See what happens next, and then there will be again the whipped mass, lets go look at the finished product, maybe ill try it, its already ready, you can already eat it, try it, but then it still goes to us for drying, listen, these are the people who stand on the conveyor belt, they are sometimes more involuntarily and they pick it up, of course, without fail, but how well, the finished postila is cooled, cut into neat pieces , which we are used to seeing in boxes, i now understand perfectly why the people on the street always smile, on the street they smile because they eat the stele, at work they smile because they are preparing it, look how happy they are, this is for you. Oh class, that is, this is exactly what packaged marshmallows look like, i want to tell you that if you buy such a wonderful box at least once a week and eat it with your friends and relatives, you you will an absolutely happy person, well, thats enough for me for a week, thank you, after leaving the hospitable marshmallowmarshmallow factory, i headed towards the exit from norovlya, but i still had one piece of advice for all future guests of the city travelers should take note that norovlya is a very profitable city, for example, lunch in a cafe at the hotel it will cost you only a couple of dollars, accommodation in the hotel itself will cost no more than ten, but there is one catch, there is no shower in the rooms, edok is a soulless welcome, we are talking about the most important thing from. The world of science, it, according to recent research by scientists improves memory, it turned out that its absence led to a decrease in immunity and the maintenance of general inflammation in the body, im talking, of course , about breakfast moderate coffee consumption, prevention of Breast Cancer , and also prevention of the development of alzheimers disease. Lets share interesting facts. The greeks were the first to start having breakfast, so they made it from the morning one. Food is a whole ritual for the romans. Coffee beans became widely used around 850 bc. And at first, people did not consume coffee beans, but pulp, berries, plants and leaves. We ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. What is the difference between arabica and rabusta, and how is it fashionable to brew coffee today . If its softer, then we suggest choosing from two arabica beans, one of which will be more intense in taste, the other softer and milkier. And if a person wants black coffee, then rabustas mixture certainly gives a bitter taste, look at the science project nearby, on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are ready to go to the end, yekaterinburg now, and before, and this is leningrad, but with st. Petersburg, what happened, there is an answer, whether its right or not, well find out, and for the sake of victory, he will stop at nothing, sertaki, i mean, tadyn, yes, yes, exactly so, there is an answer and this is minus one, why, and minus two, well, it is less than 1, and you are brave, of course , yes, after you turned your back to the tower, she made three more swings, look, intellectually entertaining tower project on our tv channel. Of course, like any traveler, i am very interested in looking for an adventure for my head to get into the polesie traditionaleological reserve, but mere mortals are not allowed there, so you need to get a special pass. The polesie state radiationecological reserve was formed in 1988 on the lands of the braginsky, norovlyansky and khoiniki districts. A third of belarus chernobyl legacy fell on these lands, 30 of cesium, 70 of strontium and 97 . These are longlived radionuclides due to contamination with which the former life will not return here, therefore the main task of the reserve is to provide the zone alienation of peace and prevent the transfer of fallen radionucleides to a clean area. So, i have a reminder in my hands on how to behave in the resettlement exclusion zone, and also the most important thing is a pass. Unfortunately, a simple traveler will not receive such a pass, according to the legislation of our country. So everything you see next is exclusive to the program, i want to see it. Until 1986, there were 92 settlements on the territory of the reserve. Today there are no residential villages in the exclusion zone, and visiting it is prohibited. An exception for belarusians is made only once a year on the rainbow, when people come to the graves of relatives. At the entrance to the exclusion zone, i met igor, an employee of the radiation safety department, in order to learn how to use a dosimeter , without which there is nowhere in the zone, at a height of 1 m, yeah, we keep it, it generates an error when there is plus or minus 15 , plus or minus 15 , it already shows the correct background, what radiation background is normal for a person, and at what level it is necessary to run away faster, we like if previously the norm would have been 0. 18, yeah, but so, well, that is, if its already clear that there is an excess, at the moment its 0. 65, which means its almost three times higher, or even more Background Radiation level, yes, uh, it seems to me that ill go, i asked igor for a couple of tips on moving in the zone, while in the zone, can i turn off the main route like you and i now, but dont turn away from leaving, its better to move, specifically on the road, on the road. So on the road i decided and spurred my iron horse, but still didnt go far. I drove literally 3 km from the beginning of the exclusion zone, and i want to tell you that my driving experience is not even enough, because the road is broken , there are potholes, and deep ones for two wheels, this is very critical, a lot, i still have to learn how to drive, but i stopped for a reason, lets check what kind of radiation is literally 3 km away. From the beginning of the exclusion zone, lets see, we turn on the device, the error has practically dropped to the required norm and we see the result of 0. 