Just tell us a bIt about the man. just tell us a bIt about the man,.. just tell us a bIt about the man... man. He was a fIgure synonymous wIth hezbollah. Man. He was a fIgure synonymous wIth hezbollah. He man. He was a fIgure synonymous wIth hezbollah. He was man. He was a fIgure synonymous wIth hezbollah. He was Involved l wIth hezbollah. He was Involved wIth hezbollah. He was Involved wIth The Party from Its very InceptIon. He was the face of The Party. They are a mIlItary organIsatIon, a prescrIbed TerrorIst OrganIsatIon by varIous governments around the world. Hezbollah was and Is a sIgnIfIcant organIsatIon. They have mps and the lebanese parlIament. But they also have fIghters, as we know, who have been targetIng Israel. It Is the sort of huge organIsatIon, wIth the abIlIty to sort of lunch at these devastatIng attacks towards people In Israel. But he Is very much the fIgureheaD Of The Party. He Is the person who sIts at the very top. Below hIm, there are these commanders who have been lookIng after dIfferent elements of hIs Bloods Weaponry and strategy. But he Is the face of It all, he Is the one who sort of InspIres the one who sort of InspIres The Party. He has not appeared In publIc for years. Even when there are valleys, he appears on a bIg screen. HIs Safety And SecurIty have been closely guarded for a very long tIme. I thInk that Is why at thIs crucIal we see that what happens next and whether or not he has survIved to lead the organIsatIon wIll make such a bIg dIfference to what happens next. 0lIvIa, just took us three, thIs took so much dIscussed, just took us three festIval what Is happenIng thIs mornIng for the bees saw that nIght of strIkes, you people dIsplays on the streets. Would have people busy and hearIng In the last few hours . Busy and hearIng In the last few hours .. , few hours . Just before comIng on aIr rIght few hours . Just before comIng on aIr rIght now, few hours . Just before comIng on aIr rIght now, we few hours . Just before comIng on aIr rIght now, we had few hours . Just before comIng on aIr rIght now, we had three | on aIr rIght now, we had three explosIons on aIr rIght now, we had three explosIons In central beIrut. We understand there have been three we understand there have been three strIkes once agaIn Arno Bay reads Southern Suburbs. That bay reads Southern Suburbs. That Is bay reads Southern Suburbs. That Is the area, Island Bay reads that Is the area, Island Bay reads southern sIx others. That reads southern sIx others. That Is reads southern sIx others. That Is always It Is also an area that Is always It Is also an area where that Is always It Is also an area where weve seen multIple assassInatIons In the recent weeks assassInatIons In the recent weeks but also Importantly, overnIght We Saw consIderable bombardment of that area, startIng bombardment of that area, startIng at 6 30pm. It Is there that startIng at 6 30pm. It Is there that we startIng at 6 30pm. It Is there that we understand accordIng to the IsraelI Army that Hassan Nasrallah, The Has Blower Red Leader nasrallah, The Has Blower Red Leader mIght have been kIlled. Buckley has blower quIckly done Buckley Has Blower quIckly done 0n Buckley has blower quIckly done. 0n the streets of beIrut, as thousands of people have been as thousands of people have been feelIng, other parts of the cIty been feelIng, other parts of the cIty for example, MItre Square the cIty for example, MItre Square whIch was once the area where square whIch was once the area where thousands of people were protestIng durIng lebanons polItIcal crIsIs In 2019, sadly wIth polItIcal crIsIs In 2019, sadly wIth you polItIcal crIsIs In 2019, sadly wIth you people Is anythIng that wIth you people Is anythIng that they can carry to try and et that they can carry to try and get shelter. In the meantIme, there get shelter. In the meantIme, there InsIders comIng from hezbollah. ThIs could mean one of one hezbollah. ThIs could mean one of one of hezbollah. ThIs could mean one of one of two thIngs, could be that of one of two thIngs, could be that they of one of two thIngs, could be that they are waItIng to prepare a statement because hassan prepare a statement because Hassan Nasrallah was notjust prepare a statement because Hassan Nasrallah was not just a leader. Hassan nasrallah was not just a leader. He Hassan Nasrallah was not just a leader, he Is was lIke a cultlIke leader, he Is was lIke a cult lIke fIgure, revered by members of hIs party and also across members of hIs party and also across the members of hIs party and also across the regIon and among the axIs of across the regIon and among the AxIs Of ResIstance and the IranIan AxIs Of ResIstance and the IranIan backed groups who supported hIm. It also could be somethIng proposIng a form of psychologIcal warfare, perhaps thIs Is psychologIcal warfare, perhaps thIs Is a psychologIcal warfare, perhaps thIs Is a tactIcal Tap TactIc thIs Is a tactIcal Tap TactIc of thIs Is a tactIcal Tap TactIc of hezbollah to recoup and thInk about next steps. ThIs and thInk about next steps. ThIs has and thInk about next steps. ThIs has scenarIo, If youd be about thIs has scenarIo, If youd be about the thIs has scenarIo, If youd be about the fact that when the senIor about the fact that when the senIor commander for ashoka, they senIor commander for ashoka, they are senIor commander for ashoka, they are perhaps waItIng to confIrm they are perhaps waItIng to confIrm hIs Death Commander Fouad shukr. It Is rapIdly changIng by the area. Of course, Israel Deems It as of course, Israel Deems It as enemy of course, Israel Deems It as Enemy Number one but also ordInary Enemy Number one but also ordInary cIvIlIans here In beIrut ordInary cIvIlIans here In beIrut and across the country. OlIvIa, beIrut and across the country. OlIvIa, just beIrut and across the country. 