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Benjamin netanyahu, has delayed his departure for the Un General Assembly in new york. Lets speak to Yossi Belin the former israeli Justice Minister who initiated the oslo Peace Process and the informal geneva peace accord. He joins us live from Tel Aviv. Welcome to Bbc News. Did you hear those sirens this morning given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, i did. Given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, i did and given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, i did. And what given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, i did. And what do given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, i did. And what do you given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, i did. And what do you make i given you are in Tel Aviv . Yes, j i did. And what do you make of the ongoing i did. And what do you make of the ongoing tensions i did. And what do you make of the ongoing tensions that the ongoing tensions that continue to escalate . I must admit, continue to escalate . I must admit. For continue to escalate . I must admit, for us, continue to escalate . I must admit, for us, it continue to escalate . I must admit, for us, it is continue to escalate . I must admit, for us, it is not admit, for us, it is not something new, we are prepared for it. We have got it many times now from the south and now, for the first time, from the north. As it was really futile with the gaza strip, it is futile with the north and with hezbollah. I really hope this will end soon. Because no one is going to really win. Hezbollah is not going to eradicate israel, God Forbid and israel is not going to eradicate hezbollah and, regretfully, there is even no real government in lebanon. It isa it is a failed state, which was taken hostage by hezbollah. The citizens on both sides should not suffer more, they have suffered enough. I should not suffer more, they have suffered enough. Have suffered enough. I will ask Ou Have suffered enough. I will ask you this. Have suffered enough. I will ask you this, though. Have suffered enough. I will ask you this, though. I have suffered enough. I will| ask you this, though. I know you are a formerJustice Minister, you dont speak on behalf of the israeli government, i know that, but what do you think of the calculations going through Benjamin Netanyahus Mind at the moment as these escalations continue . I dont think he really wanted to have this confrontation. The proof is that for more than 11 months, although there were serious suggestions to fight hezbollah, he deferred it. So, we had a kind of low level flames between israel and the North And Lebanon in the south. In the north. This prevented more than 60,000 citizens, israeli citizens, who lived in the north from returning to their homes. They actually became kind of refugees on top of the same number or even bigger number of israelis in the south to be evacuated. The situation is really crazy. Now yOu Have the refugees in lebanon that were asked to leave their homes. I think that it must really end. I dont think there are too many parties in our region which really want to have this kind of. This kind of war. For hezbollah, they identified themselves with hamas against israel not because israel provoked them. As i said, israel is not enthusiastic about having the war with hezbollah. And who really does . You say that, and who really does . You say that. Yossi and who really does . You say that. Yossi. And who really does . You say that, yossi, but and who really does . You say that, yossi, but every and who really does . You say that, yossi, but every time i and who really does . You say| that, yossi, but every time we report on this, even this morning, we are Hearing Retaliation is and strikes from both israel and hezbollah, which makes anyone watching this and any observers wonder how this can be walked back from the brink . YOu Have worked on Peace Processes, peace accords, what insight can you personally share on how you believe this can de escalate . I believe the key is in the hands of iran. If the iranians are decisive to put an end to it and actually what happened to them. Iran actually built the force of hezbollah in order to hit israel in a situation whereby israel is hitting their nuclear capacities. Now what happened is that hezbollah is fighting israel, paying a very high price. With their commanders who were killed and others and ammunition, which was taken out of their complexes in order to hit us. So, iran should theoretically at least not be too happy to see what is happening to hezbollah. They are not actually functioning as they wanted it to function. And here i see the key. If there is an understanding that hezbollah stops firing and are taking its combatants to the north of the river, then i believe that we can end this confrontation very soon. And it means that there should be some kind of talks indirectly, apparently, between the united states and iran in order to put an end to it as soon as possible. If not, then it will continue. And we will all declare victories and all these victories and all these victories will be very hollow. 0k, Yossi Belin, thank you very much for sharing your insights, saying that the us and iran need to engage more to de escalate what is a growing tense situation in the Middle East. Interesting insight from Yossi Belin in israeliJustice Minister. We will have more on the Middle East throughout the morning on Bbc News, stay with us. Its one of the most beautiful and most fought over places in the world. Kashmir has been at the centre of conflicts between India And Pakistan parts of it are controlled by india, pakistan, and even china. Today, for the first time in a decade, voting has begun in in local Assembly Elections in indian administered kashmir. These are the first since the hindu nationalist Bjp Government stripped it of some of its rights to make its own decisions in 2019 Revoking the independence it used to have on most matters except foreign affairs, defence and communications. Since then there have been allegations that the government in delhi has cracked down on dissent. These elections could well test of how far those concerns resonate. 