15 microsievert per hour, in principle the norm is quite good, well, lets try to drive a little further, again failure, after a couple of hundred meters a check on the roads was waiting for me, keep it up, hello, well, as you can see, everything is serious, and they asked to show me my pass and asked for my passport, but this is only the beginning of the zone, what will happen next is generally unknown , but i want to see it, and then i met egerrem mikhail, in 1986, his native village fell into the exclusion zone, there was no choice, the family moved to a new place, but. He stayed at his old job. In the mikhail zone since the day of the accident and knows every pipe here. How safe do you feel in the exclusion zone, do you need a dosimeter every day to measure whether to go there or not to go there, or have you somehow gotten used to it over time, and you yourself know where its better not to meddle. Over time, we already know where the most dangerous places are. And what has changed over these 22 years in your life in the life of the exclusion zone. I think nothing. Lets try again. Just analyze the level of Background Radiation now, the error is set ok, im looking at 0. 11. This is wonderful, the absolute norm here. Mikhail says it happens, the territory in the zone is contaminated in a mosaic manner. Here the background is normal, but after a couple of meters it can jump several times. By the way, apart from radiation, there is no electricity at the checkpoint. It is generated by a solar battery for those on duty. Behind me is huge. There are several such towers on the territory of the zone, every 2 hours a guard appears on it, or rather every 2 hours they change, he monitors safety with binoculars, the absence of fires and the absence of violators, but the main thing the task of the rangers is to track forest fires, because it is with their help that radionuclides spread beyond the zone. And even if you have such a pass for a person and a vehicle, you must leave the exclusion zone before 17 00 , otherwise a special squad will come out to look for you, already reinforced, im afraid of security. We have another 50 minutes, we will have time to see a lot of interesting things. Behind me, the village of teshkou, 418 houses, about 500 inhabitants, lived slowly, calmly, but ceased to exist in the year eightysix, i i want to see this, due to anomalous levels of radiation, some settlements in the zone were completely buried, and my fatherinlaw was left behind. Today, this generally large village leaves a depressing impression. Houses overgrown with bushes gape with empty window sockets, there are bare walls inside, garbage and broken toys underfoot, you want to quickly go outside. Tell us about the local animals, because they certainly feel at ease in this untouched area. Today we saw several hedgehogs, snakes, of course we have all types of animals, even sometimes all of them, people feel bad, but the animals seem to be fine here, there is no serious competition, there is enough space, in the zone, in addition to bears, lynxes and prozhevalskys wild horses have settled down; how radiation affects them, scientists cannot yet definitely say. Mikhail, thank you very much, and not only for the introduction, probably for the fact that you remain here, with all your might, as your friends. Close, try to make this region cleaner, return it to it, and maybe bring something new to it from the point of view of nature, animals, well, actually your work, you are an excellent huntsman and a great person, thank you, even on the way to the chernobyl zone i didnt understand why i was going there, but now i understand, the whole point is not to be scared and not to stare at an abandoned village, but to understand on your skin , what the socalled world. The atom can do if the human hand does not control it correctly. Ill tell you, as a traveler, there are places that make you happy, give you a lot of impressions, you want to return there, but the exclusion zone is completely different place, what feelings it evoked in me, i dont know, its twofold, think about it on the road, see you, i want to see it. Watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. This is news from the country and abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene. Current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar. United arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. Set up a satellite dish satellite aitherspace 1. The tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. Be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. The scientific expedition to mars was announced, which was planned in 2018, then on the 24th, it was postponed until the end of the year, and this is not the case, but our comrade Yazep Drazdovich is on the verge of on the planet, i am already oblivious and obligated. And the same illustrated paradox attacks from other celestial targets. From friday to saturday, i often work for months. Bachyu dziynuyu. Near the gray, zen skies, the great size of the mountains, the mountains, the astravos, the great and small mountains of the blocky, flattopped mountains, of which a tall, ruddy mountain rose. Pazere in the beginning of belarus, the slight jumping of nature, the stringy