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Adzin once you like it and dont grow up again. Everything here is correct. The seed of discord has sprouted. Ukraine and poland are on the verge of a heated confrontation. Why poland took up a perimeter defense. Who is the ruling one afraid of . A party of external enemies or our own voters, we will discuss with the exmember of the bundestag. Klaipeda is overgrown with grass and covered with rust. Northsouth is a new trend in logistics routes. Who benefits . Hot confrontation in transcaucasia and how it will affect each of us. Human quotas are back in force in europe. How the migration crisis puts an end to the schengen zone. Trends in the new world order are events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times. Like white attempts. At home, maintaining World Domination leads to genocide, lets figure it out together. Taking office as minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umerov, from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, admitted that the countrys budget is not enough for payments to the military by 250 billion hryvnia. Of course, it was about increased rates due to those on the front lines. Seemed unable to fulfill its obligations even to people who risk their lives every day. If they are at least forced to remember and worry, realizing the prospect of losing ground, then those who have received injuries and disabilities find themselves abandoned to the mercy of fate. Pan is supremely holocommanding, why . When you needed us, did you take us away . Why is it wrong now, why . If i wasted my leg, wasted my leg, i have two children, i am not given any payment, why is this, why is no one looking at my license, why can my children walk around naked and barefoot, why is this . The number of such videos on the internet is increasing every day, the trend is that the budget of the kiev regime is rapidly undergoing changes. Especially after meat assaults, on russian fortifications and minefields. More and more resources have to be spent not on the front, on the disabled. Rehabilitation, restoration and prostheses are becoming almost the main item of expenditure, despite the miserable existence each individual victim, seeing such care on the part of the state , fewer and fewer people want to find themselves in a similar situation , they have to be stimulated more and more harshly, now zelskys crows are not only satisfied with the conditions of sobering up Ukrainian Society from the picture that one has to face every day on the streets of cities, propaganda peromog nazism its becoming even more radically absurd, in a word, a complete stepan in ukraine, well, you know, i know whoever i know, well, theres a bandera coming, so a niper, well, i think i wont admit it nothing new, but it seems that if girls are popular then. Until victory, and before speech, vibachte, just for now we are discussing this topic here, banderivka, then it would be a lad, then it would be stepan, and the girl would be, well, maybe the same. Among the snowball of problems, the kiev schemers and corrupt officials have not only internal, but also much more serious external challenges. A friend suddenly turned out to be zelskys strategic travel companion, pecking him right in the crown of his hopes. Everything that we discussed and predicted in different issues was realized with medical precision. Warsaw washes its hands of having sold off its warehouse stocks of obsolete weapons to kiev, and everything that was nobly called help is recorded in invoices and even a check for payment was presented, what kind of friendship, such help, as for modern weapons, they suggested not to roll out a lip on it, i personally i will be the first to oppose the transfer of these new weapons that we are now receiving from south korea and from the usa, such as the new abram of the patriot or khaimars system to poland, in order to strengthen the security of our country, sworn partners who recently hugged each other so sweetly. All political scientists today prefer to bypass each other in order to avoid an outright fight; even at the un General Assembly, they were led through different corridors, having canceled a previously agreed upon meeting. The media image of zelsky, even in the west, has already degraded from a defender of europe to a chaldean beggar , who, moreover, is no longer able to repay his debts, there were practically no people willing to listen to mantras about peromog from a high podium, and he had to speak in front of an empty un hall. Drink coffee or listen to zelsky, a choice that is increasingly being made in favor of a tasty drink. In this case, duda is only the first to escape from a sinking ship. The polishukrainian conflict, the cause of which was the grain embargo, quickly grew from economic to diplomatic, and then completely became globalpolitical. It is difficult to say who started it first, but it seems that the eternal friendship of the two peoples will melt away. Without a trace in a matter of days. Vladimirsky arrived at the General Assembly session in new york, seeming to feel like a tribute collector defeated, for his disobedience he accused almost half of the European Union of being in a secret alliance with putin. It is alarming to see how some in europe, some of our