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Thats right, a target student is at least 5 years old, thats right, and maybe they should also be oriented somewhere neatly up to 7 years old, otherwise dont go to a target group. On this score , comments in the spirit of serfdom have already appeared in the media, but lets be honest, for many young people and not yet very experienced specialists, a guaranteed first job becomes a lifesaver and a good start to a future career, they just say thank you. But there will also be those who are dissatisfied, as well as those who will hype the topic, and this is already happening. They are trying to irritate society on another topic, collecting for the needs of a class or school, this is a voluntary matter, parents can contribute a penny, thank you, but if not, the task is not worth demanding, i know from myself that it is not a pity to spend a good cause, but to information attacks are long overdue develop immunity. The Election Campaign begins. They wont leave us alone, ideological and informational pressure has already begun on us , so we still have to be strong ideologically, and these are all teachers, we need to work without looking back and do specific things, what worries people, this is such a strong motivational point , all decisions on education have been made, they often say that products are a belarusian brand, but it seems to me that the main trump card is belarusian specialists. This is always a sign of quality. Well, let it be like this from now on. Thank you, natalya breusa about improving the educational process. Agriculture has to be raised to a new level; this is the key idea of ​​the republican seminar on livestock farming. A Big Conversation about the development of the agroindustrial complex took place on friday with the participation of Alexander Lukashenko. This topic is always under the personal control of the president , because they are strong. Pc is the key to our food security. In soviet times, belarus was called a big farm, but after the collapse of the union, foreign sales of meat fell by 10 times, milk by six times. With difficulties managed to feed myself, not like others. For 6 years in a row, imports exceeded exports. In other words, it is complete dependence on the bare necessities. Over the years of its sovereign history , belarus has been able not only to turn the situation around, but also to significantly increase its agricultural capabilities. Thanks to largescale modernization. Today we have fully provided the market with food products, our enterprises operate stably, for example, we have a third more meat than we consume, we produce milk two and a half times more than our needs, this means there is a sight to eat abroad. Last year, our country earned over 8 billion from food, so agriculture provides a fifth of belarusian exports. Despite the sanctions, exports are growing. Even to eu countries. In addition, enormous opportunities are opening up in africa, the countries of asia and the middle east, as well as countries of the far arc. Livestock farming can become a gold mine for our village, the demand for food, as well as prices continue to rise, every tenth person on the planet is hungry, and belarus must take advantage of external conditions. These are not just our ambitions, this is real potential that can and should be realized. Hence the tone of the meeting. Strictly to the point there is no time to build up, if we dont, others will take our place. Iron discipline must become the motto in the agroindustrial sector. Alexander lukashenko means labor, financial and technological. You know better what to do. But i say again, our main problem is simple, elementary discipline. Discipline is not just a fist hit. You develop a structured, clear system. To the Regional Executive Committee with the governors, to the city Regional Executive Committee, and act, do not wait for any instructions, you will make a mistake, the main thing is fatal, so that there are no mistakes, for a mistake. A person can always be forgiven if he strives to do well, but if he is not inactive , well, why do we need such a leader, so act, you are the local generals, and i will ask the governors to show excessive initiative before the city executive committee, let both specialists and your deputies act, now is the time for everyone to move in their places, and this requires freedom and certain powers. The coming years are not easy for the troika, i always have a troika, the regional commissioner, the assistant governor, you should conduct an Electoral Campaign there, we must show everyone that we have a country and we will govern this country, without a modern and technological approach, neither meat nor there will be no milk, colossal investments have been made in the modernization of the industry, half of all dairy complexes are equipped with the most. Modern technologies, thanks to which milk production we increased by one and a half times and this work does not stop, we have many examples of modern successful farms, the president calls for us to adopt their experience, Alexander Lukashenko, it is important that not just an individual farm, but the entire industry can boast. In the next couple of years, 10 farms in each region will need to be built or renovated, governors will be