hedges of the cassela, the mosscovered stones on old graves, the ice of the pitted hills garadzishcha dy mounds, skins with their legends, all the sights of the sky, yano adlustrouvavaetstsa y water district. All of these magical meats, the 13th of the year 1888, were paradisemen on other planets. I come from poor gentry, such a yashche was called sharachkova, because the people are not frocks, but sherae damatkanae adzenne. The daughter of the nava did not have her own land, and as a prakarmika, she decided to arat someone elses. Brothers and rent. Scene of the punka at the sharpest level of the galubian cannon, for everyones sake relatives. Life there was high and not rich, but not wellfed. However, when yuzik was only two, he died. Matsi took the bag from her hands. The little hut was choking on the pack. The lease term has expired. The necessary attempt never succeeded. Two or three bastards and a hot crossing. This is how yazeps vandalism ended. Already in the turn of the century, drazdovich revealed his ideas in three aspects a master of elegant costumes, sivabarrods, a legal thinker and thoughtful navukovets, and various indian gods. This is how he would be from a kingdom where there is more love for tinkering, for which one goes to work at the plows, and always looks at vigilant eyes, vigilant ones, know that everything is in order in the sky. Father will pack his family a gentle recession, Start Capital to settle life. Yazep grew up patratsіtsya yago to the masters adukatsya. Matsi chuckled, but she didnt stop. Signs of the mentor of life ivan trutneev could have easily in a couple of bad days passed the story of the tale of the nugget and the rightful master. Drazdovich becomes a student at the school and at the old school of vilna. These are the temples and high schools of the village of tsikavastsya and the belarusian ministries. Polatian prince usyaslav charadzey, as he perautvarazza. At the university and the first director francis skaryna, this post is a master asabliva. 1910, yazep has already promoted himself as a young master. Pershy hastened tab of the nashi niva calendar. Ale alouki i panzli choked on the need for adklassie. The boys are recruited from the army. Spyarsha two bastards drill in the barracks, then the courses of the paramedics and the endless blues on pink scales and garades in the distant hell of the city. 1919 the belarusian dzyarzhava is on the map. Drazdovich wants to be her karysnym and nakirovaetstsa in mensk. Above the cities the moon is shining, but no one knows what will happen tomorrow. The war with poland is in progress and the line at the front is in no way on its way out. Devastation, shortages, panicky mood. The nondull ones tend to produce tall men with hippies. He carefully painted the small landscapes of garad, the upper towns, the high hills of the valley, the tatar weakness. Prychym, drazdovich little not only that, but also raptam includes fantasy, and everything, panad with whole shafts, even at some former mensky castle, a trawling gate appears. Praz shmat gadu archeology there will be excavations there and the parapets of that same gate will emerge, creating a sound reconstruction that looks and doesnt contradict your eyes. Malyunak, amal are the same as kalistsi and drazdovichy. Mensku is getting rid of all the necessary problems, but the mothers list is all changing. Yana got busy and asked her son to come to the rescue so that the herd would develop. Matsi was the closest thing to the chalaveks. Drazdovitch would like to thank himself for the fact that he will not give up the new water to his partner. Kalis mother passed away, she was diligent, in memory of the words from the tree, wrinkled on her creatures. Varnuzza y mensk was already unmagchy. At sakaviku 21ga, belarus cut the meat. Drazdowicz mizhvolі apynyyy citizens of poland. It is posted in the belarusian gymnasiums, the packages of which were not closed by the polish kingdoms, and there are ancient burial mounds, folk traditions, dialects and pale folklore. These materials are being applied directly to the academy of sciences of the bssr. Mensku has no one who believes that samavuk is the father of this ancestor. Highest aducacy. Drazdovich was immediately given a bonus. He looks like a real dandy in a fine white cassette, as he reveals riddles of the minute. Yes, for the most part, life looks different, kassjum is unidentified, and the halo is these bots, yakuts, as usual, new yama for what unemployment, nyama dze khvarets, any vypachyts homeless, i myself dont know how to live, sh then further budzec, adnoichy, perad they have a difficult choice, for which the patriats are paid for the extra pennies of their goods, on the ground of the economy, or for direct purposes. Drazdovich chose his craft. Yago carcinas fell. To many, these are mysterious and significant, fantastic facts, people without creatures, special lands, what is such a spring, its possible to get out of the way, the hunters were aborated , perhaps, if drazdovichs fantasies had been developed by the paryzhskaya bageme, then it would have been captured, would it be similar to the fashionable surrealism of that time, or else that paryzh . The master would be eager to earn money for life, then work, either as a pear or as a painter. Shchasli. The one who has time for free creative work, who is in good health and without pain in the future, who does not have time to spend their time on a penny of bread. Varying in their closet, hungry masters go to sleep and break a new generation of desolate landscapes, in the desert, in the pestilence, in the unusable constructions