0ur india correspondent, arunoday mukharji, is in srinagar. Given the context we have just set out, arunoday, this is the first time we have seen people in Indian Kashmir have had a voice in years. Voice in years. Thats right. That is exactly voice in years. Thats right. That is exactly the voice in years. Thats right. I that is exactly the sentiment i am picking up every time i am speaking to people casting their vote. They say after a long time they finally have a say in choosing their local representatives, something they hadnt had for a very long time. The last government was formed in 2014 that the Coalition Government collapsed. In 2019 Before fresh elections could be held. The Indian Government took away the Regions Autonomy and downgraded it from a state to a Union Territory as it is called here. That is where the question lies, how much power, what has changed now from the governments of the past when this used to be a state to now the government that will form after the 8th Of October as a Union Territory . To discuss the legalities of that, I Have a constitutional expert and lawyer, someone who argued in The Indian Supreme Court recently in favour of article 370, the article that granted autonomy to the region of india administrated kashmir, thank you forjoining us. I want to understand given the fact that now this is a federally administered region, which means the Lieutenant Governor will get direction from the Home Ministry on sensitive subjects. How much power will the government have . To appreciate this, we see the position appreciate this, we see the position prior to the 5th of August Position prior to the 5th Of August 2019. Before this was a state august 2019. Before this was a state but august 2019. Before this was a state but this was not an ordinary state but this was not an ordinary state like any other union ordinary state like any other Union State where the autonomy under Union State where the autonomy under the Union State where the autonomy under the constitution itself for the under the constitution itself for the last 70 years. The day to day provisions of the Article Day to day provisions of the article was. It could have been article was. It could have been reduced to a state and further been reduced to a state and further downgraded. We have two unions, further downgraded. We have two unions, Union Territory, as you mention unions, Union Territory, as you mention. The power of the union territories mention. The power of the union territories compared to a regular territories compared to a regular state is less, always, that regular state is less, always, that is regular state is less, always, that is number one. Number two is that that is number one. Number two is that the that is number one. Number two is that the union territories are always managed by the centrai are always managed by the Central Government. Here, they made Central Government. Here, they made a Central Government. Here, they made a Difference in this law reducing made a Difference in this law reducing it to a Union Territory that so far as the jumrnu, territory that so far as the jummu, they said they would have jummu, they said they would have their own legislature. When have their own legislature. When we talk of the legislator, they choose their own representatives to the legislature but the interesting part is legislature but the interesting part is that on one hand you allow part is that on one hand you allow people to choose their representatives, but on the other representatives, but on the other hand, you dont give them the power other hand, you dont give them the power which would enable them the power which would enable them to the power which would enable them to realise objectives. I understand that people whatever one might have for the meaning of democracy but one more important thing about democracy is the important thing about democracy is the right to choose. Among those is the right to choose. Among those choices people make, it is not those choices people make, it is not possible, as i see it today, is not possible, as i see it today, legally speaking, that for any today, legally speaking, that for any government which is formed for any government which is formed here will be able to realise formed here will be able to realise its objectives. The reason realise its objectives. The reason is realise its objectives. The reason is that the State Apparatus reacts to bureaucracy, police departments, surveillance apartments, of the government. All these apartments, of the government. All these departments have been brought all these departments have been brought under the control of the Lieutenant Governor of the union the Lieutenant Governor of the Union Territory on essential matters Union Territory on essential matters matters. Apologies for intervening, matters. Apologies for intervening, you matters. Apologies for intervening, you are i matters. Apologies for intervening, you are saying, essentially, that crucial, sensitive subjects and departments like appointment of police officers, appointment of other bureaucrats, Public Order as well as sanction to prosecute, therefore lies with the Lieutenant Governor who will get directions from the Home Ministry . Will get directions from the Home Minist . ,. , Home Ministry . Maybe direction from the home Home Ministry . Maybe direction from the Home Ministry Home Ministry . Maybe direction from the Home Ministry but Home Ministry . Maybe direction from the Home Ministry but as l from the Home Ministry but as far as from the Home Ministry but as far as the from the Home Ministry but as far as the law is concerned, it confers far as the law is concerned, it confers discretion on the Lieutenant Governor to approve any such Lieutenant Governor to approve any such appointment, law officers. Any such appointment, law officers, police department, whether officers, police department, whether it relates to the people whether it relates to the people who belong to the centre of new people who belong to the centre of New Delhi and supposed to manage of New Delhi and supposed to manage and work in the states. All matters related, including conditions of service, are determined by the Central Government. Similarly, other law enforcing agencies, they are also law enforcing agencies, they are also able to operate only so long are also able to operate only so long as the Lieutenant Governor approves their appointment, their working conditions, and whatever goes in running conditions, and whatever goes in running the state affairs. Just in running the state affairs. Just to in running the state affairs. Just to add, when this was a fully fledged state, the governor was bound by the recommendations of the cabinet . In this situation, the Lieutenant Governor has a wider power . Lieutenant governor has a wider ower . , ,. Power . That is correct. Finally. Power . That is correct. Finally, do power . That is correct. Finally, do you power . That is correct. I finally, do you anticipate friction between the government, which is formed, and their relationship with the centre in terms of day to day activities . I centre in terms of daytoday activities . Activities . I do. I am sure they will activities . I do. I am sure they will arise. Activities . I do. I am sure they will arise. I activities . I do. I am sure they will arise. I say activities . I do. I am sure they will arise. I say so i activities . I do. I am sure| they will arise. I say so for this they will arise. I say so for this reason. As i said earlier, political this reason. As i said earlier, Political Parties have contested elections on certain manifesto. If the people vote them manifesto. If the people vote them into power, they want to realise them into power, they want to realise the objectives of the manifesto. As soon as the power is available manifesto. As soon as the power is available with the Lieutenant Governor, will they be able Lieutenant Governor, will they be able to achieve or not . They are bound be able to achieve or not . They are bound to be, as i see, Friction Are bound to be, as i see, friction between the state government, government it has to be government, government it has to be referred to the Central Government. They are more than competent government. They are more than competent to resolve the Difference. Competent to resolve the Difference. ~. ,. ,. , Difference. We have to leave it there but Difference. We have to leave it there but thank Difference. We have to leave it there but thank you Difference. We have to leave it there but thank you very Difference. We have to leave it| there but thank you very much, zaffar. Having said this, there is hope about these elections because in the beginning, like i said, they lacked a buffer between them in the local assembly and the Central Government where they can raise their voice, government where they can raise theirvoice, helped government where they can raise their voice, helped their voices get louder and make them hurt in the corridors of power in New Delhi. Remember, once again, the Indian Government has always maintained that reducing it from a state to a Union Territory, taking away the autonomy, according to the government, was an important move to integrate the region to bring in more development and ensure peace. That is the other side of the story. Back to you. Arunoday mukharji, thank you very much. This is Bbc News. Some more development is from the Middle East from the Reuters News Agency who now say that a strike on wednesday hit the lebanese shiite town. That is from State Media and a resident, referring to a place in the mountains of the christian majority region. Although there were no immediate reports of casualties, it is the first time that a particular area, we understand, was struck in those recent hostilities between the israeli military and the armed group hezbollah. We are staying across all of the different lines we are getting in from the Middle East, the latest news that a strike has hit the lebanese shiite town. We heard earlier from the israeli military there have been strikes that were targeting 11 on and the border areas this morning. That follows hezbollah sending msr targeting lebanon. Hezbollah sending missiles. Federal prosecutors in the united states have formally charged a man with the attempted assassination of the former president Donald Trump. 