0lIvIa, just expect for us. Israel saId very clearly thIs mornIng that as far as they were concerned that they had successfully managed to kIll Hassan Nasrallah but as I was sayIng, that Is 50 of It and really, we look to hezbollah or to a run make some kInD Of offIcIal statement because that wIll be the moment of confIrmatIon. It requIres It from both sIdes, doesnt It . Is from both sIdes, doesnt It . Is lIkely. From Iran and hezbollahs perspectIve, If youre hezbollahs perspectIve, If youre enormous sensItIvIty because youre enormous sensItIvIty because they need to balance the outpourIng of emotIons and anger the outpourIng of emotIons and anger that thIs could provoke amongst anger that thIs could provoke amongst Its members. But also, It faces amongst Its members. But also, It faces an amongst Its members. But also, It faces an exIstentIal questIon, he was goIng to a place questIon, he was goIng to a place Hassan Nasrallah . We have seen place Hassan Nasrallah . We have seen top place Hassan Nasrallah . We have seen top members of the mIlItary seen top members of the MIlItary Branch of The Party and MIlItary Branch of The Party and the MIlItary Branch of The Party and the group been assassInated In the and the group been assassInated In the past week, and we even have In the past week, and we even have reports comIng In as Well Today Have Reports ComIng In as Well Today of have reports comIng In as Well Today of even a runs own supreme today of even a runs own Supreme Leader takIng safety. It does Supreme Leader takIng safety. It does seem that both sIdes, the IranIan and hezbollah asIde, the IranIan and hezbollah asIde, there Is a great Run AbIlIty asIde, there Is a great Run AbIlIty now In what used to be. Hezbollah Is to be seen as a formIdable fIghtIng force, very confIdent of the years of fIghtIng In syrIa and also the 2006 fIghtIng In syrIa and also the 2006 hIs Brother Word Mac IsraelI 2006 hIs Brother Word Mac IsraelI war~ 2006 hIs Brother Word Mac IsraelI war. ThIs Is a really sensItIve IsraelI war. ThIs Is a really sensItIve tIme now for The Party sensItIve tIme now for The Party that they need to get rIght party that they need to get rIght. The need to answer the other rIght. The need to answer the other Is rIght. The need to answer the other Is a rIght. The need to answer the other Is a touchy questIon, whats other Is a touchy questIon, whats next . Also the 2006 hIs Brother Word Mac IsraelI war~ hIs Brother Word Mac IsraelI war at hIsbrotherwordmac IsraelI war. . HIsbrotherwordmac IsraelI war. hIsbrotherwordmac IsraelI war. war. A cross, we would focus on what would war. A cross, we would focus on what would focus war. A cross, we would focus on what would focus on war. A cross, we would focus on what would focus on what war. A cross, we would focus on what would focus on what we I what would focus on what we next domestIcally In It lebanon. It took a PIsces Stronghold areas, we talk about Hezbollah Presence In the government and the fact that they was always referred to as a state wIthIn a state. How Is It polItIcal and socIal fabrIc of Lebanon Change potentIally . I thInk a really Important poInt I thInk a really Important poInt because hIs brother Is maInly poInt because hIs brother Is maInly backed by the shIIte communIty but It does have AttIances CommunIty but It does have allIances across the dIvIdes, IncludIng allIances across the dIvIdes, IncludIng chrIstIans and sunnIs IncludIng chrIstIans and sunnIs. It Is also Important that sunnIs. It Is also Important that thIs sunnIs. It Is also Important that thIs front of support that hezbollah opened and also wIth the Ace Hezbollah opened and also wIth the ace In support of hamas, deeply the ace In support of hamas, deeply unpopular amongst other polItIcal deeply unpopular amongst other polItIcal groups, deeply as chrIstIan groups who repeatedly catted chrIstIan groups who repeatedly called for thIs conflIct to come called for thIs conflIct to come to an abrupt end. The accused come to an abrupt end. The accused Hassan Nasrallah of essentIally takIng the country hostage. We also need to watch quIte hostage. We also need to watch quIte carefully at how people are goIng to respond because as I are goIng to respond because as I saId, are goIng to respond because as I saId, among Hezbollahs MembershIp theres goIng to equate membershIp theres goIng to equate EmotIon And Anger and publIc equate EmotIon And Anger and publIc cause for a very strong response publIc cause for a very strong response. Otherthe publIc cause for a very strong response. Other the other sIde, we had response. Other the other sIde, we had the response. Other the other sIde, we had the lebanese government tryIng we had the lebanese government tryIng to we had the lebanese government tryIng to de escalate and we haD Other polItIcal groups and factIons haD Other polItIcal groups and factIons who absolutely do not want factIons who absolutely do not want thIs. Isnt to gaIn polItIcal want thIs. Isnt to gaIn polItIcal power, the last 30 years. PolItIcal power, the last 30 years, under Hassan Nasrallah, It Is as years, under Hassan Nasrallah, It Is as ItchIng as a socIal force It Is as ItchIng as a socIal force and It Is as ItchIng as a socIal force and Is seen as a socIal Welfare Force and Is seen as a socIal welfare system, aIdIng for members of socIety and has also been members of socIety and has also been enrolled In numerous corruptIon cases. As I say, Is why corruptIon cases. As I say, Is why the corruptIon cases. As I say, Is why The Party has always had to Tow A why The Party has always had to Tow A very why The Party has always had to Tow A very careful anD Of maIntaInIng a popular support whIle maIntaInIng a popular support whIle also tryIng to achIeve Its own whIle also tryIng to achIeve Its own polItIcal and mIlItary aIms~ Its own polItIcal and mIlItary aIms. That Is somethIng people who are aIms. That Is somethIng people who are favourable to Hassan Nasrallah would say that he navIgated very well and In ErudIte NavIgated very well and In erudIte manner. ThIs Is why It raIses erudIte manner. ThIs Is why It raIses the erudIte manner. ThIs Is why It raIses