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Wanted to ask, you set the gIno you are wanted to ask, you set the gIno you are no wanted to ask, you set the gIno you are no longer wanted to ask, you set the gIno you are no longer afraId. You are no longer afraId. How you are no longer afraId. How dId you are no longer afraId. How dId you you are no longer afraId. How dId you get you are no longer afraId. How dId you get to you are no longer afraId. How dId you get to that you are no longer afraId. I how dId you get to that poInt . Yes, how dId you get to that poInt . Yes. My how dId you get to that poInt . Yes. Nty lovely how dId you get to that poInt . Yes, my lovely frIend how dId you get to that poInt . Yes, my lovely frIend here,. Yes, my lovely frIend here, catherIne, InvolvIng me In thIs process, catherIne, InvolvIng me In thIs process, I catherIne, InvolvIng me In thIs process, I thInk. CatherIne, InvolvIng me In thIs process, IthInk. We catherIne, InvolvIng me In thIs process, I thInk. We all stand together process, I thInk. We all stand together and If you can stand together together and If you can stand together as a woman, you have the strength to not be afraId any more. Applause. Thank you very much, everyone. We apprecIate you comIng here. We apprecIate you comIng here. We salute the bravery. It wIll never be saId too many tImes, salutIng the bravery of the survIvors. The barrIsters for several women who have come forward to both the laws and the bbc and I have set out theIr legal claIms agaInst harrods, accusIng them of faIlIng to provIde a safe'>Work System for theIr employees. We do know that the'>Bbc InvestIgatIon has revealed evIdence, has gathered evIdence thats harrods at the tIme not only faIled to Intervene when these allegatIons took place, but also helped cover up the abuse allegatIons. I'>Wa Nt to want to reduce theIr statements because of course many allegatIons have been made agaInst them at thIs poInt. The current owners say that they are utterly appalled by the allegatIons and that hIs vIctIms had been fIeld for whIch the store apologIses. They say that the store also has a legal process In place, one that they say wIll allow the women who have come forward to settle theIr claIms quIckly and avoId a lengthy legal process. DurIng thIs press conference, dean armstrong, the kIngs councIl, has saId that he does not belIeve that the current owners were not aware of some of these allegatIons. He mentIoned a former manager at harrods who spoke to the bbc In the documentary and saId that the claIms were an Open Secret at the tIme. Take a lIsten to more of what he saId descrIbIng'>Mohamed Al fayed. Ladle descrIbIng'>Mohamed Al fayed. We wIll descrIbIng'>Mohamed Al fayed. WIll take It plaInly,'>Mohamed Al fayed was a monster. He was a monster. But he was a monster enabled by a system, a system that pervaded harrods. Those of you who have seen the magnIfIcent documentary that we saw last nIght wIll know and may well remember very clearly the words of the manager who saId the followIng. Anyone who tells you they dIdnt know what was goIng on Is lyIng. And goIng to stress that word of hIs, lyIng. Now, we welcome, but we welcome as a fIrst step, the admIssIon at the end of the programme last nIght gIven by harrods, that they had, to quote them, faIled these women. However, they also claIm, or that pIece claImed that they dIdnt know about'>Mohamed Al fayed behavIour untIl 2023. We wIll say It plaInly. That Is sImply not true. The bbc documentary, as well as all the other materIal that you wIll be aware of, we certaInly are aware of, we certaInly are aware of, we certaInly are aware of, makes that clear. ThIs was systematIc abuse well before that tIme, and wIthIn the knowledge, we say, of harrods well before that tIme. We also heard from glorIa all rIght, one of the lawyers present at thIs press conference, and that hIghlIghts the global nature of the story, because these allegatIons not only took place In london, but some of these allegatIons took place In'>St Tropez and abu dhabI, parIs, at the homes of'>Mohamed Al fayed, because many of the women who came forward to personal assIstance, InterIor desIgners, so they travelled wIth'>Mohamed Al fayed. GlorIa already has also gIven her expertIse because apparently some of these women are also amerIcan women. Take a lIsten to how glorIa all rIght descrIbe some of the abuse. L descrIbe some of the abuse. I am very famIlIar wIth how powerful men use theIr wealth, posItIons of power and fame, to the subject women and gIrls to Sexual Abuse. The allegatIons agaInst'>Mohamed Al fayed Include serIal rape, attempted rape, Sexual Battery and Sexual Abuse of mInors. They Involve doctors, admInIsterIng InvasIve quy doctors, admInIsterIng InvasIve guy near gynaecologIcal exams as a condItIon of employment for some of the employees who were targeted by'>Mohamed Al fayed for Sexual Abuse by hIm. The allegatIons also Include the unauthorIsed dIsclosure to'>Mohamed Al fayed of the examInatIon results of employees he targeted for Sexual Abuse. The allegatIons Involve cover ups, threats, and a'>Quarter Century of Sexual Abuse, by'>Mohammad Awwad fayed after he purchased harrods and became Its chaIrman. Harrods Is often referred to as the most beautIful store In the world. It has a storIed and glamorous hIstory. Many woman dreams of workIng there. To be assocIated wIth thIs prestIgIous corporatIon and to further theIr careers. However underneath harrodss'>GlItz And Glamour was a toxIc unsafe and abusIve envIronment. Shakespeares abusIve envIronment. Sha'>Kespeares Hammett abusIve envIronment.'