assigned to new projects, but its not enough to build, one facility should not be empty increase production, load processing, create new Dairy Products pig farms, modernize old ones, stock up on feed in prog. We have set many tasks, but for farmers they are not cosmic, everything comes from the earth, these are our real possibilities, today this is not only a question of food security. You see how they are bombing russia today, you see, drones are flying back and forth, the hardest question , these new ones. They are sitting with me now and they tell everyone how this war is going, i think, well, heres how to resist this, there is such an option, like this, and it costs hundreds of millions of rubles, so i think, meleration to carry him out, to cultivate new lands , to take away, now you cannot cultivate what you have, or these rocks with these drones, they discussed a terrible weapon with putin, but this is crazy money. But life is more expensive, so im just hinting to you that, of course, we will support, we will help, but we wont just throw money into the ground, and we wont deal with those who dont want to work for you either, not because that im an evil person, because there is no other way, we need to save the country, and im still surprised how we manage, thats all around everything is raging, today we can sit and talk about pig farming, how to grill kebabs, what else . People have already forgotten about this, even in rich countries, take poland, oh poland, so what in poland, here Yuri Vitoldovich and vladimir stepanovich, nearby, they know, well , poland, its the americans who are pouring in a lot of money, and you do you think that poland is just crushing this poor ukraine today, but no, theyve already given the goahead from the ocean, we should already dump this zelsky, hes Holding Elections in america tomorrow, no one will watch for this, we need to defend ourselves. Because we dont know from these crazy politicians of poland what to expect from them, so you understand, there is no extra money, for every penny there will be demand, i m not saying that we didnt do anything there, we are zealous people, but today men , this is not enough, i do not demand from you space in agriculture, so eliminate the bottlenecks that exist today, solve the problems that are on the surface and for our generation will be with you. The president also called for solving the personnel problem of the industry, calling her systemforming. Every farm should consider a system for retaining personnel and attracting young people. There can be many bonuses, from housing to exemplary working conditions, this is a guarantee of successful production, and ultimately an effective rural economy. The topic of food is now number one on the planet grain, protests, prices, starving africa. And not only are literally agrarian wars unfolding between countries, the un is shouting about the problem, but sanctions against belarus and russia have not gone away, speaking about illogical prohibitions, speaking at a general political discussion foreign minister sergei olennik spoke at the seventyeighth session of the Un General Assembly. The head of mit again called for their immediate abolition, no matter what sanctions test our strength, belarus continues to adhere to the policy of openness and good neighborliness. The diplomat recalled the initiative of belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko to launch a Global Security dialogue. This initiative was an attempt to prevent a negative spiral in global politics, unfortunately, some key players did not want to to hear a reasonable call, as a result , the Security Architecture in europe suffered a serious breakdown. Where we all most need common sense is in finding ways to resolve the global food crisis. Lets assume that there is enough food in the world for everyone. At the same time, millions of people around the world are starving. This contradiction is the result. Unilateral illegal sanctions that western states impose in violation of the un charter against countries they dislike or in order to gain advantages in competitive economic struggle. Sanctions, in turn, limit the ability to export fertilizers and food to developing countries that need them most. Consequently, the global food crisis is manmade, not systemic, as such, it can be easily resolved, it is only necessary to remove illegal barriers, the countries that have put up barriers must remove them, issues of global and Regional Security were discussed at the meeting of Sergei Oleynik with un secretary general antonio guteres, the minister of Foreign Affairs confirmed the invitation on behalf of our president to the secretary general of the organization to visit belarus, antonio guteres, in turn , emphasized that belarus, like no other country , is interested in peace in its region. Speaking of dialogue, the work schedule of the belarusian delegation at the 78th session of the Un General Assembly was very busy. Against the wishes of some, the head of midhungary, petr szijarta, shared candid information. The socalled colleagues from nato and the European Union tried to convince they should not meet with representatives of russia and belarus. Nevertheless, several dozen have been carried out. Meetings with the president of serbia with the Foreign Ministers of