the key questIon of who Is goIng raIses the key questIon of who Is goIng to a place In . They mIght Is goIng to a place In . They mIght not be able to take that lIne Is mIght not be able to take that lIne Is carefully and certaInly, thIs ghost to 70 exIstentIal questIons for The Party exIstentIal questIons for The Party and for Iran at thIs Rate Party and for Iran at thIs rate are party and for Iran at thIs rate are so party and for Iran at thIs rate are so many exIstentIal questIons for The Party. Thank ou for questIons for The Party. Thank you forIoInIng questIons for The Party. Thank you forjoInIng us, questIons for The Party. Thank you forjoInIng us, Thank QuestIons for The Party. Thank you forjoInIng us, thank you | you forjoInIng us, thank you for your expertIse. That Is edItor at a newspaper here lebanon. LewIs, as you can see, there are so many dIfferent threads In play at the moment. So many dIfferent groups Involved but so that must do what you are moment at the moment, we are waItIng for a couple of thIngs. The key poInt at the moment wIll be whether or not Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah Is arrIved at that very large strIke If It Indeed he was here, so Ive thats very lIght, large strIke In the Southern Suburbs of beIrut. If he dIdnt, whIch potentIally happens next In terms of response on all sIdes. Lets just terms of response on all sIdes. Letsjust remInd terms of response on all sIdes. Lets just remInd everyone of what we have heard from the Idf, from the IsraelI MIlItary PoInt of vIew so far. We saw what seem to be a short MIlItary BrIefIng In whIch we got a couple of detaIls about what they saId It happened. Now, we knew about the drugs In beIrut, we see In the lIve pIctures now, the smoke stIll rIsIng but we knew about the strIkes In beIrut. There was reports that the targets, the Intended target was Hassan Nasrallah, the hezbollah but we have no confIrmatIon through the nIght. Then at around 9am uk tIme, thIs mornIng, the Idf, the IsraelI mIlItary saId that they had kIlled Hassan Nasrallah. Then, we got a short snIppet of what seem to be a brIefIng where we got some more detaIls, they claImed that the strIke had been prepared for a long tIme. They can also reach anyone, In theIr words, you can threaten Israel and that they are prepared for the next move. WIth regards to Hassan Nasrallah, they descrIbed hIm as one of the worlds most InfluentIal terrorIst who TerrorIsed Israel for decades, they say. They say that threat has now been elImInated In theIr words. Has now been elImInated In theIrwords. Hassan has now been elImInated In theIr words. Hassan nasrallah, of course, leader of hezbollah for more than 30 years and now has been kIlled by the IsraelI defense forces so say the Idf. As we waIt for any further reactIon from hezbollah or from Iran on that. I now, lets hand It back to you there In beIrut. Anna. LewIs, thank you. Thatll be really the key moments and we had the Supreme Leader of Iran from a corresponded at the news agency, If the does thIs statement of Se CondemnIng the attack, the IsraelI Attack On BeIrut Last NIght, talkIng about the strength that they say of the hIs brother organIsatIon, callIng on muslIms around the world to stand wIth them. What they dId not Include was any confIrmatIon of whether or not Hassan Nasrallah was kIlled In that strIke Last NIght. The Idf say that he was but a really, that wIll only be somethIng that wIll only be somethIng that we can state as factor when we hear from that we can state as factor when we hearfrom eIther Hezbollah Or Iran dIrectly themselves and It has been a good few hours now sInce that attack. There Is expectatIon In the MIddle East, a wrIter wrItes that people want to want the answer to that questIon but really, the Idf s statement, the IntellIgence Is clearly very sophIstIcated but It requIres two parts to make that hundred Percent ConfIrmatIon on the death of Hassan Nasrallah. We are followIng that for you here on Bbc News throughout the day as the story unfolds and develops. We are gIvIng you some expert contacts as well Im goIng to gIve a struggle brIngIng doctorjohn alton, dIrector of the MIddle East programme. Thank you for joInIng us here on Bbc News. Just talk a lIttle more fancIful If you would, but who Hassan Nasrallah Is and Is Important notjust a lebanese socIety but across the MIddle East... East. He was a charIsmatIc leader of east. He was a charIsmatIc leader of hezbollah east. He was a charIsmatIc leader of hezbollah for east. He was a charIsmatIc leader of hezbollah for a I leader of hezbollah for a decade sInce 1992. A your Reporter Decade sInce 1992. A your reporter saId, he had a domestIc component, protectIng what domestIc component, protectIng what had domestIc component, protectIng what had been perceIved as a downtrodden In SItu PopulatIon In lebanon but he helped protect In lebanon but he helped protect the sheer unIty, due resorted protect the sheer unIty, due resorted to thIs year communIty, took a communIty of people communIty, took a communIty of people who had felt margInalIsed In the Power Structure and brought them to the centre of power. He had a lot of the centre of power. He had a lot of support among the shIa lebanese, but. He burst thIs lebanese, but. He burst thIs relatIonshIp wIth Iran whIch thIs relatIonshIp wIth Iran whIch had an Interest In lebanon because he buIlt thIs lebanon because he buIlt thIs relatIonshIp wIth Iran who had Interest In lebanon on because had Interest In lebanon on because It wIll gIve them to the Front LIne of Israel. I thInk the Front LIne of Israel. I thInk he the Front LIne of Israel. I thInk he was more judIcIous and a lot thInk he was more judIcIous and a lot of thInk he was more judIcIous and a lot of people are gIven credIt a lot of people are gIven credIt for, for example, when Hamas CredIt for, for example, when hamas attacked Israel on october seven, he felt that on toba october seven, he felt that on toba october seven, he felt that on toba on october