Each week, Sunday Life’s beauty director Stephanie Darling roadtests a different makeup or skincare trend to find out whether it’s worth your time. Ahead, an eyelid procedure and
the hottest colours for kissable lips.
You can see my eye’s colour better as they’re out of the shadow of my heavy lids and my vision has definitely improved.
The time has come to address my heavily hooded eyes with an upper blepharoplasty.
The lowdown For the past 10 years, my lids have been drooping so I have decided to take the plunge and have what is known in the beauty business as an upper bleph (blepharoplasty). Dr Michael Zacharia is my surgeon and he agrees, saying, “It will open up your eyes and make you look less tired.” Dr Z explains that he will be removing excess skin but that he always errs on the side of caution.

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