friends in europe , are playing out solidarity in political theater and making a thriller on the grain. They may seem like they are playing a role, but in reality they are helping to set the scene. Moscow actor. In todays europe, russia is so demonized that being known as putins useful idiots is a ruin for any career. In poland, for such policies , perich can generally be dumped in somalia, while more and more in figuratively, but who knows what will happen next. In general, in response to accusations of useful idiocy, president duda immediately canceled the meeting with zelensky. A protest was made to the Ukrainian Ambassador in warsaw, and the Prime Minister demanded several from kiev. Based on the fact that we ourselves are now planning to arm ourselves with modern weapons, relations with ukraine are now in general, at least in a difficult state, now the parties are conducting some kind of behindthescenes negotiations regarding grain with very vague prospects, the poles, meanwhile they promised to stop. Although, who will let them . Washington immediately demanded that warsaw be more constructive, not offend zelsky, and also explain the threats regarding the refusal to support ukraine. In turn, the eu promised to study the demands of Central European countries and possibly support restrictions on ukrainian agricultural exports. In general, the rulers of the world intervened in the conflict and now we are seeing rather a clash between washington, brussels and london, which are moving their figures, figures with the faces of zelsky, duda, moravian. And others. The simplest and almost certainly false interpretation of the reasons for the scandal is to believe that the polish authorities are trying to earn points for themselves before the elections by taking down failed ukrainians. There are less than 3 weeks left before the vote, there are no undecided people left, even if duda and morawiecki start eating babies and drinking their blood, this will not scare off supporters and will not attract opponents. It is more correct to consider that the conflict over grain is a clarification of roles in Eastern Europe in the middle perspective. Nearest. Ukraine will achieve in some years forms of integration with europe, most likely it will be reduced with restrictions on membership rights. Iski officials have long been talking about creating an agrarian superpower, but now it has been explained to them that this will not happen. The eu agricultural market has long been divided and no one will reshape it in favor of poor relatives. In ukraine, they also pointed out the instrumentality of its role; the country is an object and cannot claim subjectivity, even when it comes to survival. True, the states intervened here and reminded that the role for ukraine was also being written they, on this issue, washington had a dispute with brussels and even london, which also considers kiev its toy, but no one argues with poland. Why, if she herself has a status in the european hierarchy that is only slightly higher than the ukrainian one, adults solve their own problems, try to resolve their conflicts, play out sophisticated intrigues, in these games zelsky will blow the whistle, and the tune will turn green, but not of his own free will, but when ordered. There is also a version that its a real fight here, theres a big fight on one side of the supporters an alleuropean war with russia, on the other, those who would like a long, grueling, but local war. And here london, which wants a big war that will turn europe into ruins, is losing to the states, which are seeking endless bloodletting. The intensity of which will be regulated externally. It is to the benefit of the americans to reduce the pathos, and ukraine is no longer the christ of the people, and zelsky is now just a rude beggar, and not knights in shining armor. And the poles are no longer selfless philanthropists, but burnouts who will demand back every zloty spent. Agree, such people from the country do not lead. They only shed blood, their own and others, into sacred wars, where they are ordered and where they are sent. The understanding that zelski had become a financial vacuum cleaner came to ordinary poles. Many quite rightly associate it with a deterioration in their own standard of living. An annoying beggar in an embroidered shirt is now one of the most popular masks for recording videos on tiktok among the poles. Yes. Please, give me money, give me tanks, help ukraine, come on, come quickly, please, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me, give me tanks, come on, help ukraine, come on quickly, the regime of duda morowiecki, worsening relations with ukraine, is actually playing on the demands of the domestic electorate, the Election Campaign for parliament is taking place with record low support from the ruling peace party, the polish state, reaching outright confrontation with almost with all of peaces neighbors, literally selling voters feelings of fear, lets discuss what is happening with a politician from germany, a former member of the bundestag. In your opinion, what exactly are the contradictions between ukraine and poland . Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is in dew, as long as it does not concern myself, and my geopolitical interests only improve from this, well then you can play friend, politics has no friends, there are interests, and the interests of poland began to radically diverge from interests of ukraine, this is not the first week, not the first month, but now they are becoming clear against the background. Of zelskys unscrupulous arrogance, more and more countries are beginning to understand that they, well, must somehow get rid of this toxic uh from this toxic distance yourself from the situation, protect yourself, protect your interests of your state, nothing personal. Experts note that official warsaw, or rather the ruling party, is building an Electoral Campaign on confrontation with its neighbors. How true is this . This product sells very well, create an external threat, paint an external enemy and make yourself a savior, well, this is such a cheap trick in everyday life, but it always works politically, including, today, before the elections, exactly this approach is being created in order to return to myself voters, because the poles, the polish people, have an ambiguous mood, everyone understands that they are being dragged somewhere into some. Incomprehensible problem that they do not want, now it is necessary to create an enemy, an image of an enemy, an explosive substance is being imported into europe material, young, healthy guys, very often now on the autobahns, when they start checking in the trunks, they find kalashnikovs and find ammunition and so on, that is, they are coming here to conquer europe, someone is sending them here, those countries that have clearly understood this task, they will now protect themselves from this, the germans, as always, ahead of the rest of the planet , 10012,000 a year of this explosive potential comes here and i think its just that the world elite is preparing european chaos, they need to push europe back into what it was in forties. How does berlin assess the progress of the Election Campaign in poland . According to a number of experts, a record low level of support for peace among the population could lead to the shutdown of administrative resources and , in general, open falsifications such as complaints have been repeatedly expressed by the osce, what do you think about this . Well, it certainly will be so, those in power. They will use all available, and not entirely accessible, methods in order to stay in power, especially since they have such a good teacher overseas who knows how to do this in front of everyone around the world and at the same time talk about some kind of democracy, uh, i think, yes, many methods will be used there, which, in fact, have already polished the methods of collective manipulation to perfection, methods of falsification, interference through it and so on, that is, democracy as such, in the pure form of the opinion of the people, it is now under a very big question, what do you think is the reason for the introduction of a law that provides for the fight against the russian world on the eve of the start of the Election Campaign , is there a desire to gain leverage over political opponents and simply knock them out of the race, well, they wont be able to knock them out of the race, but this is one of the elements of creating the image of the enemy, because theres no such thing as one to create it, it needs to be cultivated for many reasons there at the level of consciousness, subconscious, media and so on , well, political strategists do this very professionally, this is russophobia , lets say so, this is one of the elements, someone needs to blame it again, do it not to blame the saviors, the germans are generally classics in this, in everything, thats all that is bad in germany , its all because putin took it, im just sometimes absurd, everyone already understands that this is complete nonsense, putin took it and blew up his gas pipeline , well, well, Everything Else is the same in spirit, the poles do the same. Valdemar, thank you very much for your opinion, we will monitor the situation. The polish great power games have a Significant Impact on the entire region. The Baltic States have long been included in the sphere of influence. Warsaw, as representatives of the interests of the white house in Eastern Europe, is forced to pursue a coordinated foreign policy. They are systematically trying to lower the iron curtain on the belarusian border. On september 19, latvia announced the unilateral closure of the urbana border crossing. Yes, its inconvenient, were just we were visiting when we found out about it, and now weve come back. The authorities there are divided, and we suffer. They dont want to work all day yesterday, they carried blocks until 8 oclock, they said who will get out in time, and if not , turn around, thats it, and there the track was 5 km, on the other side, well, they are under pressure from nato, they had to do a provocation , so they did it. The new president of latvia, although concerned about the issue of entrances and exits, is definitely covering the wrong directions; sticking a traffic jam in himself at the state level is very specific pleasure, but of course it is not for us to judge from the moral values ​​of latvia, which is why we will give the floor to the latvian bloggers who visited the port of klaipeta. Lets see what remains of its former greatness. Its a