seven, he felt that on toba on october eIght, hezbollah had to play some Role Hezbollah had to play some role. When Iraq fIred Into Israel. Role. When Iraq fIred Into Israel. It role. When Iraq fIred Into Israel, It was contaIned In a small Israel, It was contaIned In a small errors, It was at that that small errors, It was at that that was small errors, It was at that that was unacceptable and fIred 8000 that was unacceptable and fIred 8000 rockets Into Israel for the meal Is not tryIng to start an allout the meal Is not tryIng to start an all out war, but I do have a margInal an all out war, but I do have a margInal war. An all out war, but I do have a margInalwar. Every an all out war, but I do have a margInal war. Every tIme an all out war, but I do have a margInalwar. Every tIme he gave margInalwar. Every tIme he gave a margInalwar. Every tIme he gave a speech, he would speak loudly gave a speech, he would speak loudly but calculate It very carefully just loudly but calculate It very carefullyjust how he wanted to Tweak Carefullyjust how he wanted to tweak the IsraelIs. It Is InterestIng why Israel has ramped up as much as It has because ramped up as much as It has because It ramped up as much as It has because It was lIke hezbollah what because It was lIke hezbollah what Is because It was lIke hezbollah what Is rampIng up and It feels to me what Is rampIng up and It feels to me In what Is rampIng up and It feels to me In part, that whIle the hamas to me In part, that whIle the Hamas Effect on October 2023 was meant to break up Israels NomInatIon of tIes wIth arab states, nomInatIon of tIes wIth arab states, I nomInatIon of tIes wIth arab states, I do wonder If Israels actIons states, I do wonder If Israels actIons for states, I do wonder If Israels actIons for the last couple of weeks actIons for the last couple of weeks when effort to break up Irahs weeks when effort to break up Irans efforts to normalIse wIth Irans efforts to normalIse wIth the Irans efforts to normalIse wIth the rest of the world. CertaInly, to the un, the IranIans certaInly, to the un, the IranIans were much more consIderate tory, the IranIans PresIdent consIderate tory, the IranIans PresIdent saId we have so many Internal presIdent saId we have so many Internal Issues that we have to work Internal Issues that we have to work on. Internal Issues that we have to work on, everyone try to drag us Into work on, everyone try to drag us Into a work on, everyone try to drag us Into a fIght. I do wonder If thIs us Into a fIght. I do wonder If thIs was us Into a fIght. I do wonder If thIs was an us Into a fIght. I do wonder If thIs was an effort for Israel to use thIs was an effort for Israel to use lebanon on. ThIs was an effort for Israel to use lebanon on. Just hold that forward to use lebanon on. Just hold that forward for to use lebanon on. Just hold that forward for me to use lebanon on. Just hold that forward for me If to use lebanon on. Just hold that forward for me If you that forward for me If you would. Do stay wIth us. Does hold that thought for me. Because the opportunIty to speak to our mIddle East Correspondent for the Bbc World ServIce here In beIrut. I know you quIte close to what was happenIng Last NIght. I know you are wIth thIs base thIs mornIng. What are you seeIng and hearIng . You are wIth dIsplaced people people thIs mornIng. We dIsplaced people people thIs mornInu. ~. dIsplaced people people thIs mornInu. ~.. mornIng. We are In a part of beIrut where mornIng. We are In a part of beIrut where many mornIng. We are In a part of beIrut where many famIly I mornIng. We are In a part of. BeIrut where many famIly spent the 19 beIrut where many famIly spent the 19 Years BeIrut where many famIly spent the 19 Years BeIrut where many famIly spent the 19 years make beIrut where many famIly spent the 19 years make here. BeIrut where many FamIly Spentl the 19 years make here. They had to the 19 years make here. They had to walk the 19 years make here. They had to walk from the 19 years make here. They had to walk from dow the 19 years make here. They had to walk from dow here the 19 years make here. They had to walk from dow here due I had to walk from dow here due to the had to walk from dow here due to the heavy had to walk from dow here due to the heavy strIkes had to walk from dow here due to the heavy strIkes were to the heavy strIkes were completely to the heavy strIkes were completely close. To the heavy strIkes were completely close. They. To the heavy strIkes were I completely close. They told to the heavy strIkes were completely close. They told It was very completely close. They told It was very dIffIcult completely close. They told It was very dIffIcult for completely close. They told It was very dIffIcult for them was very dIffIcult for them theyre was very dIffIcult for them theyre very was very dIffIcult for them theyre very short was very dIffIcult for them theyre very short NotIce L was very dIffIcult for them I theyre very short notIce by theyre very short notIce by the IsraelI theyre very short notIce by the IsraelI Army theyre very short notIce by the IsraelI Army that theyre very short notIce by the IsraelI Army that they. Theyre very short notIce by. The IsraelI Army that they are goIng the IsraelI Army that they are goIng to the IsraelI Army that they are goIng to leave the IsraelI Army that they are goIng to leave areas the IsraelI Army that they are goIng to leave areas around l goIng to leave areas around theIr goIng to leave areas around theIr buIldIngs goIng to leave areas around theIr buIldIngs so, goIng to leave areas around theIr buIldIngs so, they goIng to leave areas around theIr buIldIngs so, theyjustj theIr buIldIngs so, theyjust left wIth theIr buIldIngs so, theyjust left wIth whatever theIr buIldIngs so, theyjust left wIth whatever they theIr buIldIngs so, theyjust left wIth whatever they kId I left wIth whatever they kId grab left wIth whatever they kId grab If left wIth whatever they kId grab If you left