AgaIn Ive been waItIng for you. We meet agaIn at Ive been waItIng for you. We meet agaIn at last. The voIce of Darth Vader the actorjames Earl Jones, has dIed at 93. CheerIng. And a heroes welcome for paralympIcsgb as they return from parIs wIth 124 medals. On bbc london. On newsnIght at 10 30pm tonIght, we wIll brIng you fresh InsIght on the storIes of the day wIth bIg IntervIews and our regular panel of newsnIghters, and, of course, look at the papers are sayIng about tomorrows news. Good evenIng. The prIncess of wales says she has completed her Chemotherapy Treatment and Is now focussed on remaInIng cancerfree. In a three MInute FIlm produced by KensIngton Palace and narrated by the prIncess, catherIne says her Cancer Journey over the past nIne months has been complex, scary and unpredIctable for everyone. She says she wIll now resume some publIc dutIes, but wIll take each day as It comes. The fIlm Is surprIsngly personal and IntImate, showIng the royal couple and theIr chIldren In norfolk. Heres our senIor royal correspondent, danIela relph. LIke weve never seen them before, Informal, IntImate, glossy and polIshed. ThIs vIdeo released by KensIngton Palace Is the prIncess of wales In her own words. The cancerjourney Is complex, scary and unpredIctable for everyone, especIally for those closest to you. WIth humIlIty, It also brIngs you Face To face wIth your own vulnerabIlItIes In a way you have never consIdered before. And wIth that, a new perspectIve on everythIng. Is thIs fIlmIng . Hello all the footage was fIlmed In norfolk, where the famIly were on holIday over the summer. LIke so many who have experIenced cancer, the prIncess says that Its herfamIly who have got her through. ThIs tIme has, above all, remInded wIllIam and me to reflect and be grateful for the sImple yet Important thIngs In lIfe, whIch so many of us often take for granted. Of sImply lovIng and beIng loved. There Is rare footage of the prIncesss parents PlayIng Cards wIth theIr grandchIldren durIng a FamIly Summer where the prIncess has recuperated wIth those who know her best. My path to healIng and full recovery Is long. KensIngton palace has been careful In Its language. The prIncess has not been descrIbed as cancer free, but wIth treatment over, the outlook Is posItIve. DespIte all thats gone before, I enter thIs new phase of recovery wIth a renewed sense of Hope And ApprecIatIon of lIfe. The story of the PrIncesss Health has had Its challenges over the past nIne months. From edIted FamIly Photos to the swIrl of onlIne rumours about what was wrong, It has, at tImes, been hard to control. But the new fIlm puts the prIncess In charge of her story and how It Is told. I thInk theyre a modern couple, they lIke to do thIngs In a dIfferent way. Every royal generatIon does thIngs slIghtly dIfferently. It Is beautIfully tImeless In one sense, but Its done In a very modern way. I mean, thIs Is communIcatIng a royal Health BulletIn In a way that we really havent seen before. The prIncess says she has been humbled by the publIc s kIndness, empathy and compassIon, and saId her thoughts were wIth those dealIng wIth the Illness. To all those who are contInuIng theIr own cancerjourney, I remaIn wIth you, SIde By sIde, hand In hand. Out of darkness can come lIght, so let that lIght shIne brIght. The KIng And Queen have offered theIr love, thoughts and support to the prIncess for her contInued recovery. She wIll begIn to carry out some publIc engagements In the weeks ahead. DanIela Is here now, along wIth our MedIa Correspondent DavId sIllIto. We knew we would hear somethIng from the prIncess thIs afternoon, we had no Idea It would be lIke thIs. DId they know when they decIded to do It .. they know when they decIded to do It . Y.. they know when they decIded to do It ... they know when they decIded to do It . Y... It . They have done It thIs way because It It . They have done It thIs way because It Is It . They have done It thIs way because It Is what It . They have done It thIs way because It Is what the It . They have done It thIs way| because It Is what the prIncess wanted. We are not used to lose beIng delIvered thIs way, less formal, more IntImate but thIs Is what the prIncess wanted. She wanted to be In control of her own story, for It to be told In her own words, on her own terms and she wanted It to be presented In a way she felt was authentIc and wIll connect best wIth the publIc. It wIll not be to everyones taste but thIs Is how she wants her story updated, to show a sIde of herfamIly wants her story updated, to show a sIde of her famIly we havent seen before and show the connectIon between her and her husband. In terms of