croatia, vietnam, mongolia, eritrea, nicaragua, qatar, egypt, turkey, philippines, saudi arabia, algeria, zimbabwe, but the un itself, one of the founders of which would have been the ussr and was conceived as a platform for a wide and productive dialogue, but you need to be able to negotiate. It turns out that food can cause a quarrel between seemingly partners dont spill the water. Last week was unprecedented. The confrontation between ukraine and poland reached its height, diplomatic moves were replaced by political ones, and public figures competed in delivering speeches, one more offensive than the other. Its difficult to say who started it first, but it seems that the eternal friendship of the two peoples melted away without a trace in a matter of days. Vladimir zelensky arrived at the General Assembly session in new york, by all accounts, feeling like a collector of tribute from the vanquished. His behavior was so defiant that. Congress gave him a day off without waiting the visit that the ukrainian was going to pay to the american parliament. Zelsky, who was elected to congress, is he our president . Im not going to promise anything, i have questions for him, where is the accountability for the money we spent, what is the plan to achieve victory, i think the americans want to know this. And by the way, now in congress there is a closeknit group of dozens of republicans who are ready for costimili. But to prevent the allocation of new allocations to kiev, the conflict with the poles arose on the same basis, monetary. Delensky, in his un speech , accused a number of countries of unspoken connivance with russia, because several eu states announced a blockade of ukrainian grain exports. The kiev politician had few listeners, although ukrainian channels tried very hard to increase their number. During the editing of the stories, zelsky was seated in the audience to applaud. Duda immediately canceled the meeting with zelensky, the Ukrainian Ambassador in warsaw was protested, the Prime Minister demanded that kiev not insult his fellow countrymen, relations between warsaw and kiev are now difficult condition. We are no longer transferring any weapons to ukraine. Based on the fact that we ourselves are now planning to arm ourselves with modern weapons. Relations with ukraine are now in general, at least in a difficult state, after recent statements by senior officials and the president of ukraine. We strongly disagree with these statements. Now the parties are conducting some behindthescenes negotiations regarding grain, but their prospects are rather vague. Warsaw and kiev are still threatening each other with an extended embargo and political punishment for the poles. Promised to stop supplies weapons in the ssu, not all of them, of course, but the fact itself is obvious, opponents have already begun to slaughter even sacred cows, elders immediately intervened in the conflict, the eu promised from. In turn, washington demanded that warsaw be more constructive and not offend zelsky, as well as explain polish threats, refuse support for ukraine. In general, the intensity of the confrontation continues to grow, washington and brussels have already intervened in it, and they also seem to be on different sides of the political front. Scandals, intrigues, the gray everyday life of official warsaw. Ruling the regime is burying itself with every public appearance. Duda and morowiecki manage to disgrace themselves every time they appear on camera. The Election Campaign in poland has raised from the political bottom all the dirt that the party of right and justice had so diligently hidden for many years. The already low rating of the populations support is rapidly falling, leaving no chance to maintain sole power; selling fear to your own, exposing all your neighbors, is no longer particularly successful, kaczynskis house of cards is collapsing before our eyes, details in the section screenshot, dung and lightning are flying between kiev and warsaw, the seed of discord has sprouted, nothing unexpected, everything that we are working on. Things by their proper names, the blue fingers of a ukrainian drowned man have become a nightmare of the polish president , they say that a drowning man is clutching for the straw, in fact , a drowning person grabs onto everything he can, its a bit like the situation between poland and ukraine, and we must act in such a way as to protect ourselves from harm, because if drowning. The person will cause harm, drown us, he will not get help, so we must care about our interests, and we will do this effectively and decisively. It would be good for ukraine to remember that it receives help from us, that we are a transit country for ukraine. What about my son . Did your poles help you . The ban on ukrainian grain has become almost the flagship of the ruling partys Election Campaign. By the beginning of the electoral period, they suddenly became the main parents for the interests of polish farmers, whose protests had remained unnoticed over the past year, any attempts at dialogue with the authorities took place exclusively on in raised tones without any results, deputy minister of agriculture Janusz Kowalski literally barked and almost bit the farmers who came to him. Braza. The situation with polish farmers was brought to the