shame, its really a shame , everything is boarded up, and now there is no life at all, no one mows the grass, everything has lost the greatness that once was, there is nothing left, only memories. Thousands of people, thousands, yes, i was here often, i dont remember what was here, but now theres nothing, silence, there were ships, can you imagine, standing two or three sides apart, there were so many ships that they couldnt all fit into the port. While klaipida is overgrown with rubbish and the terminals are covered with rust, belarus is reorienting its logistics routes and sales markets; a largescale northsouth Infrastructure Project has become an alternative route for the transit of goods. Is about 30 million tons of cargo per year after its introduction into full operation. The length of the passage from the baltic sea to the indian ocean becomes almost half as long as the standard route through the sued canal. Connecting st. Petersburg with mumbai, through iran , the northsouth transport corridor is becoming an alternative route for the transit of goods. It allows you to bypass the spheres of geopolitical domination. Collective west, in the era of global sanctions confrontation, this opportunity makes it extremely attractive. According to a study by the Eurasian Development bank , the potential for Cargo Transportation along the northsouth transport corridor reaches 25 million tons. The ambitious Infrastructure Project depends largely on the political will of new delhi and tehran. The political will of both countries prioritizes expanding our cooperation. Especially in the trade and economic sphere, as well as our Partnership Within the framework of the International Transport corridor initiative, northsouth and regional cooperation, which contributed to the transport corridor. The first key point on this path is volgograd, the city is becoming a largescale Logistics Hub for the further distribution of goods. The republic of belarus is fully involved in the creation joint production and development of transPort Infrastructure. Taking into account western sanctions, problems on the ukrainian border, it is important for us to redirect cargo, iran , india, asian countries, a northsouth corridor, here volgograd is a hub city, the creation of a potential hub for belarusian goods that could be further transported to third countries, from from volgograd, the cargo flow will flow to astrakhon, where the local Port Infrastructure plays a key role for transshipment; here maritime traffic connects russia and iran. In the same time the land part of the route follows a railway line through baku in azerbaijan and on to iran. Today, taking into account the fact that logistics has changed, we are looking for different cargo delivery schemes, and the astrakhan region presented us with such an opportunity, in terms of transshipment through ports. Uh, so its very convenient, very fast, in todays conditions, this is probably a very right direction, which allows. To fully utilize the northsouth corridor, mainly supplies from india, pakistan, the United Arab Emirates through these ports is happening. Both routes through azerbaijan and the caspian sea meet in the iranian city of Bandar Anzali and stretch across the entire territory of the country to the port cities of the arabian sea, along which the route continues to india. The three key states involved in the construction of the northsouth transport corridor are today among the more dynamically developing ones, moreover, they are united by the general coordination of efforts within the framework of the brix union. The new impetus for the development of the project is based on Economic Feasibility and geopolitical reality. Considering that the route of the northsouth corridor passes through the territory of azerbaijan, any hot conflict in the region could neutralize all efforts to form it. Trade route out of the blue, now contradictions around Nagorno Karabakh and the transangezur corridor are flaring up again, too many interests intersect in a rather narrow place, its difficult to think of a better point for external forces to play on the contradictions. Well talk about the situation in the region and our interests with professor, candidate of economic sciences, dmitry shvaiba. How will changes in logistics routes affect your view of the economy . Poland and the Baltic States. You know, it is Still Necessary to separate the economies of poland and the Baltic States, because the Baltic States, if you remove logistics , and those goods that were moved, including belarusian and a considerable number of russian ones, are still actually deadend countries, but no offense, here so that they perceive this correctly, but other goods besides these, of course, definitely cannot move there, since we understand that but you cant fool geography, in this in a sense, logistics routes through lithuania largely provided not only the economy of belarus with access to this sea, which in fact de facto does not exist in our country, but they also seriously supplied the lithuanian budget, for example, with the work of the lithuanian railways, in this sense, cutting off logistics routes of course, it looks like a shot in the foot from our baltic neighbors, this partly applies to poland, because poland has been implementing a