export volume, but we are solving important problems so that we have highquality rolled metal products. For example, a domestic glucometer, a vital device for diabetics, until recently this niche was occupied exclusively by foreign ones. Now we have our own, in general microelectronics is a scienceintensive industry to provide the country with Electronic Components, many related areas are involved, scientists and physicists help in practice. Here we are working closely with the integral, we are developing a new, new Component Base for our enterprise, which will allow us to make a leap in the development of the microelectronic Component Base, now a project has been launched at the institute of physics to create laser equipment in the interests of the holding, which again should also become the main device for creating a microelectronic Component Base. We also supply our devices abroad. It is important for scientists to be in line with global trends, first to create technologies that will result in a competitive product. In recent years, the Global Market for electric cars in belarus has been actively developing, with no one left in the country, there are more and more green cars in our country, and the focus on electric is spurring the development of the appropriate infrastructure, we strive for maximum localization of electric transport, scientists got involved in the development of components, and as a result, the creation range of motors, motor and Battery Management systems, as well as inverters and gearboxes units, all this work is in close connection with enterprises, there are a number of projects with engineering flagships, for example maskom, thanks to their joint efforts , our fleet of urban transport and trucks is replenished with electric vehicles. Today, a very important task is the governments order to create our own electric passenger car. Today we are fulfilling this task, we have created drives for it , and now the task is, lets say, to integrate our electric drive into the existing base. The deadlines are tight, they dont allow you to relax, so the end of this year with us. Lets just say, weve already earned two models of electric passenger cars. The scope of interests of our scientists is as wide as possible; you cant tell about everything; technologies are being created for both earth and space. Today the academy is a research and production corporation, an association center, pilot production and experimental bases, which produces hightech products, over 330 doctors and more than half a thousand candidates of science, the number of researchers exceeds 5,500. It consists of. Seven branches and more than a hundred organizations. Belarusian scientists have established contacts with colleagues from 85 countries. The most significant cooperation, bright, noticeable, effective, efficient, of course, with russia at this stage is with china. We now have a lot of projects, we are working with a number of provinces, we are developing cooperation with india in the field of pharmacy, we have now outlined other projects, we are cooperating well with the Vietnam Academy of sciences. And other centers, we will establish connections with iran, mongolia, the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, European Countries union. The work of the nan organization on the outer circuit has achieved significant progress, ill tell you the exact figures; for clarity, since 1997, the export of goods and services, including grants, has grown more than 10 times, reaching 60 million according to last years results. The geography of supplies covers about 40 countries. Alina lopo, area of ​​interest. This is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business , we are on the air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, the most noticeable in the economy. See you. Elections in poland and some European Countries and the usa, how it is connected with us, with the world in ukraine, with the geopolitical redistribution, why many countries, instead of dealing with internal ones. Elections are approaching in poland, so who do the polish People Choose between, kaczynskis ruling party has been in power for many years, because duda is none other than kaczynskis protege, and kaczynski has not gone anywhere, this is about how the west talks. About a mandatory change of elites , but they tell us this, to the postsoviet space, the middle east, but not to themselves, their elites do not change, their faces change, the same thing is happening. France and other countries. Im generally silent about the United States of america. Ill tell you about them separately. Today there are two main parties in poland. Right, justice, leader kashchinsky and civil platform, donald tusk. How are they different . Maybe if tusks Opposition Party wins, polands politics will change radically . Hardly. In fact, the choice is simple, between a more proamerican politician. Who in his election speech said this there is more america in europe, well, this is about sovereignty, probably also by donald tusk, who is more focused on brussels. If tusk wins, there will be more lgbt people, fewer abortions, but poland will never leave nato, poland will not change its antiwhite, antirussian rhetoric, under these politicians, polands Global Policy will not change, the ruling. Party is mired in corruption. The latest visa scandal. For how many years kashchinsky and duda have been talking about how they are at an outpost in the fight against illegal immigration. They blamed belarus for the migration crisis, although we were not the ones who destroyed the middle east east, and you. Well, and the economic problems that are growing in europe every day. Sanctions against belarus and russia have hit europe. In poland, and ordinary poles see this very well, this week a video of a polish tourist, who was shocked by what she saw in belarusian stores, asked a reasonable question where is the hunger, where is the result of sanctions, why do belarusians live peacefully . , why the streets are peacefully calm, clean, where is the end of the regime in belarus, where