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Confidential information about simi to her mates at the bbc. But of course, she was fired and i was delighted but she has now got a big new highly paid job. Isnt that good . She is now in charge of equality, Diversity And Inclusion as a new bank. Given her track record, we wish her the very very best of luck. We dont care and this party, we dont care about skin colour, we dont care about orientation, we couldnt care less who you are, we care whether you share the values of this country. We care whether you obey the law. And well judge you on who you are, we judge you on who you are, we judge you on who you are, we judge you on who you are as a person. Isnt this what everybody wants . Is that what we are going to fight for . Can we are going to fight for . Can we succeed . Can we make history . Are you going to be part of it . Thank you very, very much indeed. Applause. Nigel farage takes a bow there from his audience at the reform Uk Party conference as the banners come down, ending his speech which lasted about half an hour and he focused very much on not only how they won their first seats in theirfirst seats in parliament this year � s election and what going for a seat sceptical about that, but very much laying out how he wanted to change the Partys Structure and how he wanted to win more seats in the local elections next year and win wider support on the ground, and he said that they wanted to be credible. He said they wanted bigots didnt wantany said they wanted bigots didnt want any bigots in the party because they represent the silent majority. We have the silent majority. We have the summer riots, which were very controversial. There is no lack of ambition here, Nigel Farage coming off stage behind me to that Eminem Song that became a bit of a theme for him i suppose throughout the Election Campaign. Nigel Farage Talk to as well about winning even the next general election which would be quite extraordinary, but putting aside perhaps that sense of over ambition, spoke about the next local elections in may, and what this conference has been about and is about tomorrow as well is building Reform Uks rao � s campaign, across the country from which they can build for the general election in five years� time. That was very much the focus. What was interesting and one of the things Nigel Farage said was an acknowledgement that they struggled with, without being able to Vet Candidates in the last general election. There were a number of stories about reform Uk Candidates saying deeply inappropriate and at times racist things during the Election Campaign. Nigel farage admitted saying we were just at that stage we weren� t big enough, wealthy enough for professional enough. He claims they could have one more seats if they had been able to Vet Candidates and he went on to say that the party doesn� t have any room for bigots and that they would be kicked out. I thought it was perhaps one of the most interesting things, given of course that he at times during the Election Campaign defended some of the things certainly, that candidates and activists were caught saying. But i suppose given the activists finding out behind me now, tomorrow they will come and vote on a new constitution for Reform Uk, they will try to put in some structure underneath the party and that is really i suppose for the first time giving the members of say and how the party works, how it is structured and may be possibly and how is developed. Nigel Farage Talked about this as the party� s coming of age. Reform uks party� s coming of age. Reform uk� s coming of age, and the real test for that is whether it is developing into a real political force to be reckoned with will be at those local election next may. With will be at those local election next may. Yes, and he talked interestingly election next may. Yes, and he talked interestingly about election next may. Yes, and he talked interestingly about his i talked interestingly about his take on the strategy of that, saying he was wanted to emulate the lib dems, how they operated. As he said, many more seats, they got 72 seats, reform ended up with five. I he talks about the strategy, didn� t he . It talks about the strategy, didnt he . Didnt he . It was quite unusual. Didnt he . It was quite unusual, to didnt he . It was quite unusual, to hear didnt he . It was quite unusual, to hear at. Didnt he . It was quite unusual, to hear at a i didnt he . It was quite unusual, to hear at a main conference a party praising another party openly. They delivered leaflets throughout local areas, local elections in seats that they were targeting. And saying that that is what reform is. Whether the party comes, pathologies, technical difficulties here, hopefully you can still hear me. It� s up to these people finding out now what Nigel Farage said, whether it is, whether they are able to move on from this. I suppose that� s a Question Hanging of this conference, is that the High Point of Reform Uk, or are they able to build on the success they had in the general election, build on that 14 of the vote sure that they want, or is this a High Point. I suppose that is the Question Hanging over, the question Nigel Farage is trying to answer there is saying the answer there is saying the answer lies in that ground campaign, they are trying to build, trying to set up the people, there� s a whole series of desks outside in the main foyer, i walked past them earlier. Trying to encourage and all these people here to sign up to local branch movements, local Branch Parties to get involved in day to day political Campaigning And Volunteering i suppose. That� s the challenge for Reform Uk now. The question that lies over this campaign now. We can see and hear over this campaign now. We can see and hear you, over this campaign now. We can see and hear you, as over this campaign now. We can see and hear you, as we over this campaign now. We can see and hear you, as we see over this campaign now. We can| see and hear