what next, that wIll be carefully managed. We are lIkely to see her on Remembrance Sunday and perhaps In a number of events In the Run Up To chrIstmas. Perhaps In a number of events In the runup to chrIstmas. Runup to chrIstmas. DavId, It Is groundbreakIng runup to chrIstmas. DavId, It Is groundbreakIng where runup to chrIstmas. DavId, It Is groundbreakIng where they runup to chrIstmas. DavId, It Is groundbreakIng where they are J Ground breakIng where they are choosIng to control theIr Image. An choosIng to control theIr Image. An IntImate soft focus, heartfelt, emotIonal fIlm about a Recovery Journey emotIonal fIlm about a Recovery Journey and the Importance of love. Not what journey and the Importance of love. Not what you would expect from a royal not what you would expect from a royal household. One normally would be a three royal household. One normally would be a three LIne Statement on a websIte be a three LIne Statement on a websIte sayIng the treatment was over, websIte sayIng the treatment was over, thank you to the hospItal and well wIshers. ThIs a three MInute VIdeo well wIshers. ThIs a three MInute VIdeo and well wIshers. ThIs a three MInute VIdeo and too many people unusual and If vIdeo and too many people unusual and If you vIdeo and too many people unusual and If you have grown up In a world of Instagram, tIktok and youtube, thIs mIght of Instagram, tIktok and youtube, thIs mIght feel more normal than a press thIs mIght feel more normal than a Press Conference or statement. If you take Press Conference or statement. If you take beyonce, she has barely saId a you take beyonce, she has barely saId a word you take beyonce, she has barely saId a word to the medIa In the last 11 saId a word to the medIa In the last It years saId a word to the medIa In the last 11 years because she can talk dIrectIv 11 years because she can talk dIrectly and thIs Is very much the prIncess dIrectly and thIs Is very much the prIncess talkIng dIrectly and choosIng both how and what she says about choosIng both how and what she says about somethIng that Is dIffIcult and paInful. If you have looked at the ever changIng way In whIch royalty the ever changIng way In whIch royalty projects Itself to the publIc, royalty projects Itself to the publIc, thIs Is defInItely a moment. Thank publIc, thIs Is defInItely a moment. Thank you publIc, thIs Is defInItely a moment. Thank you both. The fIrst of thousands of prIsoners wIll be released early from jaIl In england and wales tomorrow as the government trIes to tackle PrIson OvercrowdIng. 1,750 wIll be let out early tomorrow wIth roughly the same number beIng released next month. MInIsters say serIous vIolent crImInals, terrorIsts and perpetrators of domestIc abuse wIll not be released as part of the scheme as our correspondent DanIel Sandford reports. PrIsons packed to the rafters. OverflowIng and at tImes on the edge. Put under further pressure by thIs summers rIots. Tomorrow, the new government wIll begIn the process of releasIng thousands of prIsoners early to make more space. In one day, 1,750 In one day, 1,750 people wIll walk free. Some just a few days early, people wIll walk free. Some almost sIx months early. Its been a rushjob, hasnt It . Its been a rushjob, hasnt It . Because weve only had sIx weeks because weve only had sIx weeks to IdentIfy people and get to IdentIfy people and get them ready and lIaIse them ready and lIaIse wIth partner agencIes. WIth partner agencIes. In the mornIng, the receptIons In the mornIng, the receptIons wIll be extremely busy gettIng wIll be extremely busy gettIng property together and releasIng property together and releasIng people In a tImely manner. People In a tImely manner. The JustIce Secretary, the JustIce Secretary, Shabana Mahmood, saId No One whose Shabana Mahmood, saId No One whose maIn offence was a sex offence, maIn offence was a sex offence, DomestIc VIolence or natIonal DomestIc VIolence or natIonal SecurIty Offence wIll be released SecurIty Offence wIll be released early, and No One convIcted early, and No One convIcted of a vIolent offence wIth a sentence of a vIolent offence wIth a sentence of more than four years. Of more than four years. But everyone else wIll be but everyone else wIll be released 40 of the way released 40 of the way through theIr sentence through theIr sentence Instead of halfway. Instead of halfway. TalkIng to the bbc last week, talkIng to the bbc last week, the PrIme MInIster stressed the PrIme MInIster stressed the care beIng taken. The care beIng taken. Of course, HIgh RIsk PrIsoners wIll not be released. That Is very, very Important. That Is very, very Important. I dont want to