Hello, welcome back. Lets turn to the deadly floodIng thats hIt Central Europe. At least 21 people have dIed In the czech republIc, romanIa, austrIa, and poland. The clear up operatIon Is underway In the PolIsh CIty of nIIsa, where more than 40,000 resIdents had to evacuate to hIgher ground. Than 40,000 resIdents had unusually heavy raInfall has caused extensIve damage across a huge area, wIth the storms set to move onto Italy next, wIth Flood Alerts In place for most of the country. Sarah raInsford reports from poland. ThIs Is now the only route to safety from another PolIsh Town cut off by the floods. Boats sent to the rescue of those whod called for help as the Water Rose In theIr homes. The very edge of town Is now the only dry spot left. How much water . Really, so hIgh . Yeah. Scary, scary. Yeah. One of the rescuers descrIbed It he saId untIl around about 4 00 In the mornIng, they were tryIng to reInforce the RIver Bank to stop It from floodIng, but the Water Burst through and It has flooded thIs town extremely badly. So thats why thIs Mass EvacuatIon Is underway. It Is well organIsed, there are lots of people Involved, but It Is a major emergency that theyre dealIng wIth here now. The mIlItary have been drafted In, too, and by nIghtfall more than 400 people had been evacuated. AdrIan dIdnt waIt, though. He walked waIst hIgh through the water to get out. Whats It lIke InsIde the town . Its terrIble. Theres no energy, no gas, no anythIng. Its nothIng funny. We just need to survIve, yeah . The raIn stopped long ago here, but the floods and the danger are stIll spreadIng. Sarah raInsford, Bbc News, lewIn brzeskI. MeanwhIle, the authorItIes In the hungary and slovakIa are racIng to buIld Flood Defences In low lyIng areas. 0ur Central Europe correspondent, nIck thorpe, Is at one vIllage on the hungary slovak border. It Is a beautIful mornIng, The Sun Is ShInIng and thats good news for all the people up and down the danube In hungary, thIs amazIng 400 KIlometre SectIon of a very long rIver, workIng very hard on the sand bags. Ive actually clImbed over the sandbags to get here, In the vIllage just beyond me, In front of me, some houses have been flooded. Many gardens have been flooded. Where Im standIng now, every few mInutes or so, were edgIng away. ThIs Is normally a ferry crossIng. Thats slovakIa on the far sIde there, the danube flowIng there from left to rIght down through here towards budapest. Were about 100 kIlometres from budapest. ThIs has been one of the most vulnerable, thIs Is one of the most vulnerable poInts on the whole rIver and for that reason, polItIcIans, the leader of the maIn opposItIon party, peter magyar, was shown here packIng sandbags a few days ago. VIktor 0rban, the PrIme MInIster, was here yesterday, so thIs Is one of the most vulnerable poInts. Weve also seen, just thIs mornIng, a convoy of the army. So far, the army only a few hundred soldIers Involved so far but they have 4,000 on standby. Lets return to our top story. The unIted states and unIted natIons have called for RestraInt And Calm after an attack on hezbollah fIghters In lebanon. At least 11 people dIed and almost 3,000 people were wounded on tuesday after thousands of Hand Held Pagers used by the armed group exploded sImultaneously. The IranIan backed group has blamed Israel and vowed after almost a year of cross border fIghtIng. Lets go lIve now to beIrut and speak to bbc arabIc s ramI rahayem. Yolande knell. Some of the context here would be helpful In terms of Israel announcIng It has a new War AIm for thIs war now, that Its hopIng to return dIsplaced cItIzens to the north. Could you tell us more about that . The north. Could you tell us more about that . Yes, so thIs Is a new development more about that . Yes, so thIs Is a new development thIs more about that . Yes, so thIs I Is a new development thIs week whIch was a decIsIon made by the IsraelI securIty cabInet. Up the IsraelI securIty cabInet. Up untIl now, the goals of the war In Gaza have been threefold, to destroy hamas polItIcal and mIlItary capabIlItIes, to return IsraelI hostages held by hamas In Gaza and also to remove the threat that Israel saw from gaza. Added to that was thIs fourth goal, to allow Tens Of Thousands of IsraelI cItIzens to be able to return safely to theIr homes In the north of the country. Now they have been dIsplaced by the fIghtIng that has gone on In parallel to the war In Gaza between IsraelI Forces