you, as we see the delegates behind you. Just at the end though, he did talk about more familiar themes for Reform Uk, talking about british history, valuing judeo christian culture, that underpins everything they stand for. Talking about the Dame Allison rose debacle, but saying we believe in meritocracy, not about your skin colour, your orientation. Wejudge you as skin colour, your orientation. We judge you as a person. If you look at the politics of what� s going on in other parts of europe, do you think Nigel Farage is actually seriously now looking at a much bigger potential Power Base . Potential Power Base . Well, thats certainly potential Power Base . Well, thats certainly what potential Power Base . Well, thats certainly what hes that� s certainly what he� s hoping for. I think the other thing that from conversations i� ve been having today in particular, the other thing you mentioned, that family, country, Culture Theme he mentioned there. Another thing we will hear a lot more from a form about is Net Zero and one party, any Party Figure saying that issue in campaigning against Net Zero targets may even be a bigger point of policy for Reform Uk then immigration come the next election, they are convinced that campaigning against Net Zero will be a Vote Winner for them over the next five years, over the next five years, that� s a interesting area to them over the next five years, that� s a interesting area to watch, in terms of the themes, watch, in terms of the themes, policies, ideas that Reform Uk policies, ideas that Reform Uk look to build on as they look look to build on as they look to those local elections in may to those local elections in may and then on to the general and then on to the general election next year. Certainly, election next year. Certainly, you ask whether Nigel Farage you ask whether Nigel Farage can build on this, that is can build on this, that is certainly the hope. There was certainly the hope. There was no shortage of ambition from the stage behind me, throughout the stage behind me, throughout the day actually, repeated references, claims that Nigel Farage could be the next prime minister, that is the hope here but i think really, what they� re focusing on when you talk to people in the party Behind The Scenes the more i suppose realistic ambition is that Reform Uk came second in 98 constituencies at the general election. And 89 of those examples they were second to labour. The focus very much for them is on those areas that came second, that means really focusing on the Labour Government and trying to be a critical opposition to Keir Starmer. We noticed the talk on the Labour Leader and leadership as they target Labour Voters now. Leadership as they target Labour Voters now. Terry farley in birmingham, Labour Voters now. Terry farley in birmingham, thank Labour Voters now. Terry farley in birmingham, thank you Labour Voters now. Terry farley in birmingham, thank you so i in birmingham, thank you so much for being with us. Just to bring you some breaking news on the labour party, amid the political criticism of some of the members of Labour Leadership accepting donations, sir Keir Starmer, lorena, and Rachel Reeves will not accept any donations for clothing in future. This does follow criticism for sir Keir Starmer for accepting such donations from the Labour Peer Lord alley. Those supporting sir Keir Starmer said it has been a Distraction But Everything has been, this is always about Transparency And Everything being declared and within the rules of course, but Downing Street have acknowledging there� s been some political damage as labour say they won� t be accepting any more donations for clothing in future, Keir Starmer, on the lebanese capital beirut, after hezbollah fired more than 100 rockets into israel this is the scene live. Smoke was seen rising over the area. Lebanon� s Health Ministry says nine people have been killed and at least 50 injured in the attack on a suburb in southern beirut. Israel said 60 rockets were fired into israel, hezbollah said it was at military targets. In the last four minutes, israel confirmed it did kill a senior hezbollah mentor. Joining me now is our correspondens daniel de simone injerusalem. Earlier today we had limited line from the Israeli Military, now they are giving some more information and in the last few moments, he said that they� ve carried out Air Strikes in beirut, targeting the beirut area, and he� s saying they have killed the head of hezbollah Operations Team and the Acting Commander of a unit which is an elite Commando Unit within hezbollah. He said that alongside aqil, The Chain Of Command of the Red One unit. He said there was a meeting taking place in the basement of the building that was targeted. And they were planning terrorist attacks. And so in the last few moments the Israeli Military is saying that this Air Strike for Air Strikes in beirut in the southern suburbs of beirut, has eliminated Ibrahim Aqil, who is the head of a Specialist Unit and has blew her back. He had been wanted for some time not just by israel but by the us, there was a 7 Million bounty on his head from the us relating to bombings in the 19805. Lawyers say they� re representing 37 women who were raped or sexually assaulted by Mohamed Al fayed, the late owner of the Harrods Department Store in london. They� ve also revealed that more have come forward, after the allegations were made public in a Bbc Documentary yesterday. The legal team is now calling on the department store� s new owners to help the survivors getjustice they say Staff Members working for mr Al Fayed helped to enable and cover up his crimes. 