program for a long time the comfort of transit through its country, it very successfully positioned itself as a transit country in the center of europe, in which goods move from west to east, in general it succeeded in this matter, in one of the ratings it was said that poland is the most convenient country in parts of road signs, routing, logistics routes, this was her strategy, by the way, but today we actually see that almost nothing is left of this, since well , this is how it goes, an obvious course has been chosen to cut off logistics routes, but it must be said objectively, this is not only a question of poland on the one hand, and belarus on the other. Russia, since it so happened, is, for example, economic relations between central asia and western europe. And anyway, who said that. Countries, by and large, are de facto not involved in these complex relationships of perception of each other ; they are territorial; moreover , they are local subregional relations; they do not have a global character; in this sense, ours, that means we like each other we dont like it all, you know, well, its a rhetorical question today , the relationship tomorrow, well, maybe well make peace, but the stable economic ties between central asia and western europe are being interrupted or complicated due to these actions. What role does the northsouth transport and logistics corridor play for belarus and russia . You know, today, this is a very serious project, which was frozen for a long time, due to the fact that there was. No obvious need to develop it, there were quite complex political relationships, some restrictions, which means sanctions in nature, and we almost didnt notice it, if you remember, we didnt even talk about it seriously, this was due to the fact that access to the worlds oceans, 80 of the goods in the world move across the sea, naturally, it was not difficult for us, moreover, it was traditional, there were some established patterns, relationships, a builtin system, of course, all this had a very great influence, thats when it just practically became black cut the existing logistics connections, these logistics shoulders, which were built adequately for Economic Feasibility , nothing more, of course, there was no politics in this, but when difficulties began, it is natural that both the Russian Federation and the republic of belarus turned their attention to this one, but a lot of goods are already being supplied, moreover, to which, by the way , the infrastructure is currently being developed, which means that iran is actively involved in this process, as far as i understand, the infrastructure there is being strengthened to ensure this logistics route, and of course it is necessary to strengthen the Logistics Infrastructure in russia itself , it is active. How it is dealing with this issue, i must say that in the near future, this is literally a year or two, we will see , well, such a serious improvement in this part, if we talk about the north and south, then there are concentrated countries that for us , on the one hand, are traditional, allies and understandable countries in the current situation, of course, we cannot throw them out of here azerbaijan, and we understand very well how well the relationship has been built personally, for example, between our head of state and the republic of azerbaijan, this is an important point, this is, strictly speaking, Political Support for this logistics route, and then iran, we see visits of senior officials, this country, we understand that there is an explicit policy , there is a policy that today is not entirely explicit, but thereby the formation of certain prospects, in this sense, through iran, access to the world ocean, and accordingly, in this global market, it is possible, and not only possible, but today feasible, can the development of tension and destabilization in transcaucasia affect the development of the northsouth project, who is the main beneficiary in this case, you understand, well, certainly not without it , after all, we always see. As soon as a certain Economic System of relationships takes shape , secret and obvious forces immediately begin to move, this happens according to the principle that every action gives rise to reaction, and you need to understand that such threats exist, when in this case, in the modern world, those who will most calmly and judiciously react to what is happening, based on their own resources, will win; this example is, of course, demonstrated by the leadership. Belarus is quite obvious, based on the interests of the population, the subjectivity of the authorities within its territory, its real capabilities that we have, not invented, nor any slogans, nor any such statements of loud autarial capabilities, our resources. Dmitry, thank you very much for your opinion. Global sanctions confrontation. Changes in logistics routes inevitably affect migration flows. Refugees from the worlds poorest countries are feeling the consequences first. Instead of africa, ukrainian grain settles in europe and ends up in the trough of spanish pigs and polish chickens. What Alexander Lukashenko said at the beginning of the food crisis is now being practically confirmed. There was a problem with the supply of ukrainian grain. It turns out that the cheapest route