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The entire thing was staged. There is no Doubt. find the entire thing was staged. There is no Doubt. There is no Doubt. And i meeting there is no Doubt. And i meeting those there is no Doubt. And i meeting those who there is no Doubt. And i meeting those who are l there is no Doubt. And i meeting those who are grappling with the consequences. Ewart; with the consequences. Every sinale with the consequences. Every single person with the consequences. Every single person i with the consequences. Every single person i knew with the consequences. Every single person i knew who with the consequences. Every. Single person i knew who wOrked in elections had gotten a death threat. ,. , threat. This is actually where i walked to threat. This is actually where i walked to from threat. This is actually where i walked to from our threat. This is actually where i walked to from our cabin i i walked to from our cabin every day the last few weeks that i was pregnant because i knew that walking was going to be really helpful fOr a knew that walking was going to be really helpfulfOr a natural at Home Birth and so, Thisjust Kind of became a ritual fOr me. I never expected to find myself standing barefoot in a waterfall in the mountains of colOrado. But here i am because i want to understand why a woman named desiree calls herself wild mother on Social Media. ~ ,. ,. ,. , , media. Wise owl, one who sees in the dark, media. Wise owl, one who sees in the dark, not media. Wise owl, one who sees in the dark, not me media. Wise owl, one who sees in the dark, not me to media. Wise owl, one who sees in the dark, not me to tune in the dark, not me to tune into the living wOrld that is speaking in every moment. The wOrd wild interviews the name comes to close she feels to this peaceful spot and the Mother Part that has inspired her to bring up a little girl. But some may say the theOries she shares with her 80,000 followers are pretty wild and Unfounded. Followers are pretty wild and Unfounded. ,. ,. , Unfounded. This reality was not what we were Unfounded. This reality was not what we were told. Unfounded. This reality was not what we were told. There Unfounded. This reality was not what we were told. There was l what we were told. There was other things going on Behind The Scenes. And ever since then, i had been extremely passionate about trying to figure out the real truth about september 11. With the baltimOre bridge, yeah, it could have been the cable line sniping. But it also could have been something else. It could have also been that the Orkers'>Construction WOrkers who had been wOrking on this bridge since january of this year where weakening the infrastructure so that when it was hit, it would collapse on cue. But i do know that massive Steel And Cement bridges dont just fall like a house of cards. Just like how we know that buildings dont, either. Catch My Drift . Catch My Drift . There is no evidence catch My Drift . There is no evidence to catch My Drift . There is no evidence to suppOrt catch My Drift . There is no evidence to suppOrt any. Catch My Drift . There is no evidence to suppOrt any of| evidence to suppOrt any of these ideas Or suggestions. Ive learned so much on this journey because of the research ive done. And i think because of that, its really made me mOre solidified in this mindset of, like, what else is out there . Because this cant be get, you know . We get fed a certain aspect of something Or one thing Or another but we dont fully realise theres yes and. Theres always mOre. And i think that really helped solidify fOr me the impOrtance of doing research and seeing what else might exist out there that might fit better within your own intuition Or what you feel is right fOr you, you know . ~ ,. , know . While this state maybe most famous know . While this state maybe most famous fOr know . While this state maybe most famous fOr its know . While this state maybe most famous fOr its natural i most famous fOr its natural beauty, it is also become a bit of a hotbed fOr Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries. Theyre not dissimilar from the kinds of theOries wild mother buys into. But befOre you hear mOre from her, i want you to meet someone else. She is called camille and she lives in denver, the capitol of colOrado. I she lives in denver, the capitol of colOrado. I sOrt of have a reputation. Capitol of colOrado. I sOrt of have a reputation. That capitol of colOrado. I sOrt of| have a reputation. That crazy Dog Lady. Have a reputation. That crazy Dog Lady have a reputation. That crazy do lad. , � ,. , Dog Lady. She says shes voted democrat Dog Lady. She says shes voted democrat fOr Dog Lady. She says shes voted democrat fOr the Dog Lady. She says shes voted democrat fOr the past Dog Lady. She says shes voted democrat fOr the past 15 Dog Lady. She says shes voted| democrat fOr the past 15 years. She is a passionate suppOrter of racial and Gender Equality and she rehomed rescue dogs. She first became a really active on Social Media when she started posting about one of them, winky. I started posting about one of them. Winky started posting about one of them, winky. I guess mariana i would admit them, winky. I guess mariana i would admit to them, winky. I guess mariana i would admit to you them, winky. I guess mariana i would admit to you that them, winky. I guess mariana i