58 year old Ryan Routh is accused of staking out at Mr Trumps Florida Golf Course for 12 hours earlier this month when Secret Services agents opened fire after spotting a Rifle Poking through a fence. The court also heard that routh wrote a note expressing his desire to kill Mr Trump months ago. He was initially charged with firearms offences. If found guilty, he faces the possibility of life in prison. Heres our north america correspondent, david willis. Federal prosecutors had indicated from early on that they believe that Ryan Routh had been plotting to assassinate Donald Trump. There were two federal firearms charges laid against him, but now a Grand Jury in miami has indicted him on that charge of attempting to assassinate the former president of the united states. It all happened ten days ago at Donald Trumps Golf Resort in palm beach, florida. A secret Service Agent doing a sweep of the area at the time spotted the Barrel Of A Gun Protruding from bushes near the sixth hole, just as Mr Trump was completing playing on the fifth hole. The agent opened fire, and prosecutors say prompted Mr Routh to flee, and he was later arrested by sheriffs deputies from florida a short distance away. Now, the prosecutors allege that Mr Rouths Phone Records show hed been waiting on that day for some 12 hours for Donald Trump to turn up on the sixth hole. And they say that he had also arrived in florida more than a month before this and had been scoping out not only the Golf Course but Mr Trumps mar a lago residence. They recovered from the place where they say he had been hiding a semi automatic rifle and some ammunition. And from his car, notes detailing Donald Trumps intended movements in the days ahead. They say that also handed in, before the incident took place, was a locked box with a handwritten note, allegedly from Mr Routh, saying that he intended to assassinate the former president. Now, Ryan Routh is now facing a total of five charges. He has yet to enter a plea, but if found guilty of attempting to assassinate Donald Trump, he faces the prospect of a Life Term in prison. His arrest came, of course, just over two months after a previous Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump during a Campaign Rally in pennsylvania. Now, the Secret Service acknowledged failings leading up to that shooting, but has said that security worked as it should have in florida. A global study has found that Childrens Eyesight is steadily getting worse as they spend less time outdoors and more time looking at screens. A review of research from 50 countries estimates that one in three children and teenagers are now short sighted. There has been a notable rise since the covid pandemic, with the highest rates injapan, korea and russia. This is at the top of the Bbc News website showing the missile sent by hezbollah towards the israeli city of Tel Aviv. It towards the israeli city of Tel Aviv. ,. , towards the israeli city of Tel Aviv. ,. , , aviv. It was intercepted by Israel Defence aviv. It was intercepted by Israel Defence forces. Aviv. It was intercepted by Israel Defence forces. Defence systems, i should say. Full analysis from our middle East Bureau Chief and you can read that and more on the Bbc News website. Stay with us. Good morning. Youre watching Bbc News with me, karin giannone. We will keep you up to date with the latest development is from the Middle East throughout the morning. Lets go to liverpool and the Labour Party Conference as the Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, will address delegates shortly. It comes as senior sources have told the bbc that there is growing unease within the nhs in england about the Governments Message that the Health Service is broken. There are concerns that some of the comments and claims have gone too far . And could result in lasting damage to Patient And Staff confidence. 0ur political correspondent, alex forsyth, is in liverpool. Alex. Good morning, the last day of the Labour Party Conference and we have been there since saturday, lots has happened over the course of this conference. This is the first conference. This is the first conference with a Labour Party in power as the party of government for 15 years. Yesterday, the big Ticket Item at this Party Conference was the speech from Sir Keir Starmer, the Prime Minister. In the Run Up to his speech, there was a sense from some of the members and delegates that they wanted to hear more of a hopeful, optimistic tone after the warnings weve had about the warnings weve had about the tough choices to come and the tough choices to come and the strain on public finances. Keir starmer tried to level with the public. He kept saying he was going to be honest with people. The central Message And Theme of his speech was that there were still tough decisions to come but it would be worth it in the end. He was talking about some of the trade offs people might have to make. If you want cheap electricity, you might have to have pylons near your home. If the present crisis were to ease, there would need to be more prisons know peoples homes. More houses, every community would have to take some of them. But he was trying to say if you stick with us, we have a plan so it will get better at the end. We can have a little listen to what some of Sir Keir Starmer has been saying in interviews he gave after his speech. Here is the Prime Minister. Prime minister, yOu Have just given Prime Minister, yOu Have just given your Prime Minister, yOu Have just given your first Prime Minister, yOu Have just given your first conference i given your first Conference Speech given your first Conference Speech as given your first Conference Speech as prime given your first Conference Speech as Prime Minister. Given your first Conference I Speech as Prime Minister of this speech as Prime Minister of this country~ speech as Prime Minister of this country. The speech as Prime Minister of this country. The Word Speech as Prime Minister of this country. The word you I Speech as Prime Minister of this country. The word you used a lot this country. The word you used a lot was this country. The word you used a lot was change, this country. The word you used a lot was change, we this country. The word you used a lot was change, we have this country. The word you used a lot was change, we have seenj a lot was change, we have seen that word a lot was change, we have seen that word used a lot was change, we have seen that word used and a lot was change, we have seen that word used and what a lot was change, we have seen that word used and what can. That word used and what can people that word used and what can people watching that