0ur Reporter frances read has the latest. The billionaire infamous in british society, now alleged to be a serial sexual predator. The accusations made by multiple women giving extremely distressing accounts of a variety of sexual crimes from assault to rape, perpetrated around the world. This morning, one of those women and the legal team that represents them held a press conference. Mohamed Al Fayed, the person i worked for pushed himself on me. Ifelt worked for pushed himself on me. I felt the floor with him on top of me. But i managed to kick free. Hejust laughed on top of me. But i managed to kick free. He just laughed at me. He then composed himself and he told me in no uncertain terms, that i was never to breathe a word of this to anyone. Breathe a word of this to anyone breathe a word of this to an one. ~ ,. , anyone. We will set plainly that mohamed anyone. We will set plainly that Mohamed Al anyone. We will set plainly that Mohamed Al fayed i anyone. We will set plainly l that Mohamed Al fayed was anyone. We will set plainly i that Mohamed Al fayed was a monsten that Mohamed Al fayed was a monster. 0uraim and that Mohamed Al fayed was a monster. Our aim and are single aim monster. 0ur Aim and are single aim is monster. Our aim and are single aim is to monster. Our aim and are single aim is to seekjustice for the Survivors Aim is to seek ustice for the survivors. Aim is to seek ustice for the survivors. , , survivors. Lawyers compared the case to a combination survivors. Lawyers compared the case to a combination of case to a combination of horrific cases that involved high profile figures like harvey weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and others. The Leaning Attorney in the us that� s working with the lawyers in this case said the system enabled and allowed widespread Sexual Abuse. Sexual abuse. Something was rotten at the Sexual Abuse. Something was rotten at the core Sexual Abuse. Something was rotten at the core of Sexual Abuse. Something was rotten at the core of harrods. J rotten at the core of harrods. The store was known for catering to every need of its customers. And it was presented as the epitome of beauty. The ugly truth, however, was that a number of female employees were being sexually abused by its chairman. He being sexually abused by its chairman being sexually abused by its chairman. ,. , chairman. He tried to rape me more than chairman. He tried to rape me more than once. Chairman. He tried to rape me more than once. More chairman. He tried to rape me more than once. More than i chairman. He tried to rape me| more than once. More than 20 women made more than once. More than 20 women made allegations i more than once. More than 20 women made allegations in i more than once. More than 20| women made allegations in the Bbc Documentary and no more have come forward. The met police say it� s aware of various allegations and each were investigated, but did not lead to charges. Mohamed Al Fayed owned harrods between 1985 in 2010. During that time in 2008 he was questioned by police over allegations made by a girl who had first met when she was 1a, but prosecutors didn� t take it forward. Police then took advice from the cps again in 2018, 2021 and 2023. But it never went to court. The current owners of harrods say. Harrods said it has a process available to women who say they were attacked by Al Fayed, it has been our priority to solve claims in the quickest way possible, avoiding lengthy legal proceedings for the women involved. Al fayed died last Year Age 94, the women who say they were attacked by him, will never see him on trial or jailed, but people hearing their truth finally providing some semblance ofjustice. Some semblance of justice. Francis some semblance ofjustice. Francis reed, Bbc News. The ritz in paris said it strongly condemns any behaviour that did not align with the values of the established. The hotel upholds a high standards of professionalism to fostering an environment where employees and guests are treated with respect and integrity. The safety and Well Being of our employees and guests are absolute priority, they said. The Football Club of which he was a part owner, here� s what the club said. Mohamed Al Fayed bought for a £30 million, reportedly, the men� s side rose from the Third Division of English Football all the way up to the Premier League and into europe and the women� s side had mixed fortunes because in the year 2000 they became the first ever club in europe to turn fully professional in the women� s game, but in 2003 they were dropped back to semi status, the club actually routed through the funding of the team representing women who accused the late billionaire of sexual offences, they currently don� t represent any women in fulham Foot Club but their investigations are going into all the entities that mohammed Al Fayed was involved with, and the fulham statement they are in the process. They� ve encouraged anyone with information or experiences to come forward to the club and specific Safeguarding Department or the police. Emigre. 70 days to be seen after suffering pain in 2021 despite a 16 Year History of cancer, by the time She Saw specialist it was too late. The cancer had spread. Every day that� s passes, you� re waiting on us scan, waiting on treatment, Isjust Waiting On us scan, waiting on treatment, is just so frustrating. And are ready and you� re being told, not today. It� s a horrible feeling. Its not today. It� s a horrible feeling. It� s crippling. You just want to get started, you just want to get going. Exclusive analysis for Bbc News of data for england injuly this year, reveals some significant variations in waiting times for different types of cancer. 85 of patients to start treatment within 62 days of urgent referral. These can be harder to diagnose and other forms of the disease which could be one reason for the variation, there� s also a shortage of specialised staff and equipment, experts say greater awareness and an ageing population means more cancers overall are being diagnosed so services are facing increased demand. , services are facing increased demand. ,. ,. ,. Demand. Clearly, and a Cancer Diagnosis demand. Clearly, and a Cancer Diagnosis demand. Clearly, and a Cancer Diagnosis any demand. Clearly, and a Cancer Diagnosis any weight i demand. Clearly, and a Cancer Diagnosis any weight for i diagnosis any weight for Cancer Treatment and diagnosis. Before we wait for surgery 68 . Risk of death. Before we wait for surgery 68 . Risk of death. 