would admit to you that i them, winky. I guess mariana i| would admit to you that i spend too much time on Social Media. And in my mind, its kind of a problem. And i somehow need to be better about time blocking, time limits, screen time altogether. Time limits, screen time altogether. Time limits, screen time altoaether. altogether. Winky died in 2020 and rather altogether. Winky died in 2020 and rather than altogether. Winky died in 2020 and rather than stepping altogether. Winky died in 2020 and rather than stepping back. And rather than stepping back from Social Media, camille started to spend mOre time engaging with another community On X one that was mOre into politics than puppies. On x one that was mOre into politics than puppies. On x one that was mOre into politics than puppies. Having a rivate politics than puppies. Having a private citizen politics than puppies. Having a private citizen with politics than puppies. Having a private citizen with a private citizen with a non political background into the political arena and create a very divisive and adversarial mood, there was mOre of an Ort'>Urgency And SOrt of an alarm as far as what is happening. You mean donald far as what is happening. You mean Donald Trump . Far as what is happening. You mean Donald Trump . Yeah, l far as what is happening. You mean Donald Trump . Yeah, thank ou. Do mean Donald Trump . Yeah, thank you do you mean Donald Trump . Yeah, thank you do you like mean Donald Trump . Yeah, thank you. Do you like saying mean Donald Trump . Yeah, thank you. Do you like saying his you. Do you like saying his name . No you. Do you like saying his name . No. Not you. Do you like saying his name . No. Not really. You. Do you like saying his name . No. Not really. I. You. Do you like saying his name . No. Not really. I mean, i will. Name . No. Not really. I mean, i will why name . No. Not really. I mean, i will why is name . No. Not really. I mean, i will. Why is that . Name . No. Not really. I mean, i will. Why is that . Im name . No. Not really. I mean, i will. Why is that . Im just w will. Why is that . Im ust trying to i will. Why is that . Im ust trying to behave. � will. Why is that . Im just i trying to behave. Chuckles. Kee it trying to behave. Chuckles. Keep it together. Trying to behave. Chuckles. Keep it together. Why i trying to behave. Chuckles. Keep it together. Why is i trying to behave. Chuckles. | keep it together. Why is that, does it make you feel strongly, Or. . Does it make you feel strongly, Or. , does it make you feel strongly, Or. ,. ,. ,. Or. . On Social Media, which is the topic Or. . On Social Media, which is the topic of Or. . On Social Media, which is the topic of our is the topic of our conversation today. We called him two. Conversation today. We called him two him two. What does that stand fOr him two. What does that stand fOr that him two. What does that stand fOr that bleep him two. What does that stand fOr that bleep guy. Iti him two. What does that l stand fOr that bleep guy. It is wanted Me Stand fOr that bleep guy. It is wanted me to stand fOr that bleep guy. It is wanted me to say stand fOr that bleep guy. It is wanted me to say that, i stand fOr that bleep guy. It 3 wanted me to say that, didnt you . Wanted me to say that, didnt ou . ,. , you . Event recently gave her netwOrk a you . Event recently gave her netwOrk a lot you . Event recently gave her netwOrk a lot to you . Event recently gave her netwOrk a lot to talk you . Event recently gave her netwOrk a lot to talk about. | netwOrk a lot to talk about. That chart is a little bit old. Donald that chart is a little bit old. Donald trump was speaking at a Campaign Rally in Butler Pennsylvania when gunshots were fired at him. Screaming. Like millions of americans, camille was watching in real time on live tv. A member of the crowd was killed and trump was washed away with blood on his ear. What was your first reaction . That was staged. That was my first reaction. Because the Secret Service, if they were not involved in some sOrt of staged event, cheering, i dont think it would have happened and b, they would have drugged their protectee out on the grounds dragged. Never let him stand up and raised his fist in the air and put his Orso-and-head'>TOrso And Head into the open air and allow fOr the only way i feel they would have let that happen is if they knew he wasnt going to get shot again. They knew the game plan. And they wouldnt let him pose fOr a picture and expose his body to the open air. With an active shooter nearby. And ijust dont think its beyond him to sacrifice others fOr his own gain. Sacrifice others fOr his own rain. �. , sacrifice others fOr his own ain. , i, gain. Already suspicious, something gain. Already suspicious, something did gain. Already suspicious, something did not gain. Already suspicious, something did not add i gain. Already suspicious, L Something did not add up. Camille turned to x fOr mOre infOrmation. Posts making Unfounded suggestions of the shooting had been staged were recommended on herfeed and within minutes, they were trending. I within minutes, they were trending within minutes, they were trendina. � , trending. I couldnt ust watch this narrative i trending. I couldnt ust watch this Narrative Spin i trending. I couldntjust watch this Narrative Spin out trending. I couldntjust watch this Narrative Spin out of this Narrative Spin out of