and hezbollah, datIng rIght back to the 8th Of October when hezbollah fIred a barrage of mIssIles In solIdarIty wIth hamas, a day after Its deadly and unprecedented attacks on Israel and that has really turned Into daIly tIt for tat, exchanges of vIolence. What we have really seen just recently from IsraelI leaders and the IsraelI mIlItary was thIs threat that there could be wIder mIlItary actIon, IncludIng what was presented as a sort of smaller Scale Ground are so Into the south of lebanon to push hezbollah away from the border area. ~. area. MeanwhIle, CeasefIre Talks are area. MeanwhIle, CeasefIre Talks are ongoIng. Area. MeanwhIle, CeasefIre Talks are ongoIng. We area. MeanwhIle, CeasefIre Talks are ongoIng. We mentIoned earlIer that us secretary of State Antony BlInken Is In egypt. What Is the domestIc pressure there In Israel to get a deal amIdst all of thIs . There has been huge ongoIng pressure from the hostages famIlIes who feel that theIr Loved Ones are not beIng prIorItIsed by The Current IsraelI government. They partIcularly attack the IsraelI PrIme MInIster and accuse hIm of lookIng to hIs own polItIcal survIval, tryIng to keep hIs fractIous coalItIon Intact rather than prIorItIsIng brIngIng back theIr Loved Ones. So the us secretary of State Antony BlInken back In thIs regIon, meetIng wIth the offIcIals, who have also been servIng as medIators, tryIng to get a new Hostage And CeasefIre deal agreed by Israel and hamas. That has hIt so many obstacles over recent weeks. But In response to thIs latest attack on lebanon, Israel of course not havIng taken responsIbIlIty for that, the us was at paIns to say that It had not been warned In advance about any such attack. It was not part of any such attack but the us State Department Spokesperson came out sayIng that dIplomacy was the way to de escalate tensIons across thIs regIon. Deescalate tensIons across thIs regIon deescalate tensIons across thIs regIon. Yolande knell In jerusalem thIs regIon. Yolande knell In jerusalem there. There Is of course a lot we don t know about the Pager ExplosIons In lebanon but our cyber correspondent, joe tIdy, has wrItten an artIcle on what we do know IncludIng more on how the pagers exploded. You can fInd that on the Bbc News websIte and app. And a remInder we have a lIve page wIth ongoIng updates on thIs story. Two brItIsh soldIers who were kIlled durIng attempts to lIberate the german occupIed netherlands In the second World War are fInally beIng laId to rest today. The burIal comes after theIr remaIns were recovered and IdentIfIed usIng advances In dna testIng. PrIvate Henry Moon and LIeutenant Dermod green anderson wIll both receIve full MIlItary Honours In ceremonIes attended by theIr famIlIes at arnhem s 0osterbeek War Cemetery. For more on thIs, we can speak now to our correspondent, anna hollIgan, who Is lIve at the hague for us. ThIs must be a very bIg moment for theIrfamIlIes. What more for theIr famIlIes. What more do for theIrfamIlIes. What more do we know about how theIr servIce wIll be honoured . ThIs Is a huge moment. We are In 0osterbeek War Cemetery In arnhem. ThIs was the scene of one of the most fIerce battles durIng operatIon market garden. You may remember Tens Of Thousands of allIed troops were flown Into thIs area to try to lIberate the netherlands from nazI occupIed, It was at the tIme nazI occupIed terrItory. It was part of a joInt offensIve, the land troops were comIng up through normandy after the D Day landIngs and the aIrborne troops were posItIoned In these fIelds. Many thousands of soldIers lost theIr lIves. What we know about theIr lIves. What we know about the ceremony, you can see the cemetery Is fIllIng up now. There wIll be a RIfle Salute, the coffIns of prIvate Henry Moon and LIeutenant Dermod green anderson wIll be comIng and draped wIth unIonjack flags and there wIll be speeches by the padre. How do you speeches by the padre. How do yu pay speeches by the padre. How do you pay trIbute to men lIke thIs . You wIll be conductIng the servIce on behalf of prIvate Moon. The servIce on behalf of prIvate Moon... prIvate Moon. How do you pay those respects . PrIvate Moon. How do you pay those respects . PrIvate prIvate Moon. How do you pay those respects . PrIvate Moon| those respects . PrIvate Moon lay forgotten for a number of years lay forgotten for a number of years so lay forgotten for a number of years so what we wIll be doIng today years so what we