is through belarus. Well, we figured them out quickly. Putin and i discussed this problem, i say, dont worry, there is no grain there as much as they shout and its not about the grain. They want to accuse you and me that we caused world hunger, we are such giants that we caused world hunger, they started to figure it out, they just needed to pin another worldclass problem on us, tell africans and asians, this is them two dictators, the two of them are doing that when we said, please take seven directions, the topic fell asleep, topics no. This is what the world is like. The shortage of fertilizers on the world market inevitably affects the reduction of harvests and the rapid growth of starvation. Disadvantaged people, whom today they are trying to present in europe as labor migrants, are in fact refugees who are looking for salvation, and not a higher salary or a better apartment. All covered in greenery, absolutely. There is a whole island of bad luck in the ocean, there is an island of bad luck in the ocean, all covered with greenery, absolutely eternal, for thousands of migrants from africa, the island of lampedusa is a piece italian territory in the mediterranean sea, the gateway to paradise called the European Union. The once fishing Tourist Center opened its arms to the first Illegal Immigrants back in the early nineties. True, there were few of them back then; the locals took care of it. On their own, providing assistance to uninvited guests. The new millennium changed everything. Neither the authorities of the island, nor the government in milan, nor european officials in brussels know what to do now. There are now almost twice as many migrants in lampedusa as there are native residents. Over the past about 11,000 people landed there in a week. There are no places in the distribution center, people remain in the open air, without food or water. There is nothing to eat or drink, there is not even a place to sleep, the daughter does not understand anything, she constantly repeats, dad, i am hungry, but there is no food here, the child is crying, in desperation Illegal Immigrants climb over the fence in an attempt to escape, riots and clashes with the police periodically break out. The local nerves cant stand it either. Lampedusa urgently needs to be freed from refugees, we want to live as before, tourism and fishing, thats all. Regime declared in lampedusa state of emergency. The Prime Minister of italy demands from his european colleagues to introduce a naval blockade. The country is unable to solve the problem with migrants on its own and called on representatives of the European Union to personally assess the severity of the situation. The head of the European Commission did not respond, but did not clarify. We have obligations as a part of the international community, we have done so in the past and we will do so today in the future, but it is we who will decide who comes to the European Union and under what circumstances, not smugglers and human traffickers . For now, immigrants from lampedusa are being transported in batches to sicily and the mainland. Heres a proposal. Squabbling, in poland, for example, they completely refused to accept Illegal Immigrants, not even educated ones. We dont need to sell you your nonsense about the need to accept educated immigrants, we dont need these doctors of yours, we dont need these engineers of yours, take them for yourself and pay for it all yourself. You know why there are zero terrorist attacks in poland, because there is no illegal migration. Now paris is sending troops closer to its european neighbor italy. Drones and four mobile units were sent to the borders; swiss authorities similarly strengthened border controls at their border and refused to accept migrants. And italy, left alone with its problems in the eu, unanimously predicts a new record. They may come here next year. Be 250,000 Illegal Immigrants. The inability of official brussels to deal with the cause of the migration crisis and the attempt to stop the consequences leads to obvious irritation of the National Elites and a split in the already fragile unity. Many have already they openly talk about the need to revise the agreement on the schengen zone, especially since some representatives of the European Union manage to sell official visas through gray schemes. Over the course of several years , the polish Foreign Office issued more than 350,000 visas in africa and asia. Deraskandal. The visa scandal currently happening in poland needs clarification. I dont want poland to simply give up and then we discuss our asylum policy. It should be so that people traveling to poland registered there and went through the asylum procedure, the situation where visas were somehow handed out for money further aggravates the problem. In accordance with the agreement with the countries, we must. Brussels attempt to respond to the growing flows of refugees in the old ways , distributing people according to quotas in different eu countries, no longer works, the state is faced with an economic crisis, which is caused by the same reasons as the migration crisis , were unable. To cope with the situation. Increasingly conditions keeping refugees becomes unacceptable and inhumane. The problem is raised with a slight hint of reality in western tv