control this Narrative Spin out of control fOr Profit And Powder a Gravel Control fOr Profit And Powder a Gravel Powder without opposing it somehow with what i know is The Truth it somehow with what i know is The Truth. ~. , ~. , it somehow with what i know is The Truth The Truth. What i know is mOre and mOre The Truth. What i know is mOre and mOre of The Truth. What i know is mOre and mOre of that The Truth. What i know is mOre and mOre of that viewpoint i and mOre of that viewpoint showed up as time went by, over days. So right away, i think there was a hesitancy to say that but as time went on, mOre accounts, mOre people were positioning positioning that belief. Who thought of it . Who paid people . How did they engage that shooter . What did he think that he was going to come away with it . And also, those early days, you could they interviewed mOre than one person who said, we saw the shooter. We alerted local police and we were perplexed as to why they didnt do anything and why did they even let trump come out, knowing that there were many failures that day, it seems like, and to me, there is no other logical explanation. Camilles suspicion started with allegations of Security Failings that day. The directOr of the us Secret Service has since resigned because of those. What the evidence so far Bradley Tallis is less than four months befOre the 2024 election, a 20 year old named Hamas Matthew Cox attempted to assassinate the fOrmer president. Dont want to be targeted again in the campaign during what the fbi has called another Assassination Attempt thomas matthew cox. But the motOrs remain unknown which leaves many questions wide open crooks. And camilles thoughts continued to spiral. The colour of his Shirt And Cuff are blood free. This is a Sympathy Play. Cuff are blood free. This is a Sympathy Play cuff are blood free. This is a Sympathy Play. Suggesting an event like this Sympathy Play. Suggesting an event like this could Sympathy Play. Suggesting an event like this could have i Sympathy Play. Suggesting an | event like this could have been staged is quite a classic part of the conspiracy theOry playbook. It is a way of thinking it is developed over several years but camille is a newcomer. Back near the waterfall in rural colOrado, it is clear to me that wild mother is clear to me that wild mother is no stranger to this way of looking at the wOrld. While camille was watching this Assassination Attempt unfold on tv, wild mother also immediately heard the news. The difference between her and camille is that wild mother thinks Donald Trump is the best option fOr president this election. Talk me through the day when you found out they had been an Assassination Attempt targeting Donald Trump . SOrry, it was actually targeting Donald Trump . SOrry, it was actually on targeting Donald Trump . SOrry, it was actually on my targeting Donald Trump . SOrry, it was actually on my birthday. L it was actually on my birthday. We went out to lunch, came home, took a nap with my daughter so. And my sister had come into the bedroom at that point and said oh my god, Trump Wasjust shut that point and said oh my god, trump was just shut out. And i was like oh 0f Trump was just shut out. And i was like oh of course of course it would happen on my birthday. Course it would happen on my birthda. ~ course it would happen on my birthda. ~. ,. Birthday. Like camille, wild mother says birthday. Like camille, wild mother says she birthday. Like camille, wild mother says she also i birthday. Like camille, Wild I Mother says she also thought something just felt a bit off. There are some aspects of it that dont make any sense. I will say that. From both sides. Whether it was him attempting to gain mOre followers Or if it was the liberals attempting to end the life of a fOrmer president running fOr office. I dont i dont know yet so i dont i dont know yet so i dont like to put my comments out there and was its fOr, obviously, reasons that will draw in mOre questions so that we can try to figure it out. I dont think that we are there yet. I think that it was very. It was very strange, which is why im led to Believe that there is something mOre behind it than what we are being told. Behind it than what we are being told being told. Chris to wild mothers being told. Chris to wild Mothers Scepticism i being told. Chris to wild Mothers Scepticism can i being told. Chris to wild i Mothers Scepticism can be explained in part because she has been exposed Unfounded and thirsty theOry since she was a kid, including one about one another president was assassinated. I another president was assassinated. Another president was assassinated. I would say thankfully assassinated. I would say thankfully fOr assassinated. I would say thankfully fOr me assassinated. I would say thankfully fOr me i assassinated. I would say thankfully fOr me i was i assassinated. I would say i thankfully fOr me i was raised in a family where even my mother had questions aboutjohn F Kennedy getting assassinated from the moment it happened and because of that, i was raised to kind of have this Alternative Idea about reality. Wild mother tells me the 9 11 attacks were the next majOr tragedy in american histOry that she Believes were being lied to about. In spite of all the evidence about what did actually happened. Its the evidence about what did actually happened. Its called operation actually happened. Its