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People voting on . The first thing for us is people voting on . The first thing for us is to people voting on . The first thing for us is to represent| thing for us is to represent the thing for us is to represent the people, they feel left down let the people, they feel left down let down by what happened in 2019 let down by what happened in 2019 they let down by what happened in 2019. They need a hand to give them 2019. They need a hand to give them a 2019. They need a hand to give them a sense of recovery, they need them a sense of recovery, they need someone to make them feel it is not need someone to make them feel it is not the end of the world for them it is not the end of the world forthem. If it is not the end of the world for them. If you understand the psyche for them. If you understand the psyche at for them. If you understand the psyche at the moment, this Place Psyche at the moment, this place has a sense of defeat and we need place has a sense of defeat and we need to recover from the sense we need to recover from the sense of we need to recover from the sense of defeat. We need to give sense of defeat. We need to give them hope to recover. Kashmir give them hope to recover. Kashmir is a story of betrayal is, It Kashmir is a story of betrayal is, It Has Kashmir is a story of betrayal is, it has been betrayed since 19505, is, it has been betrayed since 1950s, the first betrayal in 1953. 1950s, the first betrayal in 1953, and the ultimate nail in the coffin 1953, and the ultimate nail in the coffin came in 2019. Your Election Manifesto the coffin came in 2019. Your Election Manifesto mentionsl the coffin came in 2019. Your i Election Manifesto mentions the article of indian crustacean which granted autonomy to the region for decades. How will you do that and deliver on all the promises . Constitution. Given this is no longer a state, Union Territory federally administered by the centre through the government. Whichever government from there, their powers will be clipped. How optimistic are you of getting work done and delivering on the promises you are making. It delivering on the promises you are making are making. It is to register a descent through are making. It is to register a descent through this descent through this institution, the decisions did not have institution, the decisions did not have the consent of the pe0pte. Not have the consent of the people, so this is how we take our opportunity to express that opinion our opportunity to express that opinion democratically and take this message to the world, that the country that calls itself the country that calls itself the largest democracy in the world the largest democracy in the world behaved undemocratically in 2019 world behaved undemocratically in 2019. We do not say that violently, we do not come out in violence, we see that through in violence, we see that through the means of democracy to the through the means of democracy to the institutions of democracy. The optimism in this process democracy. The optimism in this process as democracy. The optimism in this process as we get a chance to express process as we get a chance to express democratically, and through express democratically, and through this institution which has degraded, we seek to restore has degraded, we seek to restore the dignity it had, the Status Restore the dignity it had, the status this institution had, we seek status this institution had, we seek to status this institution had, we seek to restore it. And for that seek to restore it. And for that restoration this is the first that restoration this is the First Step you to find alliance in the First Step you to find alliance in the rest of the country, those in the rest of the country, those who are like minded and what those who are like minded and what a those who are like minded and what a federal india. Want a stronger what a federal india. Want a stronger federal india. Julian sumptious said to make his first public comment since becoming a free man. His organisation say he will give testimony in strasbourg next month. He was released from a british Prison Injune after reaching a deal with us authorities. He previously spent seven years in the Ecuadorian Embassy In London after requesting asylum. Teenagers are increasingly displaying addictive behaviour in their use of Social Media, according to a major international study. The World Health Organisation is calling for enhanced mental Health Provision and better enforcement of age restrictions by social platforms. Our Technology Editor Zoe Kleinman reports. When does Social Media use become problematic . The World Health Organization report lists behaviours such as lying about how much time is spent on it, not being able to come off it, and choosing to be on Social Media rather than do anything else. It said the number of teens displaying this sort of behaviour across 44 countries has increased since the pandemic. Here in the uk, young people in England And Scotland were more likely to show addiction like symptoms towards Social Media than those in wales. The figures included one in five 13 year old girls in scotland. Meanwhile, 47 of girls in england said they were