is the end of power in russia, you they talked about it, more and more poles are asking these questions. At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko will once again emphasize belarus will continue to pursue a sound policy towards its neighbors, so we have left a visafree regime for our neighbors, we will not close the borders, although the polish authorities would really like this before the elections and we will not succumb to provocation. Kennedy, this is democracy, they probably tell us all the time that everyone can and should participate in elections, where is a simple american citizen, a cafe owner, who suddenly wanted to run for president. And to become a president ial candidate , millions of dollars are no longer enough, you need billions, without money you are nothing. If you dont belong to the american elite, you can forget about politics. Its the same in europe, while the usa continues to teach democracy, and not only us, the whole world. In america, a system of power has been built in which only two parties, the republican and the democratic, can participate in president ial elections. In fact, this is so, and people dont have direct voting, well well, this is the beacon of democracy, you cant criticize them, the American Government is used to solving internal problems at the expense of other countries, including through war and colonization, they need to support the dollar, the dollar, which they continue to print and feed to the whole world, for this they need wars, for. They need resources, we all remember the invasion of iraq, for the sake of democracy and freedom, democracy and freedom are gone, now the us has more oil fields, though they didnt forget to abandon europe, they got millions of migrants. Now ukraine our neighbor and brotherly people have become a new tool for the United States, including in solving election problems, because the United States also has enough internal contradictions and economic difficulties. Poverty and misery, the dollar must be constantly supported, and war is the best way, so they do everything to ensure that the war continues. Its wild to hear from many us senators and european politicians that a war in ukraine is the cheapest way to fight with russia and weaken europe. We are now at the start of the Election Campaign of 24. For the first time in the country it will be held a single voting day, when citizens of belarus will elect deputies at all levels, from the District Council to parliament, an allbelarusian Peoples Assembly will be formed and , unlike other countries, in order to participate in our elections, you do not need to be a representative of the elite. The Belarusian Parliament consists of ordinary teachers, Agricultural Workers , young people, representatives of various parties and public organizations. There is no fifth column there and there never will be. This election will be different in that we have learned the lessons of 2020. And last week we again we saw the face of western diplomacy. Belorussky. Invited all accredited embassies, representatives including western missions, to meet with the children of donbass who are resting and receiving treatment in belarus, to communicate with them, to ask how they feel, to dispel the fakes that are told there in the west about abductions and forcible removal of children to belarus, but western diplomats didnt go, they were afraid, they were afraid of the truth, they were afraid to look these children in the eyes. Because these children would ask them why since the age of fourteen you are you turning a blind eye to the fact that we are being killed . Why are our houses being bombed, why, instead of negotiations, as the president of belarus proposes, you continue to supply weapons , including those with uranium tips, cluster munitions, and continue this war, they did not want to hear the gratitude of the children of belarus. Because here they take a break from missiles, here they live and are treated under a peaceful sky, they didnt want to hear it, just as the polish military didnt want to come at the invitation of the president to the cst exercises that took place on the territory our country, because upon returning to warsaw we would have to tell the truth, belarus does not threaten anyone, so these same ambassadors, these same officials. These same diplomats will very soon howl about the undemocratic nature of the belarusian elections and teach us freedom. Liars, scoundrels and twofaced people. We dont care what you think about our elections. You can prepare your resolutions ahead of time, as you always do, and throw them in the trash now. We are not interested in your opinion about our electoral processes, about how we should build. Political system, about who we should call to the elections, and who is not, the belarusian people will decide how to live themselves, not you, and we dont need your standards, you showed a long time ago that you dont have any standards, you have money, your interests, is to rob as much as possible, and take as much as possible, and bring as many countries to their knees as possible. Control them so that they look into your mouth and do everything you say, and also, you know very well that you will never defeat belarus and russia by military means, you dream of an internal split, you dream of that the belarusians are divided, you want a civil war here, but nothing will come of it, the belarusians have enough wisdom to see who is worth what, together we will make our country even stronger. Tv channel belarus 24 broadcasts for you around the clock, dont switch. Our daily task is to talk about belarus and the country abroad. More than 100 Million Viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. What is it like, belarus . Business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. Generous picturesque and monumental sports and team. We tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic, inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. Belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it

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