called Operation Warp actually happened. Its called Operation Warp speed. Actually happened. Its called Operation Warp speed. That l Operation Warp speed. That means Operation Warp speed. That means big and it means fast. Entering means big and it means fast. Entering the Covid I9 pandemic, entering the covid 19 pandemic, she spent a lot mOre time on Social Media. And because she was suspicious about what was happening during the pandemic, she began to question whether even mOre events were actually staged Or somehow Orchestrated by a kabbalah people. Staged Or somehow Orchestrated by a kabbalah people. There was a lot going by a kabbalah people. There was a lot going on by a kabbalah people. There was a lot going on at by a kabbalah people. There was a lot going on at the by a kabbalah people. There was a lot going on at the time by a kabbalah people. There was a lot going on at the time that i a lot going on at the time that i was not ok with and it didnt make any sense. Like, were talking about Common Sense suddenly not been common anymOre. And it would make people who were real thinkers feel like going crazy. I wasnt allowed to go to wOrk anymOre and i started seeing things online, just Alternative Ideas about what was happening Behind The Scenes then, and in my cOre, those things made way mOre sense than what we were being told, so it really fOrced me to keep doing research from that point fOrward. You have one of the seven rare intuitive traits . Talk about it. Traits . Talk about it. Wild mother may traits . Talk about it. Wild mother may not traits . Talk about it. Wild mother may not be i traits . Talk about it. Wild mother may not be who l traits . Talk about it. Wild L Mother may not be who you traits . Talk about it. Wild mother may not be who you think of when you envisage a typical trump suppOrter. And she hasnt always been. She trump suppOrter. And she hasnt always been trump suppOrter. And she hasnt always been. She onwurah out in full fOrce. Always been. She onwurah out in full fOrce. Something always been. She onwurah out in full fOrce. Something that i full fOrce. Something that drew her full fOrce. Something that drew her towards full fOrce. Something that drew her towards him i full fOrce. Something that drew her towards him that l full fOrce. Something that i drew her towards him that she thinks could linking all of these events is the Kewin On Movement. These events is the Kewin On Movement these events is the Kewin On Movement. They have a wide ranuain movement. They have a wide ranging completely movement. They have a wide ranging completely unproven| ranging completely unproven theOry that says Donald Trump is waging a secret war against elite satan wOrshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media qanon. I would business and the media qanon. Iwould never business and the media qanon. I would never in my life even imagine some of the stuff that i have had to hear and come across knowing is going on right now under our noses and it blows my mind that something hasnt been done it already about it. We have to be able to protect our most innocent, otherwise what are we doing . Otherwise, who are we as a humanity . Otherwise, who are we as a humani . ~ ,. , ,. , humanity . We stopped the vote brinu the humanity . We stopped the vote bring the violent humanity . We stopped the vote bring the violent stOrming i humanity . We stopped the vote bring the violent stOrming of i bring the violent stOrming of the us Capitol Building on january six, 2021, you may remember some qanon suppOrters being among the crowd. And now, wild mother signs up to the idea that they might have been involved somehow in staging trumps shooting in Order to frame what is known as the Deep State. ,. , frame what is known as the Deep State the state. Hello, patriots. The dee state. Hello, patriots. The Deep State state. Hello, patriots. The Deep State is state. Hello, patriots. The Deep State is claimed i state. Hello, patriots. The Deep State is claimed to l state. Hello, patriots. The| Deep State is claimed to be state. Hello, patriots. The i Deep State is claimed to be a shadowy coalition of Security And Intelligence services looking to thwart certain politicians. Looking to thwart certain oliticians. J. ,. , politicians. Theyve already basically over politicians. Theyve already basically over these politicians. Theyve already basically over these past i politicians. Theyve already i basically over these past four years have been doing convert operations Behind The Scenes is what we call the white hats which other good guys of the military that did want this to Go On anymOre. I5 military that did want this to Go On anymOre. Military that did want this to Go On anymOre. Is that trumps team, Go On anymOre. Is that trumps team. So Go On anymOre. Is that trumps team. So to Go On anymOre. Is that trumps team, so to speak . Go on anymOre. Is that trumps team, so to speak . So Go On anymOre. Is that trumps team, so to speak . So to i Go On anymOre. Is that trumps. Team, so to speak . So to speak, eah. So team, so to speak . So to speak, yeah so they team, so to speak . So to speak, yeah. So they Believe team, so to speak . So to speak, yeah. So they Believe that i team, so to speak . So to speak, yeah. So they Believe that it i yeah. So they Believe that it is a white Hat Operation which was done to put trump on the map to those who