word used and what can people watching at that word used and what can people watching at home that word used and what can people watching at home expect to change . People watching at home expect to change . The people watching at home expect to chance . , people watching at home expect to change . To change . The first thing i set out in to change . The first thing i set out in my to change . The first thing i set out in my speech to change . The first thing i set out in my speech was l to change . The first Thing I L set out in my speech was the change set out in my speech was the change that has already happened. The fact that we have set up happened. The fact that we have set up a happened. The fact that we have set up a national Wealth Fund to get set up a national Wealth Fund to get investment into our country~ to get investment into our country. We have launched Gb Energy country. We have launched Gb Energy to country. We have launched Gb Energy to make sure we can get green energy to make sure we can get green energy for the future and we have green energy for the future and we have taken steps to stabilising the economy. Today, i stabilising the economy. Today, i was stabilising the economy. Today, i was able stabilising the economy. Today, i was able to add to that by saying i was able to add to that by saying we will enact the hillsborough law. We are breakin the hillsborough law. We are breaking away the hillsborough law. We are breaking away from the hillsborough law. We are breaking away from the the hillsborough law. We are| breaking away from the Prime Minister because the Health Secretary Wes Streeting is giving conference and we can take a listen now. He arrived on the scene in southport to find children who had gone to dance to Taylor Swift and the adults whose sole purpose was to bring joy to their young lives. Lying and bleeding and some tragically dying. The result of an unimaginable and senseless and mindless attack. I listened to dave described the Split Decisions he had to make of who to treat, in what order, to give them the best chance of survival. And i heard how they hold nhs that the whole Nhs Team came together, Security Russian children through busy hospital corridors. Mobilising blood supplies. Security rushing children through. In surgical teams fighting desperately hard to save those young lives. Those heroes represent The Very Best of the nhs and we owe them a debt of gratitude we can never repay. Applause conference, I Cant tell you the weight of responsibility i feel to make sure that the national Health Service that has been there for us since 1948 is there for the next century and beyond. And i tell you, i will not let you down. Applause but the truth is, conference, right now, the nhs is letting people down. Let me tell you about claire, who messaged me on instagram. She is a stage four Cancer Patient. When she felt pain can two years ago, when she felt pain two years ago she struggled to get diagnosed. Her employer provides private health insurance. Forthe provides private health insurance. For the first time insurance. For the first time in her life, claire used it. Had she stayed with the nhs, claire is certain she would be dead. Instead, she has been able to live her life to the full, including getting married in a in ibiza. Every Cancer Patient deserves world class care. But for every person like claire, who was able to go private, there are thousands more who cant. That cruel lottery is the legacy of 14 years of conservative neglect. That is the two Tier System of Health Care that labour will end. Applause and that is why we must reform our nhs. It starts with honesty. So i asked a Cancer Surgeon with 30 Years Experience to lead an independent investigation into our Health Service, lord darzi. The results are grim. 100,000 toddlers and babies left waiting for six hours in A E last year. Cancer, more likely to be a Death Sentence here than in other countries. Nearly 3 Million people off work sick. Waiting lists at record highs. Patients satisfaction at a record low. And the fundamental promise of the nhs, that it will be there for us when we needed been broken. Broken by a decade of underinvestment, by a disastrous Top Down Reorganisation by the tories, and by ditching the reforms made by the last labour government. All of this meant that when the pandemic hit, our nhs was on its knees and hit harder than any other comparable Health Care system. It is not just it is notjust that it is not just that the it is notjust that the tories didnt fix the roof while the sun was shining, they doused the house in petrol, left the gas on, and covid just lit the match. Applause thats why. Thats thats why. Thats why millions are stuck on waiting lists. Thats why ambulances dont arrive on time. Thats why you cant see your gp. Never forgive, why you cant see your gp. Neverforgive, neverforget, never let the tories do it again. Applause look, i know the Doctors Diagnosis can sometimes be hard to hear. But if you dont have an accurate diagnosis, you wont provide the correct prescription. And when you put protecting the reputation of the nhs above protecting patients, youre not helping the nhs, you are killing it with kindness. So, i say, respectfully but unequivocally, i wont back down. The nhs is broken, but its not beaten and make no mistake, the tories had a plan for the nhs. Mismanaged decline, a Status Quo so poor, people are forced to raid their savings to go private, a crisis so bad, that seven in ten people now expect charges for nhs care to be introduced. I have said it before, ill say it again. 0ver my dead body. We will always defend our nhs, as a public service, free at the point of use, so that whenever you fall ill, you never have to worry about the bill. Applause

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