Beharbari Outpost
'Beharbari Outpost' is one of the most popular and most viewed television serials of Assam which is telecasted on Rengoni TV. I am also a big fan of this series. The character KK and Mohan have unique popularity among the different sections of the people of Assam, irrespective of caste, community, age, religion and profession. Since 2013, it has been entertaining people at a regular interval. Its direction, acting and all aspects are very impressive. Mainly it shows current issues of our society and unfolds social follies satirically as its content, which has a positive impact on its viewers like us. Its fan base is available everywhere. But nowadays it gives priority to showing current political issues. I feel some of the contents of the serial may hurt the sentiment of some people. So, I urge the content maker of the 'Beharbari Outpost' to leave aside some political issues which may not be favoured by every section of the viewers.