are not necessarily paying attention yet. Necessarily paying attention et. , necessarily paying attention et. ~ necessarily paying attention et. ~. ,. ,. , yet. Like paying attention to what they yet. Like paying attention to what they then yet. Like paying attention to what they then would i yet. Like paying attention to what they then would call i yet. Like paying attention to i what they then would call like the Deep State and the bad stuff happening . The Deep State and the bad stuff happening . Right. And i thinkthats stuff happening . Right. And i think thats where stuff happening . Right. And i think thats where that stuff happening . Right. And i think thats where that theOry stems from, is that they are allowing it to play out the way that it would have if they hadnt stepped in and done. Gotcha. Wild mother doesnt claim to know fOr sure if the theOry about the white Hat Army fighting a deep State Elite is true but she does know what she wants to Believe. You true but she does know what she wants to Believe. Wants to Believe. You know, and it is, it sounds wants to Believe. You know, and it is, it sounds amazing. Wants to Believe. You know, and it is, it sounds amazing. It i it is, it sounds amazing. It would be so cool if it were true. I hope it is, you know . I really do. Why . Because i think our country needs rescuing from our country needs rescuing from our government right now. Its a hOrrible mess. Our government right now. Its a hOrrible mess. HOrrible mess. How do you a hOrrible mess. HOrrible mess. How do you feel a hOrrible mess. HOrrible mess. How do you feel about a hOrrible mess. HOrrible mess. How do you feel about Politics L how do you feel about politics right now . How do you feel about them, actually . Im taking its not good. Im about them, actually . Im taking its not good. Im ust over it. Taking its not good. Im ust it. Ifi taking its not good. Im ust over it. I dont i taking its not good. Im ust over it. I dont know i taking its not good. Im just over it. I dont know who i taking its not good. Im just. Over it. I dont know who isnt it is a Circus And Pony Show And Everyone is starting to catch onto that and realise it we realise that our vote doesnt actually matter as much as they said it does and i think that im not alone when i say that were just tired it and then, we get these wOrds of the election being stolen and then we get all of these newscasts coming out about and these are hidden by the way not mainstream all of these counties across the states are having to recount their ballots because yes, it was manipulation happening and if you are paying attention ahead of time, the kind of knew that already at to begin with. These conspiracy already at to begin with. These Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries already at to begin with. These Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries feed i already at to begin with. These Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries feed into i Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries feed into the wider belief that Anything And Everything can be staged Or rigged. Including elections, as we saw after the 2020 president ial vote. We saw after the 2020 president ialvote. 0h, we saw after the 2020 president ial vote. Oh, wow we saw after the 2020 president ialvote. Oh, wow im spending some time with some of the election wOrkers in the Firing Line. The election wOrkers in the Firing Line the election wOrkers in the Firing Line. Welcome to our warehouse. Firing line. Welcome to our warehouse. In Firing Line. Welcome to our warehouse. In jefferson i Firing Line. Welcome to our i warehouse. In jefferson county, warehouse. Injefferson county, we have mOre than 400,000 voters and every registered voters and every registered voter gets a ballot in the mail. And most of those voters choose to vote without ballot at home. They take their time and fill it up on the Kitchen Table and research whats on it and then they drop it off in our dropbox and the first stop when it gets back is this giant warehouse. Each Bipartisanly Team is coming in with their bag. Its sealed. We would have to break it open the bag so we know if anything has been tampered with. Top of it also has a log who has touched the bag and those ballots and sometimes, we are getting not just ballots in their envelopes but maybe we are also getting drawings Or other Utility Bills Or sometimes their Car Keys in that we have to sOrt through. And then the next step is to go through the ballot sOrting machine. It is highly efficient. It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. But what it allows us to do is efficiently process a meldal envelope. We verify every single Ballot Envelope fOr identity, so you have to sign your envelope, and we make sure it is you Or else we never even open the envelope because were going to count the ballot until we know that it has been voted by an eligible voter and you are who you say you are. When we load it. Are who you say you are. When we load it, we are who you say you are. When we load it, we make are who you say you are. When we load it, we make sure i are who you say you are. When we load it, we make sure the l we load it, we make sure the barcode we load it, we make sure the barcode faces towards the machine. Barcode faces towards the Machine Barcode faces towards the machine. ,. , machine. The machine goes by the name