be In a posItIon I dont want to be In a posItIon of releasIng people of releasIng people who should be In prIson. Who should be In prIson. But poor communIcatIon meant she d thought he was beIng released three months early. ReleasIng hIgher RIsk Offenders to put someone whos rIoted In The Street Is a bIt extreme. In The Street Is a bIt extreme. I would much rather a domestIc I would much rather a domestIc Abuser Stay In prIson than a rIoter Abuser Stay In prIson than a rIoter beIng sent to prIson. BeIng sent to prIson. And tonIght, the vIctIms and tonIght, the vIctIms commIssIoner saId the PrIson CommIssIoner saId the PrIson Releases were undermInIng vIctIms releases were undermInIng vIctIms confIdence In the justIce system. ConfIdence In the justIce system. DanIel sandford, Bbc News. DanIel sandford, Bbc News. The next few years, so what has led to the prIson so what has led to the PrIson OvercrowdIng In england and wales overcrowdIng In england and wales and what can the government do and what can the government do about It In the longer term . About It In the longer term . Bbc verIfy s Ben Chu has been bbc verIfy s Ben Chu has been lookIng Into possIble lookIng Into possIble solutIons and joIns us now. SolutIons and joIns us now. Thanks, sophIe. Thanks, sophIe. Last frIday, the PrIson PopulatIon last frIday, the PrIson PopulatIon In england and wales In england and wales was a record 88,521, was a record 88,521, compared wIth operatIonal compared wIth operatIonal capacIty of 89,619. CapacIty of 89,619. So very lIttle leeway, so very lIttle leeway, just over 1,000 places. Just over 1,000 places. Furthermore, the PrIson PopulatIon furthermore, the PrIson PopulatIon Is projected to consIderably Is projected to consIderably outstrIp current capacIty over outstrIp current capacIty over the next few years, rIsIng to 105,000 by 2028. So the two maIn PolIcy OptIons facIng the government, accordIng to experts, Is do they, one, create more PrIson Places to cope wIth thIs demand . Or two, seek to reduce demand for places through SentencIng Reform . The prevIous government pledged to create 20,000 addItIonal PrIson Places by 2025. But only an addItIonal 6,000 of these places have so far been created so we are consIderably behInd schedule. Why the Hold Ups . A key factor has been delays In new prIsons receIvIng plannIng permIssIon. So what wIll thIs Governments Approach be . It seems they wIll seek to buIld more prIsons. Injuly, JustIce Secretary Shabana Mahmood saId she wIll acquIre new land for PrIson SItes and possIbly take decIsoIns away from local plannIng authorItIes and put them In the hands of mInIsters. However, the MInIstry OfjustIce Is not at thIs stage confIrmIng the full 20,000 addItIonal places targeted by the last government wIll be delIvered. Experts thInk Its possIble those plans are scaled back gIven the many competIng demands on publIc spendIng, yet thIs would create a problem. The dotted Blue LIne shows the projected rIse In the PrIson PopulatIon. And thIs dotted Red LIne Is a projectIon for PrIson CapacIty assumIng all those 20,000 places are eventually buIlt by 2030. So If some of those new places are cancelled, the shortfall would be even larger. Could thIs be where SentencIng Reform comes In . A dIffIcult day In westmInster, the early release of prIsoners and also the vote on the WInter Fuel payments. The vote on the WInter Fuel payments the vote on the WInter Fuel pa ments.. , payments. On prIsoners fIrst, central to payments. On prIsoners fIrst, central to a payments. On prIsoners fIrst, central to a government payments. On prIsoners fIrst, central to a government Is. Payments. On prIsoners fIrst, I central to a government Is beIng Is a duty to protect, keep us safe. Labour saId before the electIon they would have to do thIs, It had happened In the last government, It Is now happenIng on a much bIgger scale. Last week you mIght remember we were granted access to PentonvIlle PrIson In london. To be clear, the government wanted to InvIte our cameras Into the prIson to show how bad thIngs are but sInce then, I have had E MaIls from people workIng wIthIn the prIson servIce, one tellIng me they are worrIed about fIghts In a PrIson Car Park Tomorrow MornIng as members of RIval Gangs are let out at the same tIme. Another who saId whatever the government says, they are worrIed that dangerous people are beIng released. MInIsters have saId repeatedly they have no optIon but to act and are not comfortable doIng thIs, but they felt they had to and that the ProbatIon ServIce has plans for every offender beIng released. ThIs Is just the for every offender beIng released. ThIs Isjust the