limit; desperate people blocked roads with equipment and even hung a symbolically crucified effigy. Such a picture before the parliamentary elections clearly does not contribute to the growth of the popularity of the ruling party; it was necessary to close down the shop and abandon speculation in ukrainian grain on the domestic market. Kyiv parent for the fight against hunger in african countries. I immediately started panicking and started writing letters in small handwriting to brussels. We do not agree with any procedures or claims brought against us, because this means that the ukrainian authorities do not understand the destabilization of the polish agricultural market. I warn the ukrainian authorities, because if they escalate the conflict in this way, we will add even more products to the import ban into poland. Morowieckis threats were not successful. Pan got excited about the products and literally touched a nerve, declaring that the zelski regime would no longer see military assistance from poland. Duda himself hastened to neutralize the scandalous message, but only made it worse. Justifying himself to the journalist, he actually admitted that all additional assistance was strictly limited to outdated warehouse stocks. And then everything is calculated and the check is issued. Regarding everything else. Duda suggested that zelsky use a lip rolling machine. I personally will be the first to oppose the transfer of these new weapons that we are now receiving from south korea and from the usa, such as the new abram patri system or hymers to poland, to strengthen the security of our country. Security and militarization of the country, the second point of the ruling partys election program, the pisovites not only managed to borrow equipment from south korea, for which more than one generation of poles will have to pay, but they even revealed secret. Documents about the war with russia. Polish defense minister Marius Blaszczak showed the first page of a document providing for a retreat in a preelection video the polish army was stuck in servants. Donald tusk, there is still some play here, here duda morawiecki is playing a little bit of his voters, yes, in order to take away these arguments from their critics on the right, but we are defending you, while the oral defenders of the polish state were in fact clandestinely selling visas for citizens of african asian countries, 500 euros could obtain the legal right to enter the territory of poland; over the past 3 years, according to independent investigators , more than 350,000 people have used this service, all they subsequently dissolved absolutely legally in the territory of the schengen zone, which could not leave the scandal unnoticed by the governments of neighboring states. I can confirm that there was a telephone conversation between the federal minister of the interior and her. Colleague kaminsky, in addition, the previous morning the polish ambassador was summoned to the ministry of the interior for a personal meeting. At these negotiations it was clearly stated that the German Government expected prompt and clear clarification from the polish Government Regarding the allegations of possible visa fraud in poland. Despite the blatant scandal, the head of the polish foreign ministry, sbigne frau, refused to resign. His deputy, in an attempt to divert fire from his boss, blamed russia for the migration crisis on the italian island. Lampedusa, representatives of the ruling party profiting from illegal migration, obviously anticipating the appearance of this information in the public sphere, deliberately included this topic in the referendum questions, turning the arrows on our country, in general, everyone is to blame except peace. Pazhdernik 15th, october 15th will be the only true question in the referendum is do you want to remove the worst government in poland since 1989 . Those who plunder polish forests, those who are responsible for the catastrophic state of polish agriculture, those who have been blocking cash flows from the European Union for more than two years, remove from power those whose Prime Ministers are hiding from you property registered in the name of relatives, those who created propaganda , which criticizes those who have a different opinion, those who use millions and hundreds of millions every day taxpayers for their own purposes, dear gentleman, this is one big scam. Which continues for 8 years. Having lost Popular Support and grasping at power with blue fingers, representatives of the ruling Party Managed to trample polish diplomacy into the mud and completely destroy it. All conversations with neighbors are exclusively in the format of slogans and demands. Constant attacks on berlin, claims against minsk and a trade war with kiev. Peace literally trades in fear. About elections without choice, andrey sych in the screenshot section. Humanity is laughingly parting with its past, if this is so, then zelensky is certainly steadily becoming for the poles the property of the past, which they are trying to part with as quickly and reliably as possible, already in the first hours of the conflict over the grain. Barg and ukrainian claims, the sejm deputies mockingly prepared kiev has a huge bill, literally huge, the size of a large newspaper spread. The poles counted 