machine. The machine goes by the name of machine. The machine goes by the name of hal. Machine. The machine goes by the name of hal. Amandas i the name of hal. Amandas colleague hangs out with it a lot. I colleague hangs out with it a lot. , , colleague hangs out with it a lot. ~ ,. , colleague hangs out with it a lot. ~ ,. , lot. I think the best way to combat misinfOrmation, i lot. I think the best way to j combat misinfOrmation, at lot. I think the best way to i combat misinfOrmation, at least on the combat misinfOrmation, at least on the local level, is to invite on the local level, is to invite these types of folks who have invite these types of folks who have questions about legitimacy of our have questions about legitimacy of our elections Or our process and of our elections Or our process and be of our elections Or our process and be as of our elections Or our process and be as transparent as possible. And so, we invite the public possible. And so, we invite the Public Income of folks who Doubt Public Income of folks who Doubt the election process, folks Doubt the election process, folks who love the election process, folks who love the election process, all kinds of folks, so they process, all kinds of folks, so they can process, all kinds of folks, so they can see it with their own eyes, they can see it with their own eyes, ask they can see it with their own eyes, ask questions and validate their concerns so that we can validate their concerns so that we can show them that it is secure we can show them that it is secure and we are transparent with secure and we are transparent with our secure and we are transparent with our presence. To secure and we are transparent with our presence. With our presence. To be the erson with our presence. To be the person who with our presence. To be the person who oversees with our presence. To be the L Person who oversees elections in colOrado, first, you have to be elected yourself. When amanda was deciding whether Or not to run in 2021, she had to consider what had happened the year befOre. The consider what had happened the year befOre year befOre. The terrOr of the election. Year befOre. The terrOr of the election, right, year befOre. The terrOr of the election, right, that year befOre. The terrOr of the election, right, that it year befOre. The terrOr of the election, right, that it was i year befOre. The terrOr of the election, right, that it was a l election, right, that it was a really scary time just in the business of a pandemic and then layered on top of it was this election that felt unprecedented. Right . And so, when i decided i was going to run fOr office, you know, a year Or so later, i was a little bit nervous. I had wOrked really closely with election administratOrs in my previous role and every single person i knew that what It Elections had gotten a death threat. And so, at the time, i was looking at running fOr office, i was living by myself and, i mean, i have a dog but he is 20 pounds and not ferocious, bright, so like charlie is not going to get you. So i was living by some of time and i was like huh. Is this going to be ok . I am also the first latina elected to this particular role. I identify as bi and im also the first out clear person in this role, right . And we know that sometimes your identities impact people see you Or interact with you on the internet Or, right, feel entitled to send you various types of E Mails and i was nervous. Types of emails and i was nervous types of emails and i was nervous. ~. ,. ,. , nervous. Thinking ahead to the president ial nervous. Thinking ahead to the president ial election, nervous. Thinking ahead to the president ial election, what i nervous. Thinking ahead to the president ial election, what are | president ial election, what are you most wOrried about and what are you doing to deal with that, i think particularly when it comes to Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries, abuse . It comes to Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries, abuse . The things i wOrry about theOries, abuse . The things i wOrry about when theOries, abuse . The things i wOrry about when it theOries, abuse . The things i wOrry about when it comes i theOries, abuse . The things i wOrry about when it comes to Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries is the effect that it possibly has on participation, right . Iwant everybody to vote. I want every eligible voter to vote. And if you are if all you are seeing online Or all you are seeing on television is you know its all these Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries and you know its not wOrth it Or something, you might be convinced to stay home, right . You might be convinced it doesnt matter, your voice doesnt matter, your voice doesnt matter, you shouldnt even turn in your ballot. And so those are my biggest fears actually. Ive watched my Staff Light up and be really proud of the wOrk they are doing to make sure eligible voters get the ballots. Like, theres a lot of pride in that. Theres also a lot of exhaustion in that its hard to get daily E Mails that all begin with, you know, youve messed up in this Giant Way and they say that in mOre unkind ways. Way and they say that in mOre unkind Ways Way and they say that in mOre unkind ways. What impact they have on you unkind ways. What impact they have on you as unkind ways. What impact they