in constant contact with their friends online. And more than half of the boys in England And Scotland played digital games every day. Social media and gaming is part of young peoples lives these days, so thats not going to change. So its. But its how can we promote more healthy online behaviours . How can we find the right balance between the benefits of online engagement versus some of the potential risks of spending too much time online . So i think thats the sort of critical thing. The report found that overall, 13 year old children were most likely to develop problematic Social Media use. The researchers suggest potential solutions, including Digital Literacy Skills Lessons in schools and more responsibility for the Tech Firms which run the platforms. Zoe kleinman, bbc news. Almost 200 women have now come foward to accuse the former Harrods Owner mohamed Al Fayed of sexual assualt. It follows a Bbc Documentary which exposed decades of serious allegations against him. Five of his original accusers have come together to share their experiences and Call Forjustice, describing themselves as � lambs to the slaughter. � our Correspondent Ellie Price has the story. As the number of women accusing former Harrods Boss of sexual abuse rises, we will devote half an hour of the programme to speak to survivors live here in the studio. These women didnt know each other� s stories until the Bbc Documentary last week. They all described being isolated by mohamed Al Fayed at the time. We arejoined here on breakfast right now byjen, nicole, lindsay, gemma and katherine. Now they realise they were not alone in what they experienced. We all have the same pattern, even though if you lined us up, i think we go from working there in the � 80s to the mid 2000s. All of us had the same experiences. And being all together, i think its quite good to think, oh god, i thought for ages this wasjust me. So you kind of expected what was going on and internalised that actually, you know, is Itjust Me . Am i the victim of the really hard behaviour . You were terrified to speak out. Jen was too, and this morning she waived her anonymity for the first time. Initially i didnt want to be involved because mohamed was still alive. And as ridiculous as that may sound to people not involved, he still felt like a threat until the moment he died. Mohamed Al Fayed was the chairman of harrods between 1985 and 2010. He died last year aged 94. He wont Face Justice now but these women say there was a web of corruption within the company that allowed the abuse to happen and kept it hushed up. I almost had given up hope that anyone was going to actually find out anything really, because he was so successful at putting people up in front of him that he could hide behind. They enabled all these people, enabled the situation, and left us like lambs to the slaughter. Harrods declined to come on Bbc Breakfast this morning. The Department Store which came under new ownership in 2010 has previously said its appalled by the allegations. Harrods also told the bbc it was investigating whether any current employees were involved in any of the allegations, but they havent told us if any individual has been identified or any action taken. The monster that was Al Fayed was at the centre of all this, but its easy and convenient, if i may say so, to actually just say it was him. There was a system, there was a process which enabled and facilitated the sexual abuse of these women. And there are people still working at harrods who you think were involved in this . Thats my belief. Many women later abused by Al Fayed were asked to take intrusive sexual health tests when they started at harrods. Today a complaint has been made to the general medical council about one of the doctors who carried out such tests. I never got my results either. They went straight to mohamed Al Fayed. I never got them. They never even shared them with you . They never shared them with me. Shocking. Since the Bbc Documentary was released last week, lawyers for Al Fayeds accusers say hundreds more women have come forward. And with every new story, the Call Forjustice grows stronger. Ellie price, bbc news. Much more on our website. A third of children worldwide are now short sighted, according to new research. The study, published in the britishjournal of ophthalmology, examined data from Five Million children and teenagers in 50 countries. It showed a dramatic increase in cases of myopia over the last 30 years, with experts blaming time spent inside, particularly during covid lockdowns, as well as strain from using screens at a young age. Denise voon is the clinical advisor for the College Of Optometrists she shared her insights, and what the numbers say on that correlation. Have a listen. We have noticed a change since since covid, and were not entirely sure what the reason is, but we can guess that it could be due to a number of factors. Firstly, we know from the evidence that spending lots of time outdoors, at least two hours a day, that does reduce your risk of developing and myopia progressing. So during covid, when we all had to stay indoors, that just wasnt possible for a lot of people. We also know that a lot of time sort of spent within, say, the close