100 billion zlotys in their assistance to ukraine, or more than 20 billion euro. The publishers of the account quite rightly pointed out that for that kind of money poland could count on at least politeness , but if politicians were still restrained by the norms of diplomatic etiquette, then ordinary poles were allowed in in recent days, where only zelensky from tiktok videos has visited, in some unexpected places he did not stretch out his hand for alms, please give me, well, give me some money, well, tanks, well, help ukraine, come on quickly, please, come on, come on, tanks, well, help ukraine, well, come on, as soon as all the experts agree, the closer to elections the interruption competitors accuse each other of mistakes, populism, even betrayal, while simultaneously promising to make poland the best country in europe, and at the same time quarreling with all its neighbors. Polish political scientist, chairman of the polish east society Alexander Jack will tell us about scandals in the polish ruling elite, tightening the screws on opponents and the consequences of the grain squabble between kiev and warsaw. Alexander, hello, they are trying to win polish society over to their side. Sweet promises, representatives, including the ruling party is accused of corruption, deceit, or criminal offenses, so how much has the struggle intensified on the eve of october 15 . Yes. Indeed, now Many Political observers claim that this is the dirtiest political election race in history in military poland , which we remember here, and that indeed so many scams of all sorts of problems that are now being pulled out by politicians have never happened before, never happened, but on the other hand, we must also take into account that, in principle, the outcome of these elections did not change much. Right justice platform, in principle, both on International Relations have the same point of view, not completely independently, it takes into account the interests of the European Union and the americans more , so no matter who comes to power on october 15, here on the international background, polish politics will not change much , what do you think is behind the trade war between poland and ukraine . Some call it us intervention, an attempt to force zelsky to negotiate, others call it an agreement, they say after the elections in poland will make concessions. If so, what will official warsaw choose, to save the village from poverty, or to feed its once independent neighbor . I bow to the opinion that this is indeed, to some extent, a game of the united states, since zelsky, who in principle represents the most corrupt and poorest country in europe, in which there has been no democracy for a long time, he promised, he came to the authorities promised peace, but we all know what ukraine and the ukrainians got, destroyed cities, hundreds of thousands and killed, victims, on the other hand, corruption even more than it was before, and now hes trying to make himself the kind of world politician who has the advantage of pointing out what democracy should look like, what good economy should look like, probably, this is getting a little boring even for the americans, but since they dont like to get dirty with such dirty issues with their own hands, they use the situation that has developed in poland to simply. Give zelensky or show him his place, yes, because its enough that lets say this dispute with poland, well cover it hub already, in principle, the war could end in 2 weeks, then zelenskys career will also end, this is my opinion, of course, it may not completely coincide with others, but if we look at the results, at the starting points, it is quite true, with on the other hand, indeed, this controversy will end quickly, it will end after the elections, it will not end with some decision in favor of poland or in favor of ukraine, because there is no such thing, in favor of poland, of course, not to allow, as it was before, Grain Products in general, Agricultural Products to poland, because this is a direct road to the ruin of the polish, and farmers, on the other hand, everyone understands that in general , ukraines path to. The union, these are economic problems for poland, because poland, which is now receiving money from the European Union for development, if, for example, ukraine joined the same union, then it would receive all the money in size, in terms of agricultural hectares; the situation is not ready for this, so on the other hand we need to teach. That there are many issues that our government seems to understand, but somehow does not fully accept in its decisions, not taking them into account in its decisions, but making decisions contrary to, if in the long term, a decision contrary to polish, economic and social interests poles. For weeks , polish president andrzej duda signed the socalled spy law, now citizens are not allowed to take photographs. It is prohibited to film particularly important objects spread false information that will discredit the honor and dignity of poland, so could new legal forms become a tool to intimidate poles . Yes, they have already become, i have already met with many opinions, representatives of the media, that they are already limiting their statements out of fear,

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