wIth whatever they kId grab. If you whIms left wIth whatever they kId grab. If you whIms ago, I. Left wIth whatever they kId I grab. If you whIms ago, I saw some grab. If you whIms ago, I saw some famIlIes grab. If you whIms ago, I saw some famIlIes grab. If you whIms ago, I saw some famIlIes a grab. If you whIms ago, I saw some famIlIes a few grab. If you whIms ago, I saw some famIlIes a few members of I saw some famIlIes a few members of I saw some some famIlIes a few members of I saw some buses. Some famIlIes a few members of I saw some buses. I some famIlIes a few members of I saw some buses. I saID Of I saw some buses. I saId what of I saw some buses. I saId what a of I saw some buses. I saId what a smack of I saw some buses. I saId what a smack where of I saw some buses. I saId what a smack where are I of I saw some buses. I saIdl what a smack where are you goIng . What a smack where are you goIng . Some what a smack where are you goIng . Some of what a smack where are you goIng . Some of them what a smack where are you goIng . Some of them werel goIng . Some of them were serIous, goIng . Some of them were serIous, those goIng . Some of them were serIous, those who goIng . Some of them were serIous, those who fled goIng . Some of them were I serIous, those who fled from the syrIan serIous, those who fled from the syrIan war serIous, those who fled from the syrIan war and serIous, those who fled from the syrIan war and now serIous, those who fled from the syrIan war and now theyl the syrIan war and now they thInk the syrIan war and now they thInk that the syrIan war and now they thInk that syrIa the syrIan war and now they thInk that syrIa Is the syrIan war and now they thInk that syrIa Is safer the syrIan war and now they thInk that syrIa Is safer for I thInk that syrIa Is safer for them thInk that syrIa Is safer for them for thInk that syrIa Is safer for them for them thInk that syrIa Is safer for them for them among thInk that syrIa Is safer for. Them for them among them, thInk that syrIa Is safer for them for them among them, they were them for them among them, they were lebanese them for them among them, they were lebanese and them for them among them, they were lebanese and famIlIes them for them among them, they were lebanese and famIlIes that I were lebanese and famIlIes that they told were lebanese and famIlIes that they told us were lebanese and famIlIes that they told us that were lebanese and famIlIes that they told us that they were lebanese and famIlIes that they told us that they decIded I they told us that they decIded to go they told us that they decIded to Go Refuge they told us that they decIded to Go Refuge they told us that they decIded to Go Refuge go they told us that they decIded to Go Refuge go and they told us that they decIded to Go Refuge go and take. To Go Refuge go and take refuge to Go Refuge go and take refuge In to Go Refuge go and take refuge In syrIa to Go Refuge go and take refuge In syrIa because I to Go Refuge go and take| refuge In syrIa because they dont refuge In syrIa because they dont thInk refuge In syrIa because they dont thInk that refuge In syrIa because they dont thInk that they refuge In syrIa because they dont thInk that they can I refuge In syrIa because they dont thInk that they can go| dont thInk that they can go back dont thInk that they can go back to dont thInk that they can go back to theIr dont thInk that they can go back to theIr home dont thInk that they can go back to theIr home any I dont thInk that they can go I back to theIr home any sooner. Some back to theIr home any sooner. Some of back to theIr home any sooner. Some of them back to theIr home any sooner. Some of them dont back to theIr home any sooner. Some of them dont have back to theIr home any sooner. Some of them dont have any. Some of them dont have any houses~ some of them dont have any houses. People some of them dont have any houses. People are some of them dont have any houses. People are here I some of them dont have any houses. People are here and| some of them dont have any. Houses. People are here and are so angry, houses. People are here and are so angry, they houses. People are here and are so angry. They are houses. People are here and are so angry, they are shocked I houses. People are here and are so angry, they are shocked and I so angry, they are shocked and we can so angry, they are shocked and we can see so angry, they are shocked and we can see that so angry, they are shocked and we can see that they so angry, they are shocked and we can see that they are we can see that they are anxIous we can see that they are anxIous for we can see that they are anxIous for that we can see that they are anxIous for that they. We can see that they are l anxIous for that they dont know anxIous for that they dont know what anxIous for that they dont know what happened I anxIous for that they dont know what happened to I anxIous for that they dont I know what happened to them anxIous for that they dont know what happened to them and now, know what happened to them and now. They know what happened to them and now. They are know what happened to them and now, they are hearIng know what happened to them and now, they are hearIng that know what happened to them and now, they are hearIng that some I now, they are hearIng that some of thIs now, they are hearIng that some of thIs now, they are hearIng that some of thIs some now, they are hearIng that some of thIs some of now, they are hearIng that some of thIs some of them now, they are hearIng that some of thIs some of them are I of thIs some of them are supporters of thIs some of them are supporters of of thIs some of them are supporters of Hezbollah I of thIs some of them arej supporters of hezbollah and theIr supporters of hezbollah and theIr hearIng supporters of hezbollah and theIr hearIng as supporters of hezbollah and theIr hearIng as a supporters of hezbollah and theIr hearIng as a Leader Supporters of hezbollah and| theIr hearIng as a leader has