series. If we turn over the management of the camps to you, what will you do . There is a problem. Jane, im sorry. A small detail. Not everyone approves of the word camp. Guilty. The farm and the camp evoke bad associations. The concentration camp was born in the angloburg war. The british invented them and built them in Southern Africa, for adults and children left homeless by the war as refugees. As you can see, everyone is much older than we think. I foresee largescale migration for many centuries to come. Lets look back into history. You see, the british found a way to empty these camps in Southern Africa many years ago. They simply did not interfere with nature, the camps were overcrowded, diseases began, people died in huge numbers, on the one hand this is a tragedy, but on the other hand it was useful, because Natural Selection came into play, and the population of the camps regulated itself, this can be considered cruelty, or maybe efficiency, and this was invented by the kitschiner, kichiner, does your country need you . The white houses political struggle for its hegemony is increasingly turning into outright worldclass genocide, food, migration and economic crises, all of this linked together in one chain. The screenwriters and leading actors will still be held accountable. Thats all for today, it was the trends program. Scattered facts are packaged into a single concept. Until next time. Everything you wanted to know about the greatness of belarusian churches, we planned it in such a way that , after all, if the ruler believes that this the future cathedral, it should be really significant, it should be majestic, because this person, not even of the minsk diocese, but of the belarusian , to take a blessing for everything he does, is very important for me now, and somehow i immediately it becomes a little easier to do something, that is, it seems as if god is already leading me along the path of life. What is the importance of family in a persons life . The lord commands man that marriage is an eternal phenomenon; he created man and said that it is not good for man to be alone, create. Not different, but at the same time they complement each other. About overcoming lifes difficulties. This is a talent who can reveal the truth of love, its jumping ability, its strength, and its foundation. We will tell you about it in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. Belarus is dynamically developing interregional cooperation with russian regions; today we are on the list of key partners of the pskov region. Transport issues are being resolved, import substitution is being worked out, experts call the current time the battle for africa, the continent is gradually clearing itself of the colonialists of the past and is ready for cooperation. Africa is objectively our field of opportunity; they can and want to cooperate with us. The nato countries almost immediately decided to conduct exercises in the baltic and black seas. During the maneuvers , landing operations and strikes from the sea on land will be practiced. We invite you. Refusal in return is a helicopter provocation, we do it without visas, we get closed borders, someone else gets the impression that we are pushing it, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch the tv channel belarus 24, how to live in a young body and maintain energy at 47 years old, the leader of the choir practice, karina isupova, will tell you. The effect of practice, the result of practice, it is immediately from the first lesson, speed, an hour and a half, from start to finish, from the beginning of the lesson to the end of the lesson, and every person, after a choir practice session, comes out filled, liberated, its like after a shower or after a good massage, you know, its as if youve been cleansed, you feel at ease, about the round dance game school, about how round dances make people happy. Fastest way to combine faster way i dont know, in 2 hours all the participants in the round dance feel that they are all family and friends , watch two Amazing Stories about how women realize their destiny and enjoy every day, today only on our body in their favorite sport, we are ready to share knowledge, my name is sergey morozov, i am the senior coach of the National Sailing team, now the athletes are taking related courses, they say, to show one day in their life, an important element of the museums work is not only the preservation of the material culture of artaktau, but also intangible cultures, then side by side madelyavanne folk sounds, abradau, and exactly sennya we can watch dozhinki, and now speed tests standard on the wind, radial from under the wind, eight segments of two minutes each, watch on the belarus24 tv channel, leaving into the fields, every morning, we do everything to ensure that our country lives in peace and creation. My father worked as a Machine Operator , around the sixth or seventh grade i was his assistant on a combine, back then there were niva combines with k5 a1, so i started on this combine as an assistant, at one time i i started in 1988 on the mtz 50, which is still a priority tractor. Our belarusian, whose cabin could be divided in half, an hour of cleanliness, changed in the morning, served, then you can, like a wedding , dance behind the wheel, this