begInnIng. A sImIlar perhaps a larger number wIll be released next month. nd sImIlar perhaps a larger number wIll be released next month. Be released next month. And at the same tIme we be released next month. And at the same tIme we have the be released next month. And at the same tIme we have the vote be released next month. And at the I same tIme we have the vote on WInter Fuel payments. Same tIme we have the vote on WInter Fuel Payments Fuel payments. AgaIn, MInIsters Sa In fuel payments. AgaIn, mInIsters sayIng they fuel payments. AgaIn, mInIsters sayIng they would fuel payments. AgaIn, mInIsters sayIng they would rather fuel payments. AgaIn, mInIsters sayIng they would rather not fuel payments. AgaIn, mInIsters sayIng they would rather not do | fuel payments. AgaIn, mInIsters I sayIng they would rather not do It. They have chosen to do It as part of an attempt to save money. The chancellor has been meetIng Labour Mps, manyjIttery about It, not used to beIng unpopular, not used to seeIng theIr E MaIl Inbox wIth people angry. Some mIght rebel or at least abstaIn. You can see labour s majorIty Is massIve so they wIll wIn and wIn bIg but thIs Is an early challenge potentIally to keIr starmer s authorIty. It shows how tough governIng Is. Starmers authorIty. It shows how tough governIng Is. Tough governIng Is. ChrIs mason, thank you and FaIsal Islam wIll have more on thIs on NewsnIght On Bbc Two shortly. We Ta Ke we take you InsIde that room as the chancellor offers carrot and some stIck to Labour Mps worrIed about thIs WInter Fuel cut. StIck to Labour Mps worrIed about thIs wInterfuel cut. No stIck to Labour Mps worrIed about thIs WInter Fuel cut. No turnIng back but at what cost . NewsnIght on bbc two, Bbc News and Iplayer. LIfe for afghanIstan s 21 MIllIon women hasjust become even tougher. Three years after the talIban s return to power, a new law has been passed sayIng that women must cover theIr Face And Body completely If they leave the house and theIr voIces cannot be heard In publIc. DespIte the rIsk to themselves, some women have spoken out and have been tellIng the bbc s YogIta LImaye what lIfe Is lIke for them now. We have hIdden theIr IdentItIes and used actors voIces to protect them. It s IncreasIngly dIffIcult for foreIgn journalIsts to report from afghanIstan. ThIs Is yogIta s report compIled along wIth camera journalIst, sanjay ganguly, and producer, Imogen anderson. Every moment you feel lIke you re In a prIson. Even breathIng becomes dIffIcult. Were lIke dead bodIes movIng around. We cant talk. We cant do anythIng. ThIs Is a country where women are IncreasIngly beIng pushed out of vIew. TheIr freedoms crushed bIt by bIt, by a relentless serIes of dIktats. The latest a publIshed law. ThIs sectIon says that If a woman must leave her home out of necessIty, she s oblIged to cover her Face And Body, and her voIce must not be heard. We ve had to be very careful and dIscreet when talkIng to women here, because they re already operatIng In an envIronment of brutal restrIctIons. And now the talIban s moralIty polIce have been gIven sweepIng powers. It s only been a few weeks sInce the law was announced, so It s unclear how strIngently It wIll be Implemented, but already there s a RIpple Effect of fear that you feel when speakIng to people here. We meet teenage gIrls who ve already lost three crucIal years of educatIon. TheIr voIces mIght need to be hIdden, but they want theIr words to be heard. If we go out, we re scared. If we take a bus or remove our masks, we re scared. If we speak louder, we re scared. There s so much fear and stress. If we can t speak, then why go out at all . Why even lIve . UntIl last year, groups of women took to The Streets demandIng theIr rIghts. RIskIng vIolence and detentIon. The talIban cracked down on the marches untIl they stopped altogether. ThIs woman broke down, tellIng us how she was detaIned last year whIle partIcIpatIng In protests. The talIban beat me and dragged me Into a vehIcle sayIng, why are you actIng agaInst us . ThIs Is an IslamIc system. They took me to a dark, frIghtenIng place and Insulted me wIth terrIble words. We were treated lIke anImals. After beIng released from detentIon, we weren t the same people we were before. Now thIs Is how afghan women are showIng dIssent, postIng vIdeos of themselves onlIne, sIngIng songs crItIcIsIng the talIban s actIons. SIngIng we met Hamdullah FItrat from the talIban government. He dIdn t want to be seen wIth a woman or sIt dIrectly opposIte me, but he answered my questIons. We asked how he could justIfy the law. TranslatIon the laws that have been Introduced have been approved by the Supreme Leader In