been theIr hearIng as a leader has been kIlled. TheIr hearIng as a leader has been kIlled. TIme theIr hearIng as a leader has been kIlled. TIme to theIr hearIng as a leader has been kIlled. TIme to tIme,. TheIr hearIng as a leader has. Been kIlled. TIme to tIme, we see eye been kIlled. TIme to tIme, we see eye rushIng been kIlled. TIme to tIme, we see eye rushIng towards I been kIlled. TIme to tIme, we see eye rushIng towards thatl see eye rushIng towards that here, see eye rushIng towards that here, It see eye rushIng towards that here, It shows see eye rushIng towards that here, It shows that see eye rushIng towards that here, It shows that they see eye rushIng towards that here, It shows that they are I here, It shows that they are stIll here, It shows that they are stIll brIngIng here, It shows that they are stIll brIngIng casualtIes I here, It shows that they are | stIll brIngIng casualtIes from under stIll brIngIng casualtIes from under the stIll brIngIng casualtIes from under the rubble stIll brIngIng casualtIes from under the rubble and stIll brIngIng casualtIes from under the rubble and It stIll brIngIng casualtIes from under the rubble and It Is. Under the rubble and It Is goIng under the rubble and It Is goIng to under the rubble and It Is goIng to contInue. Under the rubble and It Is goIng to contInue. Last. Under the rubble and It Is goIng to contInue. Last nIght, untIl goIng to contInue. Last nIght, untIl mornIng, goIng to contInue. Last nIght, untIl mornIng, even goIng to contInue. Last nIght, untIl mornIng, even from I goIng to contInue. Last nIght, untIl mornIng, even from myI untIl mornIng, even from my neIghbourhood untIl mornIng, even from my neIghbourhood whIch untIl mornIng, even from my neIghbourhood whIch Is I untIl mornIng, even from my neIghbourhood whIch Is a I NeIghbourhood whIch Is a ChrIstIarr NeIghbourhood whIch Is a chrIstIan neIghbourhood, J NeIghbourhood whIch Is a I chrIstIan neIghbourhood, we could chrIstIan neIghbourhood, we could hear chrIstIan neIghbourhood, we could hear and chrIstIan neIghbourhood, we could hear and see chrIstIan neIghbourhood, we could hear and see heavy. ChrIstIan neIghbourhood, we could hear and see heavy aIrj could hear and see heavy aIr strIkes could hear and see heavy aIr strIkes on could hear and see heavy aIr strIkes on dahIr could hear and see heavy aIr strIkes on dahIr and could hear and see heavy aIr. StrIkes on dahIr and everyone, they strIkes on dahIr and everyone, theyjust strIkes on dahIr and everyone, theyjust stayed strIkes on dahIr and everyone, theyjust stayed up strIkes on dahIr and everyone, theyjust stayed up untIl theyjust stayed up untIl mornIng. Theyjust stayed up untIl mornIng, No Theyjust stayed up untIl mornIng, no One Theyjust stayed up untIl mornIng, No One was I theyjust stayed up untIl mornIng, No One was seepIng In beIrut mornIng, No One was seepIng In beIrut last mornIng, No One was seepIng In beIrut Last NIght mornIng, No One was seepIng In beIrut Last NIght and mornIng, No One was seepIng In beIrut Last NIght and I mornIng, No One was seepIng In beIrut Last NIght and I thInk beIrut Last NIght and I thInk no One BeIrut Last NIght and I thInk No One In beIrut Last NIght and I thInk No One In thIs beIrut Last NIght and I thInk No One In thIs RegIon BeIrut Last NIght and I thInk No One In thIs regIon has. BeIrut Last NIght and I thInkl No One In thIs regIon has led to because No One In thIs regIon has led to because thIs No One In thIs regIon has led to because thIs Is No One In thIs regIon has led to because thIs Is an to because thIs Is an unprecedented I to because thIs Is an I unprecedented sItuatIon. To because thIs Is an unprecedented sItuatIon. No to because thIs Is an unprecedented sItuatIon. No one was expected unprecedented sItuatIon. No one was expected thIs unprecedented sItuatIon. No one was expected thIs to unprecedented sItuatIon. No one was expected thIs to come. I was expected thIs to come. Thank was expected thIs to come. Thank you was expected thIs to come. Thank you ever was expected thIs to come. Thank you ever so was expected thIs to come. Thank you ever so much I was expected thIs to come. Thank you ever so much for joInIng us there In downtown beIrut. As she was sayIng, just wIth some of those people who were dIsplaced and It seems lewIs as well, there are fresh strIke thIs mornIng. We have a look at thIs lIve pIctures of smoke rIsIng In the Southern Suburbs of beIrut. There are very close to where I am speakIng to you from now for some only a couple of commenters away. When we had that huge strIke yesterday, we could see that huge plume of smoke and see and hear those exposures. ThIs Is notjust a very tIghtly packed In a resIdentIal neIghbourhood there In the Southern Suburbs, that Hezbollah Stronghold. ThIs Is a tIghtly packed the cIty. A lot of people lIvIng here, a lot of people stIll lIvIng wIth the after effects of the huge PoInt ExplosIon that happened In 2020 as well. That, I thInk, explosIon that happened In 2020 as well. That, IthInk, really add to the Fear And Shock the people are feelIng here today. Anna, thank you very much for that. We are back at lIve In beIrut In just a moment. Just want to pIck up agaIn. And I was speakIng to doctorjohn alton, senIor presIdent of the InstItute of InternatIonal studIes. Thank you forjoInIng thank you for stayIng wIth us. Wejust thank you for stayIng wIth us. We just want to get that EyewItness Report effectIvely on the ground In that specIfIc regIon of beIrut. Ijust want you to put that In a wIder context I suppose. How does It Impact on cIvIlIans there are lebanon Influence of the Challenge And Assessment Is made by Lebanon And Israel . It came out really clearly a natural came out really clearly a natural port. For the lebanese, that came natural port. For the lebanese, that came out of absolutely nowhere. They woke and pages were nowhere. They woke and pages were explodIng and now, a lIttle were explodIng and now, a lIttle more than a week later, they lIttle more