year i went to work for the first time in my entire life, here in agriculture, working on a combine, for the first time i took the first thousand in the region, of course its nice, im the first, and not someone else. Ive become a leader in the region, you have to work everywhere, nowhere is it easy, yes, its hard work, ill tell you, its hard, because i say its not if you plow, you wont sow, you wont cultivate, you wont get through chemical weeding, you wont give fertilizers , plus the weather conditions, there wont be any fruit, i always have a Good Relationship with bread, because you cant throw away bread, even my parents taught me, even though we werent born, people were dying of hunger there for a crumb of bread, so bread is everything, you come home, you want to go to work, there is no such thing as. That is, now i live in an apartment, there is nowhere to go, its better at work than at home , its just not a habit, but a craving, but work, how to say, for people, well it brings benefits, i think what else can it be, our work can bring benefits, those who work in the public economy, only benefit people , there should be a market, love work, since you love work, i think it should bring some fruit, and if if you treat, for example, as long as you do, then nothing will come of it; on july 11 of this year , changes and additions to the law on the civil republic of belarus came into force, which contains a number of innovations related to the adjustment of citizenship legislation, first of all, of course , persons who purchase citizenship of belarus, will now take the oath in a solemn atmosphere, the text of the oath is approved by the president of the republic of belarus, and also determines a separate category of persons who will be exempt from taking the oath, in addition, appropriate changes and additions have been made that relate to aspects of acquiring citizenship of the republic of belarus by those persons who due to certain circumstances, for example, stayed outside the country for 90 days. In the country there is actually a socalled mandatory price for judges a certain category of persons who want to become citizens of belarus, that is, they must live on the territory of belarus for 5 years, and in fact, if, according to the previous version of the law, if he stayed outside the country for 90 days, then in fact he violated the socalled censaduse and did not could apply for the acquisition of citizenship, now in fact the legislator made a relaxation for this category of persons, and if due to certain circumstances, lets say, you know that there were certain pandemic restrictions, these persons could not timely citizens of belarus were not brought back to the company, in fact, then, if these reasons are really compelling, it is either a business trip or some other circumstances, then the legislator can consider the issue exceptionally, and such persons can also apply for the acquisition of the civil republic of belarus , well, in addition, i want to say that the deadlines for consideration of applications for admission to belarusian citizenship and renunciation of belarusian citizenship have most likely been adjusted; now it is exactly one year in order to actually not discriminate against those individuals, lets say the petition will be for naturalization and who wants to renounce citizenship, because before there were different deadlines, in addition, the period for reviewing materials for the acquisition of civil republics in a simplified registration procedure has been reduced to two months, this applies to ethnic belarusians who return to the territory of the country, for example, who previously had foreign citizenship, the procedure for restoration of citizenship has also been reduced to two months, well, 3 months have been established for the consideration of materials on citizenship issues for those persons who apply for the acquisition of citizens. In a registration or simplified manner, but in addition, i want to say that the legislator also introduced certain categories of persons who lose belarusian citizenship due to the fact that if they are convicted on the territory of our country for committing crimes of an extremist or terrorist nature, as well as crimes that caused grave harm to the interests of the republic of belarus, in the event if those persons are outside the country, then the procedure for losing the civil republic can be carried out in relation to them. I assume, of course, if there is. A Court Decision to convict these persons on the territory that has entered into legal force, many people have already expressed a desire to become citizens of our country, how many have received belarusian citizenship since the beginning of the year, well, since the beginning of the year we have already considered and made a positive decision on more than 2,000 applications of foreign citizens and or citizenship acquisition of citizenship of the republic of belarus, in addition, about 700 applications are being considered, because firstly , the period for consideration of an application for acquiring citizenship is, as i said, from two. From two months to one year , so the procedure is very complicated, it applicants go through a significant crucible of checks and this

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