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Hello, im annita mcveigh, welcome to Bbc News now, three hours of fast moving news, interviews and reaction. Within the past few hours, lawyers representing women who say they were raped or sexually assaulted by the former owner of harrods have described Mohamed Al fayed as a monster. Theyve also urged anyone else with similar claims to come forward. At least 37 women have accused the late billionaire of assaulting them. The case follows a Bbc Investigation in which woman who worked for him came forward accusing the egyptian billionaire, who died last year, of multiple counts of rape and attempted rape, during his 25 Year Reign at harrods. One of the barristers taking part in the News Conference Barriser Maria Mulla explained that when selected for their role, women would be sent for � a private medical examination� undertaken by � three or four doctors� whuich included a � full cervical smear�. Ms mulla gave further detail, revealing that one woman who made a complaint to harrods was told by the then head of Securityjohn Macnamara that someone � could jump out of bushes� or she � could have a sudden accident�. Let� s take a listen to some of what dean armstrong, who is a barrister, said at that Press Conference. We will see it plainly, Mohamed Al fayed was a monster. We will see it plainly, Mohamed Al fayed was a monster. He we will see it plainly, Mohamed Al fayed was a monster. He was a monster. Al fayed was a monster. He was a monster a monster. But, as a monster aided by a monster. But, as a monster aided by a a monster. But, as a monster aided by a system, a monster. But, as a monster aided by a system, a a monster. But, as a monster aided by a system, a system | aided by a system, a system that pervaded harrods. Those who have seen the documentary Last Night will know and will remember very clearly the words of their manager, she said the following. Anyone who tells you they didn� t know what was going on is lying. And then stressed that word of his line. Now, that word of his line. Now, that word of his, lying. We welcome, very much as a first step, the admission at The End of the programme Last Night, given by harrods, that they had, failed these women. However, they also claim, or that piece claimed, that they didn� t know about Al FayedS Behaviour until 2023. We will say it plainly, that are simply not true. The bbc documentary, as well as all of the other material that you will be aware of, and we certainly are aware of, and we certainly are aware of, makes that clear. This was systematic abuse. One of the lawyers working with the women Gloria Allred also spoke at that Press Conference. She said it included the unauthorised disclosure to Mohamed Al fayed of the examinations of the employees targeted for Sexual Abuse. Iam familiarwith i am familiar with how powerful men use their position of Wealth And Fame to sue to subject women and girls to Sexual Abuse. The allegations against Mohamed Al fayed include serial rape, attempted rape, Sexual Battery and Sexual Abuse of minors. Abuse of minors. They involve doctors administering abuse of minors. They involve | doctors administering invasive gynaecological exams, as a condition of employment for some of the employees, who were targeted by Mohamed Al fayed, for Sexual Abuse by him. The allegations also include the unauthorised disclosure to Mohamed Al fayed all the examination results all employees he for Sexual Abuse. He targeted for Sexual Abuse. The allegations include Cover Ups threats, and a quarter of a century of Sexual Abuse by Mohamed Al fayed, after he purchased harrods and became its chairman. Natacha told the Press Conference that she joined harrods when she was 19 years old but only now feels she has the freedom to speak up. I believed i had been given the chance i believed i had been given the chance of i believed i had been given the chance of a lifetime, an exciting chance of a lifetime, an exciting job in an incredibly dynamic exciting job in an incredibly dynamic environment with endless dynamic environment with endless opportunities to look forward endless opportunities to look forward to. I could not believe how forward to. I could not believe how lucky forward to. I could not believe how lucky i was. Imagine the possibilities, this is my passport to a shining, high powered career. Mohammed was clever high powered career. Mohammed was clever and highly manipulative, behaving like a fire figure, often saying, Call Me papa fire figure, often saying, Call Me papa. He would ask kind and seemingly me papa. He would ask kind and seemingly caring questions, he offered seemingly caring questions, he offered extra money for gifts to take offered extra money for gifts to take home to my parents or to take home to my parents or to buy to take home to my parents or to buy new to take home to my parents or to buy new work clothes. It all seemed to buy new work clothes. It all seemed entirely innocent and normal seemed entirely innocent and normal then, a perk of working for such normal then, a Perk Of Working For Such A Normal then, a perk of working for such a powerful man but unbeknownst to me i had walked into a unbeknownst to me i had walked into a Lions Den and there are coverups, into a Lions Den and there are Cover Ups, deceit, lies, manipulation, humiliation and a gross manipulation, humiliation and a gross sexual misconduct. I was subjected gross sexual misconduct. I was subjected to an intrusive and unnecessary medical examination and never unnecessary medical examination and never given the results. I was and never given the results. I was subjected to Std Testing without was subjected