than a week later, they fInd lIttle more than a week later, they fInd themselves In the mIdst they fInd themselves In the mIdst of they fInd themselves In the mIdst of an all out war. There was mIdst of an all out war. There was not mIdst of an all out war. There was not an mIdst of an all out war. There was not an approxImate cause on the lebanese sIde for such a rapId the lebanese sIde for such a rapId IsraelI escalatIon. I thInk rapId IsraelI escalatIon. I thInk the lebanese are lIttle bIts shall sell shocks. All kInd bIts shall sell shocks. All kInD Of bIts shall sell shocks. All kInD Of storIes about Internal mIgratIon wIthIn lebanon. TryIng mIgratIon wIthIn lebanon. TryIng to get Into safe areas and tryIng to get Into safe areas and a tryIng to get Into safe areas and a lot tryIng to get Into safe areas and a lot of uncertaInty where the safe and a lot of uncertaInty where the safe areas are. CertaInly the safe areas are. CertaInly the dahIr. The safe areas are. CertaInly the dahIr, thIs neIghbourhood In southern beIrut has been a Hezbollah Stronghold Is not safe Hezbollah Stronghold Is not safe but exactly where Is safe Is unclear safe but exactly where Is safe Is unclear and In any number of reports. Is unclear and In any number of reports, Israel Is targetIng hundreds and hundreds of weapons short Houses Place cIvIlIan weapons short Houses Place cIvIlIan areas people may or may cIvIlIan areas people may or may not cIvIlIan areas people may or may not have known about them. ThIs harkens back to some of hamas thIs harkens back to some of hamas tactIcs In gaza where cIvIlIan hamas tactIcs In gaza where cIvIlIan facIlItIes are you for mIlItary cIvIlIan facIlItIes are you for mIlItary purposes and the IsraelIs mIlItary purposes and the IsraelIs are showIng where we restraInt IsraelIs are showIng where we restraInt In goIng after what they restraInt In goIng after what they say restraInt In goIng after what they say are legItImate mIlItary targets. They say are legItImate mIlItary targets. GIven that ou do mIlItary targets. GIven that you do that mIlItary targets. GIven that you do that parallel mIlItary targets. GIven that you do that parallel there, | you do that parallel there, does that mean, what does It mean In your eyes for the lIkelIhooD Of a Ground IncursIon . I lIkelIhooD Of a Ground IncursIon . LIkelIhooD Of a Ground IncursIon . ,. IncursIon . I dont thInk that Israel wants IncursIon . I dont thInk that Israel wants to IncursIon . I dont thInk that Israel wants to do IncursIon . I dont thInk that Israel wants to do a IncursIon . I dont thInk that Israel wants to do a ground| Israel wants to do a Ground IncursIon Israel wants to do a Ground IncursIon to lebanon. It has a long IncursIon to lebanon. It has a long hIstory of Unpleasant Grand long hIstory of unpleasant granD OccasIons Into lebanon where granD OccasIons Into lebanon where they end up fIghtIng Insurgency Is for a longer PerIod Insurgency Is for a longer perIoD Of tIme and are happy. Happy. Are ftIme and D O per|o my perIoD Of tIme and are happy. My guess perIoD Of tIme and are happy. My guess Is that If the IsraelIs thInk they can do thIs on the IsraelIs thInk they can do thIs On The AIr IsraelIs thInk they can do thIs On The AIr and have theIr gaIns lockeD On the aIr and have theIr gaIns locked In On The AIr and have theIr gaIns locked In by some sort of InternatIonal agreement, that would InternatIonal agreement, that would be better. Whether hezbollah would take an equIpment an agreement at hezbollah would take an equIpment an agreement at thIs tIme equIpment an agreement at thIs tIme or whether the thIs tIme equIpment an agreement at thIs tIme or whether the IranIans IranIans thIs tIme or whether the IranIans was supported, I thInk thIs tIme or whether the IranIans was supported, I thInk they IranIans was supported, I thInk they IranIans was supported, I thInk they went IranIans was supported, I thInk they went out such a humIlIatIng blow at thIs poInt they went IranIans was supported, I thInk they went out such a humIlIatIng blow at thIs poInt that they feel they need to do that they feel they need to do somethIng. That they feel they need to do somethIng somethIng. That they feel they need to do somethIng that they feel they need to do somethIng. What Is the feelIng that they feel they need to do somethIng. What Is the feelIng an assessment an assessment somethIng. What Is the feelIng an assessment about somethIng. What Is the feelIng an assessment about whetherl somethIng. What Is the feelIng an assessment about somethIng. What Is the feelIng an assessment about whetherl an assessment about whether Israel could achIeve Its an assessment about whether Israel could achIeve Its strategIc aIm to degrade strategIc aIm to degrade hezbollah as much as It would hezbollah as much as It would lIke to just from aIr strIkes lIke to just from aIr strIkes wIthout a Ground Troops . I wIthout a Ground Troops . I thInk the targetIng Is much thInk the targetIng Is much better thInk the targetIng Is much better than It has been In the better thInk the targetIng Is much better than It has been In the past better than It has been In the past. TheIr IntellIgence It has past better than It has been In the past. TheIr IntellIgence It has been past. TheIr IntellIgence It has been In past. TheIr IntellIgence It has been In the past. The IsraelIs been past. TheIr IntellIgence It has been In past. TheIr IntellIgence It has been In the past. The IsraelIs Talk Talk been In the past. The IsraelIs Talk about thIs all the tIme, been In the past. The IsraelIs Talk about thIs all the tIme, we have talk about thIs all the tIme, we have talk about thIs all the tIme, we have the reassert theIr we have the reassert theIr deterrence, they have to remInd deterrence, they have to remInd hezbollah of theIr abIlIty to hezbollah of theIr abIlIty to really hezbollah of theIr abIlIty to really hezbollah of theIr abIlIty to really hurt the organIsatIon. I really hurt the organIsatIon. I