accordance wIth IslamIc sharIa. Any relIgIous scholar can check theIr references. Most of the gIrls and women we ve spoken to In your country say they are prepared to wear whatever It Is that your government prescrIbes, as long as you allow them to study. And because they re not beIng allowed to do that, they re beIng drIven to the poInt of depressIon, even suIcIdal thoughts. Isn t It your responsIbIlIty as a government to lIsten to those voIces and act on It . TranslatIon absolutely. Our sIsters educatIon Is an Important Issue. We are tryIng to resolve thIs, whIch Is the demand of a lot of our sIsters. We have mentIoned It several tImes In the past too, that our leadershIp Is workIng on It. A solutIon wIll be found. It s been three years now sInce gIrls were locked out of schools, but It hasn t happened on the ground. Do you really expect people to belIeve that you are commItted to actually doIng It . We are awaItIng the decIsIon of our leadershIp. In a provInce not farfrom kabul, we found some evIdence that at least a sectIon of the talIban dIffers wIth the Supreme Leader. We were gIven rare access to a MIdwIfe TraInIng Course run by the talIban government. All the students are In theIr 20s. Here, they are beIng taught how to nurse a woman In labour. It s a rare exceptIon. But behInd closed doors, some afghan women are takIng matters Into theIr own hands. We meet a teacher who runs a secret school for gIrls. When the new law came, I explaIned Its rules to my students and told them thIngs would become even more dIffIcult. Every day I wake up askIng god to make the day pass safely. Several tImes I ve had to change the locatIon of the school. It s a QuIet Act Of DefIance and hope. Iam now I am now In delhI after more than two weeks of beIng In afghanIstan and one of the other ramIfIcatIons of the new law Is on relatIons between the talIban and the InternatIonal communIty whIch have become IncreasIngly dIffIcult and unpredIctable. It seemed quIte dIfferent about two months ago. At the End Ofjune for the fIrst tIme ever the talIban went to attend un Led Talks In doha, seen almost as a breakthrough at that tIme, a meetIng Afghan RIghts ActIvIsts and CIvIl SocIety actIvIsts had been kept out of and the un had come out under fIre for that but people wIthIn It was worth the rIsk. Now they are questIonIng whether there was any poInt concedIng to the talIban requests for that meetIng, If there Is any poInt In engagIng wIth the talIban In the future. StudIo YogIta LImaye, thank you. The Uk CovId 19 InquIry has heard that more than 900 Health Care workers dIed durIng the pandemIc after CatchIng CovId at work. The latest phase of the InquIry Is now lookIng at the Impact of the pandemIc on the nhs and patIents. Our health edItor, hugh pym, reports. MalachI was an IntensIve Care Nurse durIng the pandemIc. NatalIe was a senIor HospItal RegIstrar and vIrus expert. Both front LIne Health workers. Both wantIng answers. When we fIrst met malachI four years ago when fIlmIng a NIght ShIft In hospItal. I mean, there were three deaths In the last 2a hours here. And then you turn around and there s stIll 12 other patIents. He tended four patIents a shIft rather than one. It s just not feasIble. It s not. You can t carry on lIke thIs for a long tIme. The nIght we fIlmed, he comforted other nurses who crIed whIle patIents dIed wIthout theIr relatIves. You see death as part of the job. It was unusual or unheard of at the tIme to have to deal or process two, three, four of them In a shIft and then go home to bed, come back the next day and then do It agaIn. I thInk everyone was terrIfIed. I IntervIewed NatalIe In Early march 2020, a few weeks before lockdown. She told me then her fears about the rapId spread of the vIrus. It becomes much harder to stem the tIde of thIs InfectIon. At her hospItal, she called for better protectIve clothIng but dIdn t get It. Her later CovId InfectIon left her wIth spInal cord damage. Id lIke to understand why so many voIces that spoke out and saId, no, thIs Isnt approprIate, we need better respIratory protectIve equIpment for our Health Care workers, were not lIstened to. Im just surprIsed that No One felt that they had a duty of care to Health Care workers durIng a pandemIc. Back then, we clapped those Front LIne Nhs Staff. Up the nhs . And we called them heroes. But In the workplace many staff Felt Unprotected and undertraIned. We don t know what we re headIng towards. Three JunIor Doctors spoke to me at the peak of the fIrst lockdown. They were exhausted and scared. KatIe, In the mIddle here, was speakIng after a block of shIfts. Maybe In IntensIve Care for some weeks, and some of them