wIll be doIng today Is years so what we wIll be doIng today Is restorIng hIs IdentIty, gIvIng hIm full MIlItary Honours and a full burIaI MIlItary Honours and a full burIaI It MIlItary Honours and a full burIal. It Is Important because we recognIse the sacrIfIce through we recognIse the sacrIfIce through hIm that so many made for the through hIm that so many made for the lIberatIon of europe. | for the lIberatIon of europe. Know a for the lIberatIon of europe. I know a number of your men are here today, Lou Tennant would. What does thIs mean to take part In a ceremony lIke thIs and what more do we know about prIvate Moon . It Is and what more do we know about prIvate Moon . PrIvate Moon . It Is a phenomenal prIvate Moon . It Is a phenomenal honour | prIvate Moon . It Is a I phenomenal honour to prIvate Moon . It Is a phenomenal honour to be here commemoratIng phenomenal honour to be here commemoratIng the phenomenal honour to be here commemoratIng the brave commemoratIng the brave sacrIfIce commemoratIng the brave sacrIfIce of commemoratIng the brave sacrIfIce of so commemoratIng the brave sacrIfIce of so many commemoratIng the brave sacrIfIce of so many men I commemoratIng the BraveI SacrIfIce of so many men In commemoratIng the brave sacrIfIce of so many men In the second sacrIfIce of so many men In the second World SacrIfIce of so many men In the second World War. SacrIfIce of so many men In the second World War. PrIvate sacrIfIce of so many men In the I second World War. PrIvate Moon I second World War. PrIvate Moon I was second World War. PrIvate Moon I was 19 second World War. PrIvate Moon I was 19 when second World War. PrIvate Moon I was 19 when he second World War. PrIvate Moon I was 19 when he volunteered second World War. PrIvate Moon I was 19 when he volunteered to| I was 19 when he volunteered to oIn I was 19 when he volunteered to joIn the I was 19 when he volunteered to joIn the army. I was 19 when he volunteered to joIn the army, from I was 19 when he volunteered to joIn the army, from speed I was 19 when he volunteered to joIn the army, from speed In joIn the army, from speed In yorkshIre joIn the army, from speed In yorkshIre. He joIn the army, from speed In yorkshIre. He was joIn the army, from speed In yorkshIre. He was wIth joIn the army, from speed In yorkshIre. He was wIth the I yorkshIre. He was wIth the green yorkshIre. He was wIth the Green Howards yorkshIre. He was wIth the Green Howards and yorkshIre. He was wIth the Green Howards and postedj Green Howards and posted deployed Green Howards and posted deployed to Green Howards and posted deployed to normandy Green Howards and postedj deployed to normandy and Green Howards and posted deployed to normandy and then pushed deployed to normandy and then pushed through deployed to normandy and then pushed through normandy, pushed through normandy, france pushed through normandy, france, belgIum pushed through normandy, france, belgIum and pushed through normandy, france, belgIum and Into. France, belgIum and Into holland, france, belgIum and Into holland, where france, belgIum and Into holland, where unfortunately he was kIlled holland, where unfortunately he was kIlled on holland, where unfortunately he was kIlled on the holland, where unfortunately he was kIlled on the 1st holland, where unfortunately he was kIlled on the 1st of was kIlled on the 1st of october. Was kIlled on the 1st of october, 1944. Was kIlled on the 1st of october, 1944. It was kIlled on the 1st of october, 1944. Was kIlled on the 1st of october, 1944.. october, 1944. It Is IncredIble because you october, 1944. It Is IncredIble because you see october, 1944. It Is IncredIble because you see around october, 1944. It Is IncredIble| because you see around these towns and vIllages flags flyIng from so many of the houses. TheIr sacrIfIce mean so much to the people of the netherlands today. Is that somethIng you are conscIous of as you are study are surrounded by so many graves In 0osterbeek War Cemetery . Graves In oosterbeek War Cemetery . Graves In oosterbeek War Cemetery . Graves In Oosterbeek War cemete . ,. cemetery . Its ImpossIble not to be touched cemetery . Its ImpossIble not to be touched by cemetery . Its ImpossIble not to be touched by how to be touched by how phenomenally to be touched by how phenomenally well. To be touched by how. Phenomenally well kept to be touched by how phenomenally well kept the graves phenomenally well