thInk thInk really hurt the organIsatIon. I thInk through theIr targetIng really hurt the organIsatIon. I thInk through theIr targetIng and certaInly, through theIr and certaInly, through theIr abIlIty and certaInly, through theIr abIlIty to target Hassan Nasrallah, they are tryIng to abIlIty and certaInly, through theIr abIlIty to target Hassan Nasrallah, they are tryIng to show nasrallah, they are tryIng to show that they are the domInant show nasrallah, they are tryIng to show that they are the domInant Party Party show that they are the domInant party and show that they are the domInant Party And Israel and show that they are the domInant party and show that they are the domInant Party And Israel and hezbollah us to lIsten to them. It Is hezbollah us to lIsten to them. It Is a hezbollah us to lIsten to them. It Is a humIlIty but It show that they are the domInant Pa Lsrael and show that they are the domInant pa el and show that they are the domInant. and show that they are the domInant. ~ an. It. Thank you so much for comIng It. Thank you so much for comIng on It. Thank you so much for comIng on the It. Thank you so much for. ComIng on the programme. It. Thank you so much for comIng on the programme. Lets brIng you rIght up to date of the very latest InformatIon that we have after that sIgnIfIcant statement from the IsraelI mIlItary. ThIs was a couple of hours ago, sayIng that they have kIlled thIs man, Hassan Nasrallah, the hIs heaD Of hezbollah. We have not had confIrmatIon from Hezbollah Or Iran. We waIt for any kInD Of InformatIon ConfIrmatIon from hIs hezbollah. They saId he terrorIses rough a decade. Theres a queue one of the worlds most InfluentIal terrorIst. They say he was one of the worlds most InflammatIon terrors. A short clIp was released by the IsraelI mIlItary, they say they can reach anyone who contInued to threaten Israel. They say thIs attack was prepared, plan for a long tIme and they are prepared for next moves. Those comments from the Idf, the IsraelI mIlItary. We waIted to hear any kInD Of response. Stay wIth us here for the very latest developments anD Of course, that Is the very latest news on Bbc News websIte anD On the app. They wIth us here. ThIs Is Bbc News. Stay wIth us here. Hello. Some welcome dry weather for much of thIs weekend In areas hIt badly by floods through the past week, but there Is more raIn to come. Our RaInfall Forecast Chart showIng the amounts between now and tuesday, shows that whIlst scotland Is dry across england and wales, maInly from later sunday onwards, we could wIdely see around 20 to 30mm darker spots. Even more than that, and these areas could change a lIttle bIt there. NothIng untoward for thIs tIme of year, but gIven the fact the ground Is so saturated, the rIsk of floodIng could return for one or two. So worth keepIng an eye on the forecast before that wet and wIndy weather arrIves later on sunday, though a lot of dry and brIght weather to come. CertaInly through today, best of the sunshIne to the south and the east contInues, although a bIt more cloud compared wIth the mornIng. More clouD Over northern england, scotland, northern Ireland wIll brIng one or two spots of raIn, more partIcularly though across the hIghlands, hebrIdes, orkney and In towards argyll and bute, vast majorIty stayIng dry. And after a chIlly start thIs mornIng, Its goIng to stay on the cool SIde Today at around 11 to 15 degrees. RaIn to start wIth tonIght, then across the far north of scotland pushIng Its way towards shetland. Some clearer skIes at tImes elsewhere. And whIlst It mIght not be quIte as chIlly as Last NIght for some of you, four or fIve degrees In some eastern towns and cItIes could get lower than that In countrysIde. To gIve you a bIt of a sunday chIll, but under a rIdge of hIgh pressure, many wIll be dry. The bIg change comes from thIs spIrallIng Its way In a next area of raIn bearIng low pressure wIth It, though some stronger wInds. WInds touchIng Gale Force quIte quIckly towards the southwest. The raIn spreadIng In towards the southwest. Wales and northern Ireland In the mornIng, on anD Off elsewhere. BrIght Start Cloud IncreasIng. Best of the weather. The further north you are across scotland. ExceptIon beIng shetland. Further showers to come here though as we go through sunday, and then heavIer bursts of raIn Into the southwest later as the raIn eventually arrIves Into the mIdlands. Another cool day by and large. A wet and wIndy evenIng then wIth gales around southern coast. The more persIstent raIn starts to push Its way In by thIs stage, as a low pressure through Sunday NIght Into monday works Its Way Eastwards and stalls where It stalls wIll dIctate who sees the heavIest of the raIn. One thIng to keep an eye on at the moment, though, It looks lIke It could be parts of east anglIa, northern england. SunshIne and showers to the south. More persIstent raIn In northern Ireland. A brIghter day to the North East of scotland, but feelIng cold In the wInd. And some of that raIn could lInger Into tuesday. You are alIve wIth Bbc News. Welcome to our specIal coverage lIve from lebanon, followIng the news that Israel says that Its kIlled the leader of hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, In an overnIght strIke on the capItal, beIrut. We saw and heard really loud explosIons around 6. 20 Last NIght. PIcture started to come In showIng real destructIon of the area of the Southern Suburbs, several buIldIngs razed to the ground. Israel and at the hours after that saId that they have targeted hezbollahs headquarters, Its command centre. Then they saId they were actually targetIng Hassan Nasrallah hImself. The Idea of thIs mornIng dId say they have managed to successfully kIll hIm, but we have stIll not heard anythIng or not poInt from hezbollah, crucIally, or Indeed from Iran, the chIef backer of hezbollah. They Irate needIng Supreme Leader, Ayatollah AlI can any, has released a short statement thIs mornIng condemnIng Israel as zIonIst crImInals, In hIs words, who would