Clean energy, we said it belonged in scotland. And it does. But the truth is, it could only really ever be based in one place in scotland, so today i can confirm that the future of British Energy will be powered as it has been over decades by the talent and skills of the Working People in the Granite City with Gb Energy based in aberdeen. Cheering and applause this is how the work of change happens. A decisive Mission Led government moving our country forward Step By step. Focused on the long term plan. But first we stabilise the economy, second, we fixed the foundation, and third, we build with Pride And Determination a country that belongs to you. But it will be hard. That is not rhetoric, that is reality. It is notjust the not rhetoric, that is reality. It is not just the financial Black Hole, the 22 billion of unfunded spending commitments, concealed from our country by the tories. It is notjust the societal Black Hole, Public Services decimated, communities and held it together with little more than goodwill. It is also the political Black Hole. Because the politics of national renewal, they are collective, they involve a shared struggle, a project that says to everyone, this will be tough in the short term. But in the long term, it is the right thing to do for our country, and we all benefit from that. To coin a phrase, we are all in it together. But. Applause but that is just it, isnt it . People have heard it all before. And they listened. I ran a Public Service in the early days of austerity, and people did everything asked of them to find a way forward. They did it in the pandemic, as well, saved the lives of people they will never meet, all while their government broke the very rules they followed. And so people ask us now, as we seek patients with pursuit of national renewal, what will we get to show for it . I understand that. After all, what they are used to is a lie, a sherrard, performance. You may call it populism, many people do, but i prefer to call it the politics of easy answers. Because at its core, thatis answers. Because at its core, that is what it is. A deliberate refusal to countenance tough decisions. Because the political pain is just too much. Party first, country second. Take rwanda, a policy they knew from the beginning would never work. It was never supposed to work. 700 million of your money frittered away. On something that was never a credible option. Because politically it was an easier answer. And just look at the difference you can make if you bring the curtain down on the show. 23 increase in returns of people who have no right to be here, compared with last summer. But it is not just rwanda. It was the same story on everything. Energy security, the housing crisis, telling people they are tough on crime without building enough prison places. 14 years of performance. 14 years of exploiting problems and not solving them, mining the pits of division, searching them for conflict, fixing your attention on those issues, not on growth, technology, i may change, Public Services, the ageing population, the cost of living crisis or any of the challenges that the country desperately needed to face up to. Applause well, those challenges are still here. And we are facing up still here. And we are facing up to them. But do not forget what they did. And do not let them attempt to shift the blame because the state of our country is on them. Applause why must we release prisoners early . Because the tories served themselves put up why our Public Services on their knees . Because the tories served themselves put up whites climate routinely unpunished of the rivers polluted, borders insecure, school rooms crumbling, Child Poverty rampant, nothing seems to work, public finances broken . Because over 14 years the tories performed the politics of easy answers rather than use the power of government to serve our country. Yet still those wombs of trust must be healed. Still that Question Calls to us. What will we get to show for it . So let me answer that directly. And address anyone nervous about the difficult road ahead. Because i know this country is exhausted with politics. I know that the cost of living crisis Drew A veil over the joint Drew A veil over Thejoint Wonder in our lives and that people want respite and relief. They may even have voted labour for that reason. So first, let me be clear, our project has not and never will change. I changed the Labour Party to restore it to the service of Working People. And that is exactly what we will do for the country. But i will not do it with easy answers. I will not do it with false hope. Not now, not ever. That is how we got here in the first place. So i know, after everything you have been through, how hard it is to hear a politician ask for more. But deep down. I think you also know that our country does need a long term plan. And that we cannot turn back. The state of the country is real. However, i would also say this, this is a government of service. And that means whether we agree or not, i will always treat you with the respect of candour. Not the distraction of bluster. The truth is, if we take tough long term decisions now, if we stick to the driving purpose behind everything we do, higher economic growth so living standards rise, the nhs facing the future, Waiting Lists down, safer streets in your community, stronger borders, more opportunities for your children, clean British Energy powering your home, then that light at the end of this tunnel, that country that belongs to you, we get there much more quickly. Applause and look, i understand that many of the decisions we must take will be unpopular. If they were popular, they would be easy. But the cost of filling the Black Hole in our public finances, that will be shared fairly. We will get the Welfare Bill down, because we will tackle long Term Sickness and support people back to work. We will make every Penny Work for you because we will root out waste and go over tax avoidance, and they will be no stone left unturned, no innovation ignored, no return to tory austerity, we will rebuild Public Services and protect Working People and do this in a Labour Way and that is a promise. Applause and if you cannot take that on face, perhaps because you are concerned about the winter fuel allowance, then i get that. As i say, if this path was popular or easy, we would have walked it already. But the risk of showing to the world as the tories did, that this country does not fund its policies properly, that is a risk we can never take again. Stabilising the economy is the first step of this long term plan. The only way we keep prices down, Cut Nhs Waiting Lists, and the Triple Lock so that every in this country, every pensioner, will be better off with labour. Applause but more broadly i also say this, as we take on those massive challenges the tories ignored, the time is long overdue. For politicians to level with you about the Trade Offs this country faces. Because if the last four years have shown us anything, it is that if you bury your head because things are difficult, your country goes backwards. So if we want justice to your country goes backwards. So if we wantjustice to be served, some communities must live close to new prisons, and if we want to maintain support for the welfare state, we will legislate to stop benefit fraud, to do everything we can to tackle worklessness, and if we want cheap electricity, we need new pylons overground, otherwise the burden on taxpayers is too high. If we want homeownership to be a credible aspiration for our children, then every community has a duty to contribute to that purpose. Applause if we want to tackle illegal migration seriously, we cannot pretend that there is a magical process that allows you to return people here unlawfully. Without accepting that process will also grant some people asylum. And if we are serious about levelling up, then we must be proud to be the party of wealth creation. Unashamed to partner with the private sector and most importantly, thatjust most importantly, that just because most importantly, thatjust because we all want low tax and good Public Services, that does not mean that the Iron Door properly funding policies can be ignored. Iron law. Because it cant and we have seen the damage it does and i will not let that happen again. I will not let tory economic Recklessness Hold back the Working People of this country. And let me tell you something else, that i will not let happen, i will never let a minority of violent racist thugs terrorise our communities. Cheering and applause thank you. I have always accepted that concerns about immigration are legitimate. It is a point of fact that the policy of this government is to reduce net migration and our economic dependency upon it. I have never thought we should be relaxed about some sectors importing labour. When there are millions of young people, ambitious and highly talented, who are desperate to work and contribute to their communities, and trust me, there are plenty of examples of apprenticeship starts going down, at the very same time that these are applications for the same skills are going up. So we will get tough on this. And at the same time, we will also get our Skills System working, and we have got to give businesses more flexibility to adapt to real training needs. And also unlock the Pride And Ambition and the pull of the badge on the shirt that young people feel when building a future, notjust for themselves, but for their community. So we will