kept the graves are phenomenally well kept the graves are here phenomenally well kept the graves are here and phenomenally well kept the graves are here and the graves are here and the frIendlIness graves are here and the frIendlIness of graves are here and the frIendlIness of the graves are here and the | frIendlIness of the dutch People FrIendlIness of the dutch people the frIendlIness of the dutch people. The Commonwealth War graves people. The Commonwealth War graves do people. The Commonwealth War graves do a people. The Commonwealth War graves do a great people. The Commonwealth War graves do a great job people. The Commonwealth War graves do a greatjob of people. The Commonwealth War graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng | graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng sure graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng sure the graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng sure the Cemetery Graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng sure the cemetery Is graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng sure the cemetery Is a graves do A Greatjob Of MakIng sure the cemetery Is a well sure the cemetery Is a well kept sure the cemetery Is a well kept and sure the cemetery Is a well kept and It sure the cemetery Is a well kept and It Is sure the cemetery Is a well kept and It Is ImpossIble I sure the cemetery Is a well. Kept and It Is ImpossIble not to he kept and It Is ImpossIble not to be humbled kept and It Is ImpossIble not to be humbled by kept and It Is ImpossIble not to be humbled by the to be humbled by the apprecIatIon to be humbled by the apprecIatIon of to be humbled by the apprecIatIon of the I to be humbled by the apprecIatIon of the people of Holland ApprecIatIon of the people of holland. . apprecIatIon of the people of holland. I. holland. And could you gIve us a summary holland. And could you gIve us a summary of holland. And could you gIve us a summary of what holland. And could you gIve us a summary of what we holland. And could you gIve us a summary of what we can holland. And could you gIve us I a summary of what we can expect over the next couple of hours . The coffIn wIll be leadIng, slow the coffIn wIll be leadIng, slow marched to the Grave SIte and the slow marched to the Grave SIte and the servIce wIll take place and the servIce wIll take place, whIch wIll Include psalms, bIble readIngs, poems and then psalms, bIble readIngs, poems and then a full commIttal, the rIfle and then a full commIttal, the RIfle Salute and the blessIng. So It RIfle Salute and the blessIng. So It wIll RIfle Salute and the blessIng. So It wIll be a deeply movIng event so It wIll be a deeply movIng event for so It wIll be a deeply movIng event for all who partIcIpate. And event for all who partIcIpate. And especIally of course the famIlIes. Thank you both are very much. We have been speakIng to some of those who were Involved In the IdentIfIcatIon, the remaIns of these two brItIsh soldIers were IdentIfIed usIng Dna Samples lInked to theIr survIvIng relatIves, some of whom wIll be here to wItness thIs reburIal, the two reburIal Is takIng place In arnhem are In the netherlands today. We wIll brIng you much more later on. Anna hollIgan faIr. I want to brIng you some breakIng news related to the war In ukraIne. A source In ukraIne s securIty servIces has told the bbc that overnIghter ukraInIan drone hIt a warehouse In russIa whIch contaIned russIan munItIons. A bIt more detaIl. UkraInIan drones destroyed a warehouse contaInIng three types of guIded aIr mIssIles. The sbu, thIs Is the statement the bbc has receIved from ukraIne. The spu contInues to methodIcally reduce theIr MIssIle PotentIal of the enemy. They have also saId they are workIng to organIse sImIlar pIctures, Is the word they use, a sImIlar pIcture of other facIlItIes workIng for the war agaInst ukraIne. That breakIng news related to the war In ukraIne. A source In ukraIne s securIty sources told the bbc over nIght a uk drone hIt a warehouse In russIa and that warehouse contaIned mIssIles, Included guIded aIr mIssIles. As soon as we have any reactIon or updates on thIs, we wIll brIng It to you on the Bbc News channel. Around the world and across the uk, thIs Is Bbc News. The amerIcan Rapper And MusIc Mogul Sean dIddy combs Is spendIng fIrst nIght InsIde a New YorkjaIl after beIng denIed baIl by a judge, after pleadIng not guIlty to charges of RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng. He Is accused of forcIng women to take part In recorded Sex Acts to fulfIl hIs desIres. Peter bowes reports. Sean dIddy combs, one of the world s best known and most InfluentIal HIp Hop producers. A global superstar who s now facIng a possIble LIfe Sentence If found guIlty on RacketeerIng And Sex traffIckIng charges. In court, wearIng a black T ShIrt and grey tracksuIt bottoms, he denIed all the charges, but the judge refused hIm baIl after prosecutors argued he was a danger to socIety and a flIght rIsk. 0utsIde court, the rapper s sons turned up to support theIr father. HIs lawyer saId they offered 50 mIllIon In baIl to get hIm out ofjaIl before the trIal starts, but the judge saId no. He s goIng to fIght thIs to the end. He s Innocent. He came to New York to establIsh hIs Innocence. He s not afraId, he s not afraId of the charges. Sean combs Is accused of usIng hIs Power And Fame to attract women under the pretence of romantIc relatIonshIps, but to later force them Into sexual actIvIty. The charges follow a raId by heavIly armed agents on the musIcIan s propertIes In mIamI and Los Angeles In march. They re sImIlar In nature to claIms made last year by hIs former partner, the R B SInger cassIe ventura, who accused hIm of rape and physIcal abuse. He denIed It, but a day later the paIr settled the case wIthout dIsclosIng any detaIls. Then there was thIs. Cctv footage emerged In march showIng Sean Combs chasIng and assaultIng cassIe In a Los Angeles hotel In 2016. Prosecutors saId charges couldn t be fIled because of the amount of tIme that had passed. My behavIour on that vIdeo Is Inexcusable. I take full responsIbIlIty for my actIons In that vIdeo. He cultIvated a Bad Boy Image, but real lIfe Is a far cry from the red carpet. And Sean Combs lawyers say they re preparIng for a long battle ahead. Peter bowes, Bbc News, Los Angeles. Of course, there Is more on our Bbc News websIte. Here In the uk, New Rules are comIng Into Force Today desIgned to ensure that communItIes wIll have access to cash and basIc bankIng, after thousands of branches were closed In recent years. The change has prompted the announcement of 15 new, shared BankIng Hubs. WIll vernon has more. And although some people say that money grows on trees, the safest place for It Is In the bank. BrItaIn S Banks once stood at the very heart of the economy and socIety. But now bankIng Is changIng. More customers are goIng onlIne, more busInesses are goIng cashless and banks are closIng branches. AccordIng to the consumer group, whIch, over 6000 have been closed In the last nIne years. That s 60 of the entIre bank branch network. CampaIgners say closures partIcularly affect vulnerable groups such as the elderly. But the new government has promIsed to Improve access. New rules come Into Force Today, meanIng that local communItIes must be provIded wIth basIc servIces such as atms. It means that If a bank and a BuIldIng SocIety wants to make changes to Its locatIons of Its branches or locatIons of Its cash machInes, before It makes any of those changes, It needs to have assessed whether It can contInue to meet those local communItIes needs. And It s hoped thIs could be the solutIon. BankIng hubs. They re Shared Spaces Run by the post offIce, but operated by the major banks, where people can pay In cash and cheques and make wIthdrawals and also speak to theIr bank staff. And brItaIn S Banks have now agreed to open 350 more of these In the next fIve years. All the vulnerable people wIll have access to cash, and they ll be able to go to a local BankIng Hub and have access. I thInk we re lookIng at the vulnerable people, whIch Is elderly, who do not have access to the Internet or the apps to get access and know what they re doIng. So they come Into the BankIng Hub and they can have access to cash. But there s been crItIcIsm of the range of servIces offered across dIfferent banks, and the lack of prInters to prInt out documents. The government has reportedly ordered bankIng bosses to make Improvements, but customers In thIs branch say It s a vItal part of the communIty. A lot of people, they need to use It because there Is even not cash poInts. ThIs Is the only one. And there Is one next to my shop, but It s not workIng most of the tIme. My bankIng Is very, very basIc and If I have any problem, Im here. WIth these ladIes here, thats all what I need. Across brItaIn S Towns and cItIes, closures of thIngs lIke pubs and chemIsts are also on the rIse. It s hoped that schemes such as BankIng Hubs could help reenergIse the hIgh street. WIll vernon, Bbc News. The prIncess of wales has carrIed out her fIrst Work MeetIng sInce her Chemotherapy Treatment began earlIer In the year. The meetIng, related to kate s work on famIlIes and early chIldhood, was held at WIndsor Castle. It s another sIgn of the recovery, and what KensIngton Palace descrIbe as her return to a LIght Schedule of engagements. 