to Std Testing without consent and i believe in is without consent and i believe in is hindsight that i was checked for my purity. For more on this, let� s speak to our News Correspondent Azadeh Moshiri. There is a lot to go through here. Just for the viewers first of all, take us through the main points of that news conference. The main points of that news conference. ~. , , conference. What the lawyer set out here was conference. What the lawyer set out here was the conference. What the lawyer set out here was the claim conference. What the lawyer set out here was the claim against l out here was the claim against harrods that they had prepared, accusing them of having failed to provide a safe system of work, and they also accuse them of an abject failure of corporate responsibility. Of course, i need to read at the bbc has gathered evidence that harrods at the time not only failed to intervene when these allegations took place but also help to cover up the abuse allegation. Now, have a statement from harrods who say that they are out appalled by what they have heard, that they apologised to the victims, that the harrods of the day is very different to the organisation before, and that they have also set up a legal process, in order to settle any claims, as quickly as possible, in order to avoid lengthy legal proceedings for the victims. Now, we also know that according to the kings council, dean armstrong, who spoke earlier today, dean armstrong, who spoke earliertoday, he dean armstrong, who spoke earlier today, he said that the harrods current owners said they didn� t know about these claims until 2023. He said he does not believe that to be true. The lawyers have also revealed that they now represent more than 37 women. They say that many women came forward as a result of the Bbc Investigation, and of course, many more women came forward to tell the bbc of abuse that they suffered overnight, and so this is a story that is very much developing. We also have seen, through the Bbc Investigation, that the testimonies from these former employees reveal a pattern of predatory behaviour and Sexual Abuse by Mohamed Al fayed. We played some of what we heard from natacha, and what they have talked about is the power dynamic. This was a man who presented himself as a fatherly figure to them. They said that they told them to call him Papa And Natacha said that despite all of her excitement and hopes for working out what is somewhat of a british institution, harrods, she, unbeknownst to her, was entering a lion� s then. She, unbeknownst to her, was entering a lions then. Den. Interesting entering a lions then. Den. Interesting to entering a lions then. Den. Interesting to hear entering a lions then. Den. Interesting to hear about entering a lions then. Den. | interesting to hear about those effectively warnings or intimidation for women who make complaints. Intimidation for women who make complaints complaints. Yes, i think that is one of complaints. Yes, i think that is one of the complaints. Yes, i think that is one of the most complaints. Yes, i think that is one of the most difficult. Is one of the most difficult things to hear from the lawyers and victims. They said that they have been trying to speak out for years. There was an article in Vanity Fair that outlined the Toxic Workplace these women were talking about. It did not go as far as accusing Mohamed Al fayed of rape at the time. There were several News Reports that some of which had been quashed by Mohamed Al fayed, but again, this is a man with a storied career, a self made billionaire who is a child, was selling fizzy drinks in each bit. His portrayal was largely positive in the tv series, The Crown, and this is why many women felt it was important for them to speak up for the first time because that portrayal upset them, that is not how they wanted Mohamed Al fayed to be remembered, and, with his death at 94 years old, that fear that they felt, some of it has gone away. They are not silent any more. , ~ away. They are not silent any more. ~ i. Away. They are not silent any more. , ~ , y away. They are not silent any more. ~ i. ,. Away. They are not silent any more. , ~ y. , more. Thank you very much for that, azadeh more. Thank you very much for that, Azadeh Moshiri. More. Thank you very much for that, Azadeh Moshiri. To more. Thank you very much for that, Azadeh Moshiri. To give l that, Azadeh Moshiri. To give you more in the statement from the current owner of harrods, we are utterly appalled by the allegations of abuse perpetrated by Mohamed Al fayed. The statement goes on, these are the actions of an individual intent on abusing his power over other he operated and we condemn them in the strongest terms. We also acknowledge during this time, as a business, we failed our employees who were his victims and for this, we sincerely apologise. As Azadeh Moshiri pointed out, the statement says the harrods of today is a very different organisation to the one owned and controlled by Mohamed Al fayed between 1985 and 2010. They say that it is one that currently seeks to put the welfare of employees at the heart of everything they do, this is why they say, since the information came to light about historic allegations of Sexual Abuse by Mohamed Al fayed, it has been their priority to sex to settle claims in the quickest way involving avoiding lengthy legal proceedings whether women involved, and this is still available for any current or former harrods employees. As you heard, more women are coming forward to the bbc after the Bbc Investigation and the statement from the current owners of harrods concludes, whilst we cannot undo the past, we have been