wIll dIe. And It s heart. It s completely heartbreakIng and harrowIng. LookIng back, she remembers lettIng one patIent go home rather than rIsk dyIng alone In the hospItal. She dIed In the mornIng and just thInkIng afterwards, was that the rIght thIng to do . Nobody really. Nobody really knew. We dIdn t really know how best to manage It. And of course just a strong sense of people had to make It up as they went along. So what answers do Nhs Staff want . I d lIke to see from thIs InquIry honesty, transparency, openness, humIlIty, and accountabIlIty. There wIll be another pandemIc at some poInt, and I want to make sure that we do not make the same mIstakes agaIn. Acknowledgement that as humans, theres only so far you can go before you break. Hugh pym, Bbc News. It has been announced tonIght that the legendary voIce of Darth Vader In Star Wars the actorjames Earljones Has dIed at the age of 93. DurIng hIs long career he won a host of awards IncludIng emmys, tony awards, a grammy and an honorary oscar. LIzo mzImba looks back at hIs lIfe. From hIs fIrst FIlm Role he clearly had somethIng specIal. The from hIs fIrst FIlm Role he clearly had somethIng specIal. From hIs fIrst FIlm Role he clearly had somethIng specIal. The fIre Is out. That voIce. Had somethIng specIal. The fIre Is out. That voIce. Before had somethIng specIal. The fIre Is out. That voIce. Before doctor out. That voIce. Before doctor strangelove. Out. That voIce. Before doctor strangelove, james out. That voIce. Before doctor strangelove, james earl out. That voIce. Before doctor strangelove, james Earl Jones out. That voIce. Before doctor strangelove, james Earl Jones had strangelove, James Earljones had served In the mIlItary, but he really wanted to act. I ue served In the mIlItary, but he really wanted to act. Ive been waItIn really wanted to act. Ive been waItIng for really wanted to act. Ive been waItIng for you. Really wanted to act. Ive been waItIng for you. We really wanted to act. Ive been waItIng for you. We meet really wanted to act. Ive been waItIng for you. We meet agaIn at last waItIng for you. We meet agaIn at last. waItIng for you. We meet agaIn at last.... last. Then came somethIng that made hIs VoIce World last. Then came somethIng that made hIs VoIce World famous. Last. Then came somethIng that made hIs VoIce World famous. When last. Then came somethIng that made hIs VoIce World famous. When I last. Then came somethIng that made hIs VoIce World famous. When I left I hIs VoIce World famous. When I left ou I was hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but a hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but a loan, hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but a loan, now hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but a loan, now I hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but a loan, now I am I hIs VoIce World famous. When I left you I was but a loan, now I am the | you I was but a loan, now I am the master you I was but a loan, now I am the master you you I was but a loan, now I am the master. You are part of the Rebel AllIance master. You are part of the Rebel AllIance and a traItor. Take It Away allIance and a traItor. Take It Awa ,.. allIance and a traItor. Take It Awa ,.. allIance and a traItor. Take It Awa . away hIs voIce of GravIty And Depth made hIm a away hIs voIce of GravIty And Depth made hIm a natural away hIs voIce of GravIty And Depth made hIm a natural choIce away hIs voIce of GravIty And Depth made hIm a natural choIce for I away hIs voIce of GravIty And Depth made hIm a natural choIce for the I made hIm a natural choIce for the lIon kIng. Made hIm a natural choIce for the lIon kInu. lIon kIng. EverythIng the lIght touches Is lIon kIng. EverythIng the lIght touches Is our lIon kIng. EverythIng the lIght touches Is our kIngdom. I lIon kIng. EverythIng the lIght touches Is our kIngdom. And I lIon kIng. EverythIng the lIght I touches Is our kIngdom. And Its remake quarter touches Is our kIngdom. And Its remake quarter of touches Is our kIngdom. And Its remake quarter of a touches Is our kIngdom. And Its remake quarter of a century I touches Is our kIngdom. And Its I remake quarter of a century later. One day, sImba, The Sun wIll set on my tIme one day, sImba, The Sun wIll set on my tIme here and rIse wIth you as the new my tIme here and rIse wIth you as The New KIng. My tIme here and rIse wIth you as The New KIng my tIme here and rIse wIth you as the new kIna. ~ ,. ~ The New KIng. WhIle he played a kIng O OsIte The New KIng. WhIle he played a kIng OpposIte EddIe The New KIng. WhIle he played a kIng opposIte EddIe Murphy The New KIng. WhIle he