confines of a room if theyre doing Home Schooling and things like that, that may have been a contributing factor as well. But certainly we have noticed a change. And there were geographical differences as well, because asia, younger kids are starting school higher, and there the number of young people who are short sighted are seven times higher than, say, in countries within the African Continent where children spend more time outside. Yeah, thats absolutely right. So we know that Genetics And Ethnicity does play a part of it as well. So weve always known that those with East Asian or South Asian ethnicities are more prone to developing myopia. So we knew that already. But exactly, like you said, that Injapan And Korea they have some of the highest rates of myopia. So i think injapan its about 85 , South Korea its 73 compared to, say, uganda or paraguay, which is much lower at 1 . And that could be exactly what you talk about. It could be just that those children in the East Asian countries, they arent spending as much time outdoors. They also do tend to start school that little bit earlier and all of these contributing factors may cause a rise in their increase in myopia. And can you help us explain, help us to understand just why the concern over myopia, why should we be worried and is there a way of reversing it . So, one of the things that we are worried about with myopia is just that, especially if there you have undiagnosed myopia, that children just arent going to be able to see as well as they can. So thats one of the problems. But also and although it is rare, that with people who are very short sighted, they are more prone to conditions such as retinal detachment, which could be sight threatening. Now i stress that this is rare, but it does make sense that the more people who are short sighted, the more people that may develop these conditions going on. Now its time for a look at the weather with sarah keith lucas. It has been a pretty wet month for many, especially across central and southern parts. More rain around on wednesday and it is still looking pretty wet and there will be strong winds. Something drier and quieter by the weekend, but for the here and now, this is the rain we will see likely to accumulate between now and friday. Could be as much as 80 millimetres. Areas that could do without rainfall, and that saturated ground. We have got some rain fell for the rest of this Evening And Night fishing across central and eastern parts, Northern England it will be persistent overnight and Northern Ireland sing outbreaks of rain. To the south, Clear Interludes and intermittent heavy showers, perhaps some thunderstorms rattling through overnight. Northern and central parts of scotland will stay driest for longest but temperatures falling into single figures. Through the day on thursday that rain will be persistent for parts of north east england, driven in by that brisk easterly wind and Northern Ireland looking wet for a good part of the day. For the south across england and wales, sunshine and showers but showers can be torrential at times bringing threat of localised Flooding And Hill in the mix and lightning. Between the mix and lightning. Between the showers, cooler but dry for the showers, cooler but dry for the north of scotland, that sinks further south across the uk as a move into friday. A bit of a change in wind direction, so some heavy rain to start the day on friday. It looks like that clears away and then we are back in to clear and pressure conditions with sunshine and some blustery showers as well. Temperatures ranging between nine and ten in the north, to 13 or 1a in the south. According feeling day friday, thats poured into saturday first thing could look like this for frosty conditions. Two or three degrees in towns and cities, could be colder than that in rural spots. Could be colder than that in ruralspots. Heading could be colder than that in rural spots. Heading for the course of the weekend a lot of try and settle further on the cards in this area of high pressure dominating although it will feel colder. If rent brings showers across the north of scotland and then later on sunday the next area of rain missing from the south. Live from london. This is bbc news. The head of the israeli Armed Forces says he is preparing for a possible Ground Invasion of lebanon as another for a possible Ground Invasion of lebanon as another two brigades of Troops Head for the border. These are pictures from un Security Council meetins. Frantic diplomatic efforts under way to prefent larger war in the middle east. In un, ukraines president , volodymyr zelensky, has warned the world that russia is preparing a serious escalation of its war against his country. Hello, iam hello, i am in foster live in beirut as The Sun sets here in the lebanese capital. New fears that an israeli Ground Incursion in the south of lebanon could be imminent. Now, weve had three days of increased strikes by israel here on lebanon and the chief of israels Armed Forces has been speaking to some of those troops who are stationed on the northern border in the last hour or so. What he has been saying to them is to prepare for a ground

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