determined to do the right thing as an organisation, driven by the values we hold today, whilst ensuring that such behaviour can never be repeated in the future. Let� s speak to Paul Connew , former Deputy Editor of the newspaper the News Of The World during the late 19805 to early � 90s. Thank you very much forjoining us today. One of the stories that you were investigating, i understand, in the late 1980s, was concerning allegations about Mohamed Al fayed. Tell us more about that time. You make i was involved in the bbc documentary, as you know. Read about 19871 think it was, from memory, we were alerted to rather interesting circumstances. ,. , circumstances. And actress at the time. Circumstances. And actress at the time, had circumstances. And actress at the time, had done circumstances. And actress at the time, had done some the time, had done some promotional work at harrods, and she was sued by Mohamed Al fayed. She was too high and famous for her to a sort but he bombarded her with Phone Calls and invitations and presence which she ignored, but she had picked up the vibes from being at harrods in the course of this promotional work, that female members of staff there were scared of Al Fayed, she picked this up, she did not want to get involved but she told one of myjournalist about there so we began investigating, and we found about three harrods employees, who were too scared to even talk to us, but one who did tell us all about it, but strictly off the record, and i� m willing to in any way go into print, because, as she put it, the women in their were terrified unwilling. And particularly the name of the then head of security now dead, john mcnamara, a former senior Scotland Yard officer. 50. Scotland yard officer. So, because Scotland Yard officer. So, because these Scotland Yard officer. So, because these women Scotland Yard officer. So, because these women were too afraid to continue, the investigations that you are undertaking about the allegations did not reach any conclusions then. Allegations did not reach any conclusions then. Indeed. I met on a Number Conclusions then. Indeed. I met on a number of conclusions then. Indeed. I met on a number of occasions on a number of occasions Mohamed Al fayed, not a man that you would ever trust, who would set the short hairs on your neck on end. But, he was an intimidating figure in himself, but the Security Machine around him, headed up byjohn mcnamara, was chilling. And women would be afraid to actually speak out publicly. It is interesting, given the questions about how the police handled this at the time and The Crown prosecution service, it is interesting to look at the role of the media to investigate claims of this nature. It investigate claims of this nature. ,. ,. , nature. It is. I was the editor who was nature. It is. I was the editor who was legally nature. It is. I was the editor who was legally thwarted nature. It is. I was the editor who was legally thwarted in l who was legally thwarted in 1994 of exposing Jimmy Savile but it is an example, different circumstances, of the powerplay of rich, famous and ruthless ones, who intimidate their victims. And much of the Press Conference this morning, it did strike me with regard to Al Fayed and even going back to Jimmy Savile, that if the Metoo Movement had emerged at that stage, perhaps they wouldn� t have got away with it, but women were intimidated and frightened. But women were intimidated and frithtened. , frightened. Sorry, i beg your ardon, frightened. Sorry, i beg your pardon. I frightened. Sorry, i beg your pardon, Ithought frightened. Sorry, i beg your pardon, i thought you frightened. Sorry, i beg your pardon, i thought you had i pardon, i thought you had finished. I pardon, i thought you had finished pardon, i thought you had finished. ~. , finished. I think now, there have been finished. I think now, there have been a finished. I think now, there have been a lot finished. I think now, there have been a lot of finished. I think now, there have been a lot of figures, | have been a lot of figures, seniorfigures at have been a lot of figures, senior figures at harrods, who if they are still alive, will be a little nervous at the possibility that the pressure now coming, both in terms of civil actions and calls for a renewed Metropolitan Police investigation, may actually Take Place. Investigation, may actually Take Place investigation, may actually take lace. ,. , Take Place. Paul connew, former deu Take Place. Paul connew, former Deputy Editor Take Place. Paul connew, former Deputy Editor of Take Place. Paul connew, former Deputy Editor of the Take Place. Paul connew, former Deputy Editor of the biggest l Deputy Editor of the biggest of the News Of The World, thank you for your time. The full documentary � Al Fayed predator at harrods� is available on the Bbc Iplayer now. All of the other main stories of the day are there for you as well. Around the world and across the uk, this is Bbc News. To lebanon now. We have been learning more detail exactly how the blasts which occurred on tuesday and wednesday happened. A lebanese source familiar with the Device Components has told that batteries were laced with a highly explosive compound known as ptm. The way that the explosive material was integrated into Battery Packs made them extremely difficult to detect. Israel launched Air Strikes across Southern Lebanon overnight in what Security Sources there say was some of the most intense bombing since the start of the Gaza War in october. These are the latest pictures of strikes on the lebanese Border Village of rihan. The Israeli Military says its warplanes struck more storage facility. At least 37 people were killed and thousands injured by Exploding Pagers and walkie talkies. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah described the Communication Device blasts as a massacre and that it could amount to � a declaration of war�. The israeli army says 60 rockets have been fired from lebanon into israel. Joining me now is lebanon� s Ministerfor Economy and trade, amin salam. Thank you for your time today. What is the atmosphere like in the country, are people trying to go about their daily activities, and as the government issuing specific advice on what people should or should not be doing . Should not be doing . Needless to sa , should not be doing . Needless to say. Things should not be doing . Needless to say, things are should not be doing . Needless to say, things are escalating i to say, things are escalating very fast. The general mood in the country is very intense. There is lots of uncertainty given the escalation that has happened in the past 48 hours. We are monitoring the situation, still trying to work in preventative channels to avoid a full blown war with israel, because the past 48 hours were very difficult in lebanon, with what happened with the explosives and the devices that exploded, and 4000 people, we consider it in lebanon an act of terror, and it has really rained very heavily on the country, and on hezbollah themselves who were targeted in that escalation and it is really dangerous, it is going out of control, slowly, slowly, despite all of the diplomatic efforts. Slowly, despite all of the diplomatic efforts. What are our diplomatic efforts. What are your intelligence diplomatic efforts. What are your Intelligence Service diplomatic efforts. What are your Intelligence Service is l your Intelligence Service is really intentions on lebanon� s Southern Border and what with the lebanese response be, if israeli troops were to make an incursion into your country . I am talking about boots on the ground. Has am talking about boots on the round. � , am talking about boots on the round. ~ , i. , ground. As you mentioned earlier, there ground. As you mentioned earlier, there are ground. As you mentioned earlier, there are tens ground. As you mentioned earlier, there are tens and tens of rockets being fired by the minute from lebanon, and this is definitely going to be adding up. The news that we are getting is that things are very intense from the israeli side. Air strikes every minute, a lot of houses are being destroyed, a lot of areas, a lot of people are fleeing, so i mean, at this time, it isn� t a full blown war so far, but we might still be, to have contained it. So far, but we might still be, to have contained it. You spoke recently to to have contained it. You spoke recently to colleagues to have contained it. You spoke recently to colleagues from to have contained it. You spoke | recently to colleagues from bbc hardtalk, that lebanon could not bear the weight of this war, economically, politically and socially. What is your Message Today to hezbollah, as well as to israel . Well as to israel . Lebanon is a in a well as to israel . Lebanon is paying a very well as to israel . Lebanon is paying a very heavy well as to israel . Lebanon is paying a very heavy price well as to israel . Lebanon is | paying a very heavy Price Due to what is going on in the region and now in lebanon, we are ina region and now in lebanon, we are in a state of war, so, the economy despite the war was already in a very bad place. The government cannot be at war with damage to the country, to the infrastructure, and of course, for this war, and the lebanese government cannot bear this cost. So we are asking everybody to try to do their best to really move towards a peaceful resolution, we know that the peaceful resolution is there, and we are trying to show good intentions on the lebanese side, sending different messages through the government and media that we do not wish to go into a war, because they know very well how difficult it will be on everyone and how costly it will be on lebanon and it seems that, from the israeli side, there is a need to make a victory and they are trying to make lebanon that victory. We cannot thank you for your time, amin salam. Cannot thank you for your time, amin salam. Amin salam. Thank you for our amin salam. Thank you for your time. Amin salam. Thank you for your time, amin amin salam. Thank you for your time, amin salam. Let� s speak to brigadier general amir avivi, Founder And Ceo of israel� s Defense And Security forum. What is your thinking about what is for its northern border with the south of lebanon . I have heard the news and it is the strangest news that i have ever heard. Lebanon has been shooting israel for 11 months, unprovoked, thousands of rockets, lebanon is controlled by a Terror Organisation Hezbollah that is a proxy of iran, and they are shooting us for 11 months. We have had to evacuate 60,000 is really citizens from their homes and send them to hotels, and the homes and towns of these people are wrecked by lebanon, by hezbollah. You cannot disconnect the two. The government of lebanon is captured by a terrorist organisation. I captured by a terrorist organisation. Captured by a terrorist organisation. Captured by a terrorist ortanisation. ,. , organisation. I guess that the lebanese organisation. I guess that the Lebanese Minister organisation. I guess that the Lebanese Minister if organisation. I guess that the Lebanese Minister if he organisation. I guess that the Lebanese Minister if he was L Lebanese Minister if he was asked that would deny it. No there are certainly shooting from lebanon into israel. 