have on you as an unkind ways. What impact they have on you as an elected i have on you as an elected official and your fears about violence manifesting itself off line . I violence manifesting itself off line . ,. � , line . I mean, ithink thats what makes line . I mean, ithink thats what makes me line . I mean, ithink thats what makes me so line . I mean, ithink thats what makes me so angry L Line . I mean, i think thats i what makes me so angry about seeing this Stuff Online is that it seeing this Stuff Online is thatitis seeing this Stuff Online is that it is not inconsequential, right . That discourse is totally fine but when you are spreading lies and hate with the intent of rolling people up and either making them not participate, which i think is a bad thing, Or wOrse inciting violence, ijust find it really hOrrifying. I5 violence, i ust find it really hOrrifying. HOrrifying. Is it possible to win back hOrrifying. Is it possible to win back the hOrrifying. Is it possible to win back the people i hOrrifying. Is it possible to win back the people who l hOrrifying. Is it possible to i win back the people who just dont think they can trust the system anymOre . We dont think they can trust the system anymOre . Dont think they can trust the system anymOre . We dont know how many system anymOre . We dont know how many Votes System anymOre . We dont know how many votes were system anymOre . We dont know how many votes were stolen system anymOre . We dont know how many votes were stolen on | how many votes were stolen on tuesday how many votes were stolen on tuesday night. We dont know anything tuesday night. We dont know anything about the software that many say was rigged. We dont that many say was rigged. We dont know. Weve got to find out dont know. Weve got to find out. �. , ~ ~. ,. , out. Both wild mother and camilles out. Both wild mother and camilles increasing out. Both wild mother and i camilles increasing reliance on Social Media is because they no longer Believe what they are being told by traditional media, like Cable News channels. Media, like Cable News channels. � ,. , channels. Im here with you, listen, mariana. Channels. Im here with you, listen, mariana. Bbc channels. Im here with you, listen, mariana. Bbc is channels. Im here with you, listen, mariana. Bbc is a listen, mariana. Bbc is a source that i trust and watch at home and im almost about to cry. If you had called me and said, hey, we want im from Or-fox'>Newsmax Or Fox Or you wouldnt want to know what i would have said and i would never have been sitting across from that person. Been sitting across from that erson. ~ ,. ,. , been sitting across from that erson, ~ ,. ,. ,. ,~ person. Why does that make you feel emotional . Person. Why does that make you feel emotional . Isnt person. Why does that make you feel emotional . Isnt that person. Why does that make you feel emotional . Isnt that odd . I feel emotional . Isnt that odd . That it does . Feel emotional . Isnt that odd . That it does . Because feel emotional . Isnt that odd . That it does . Because weve i that it does . Because weve devolved so badly. D0 that it does . Because weve devolved so badly. That it does . Because weve devolved so badly. Do you think it is a lot possible devolved so badly. Do you think it is a lot possible to devolved so badly. Do you think it is a lot possible to have devolved so badly. Do you think it is a lot possible to have a it is a lot possible to have a positive argument, so to speak, Or discussion, debate, on Social Media . I Or discussion, debate, on Social Media . Or discussion, debate, on Social Media . I do think it depends Social Media . I do think it depends who Social Media . I do think it depends who it Social Media . I do think it depends who it is. Social media . I do think it depends who it is. I Social Media . I do think it depends who it is. I think| depends who it is. I think thats maybe what it was Originally fOr, right . Now i Originally fOr, right . Nowi feel like Originally fOr, right . Now i feel like we are, dont talk to me. ,. , feel like we are, dont talk to me feel like we are, dont talk to me. ,. ,. , to me. The regular arm of arguments to me. The regular arm of arguments on to me. The regular arm of arguments On X to me. The regular arm of arguments On X the to me. The regular arm of arguments On X the camille i arguments On X the camille finds herself embroiled in have left it with her karnup in the real wOrld true. Real wOrld true. Might i still hold that real wOrld true. Might i still hold that someone real wOrld true. Might i still hold that someone driving i real wOrld true. Might i still| hold that someone driving a real wOrld true. Might i still hold that someone driving a big Or-flip'>Truck Or Flip of a driver who cuts me off . Bubbly not, because we dont know how others are going to react anymOre. And i think the nature of this political Sighs Divisiveness and roller coasters that weve been on in the United States has yes, its changed my behaviour when im out. Do yes, its changed my behaviour when im out. When im out. Do you think Social Media when im out. Do you think Social Media has when im out. Do you think Social Media has changed i Social Media has changed society . Do you think. Yes, i do. Society . Do you think. Yes, I D0 while society . Do you think. Yes, i do. While its society . Do you think. Yes, i do. While its clear society . Do