0ur senIor royal correspondent, danIela relph, reports. ThIs tIme has, above all, remInded wIllIam and me to reflect and be grateful for the sImple yet Important thIngs In lIfe. The prIncess s return to publIc lIfe Is beIng carefully managed. Last week s release of the IntImate FamIly VIdeo narrated by the prIncess, a sIgn that thIngs were begInnIng to feel more posItIve. I am, however, lookIng forward to beIng back at work and undertakIng a few more publIc engagements In the comIng months when I can. The prIncess s fIrst Work MeetIng was held at WIndsor Castle yesterday afternoon. Few detaIls have been released, but It was related to her famIlIes and early chIldhood project. Early years has been a focus of much of the prIncess s publIc work In recent years, but KensIngton Palace say she won t be returnIng to full tIme Royal DutIes for now, and Instead plan a LIght Schedule for her. 0n the balcony for troopIng the colour Injune, One Ofjust two offIcIal engagements for the prIncess In the past nIne months. She has descrIbed thIs year as IncredIbly tough for her and her famIly. It s hoped she mayjoIn the royalfamIly agaIn for engagements around remembrance sunday and In the Run Up To chrIstmas. DanIela relph, Bbc News. Here In the uk, a WIldlIfe CharIty Is declarIng a natIonal Butterfly Emergency after Its annual count recorded the lowest numbers In Its 14 year hIstory. Butterfly conservatIon says thIs summer s wet weather Is partly to blame, but long Term Trends are also causIng concern. 0ur envIronment correspondent, jonah fIsher, has more. Over the summer, thousands of people went out to record the Number And Type of butterflIes they saw durIng a 15 mInute perIod. And the results confIrmed what many have suspected there seemed to be fewer Insects thIs year. A thIrd of butterfly specIes had theIr worst year on record, IncludIng the common blue whIch was not seen In some places at all. And whIle the wet weather s partly to blame, scIentIsts say the long Term Trend towards fewer butterflIes Is a sIgn that nature s In trouble. Much everythIng. And, ok, thIs year mIght be partIcularly bad because of the weather, but over the long term, even when the weather Is good, these specIes aren t able to do as well as they mIght be able to because we ve not got the habItat avaIlable for them. ButterflIes have been hIt by a host of pressures, IncludIng clImate change, habItat loss, and the use of pestIcIdes. Butterfly conservatIon Is callIng for a total ban of pestIcIdes known to harm butterflIes and bees. NeonIcotInoIds were banned In the uk several years ago, but exceptIons have been made for Emergency Use on crops. And whIle the government says It Intends to change thIs polIcy, It s not yet laId out a tImelIne for when that s goIng to happen. I want to return wIth some updates on our top story. You wIll remember that Is the pages that exploded sImultaneously In lebanon on tuesday, pages used by the armed Group Hezbollah. GettIng some reactIon to that, IncludIng from the egyptIan presIdent and that Is because secretary of State Antony BlInken Is In egypt on a vIsIt to dIscuss CeasefIre Talks when It comes to the war In Gaza. The egyptIan presIdent has told Antony BlInken all partIes should act responsIbly and that egypt supports lebanon after those pager blasts. A remInder, Israel has not commented so far on thIs Attack But Hezbollah has vowed to retalIate. ThIs Is of course raIsIng concerns of escalatIon across the regIon. We also have reactIon from the russIan foreIgn mInIstry. AgaIn, several countrIes reactIng to thIs news today. They have saId the aIm of the attack was to provoke a bIg war In the mIddle east. The egyptIan presIdent has also saId to Antony BlInken that he rejects any attempts for escalatIon In the regIon. So agaIn, lots of concerns and warnIngs agaInst escalatIng thIs war further. 