6896. Risk of death. While Nhs Encland 6896. Risk of death. While Nhs England accepts 6896. Risk of death. While Nhs England accepts more 6896. Risk of death. While Nhs England accepts more work i 6896. Risk of death. While Nhs England accepts more work is i england accepts more work is needed to address what it described as some unacceptably long waits, the statement said there are signs of progress with the overall numbers starting treatment within 62 days showing some improvement. But amy and her family live with the knowledge that faster treatment could have made all the difference for her mum. Dominic hughes, Bbc News, worcestershire. Consumer confidence fell sharply in september and it� s raised concerns that shoppers have been spooked by a Government Suggestion of a painful budget coming next month. The long Running Survey by the Market Research companyjs k, Economics Editor Faisal Islam explained more about the Mood And Connection to the government� s own messaging. Real incomes, and comes after inflation it had gone up, as you would expect. After an Interest Rate cut last month you would expect that to improve, it has gone down sharply across the board, people � s perceptions of the economy, of their personal finance, their willingness to make major purchases and certainly some economists, some retailers and Business Groups are drawing a connection between the tone we� re getting from the government ahead of the budget and what we� re saying, and some calls may be for some hopeful optimism from the government to clear out of their Party Conference next month, they have to make these tough choices because of the borrowing situation, that got worse according to other figures released this morning. Faisal islam there. Now, the king has arrived in an event in scotland to hear some organisations targeting violent behaviour. And he is been meeting with the King Foundation in ayrshire to identify the causes of violence and what better support could be offered to young people. Just let me remind you of events in the middle east, with of course further attacks across the Israel Lebanon Border and crucially the latest israeli attack, let� s show you some live pictures from beirut, and you can see the Emergency Vehicles still out on the street with crowds still out. The latest attack has targeted a senior hezbollah commander, Ibrahim Aqil in beirut, and the precise Intelligence Israel has about hezbollah, you might remember back injuly an Air Strike also in a hezbollah stronghold, killed the. Its military operations in today� s attack is seen as another humiliation for hezbollah, A Hundred of pagers and Walkie Talkies used by the group have exploded and it� s brought Chaos And Panic right across lebanon. It� s been a huge security breach. Showing israel has penetrated hezbollah� s communication system. Of course we are seeing voices still calling for calm, Joe Biden has said reaching a Gaza Cease Fire deal is realistic. Speaking at the white House Today telling reporters we have to keep at it. We will bring you up much more in the coming minutes, let� s get the weather now with chris fox. Hello, we have got a real mixture of weather across the uk this afternoon. We are seeing some thunderstorms across parts of Southern England, a hailstorm here in east sussex. Lots of sunshine across the northwest of the uk with barely any wind. A stunning scene here in the highlands. And then, we have got extensive low cloud still affecting some most arrays will see some sunshine breaking through the cloud could begin linger across the eastern coast of scotland were looking misty and rather cool were looking misty and rather cool, temperatures around 13 degrees or so. Further south across england and wales there will be one or two thundery showers and some of those could be quite intense. There will be a number of places that will stay dry and dodge the downpours. High teens, low 20s. Saturday night into sunday we will get some heavier rain moving up and worse Case Scenario we could be looking at a Months Worth of rain in the space of 24 hours and thatjust increases the threat of seeing some localised flooding issues. So sunday, rain extensive, heavy and thundery across large areas of england and wales, perhaps avoiding most of northern england, Northern Ireland and scotland certainly staying dry, decent sunshine for the northwest but then some low cloud and mist, affecting the coast of scotland. Into next week areas of low pressure moves and across the atlantic, bringing several belts of hot heavy rain, this literature pushes through we then started to get this plunge of cold or northwesterly winds heading in. Now the first sign of that change to cold Weather Conditions will be with us on monday as we start to get these cold northern winds move into Northern Scotland with some sunny Smile Clenched Showers here. Heavier rain still around england and wales will be quite nasty, temperatures not doing too badly, norton london, Turning Colderfor too badly, norton london, turning colder for Northern Scotland, 13 degrees in aberdeen, lowerthan scotland, 13 degrees in aberdeen, lower than average for the time of year. The colder weather will push southwards through the course of the week, eventually arriving across Southern England towards thursday. Goodbye for now. This is Bbc News, the headlines the Israeli Military is carried out an Air Strike which has killed a top has a brother word commander. Among nine people who died in the attack. Described as a monster representing women who� ve accused of former Billionaire Owner of sexual assault. The allegations involved cover ups, threats and a Quarter Century of Sexual Abuse after he purchased harrods and became its chairman. Domestic abuse specialists will be employed in the uk� s Emergency Control rooms as part of a plan to halve violence against women

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