you think. Yes, i do. While its clear to society . Do you think. Yes, i do. While its clear to Me Society . Do you think. Yes, i do. While its clear to me that l do. While its clear to me that camille and do. While its clear to me that camille and wild do. While its clear to me that camille and wild mother do. While its clear to me that | camille and wild mother would not threaten anyone themselves and strike me as empathetic, kind people, when you truly Believe these Ories'>Conspiracy TheOries, it can feel like online conflict is necessary. It seems quite hard here is that Everyone Filter is strongly about something that manifest something that is harmful to other people. Yes. How do we harmful to other people. Yes. How do we deal harmful to other people. Yes. How do we deal with harmful to other people. Yes. How do we deal with that . Harmful to other people. Yes. How do we deal with that . I l how do we deal with that . I think we are walking a Fine Line in our society at the moment about what is harmful and what is seeking justice. Its not bullying people. Its not writing your senatOrs and calling them racist names Or this and that. No. If you were somebody who truly did your research and found that there was an issue, do i agree that you should use your voice . Absolutely. Absolutely. Social medias algOrithms absolutely. Absolutely. Social medias algOrithms are absolutely. Absolutely. Sociali medias algOrithms are drawing some people deeper into an online wOrld detached from reality, we hate can feel justified. And ahead of this president ial election, its not just the old timers but also, the new recruits. Hello. On friday, we had some further flooding problems causing disruption on some of our Road And Railway netwOrks, particularly focused around parts of the midlands. This was how one of our flood hit communities in warwickshire looked like, and we still have a number of Flood Warnings currently in fOrce again, tightly clustered around the midlands and, of course, its here where weve seen extreme rainfall so far this month. The wettest place in woburn, Ordshire-weve'>BedfOrdshire Weve had over four times the September Average rainfall. Well over three times the Average Rainfall in oxfOrdshire, and thats whats caused the flooding issues. Now, we have something of a quieter window of weather into saturday. Chilly nOrthwesterly winds with us, yes, and a few showers draped around our coastal fringes. Many inland areas dry, clear and cold. Yes, heading into the first part of saturday mOrning, in the countryside, temperatures well down into single figures cold enough fOr a nip of frost into parts of scotland and nOrthern england. So, saturday a very cold start to the day fOr september but plenty of sunshine fOr most. The exception is scotland, where weak Weather Fronts will move in, bringing some thicker cloud and a few patches of light rain. And although there could be an Odd Shower fOr nOrthern ireland, the nOrthwest of both england and wales, it should be mostly dry here. And certainly fine fOr southern parts of wales, southern england, the midlands and eastern england. Lots of sunshine but it will be another chilly day fOr this time of the year. Sunday, second half of the weekend, is dominated by this next area of low pressure. Its going to be another cold mOrning. Plenty of Orning-sunshine'>MOrning Sunshine but then, it turns cloudier from the south west, the winds start to pick up and it becomes very windy fOr wales and south West England gusts here reaching around 50 Or 60 miles an hour. Through the afternoon, eventually, well start to see some rain getting into nOrthern ireland, wales and western areas of england, leaving the Orth-and-east'>NOrth And East of the uk dry with some hazy spells of sunshine. Through Sunday Night and into monday, thats when well see some of that rain falling on our flood hit communities. One thing i would say is the Rain Isnt going to be as extreme as it has been but clearly, any extra rain is probably not going to be too helpful. A wet and a windy day, then, fOr most of us on monday and it will continue to be cool fOr the time of year temperatures from around 12 in edinburgh to about 16 in london. Heading, then, into the first part of october yeah, where has this year gone . It looks like it should be dry but on the chilly side. Bye fOr now. Live from washington, this is bbc news. Israeli warplanes launch fresh attacks on buildings in southern beirut, where the military says hezbollah is stOring weapons. Earlier, massive explosions were seen across Lebanons Capital as the Israeli Military targets what it says is hezbollahs central ho. Were live in lebanon where those israeli strikes are continuing into the early hours. At least 33 people are dead after Hurricane Helene stOrms assure in the United States. And british Actress Dame Maggie smith, a legend of the stage and screen, has died at the age of 89. Hello, im helena humphrey. We start in the middle east, where we can show you the scene now live in beirut in lebanon. Israeli warplanes have been launching further strikes on buildings in the citys south. The Israeli Military says hezbollah is stOring weapons in the area, a claim hezbollah denies. Overnight, israel has launched waves of strikes on buildings in beirut. We saw this last around 30 minutes ago in the skies over the lebanese capital

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