0f warnIngs agaInst escalatIng thIs war further. Of course, In the background, you have theIr ceasefIre negotIatIons that are takIng place. Here In the uk, the Development MInIster Is In jakarta where she gave her reactIon to the events. I woke up thIs mornIng to the news and reports of developments In lebanon and there clearly Is an awful sItuatIon and very concerned to hear about the reports of cIvIlIan casualtIes. Clearly I don t know all of the detaIls of thIs and as I say, we woke up of thIs and as I say, we woke up to thIs news but the uk wIll be workIng wIth, partIcularly wIth our humanItarIan partners In the regIon, and I know that you wIll understand that It wouldn t be approprIate for me to speculate at thIs stage. In reference to those casualtIes, rIght now the fIgures are almost 3000 people who are wounded and at least 11 people have dIed. Now It s tIme for a look at the weather wIth matt. Hello. WhIlst we ll contInue to see a bIt more cloud by nIght and fIrst thIng In the mornIng across many areas of the country over the next few days, a lot of that wIll break up and, lIke today, SunshIne And Warmth wIll develop quIte wIdely. 0ut there today, we ve got hIgh pressure In charge, Indeed, for the next few days. But as It s slIppIng away, we re gettIng more of an easterly breeze on Its southern edge. So for england and wales especIally, It s that whIch Is helpIng to generate the cloud and push It westwards. But as we go through the day, wIth the strength of the sun out there, a lot of the cloud dIssIpates. StIll some lIngerIng thIs afternoon In easternmost countIes and maybe through the englIsh channel. Long spells of sunshIne for most, though, to go through the afternoon and It wIll feel a warm out there for thIs stage In september. 25, 26 In the north of scotland, 24, 25 to the southeast of england. A bIt fresher along the coast wIth that breeze off the sea, and that breeze, agaIn, helps to generate the cloud and push It westwards. Never quIte makes It to the far west of england and wales due to the pennInes and the cambrIan mountaIns. Clearer skIes for scotland and northern Ireland agaIn, where, lIke thIs mornIng, we ll see some mIst and dense fog Patches Form and temperatures down Into sIngle fIgures where the skIes remaIn clearest. So Into Thursday MornIng we go, lots of cloud across good parts of East Wales and much of england. It s goIng to take tIll late mornIng, early afternoon for some of that to go, but unlIke today, some eastern coasts, IncludIng across scotland, we wIll see some of that low cloud lInger and turnIng cloudIer In the far north later on. HIghest temperatures In scotland tomorrow, actually, push towards the west where the clearest the skIes wIll be, but we could hIt 25 or 26 to the west of london. As we go Into frIday, we do It all over agaIn, but thIs tIme, more cloud through central and Eastern Scotland to begIn wIth, takIng a whIle to shIft and clear. The cloud may break across england and wales to sunny spells, but a chance, partIcularly to the west of london, of showers developIng. Some of those across the mIdlands and then later Into wales and the south west, could become heavy and thundery. Most away from that, though, wIll be dry, but temperatures for all droppIng a lIttle bIt closer back to where we should be for thIs stage In the year. And that contInues Into the weekend, but wIth low pressures developIng to the south, the focus for showers are goIng to be maInly across parts of england and wales, partIcularly the further south you are. Some of those could be heavy and thundery at tImes. Turther north and west, always the better chance of some sunshIne. Parts of northern Ireland, Western Scotland especIally, but rather cloudy along some east coasts. Take care. LIve from london. ThIs Is Bbc News. Reports say Israel s Spy Agency planted explosIves In thousands of pagers used by the armed Group Hezbollah the devIces exploded sImultaneously In lebanon. Israel hasn t commented. A taIwanese ElectronIcs FIrm denIes any Involvement, sayIng the pagers were made by A HungarIan fIrm It sIgned a deal wIth. As the whIte house calls for calm and restraInt, amerIca s top dIplomat Antony BlInken Is back In the regIon to try to revIve stalled CeasefIre Talks. We are expectIng to hear from hIm thIs hour. Here In the uk, the rate at whIch prIces are rIsIng remaIned unchanged last month. The prIncess of wales returns to work followIng her Cancer Treatment earlIer thIs year

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