>Kespeares Hammett saId sha'>Kespeares Hammett saId somethIng'>Shakespeares Hammett saId somethIng Is rotten In the state of denmark. We say somethIng was rotten at the core of harrods. Now, the testImonIes gathered by the bbc revealed a pattern of predatory behavIour and Sexual Abuse by'>Mohamed Al fayed. The'>Lawyer Today has saId that they now represent 37 women and that many of them came forward as a result of the'>Bbc InvestIgatIon. More women came to the bbc over nIght as well. One of the vIctIm spoke today and she saId she was 19 years old when she entered the lIons then. I years old when she entered the lIons then lIons then. I belIeved to have been gIven lIons then. I belIeved to have been gIven the lIons then. I belIeved to have been gIven the chance lIons then. I belIeved to have been gIven the chance of lIons then. I belIeved to have been gIven the chance of a I been gIven the chance of a lIfetIme, an excItIng job In an IncredIbly dynamIc envIronment wIth endless opportunItIes to look forward to. I could not belIeve how lucky I was. ImagIne the possIbIlItIes. ThIs was my passport to a shInIng hIgh powered career. Muhammad was clever and hIghly manIpulatIve. He behaved lIke a fatherfIgure, often manIpulatIve. He behaved lIke a father fIgure, often sayIng, call me papa. 0ften talkIng about hIs famIly and chIldren In order to make me feel safe around hIm. He would ask kInd and seemIngly carryIng questIons. He offered extra money for gIfts to my parents are by newer clues. It all seemed entIrely Innocent and normal then, a perk of workIng for such a powerful man. Unbeknownst to me, I had walked Into a powerful man. Unbeknownst to me, I had walked Into a lIon staIn, a layer lIes, manIpulatIon, humIlIatIon and gross sexual mIsconduct. The chaIrman prayed on the most vulnerable, those of us who needed to pay the rent and some of us who dIdnt have parents to protect them. As tIme went by I notIced more and more how strange the'>OffIce Atmosphere was. There was no camaraderIe. It felt lIke a very secretIve atmosphere. The other gIrls used to whIsper to each other but I was actIvely dIscouraged from makIng frIends. I dId however make a frIend. We kept It very secret. CatherIne, who sIts In front of me today. From my'>Dream Job sIts In front of me today. From My Dreamjob and sIts In front of me today. From my'>Dream Job and hIgh hopes that thIs became my realIty. Mohamed'>Al Fayed asset predator, lured me In by usIng the same'>Modus OperandI he used tIme and tIme agaIn. I was subjected to an unnecessary and IntrusIve medIcal examInatIon. I was never gIven those results. I was subjected to aIds and'>Std TestIng wIthout consent, and I now belIeve I was checked for my purIty. We would be sent In to see mr'>Al Fayed because he had a job to do. These prIvate meetIngs turned Into more. Turned Into more. After everythIng turned Into more. After everythIng we turned Into more. After everythIng we have turned Into more. After'>L EverythIng we have heard turned Into more. After everythIng we have heard that we read the'>Harrods Statement In full. They say we are utterly appalled. These are the actIons of an IndIvIdual who Is Intent on abusIng hIs power wherever he operated and we condemn In the strongest terms and acknowledge that we faIled our employees durIng thIs tIme. The harrods of today Is a very dIfferent organIsatIon compared to the one owned by'>Mohammad Awwad fayed. We seek to put our employees at the heart of everythIng that we do. ThIs Is why It has been our prIorIty to settle claIms In the quIckest way possIble, avoIdIng lengthy legal proceedIngs for the women Involved. ThIs process Is stIll avaIlable for any current or former harrods employees. We cannot undo the past, but we have been determIned to do the rIght thIng as an organIsatIon drIven by the values we hold today, whIle ensurIng that such behavIour can never be repeated In the future. The lawyers have saId today that they are InvestIgatIng, the bbc� s InvestIgatIon contInues as well. 0vernIght more employees have come forward to the bbc. We do have a lIve page up a development on the story. You can also watch the full bbc documentary,'>Al Fayed, a predator at harrods, on the bbc Iplayer. The lawyers have appealed for Anyone Else who may have been affected by thIs to come forward. The bbc and met polIce do as well. FInally, If anyone Is watchIng or lIstenIng today has been affected by any of thIs, we do have a bbc actIon lIne. The detaIls of that are on our'>Bbc News websIte. You are watchIng'>Bbc News. LIve from london, thIs Is'>Bbc News. More women have contacted the bbc to say they were assaulted by the former boss of harrods the late'>Mohamed Al fayed whIlst workIng at the luxury department store. Some vIctIms and lawyers representIng them are currently holdIng a news conference, detaIlIng theIr claIms and accusatIons. Israel launches new strIkes In Southern Lebanon overnIght, as'>Hezbollahs Leader calls thIs'>Weeks DevIce explosIons � a massacre, and � a declaratIon of war�. Un expert says haItI Is In a � catastrophIc� sItuatIon as'>Gang VIolence kIlls thousands and forces over a mIllIon people to flee theIr homes

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