of the pabudovs, and i, in the tortured galava, where it took me, and adnekul , the atyril adkas, i will make a month, the city is trembling, the paradise was able to explore the insides of these elements, and reveal what yanya kastsey i charapou. All the most popular saints are clear , true, saturn. Geta sign on the light station, stand on the other side of the ring. If you go further and find yourself in hidden space. And the entire martian desert is filled with quarries. Yak came to light. There are different races the ancestors of one race, short and roundheaded, others of medium height, and the remaining ones of the same race , dark giants. Vodzyatstsa on mars and myadzvedzi, however, are very bald, and there is nothing to remind our parsyuchka, for months the paradise of the sustras of the kasmic tourists from the future. Im a big fan of our lands, advocating the insides of platos circus, there were two campaigns, a lot of. Like some masters are painting the tastastic frame of the oldest deputy. Trazdovich navat vynayshau madela kasmichnaga ship, mnaganaslaughtering launch the rocket. Its true, there was no pressure to get out of it at the casmadrome. 1933, the old hell of nendza, master vartaetstsa y native meats. Yon godzіtsya y y y y y y y y y y y y y y small salyanam dyvany, lethalna, ill hit you on the dick. The plots are extremely simple, except for the clock. And magical alien saints walk there. And yashche drazdovich distributes his cosmic fires to the vyaskovians. Many people called the empty brehams and dreamers. Toi adkazva and you are evil, you are rightwing, and you yourself are perverted, which i tell the honest truth. the applicants were shocked, no one has ever been to mars. Well be there, if people go there, well be happy. And the raptam revealed that drazdovich and saprauda. You are already for all the paths to the red planet , listen to your dreams, otherwise there is a slight difference here, and our dreams do not appear in reality, nothing is terrible, for the creators of this world it is terrible. Drazdovich appreciates the worlds history as a steward of our planetary space. Going out into the fields every morning, we do everything to ensure that our country lives in peace and creation. My father worked as a machine operator, around the sixth or seventh grade i was his assistant on a combine, back then there were niva combines with k55 a1, so i started on this combine with an assistant, at one time in 1988 i started at mtz 50, this is our belarusian priority tractor, which. Could be divided in half, now its clean, changed in the morning, serviced, then you can, like a wedding, dance behind the wheel, this year im at work for the first time in my entire life in agriculture, working for combine, for the first time i took the first thousand in the region, thats certainly nice, im the first, and not someone else, ive become a leader in the region , you have to work everywhere, its never easy, yes, its hard work, ill tell you, its hard, because i say, you cant plow, you cant sow, you cant cultivate there, you wont walk like a shelf, you wont give, plus the weather conditions, there wont be any fruit, i always have a Good Relationship with bread, because you cant throw away bread, even my parents taught me to we were not born in wartime during the siege, here are people for a crumb of bread there with we were dying of hunger, so bread is everything, when you come home, you want to go to work , there is no such thing as now i live in an apartment, there is nowhere to go, its better at. Work than at home, its just not a habit, but a craving, well, work, how can i say, brings benefits to people, i think, what else can it be, our work, who works in agriculture, brings only benefits to people, there should be a market, love work, since you love work, i think , this should bear some fruit, and if you treat, for example, if only like what. This will not happen, humanity will not survive the emergence of artificial intelligence, because the very concept of man will change forever, we are already seeing a future in which such a concept as a country, community, team, family, it is absent, remaining in its pseudocivilized world, on today, they are closing the border from everything traditional, from all those values ​​that we are now positioning from the countries of the east, making it worse only for themselves, in order for you to understand modernity, you must understand the past, read it, and , accordingly, learn from past mistakes. To avoid the mistakes of the future, you cannot betray three things in life mother, you cannot betray god, and you cannot betray the earth. Markovs project is nothing personal, just the truth, which is always more interesting than speculation. Watch on tv channel belarus 24. Each of the heroes of the project, new people, chose their own path and achieved their first great success. He cut his first icon in secret, we are, in principle, even starting. Climb up, and he himself was at home, quietly carved this icon, brought it, showed it to me, talented, brave, always ready to learn something new, he loves to work on details , he is the kind of person who admires every element of his canvas, he begins to play, you know, like a fakir who hypnotizes a cobra with a pipe, just like that, he worked wonders with the audience, today they are the pride of the country, at performances i didnt even expect him to play like that, energetically, without any embarrassment, everything is clean, about the new generation of belarusians, look at the project on

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