0ne from lebanon into israel. One of the new War Goals of israel as announced this week is to see the return of those 60,000 israelis to the north of the country, to their homes there, so, bringing you back to the question that i ask you a moment ago, what is israel� s strategy at the moment . Do you think there will be an incursion into lebanon, is the plan to set up some kind of Buffer Zone between the north of Israel And Lebanon . Buffer zone between the north of Israeland Lebanon . In Buffer Zone between the north of Israel And Lebanon . In 2006 the un security of Israel And Lebanon . In 2006 the un Security Council of Israel And Lebanon . In 2006 the un Security Council passed| the un Security Council passed resolution 1701, but this has never been implemented and unfortunately i do not see any real pressure from the international community or the us, to implement it. We cannot bring our citizens back, we cannot have a Terror Army on our borders, as we faced in the south from hamas, at the atrocity that we saw the 7th of october, so we need them to 0ctober, so we need them to withdraw and if they do not then israel will have no choice but to create this buffer is a you mentioned, with an incursion. This is needed to bring back our citizens, secure, to their homes. Hezbollah said that it. The tax if a ceasefire in gaza is agreed, would the interests of the israeli people, particularly hostages and their families, p better served by the government focusing on that ceasefire . 0bviously lots of parties are involved, i appreciate that, back from the israeli perspective would that be the best option for the hostages and their families as well as the wider humanitarian issue . ~. , well as the wider humanitarian issue . ~. , well as the wider humanitarian issue . , issue . What hezbollah is asking israel is issue . What hezbollah is asking israel is to issue . What hezbollah is asking israel is to lose issue . What hezbollah is asking israel is to lose the issue . What hezbollah is asking israel is to lose the war, israel is to lose the war, because if hamas stays in power, it means that it can rebuild itself again and endanger again israeli society, i mean, we could have a specific short ceasefire, and then renew, but this is not going to give the answer that hezbollah is looking for and when hezbollah says ceasefire, they are not saying that for south lebanon so the danger for the people in the north will remain and we will not be able to bring back citizens, so it is saying to israel, surrender in gaza are remain in reality where you bring 60,000 citizens back home. Where you bring 60,000 citizens back home where you bring 60,000 citizens back home. Thank you very much for our back home. Thank you very much for your time back home. Thank you very much for your time today. Back home. Thank you very much for your time today. My for your time today. My pleasure for your time today. My pleasure. We for your time today. My pleasure. We have for your time today. My pleasure. We have had| for your time today. My pleasure. We have had some for your time today. My pleasure. We have had some copy filed by our pleasure. We have had some copy filed by our middle pleasure. We have had some copy filed by our Middle East filed by our middle East Correspondent Hugo bachega, who is in middle in lebanon, confirming that there cross border attacks between Hezbollah And Israel have continued, with intense israeli Air Strikes in response in Southern Lebanon, as the country comes to terms with what happened in those Pager And Walkie talkie explosions earlier in the week. We will have more on that story, but stay with us here on Bbc News. After a recent spell of summer like Summerand Warm after a recent spell of summer like summer and warm for some of us, things are about to change, especially across the southern half of britain. Quite cool and cloudy across the North East, but warm sunshine for the northwest of the uk, so three distinct zones of weather as we head through the course of today and into the weekend as well. Let� s Take A Look at the Rainfall Accumulation between now and The End of monday. Some areas could see over 80mm of rain, particularly so for parts of east wales, the midlands, perhaps central and Southern England as well, close to a month� s worth of rainfall on the way for some areas, but not everywhere. Low pressure is going to start to move its way in from the bay of biscay, across the southern half of england and wales, especially so by the time we get to sunday. High pressure Holding On towards the north. But let� s Take A Look at the rest of today. We� ve still got quite a lot of low cloud, Mist And Murk Holding On for North East england and northern and eastern scotland. But for the bulk of scotland, northern ireland, North West england, some sunny spells. It� s further south that we� ve got that threat of big thunderstorms through the west midlands, wales down towards dorset and devon, for instance, as well. 16 to 23 celsius for most of us, some sunshine Holding On for East Anglia and the South East for a good part of the day. Always coolerjust along that North East coast and that low cloud and Mist And Murk willjust drift its way further west as we move through the course of tonight. There� ll also be another batch of showers moving into the far south. Another mild night for most of us, with temperatures remaining in the Mid Teens in the south. Into single figures across the north of scotland under clearer skies. Now through the day tomorrow, we start off a bit like today with quite a bit of cloud, should thin and break with some sunshine developing, but then that threat of heavy

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