played a kIng opposIte EddIe Murphy In The New KIng. WhIle he played a kIng opposIte EddIe Murphy In comIng I The New KIng. WhIle he played a kIng opposIte EddIe Murphy In comIng to | opposIte EddIe Murphy In comIng to amerIca, he also had the chance to show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am amerIca, he also had the chance to show hIs gIft for kolodIy. Show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am a man who has show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am a man who has never show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am a man who has never tIed show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am a man who has never tIed hIs I show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am a J Man who has never tIed hIs own show hIs gIft for kolodIy. I am a I man who has never tIed hIs own shoes before man who has never tIed hIs own shoes before ~..... Before wrong you are a prInce who has never tIed before wrong you are a prInce who has never tIed to before wrong you are a prInce who has never tIed to shoes. Before wrong you are a prInce who has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve I before wrong you are a prInce who| has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I tIed has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I tIed my has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I tIed my own has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I tIed my own shoes has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I tIed my own shoes once, has never tIed to shoes. BelIeve me, and I tIed my own shoes once, It I and I tIed my own shoes once, It Is and I tIed my own shoes once, It Is an overrated and I tIed my own shoes once, It Is an overrated experIence. And I tIed my own shoes once, It Is an overrated experIence. On and I tIed my own shoes once, It Is an overrated experIence. An overrated experIence. On tv He La Ed an overrated experIence. On tv he played the an overrated experIence. On tv he played the author an overrated experIence. On tv he played the author alex an overrated experIence. On tv he played the Author Alex Haley I played the Author Alex Haley who searched for hIs afrIcan ancestors, the search whIch led to the ground breakIng serIes routes. GroundbreakIng serIes routes. The Forces Ground breakIng serIes routes. The forces wIth you young skywalker. You are not forces wIth you young skywalker. You are not a forces wIth you young skywalker. You are not a jedI yet. Forces wIth you young skywalker. You are not a jedI yet. All forces wIth you young skywalker. You are not a jedI yet. Are not a jedI yet. All the more admIrable are not a jedI yet. All the more admIrable In are not a jedI yet. All the more admIrable In that are not a jedI yet. All the more admIrable In that a are not a jedI yet. All the more admIrable In that a young are not a jedI yet. All the more admIrable In that a young boy I are not a jedI yet. All the more j admIrable In that a young boy who hardly spoke because of hIs doctor should become an actor who steerIng tones and earned hIm the accolade of havIng perhaps the world s most recognIsable voIce. HavIng perhaps the worlds most recognIsable voIce. RecognIsable voIce. SImba, remember. Remember. I remember. Ihave remember. I have found you I have found you I am I have found you I am your father. The actorJames Earljones, who s dIed at the age of 93. Football and It s been a good nIght for wales. They beat montenegro by 2 1 In the natIons league. It s wales second game under theIr new manager craIg bellamy. There was a heroes welcome for the ParalympIcsgb Team when they arrIved back from parIs today. Between them they won 124 medals, IncludIng 49 golds as Andy SwIss reports. One for the photo album. CheerIng for the brItIsh team, a pIcture perfect end to the paralympIcs, as they arrIved home wIth luggage In theIr hands and some extra luggage round theIr necks. Both In terms of medals and magIc, It seems parIs certaInly delIvered. It was absolutely phenomenal. It s a feelIng that we ve not really had. It s crowds that we ve not had kInd of In the last 12 years. EarlIer, parIs gave the team a musIcal sendoff, after a games In whIch they ve hIt all the rIght notes. ParalympIcsgb won 49 golds and medals across 18 dIfferent sports. That s more sports than any other natIon. Whatever the settIng, It seemed there was more success. Surely back to back world records here In the Stade De France theIr most decorated athlete was 19 year old swImmer poppy maskIll. She s been keepIng herfIve medals In socks, for safekeepIng. And on thejourney home, she told me It was stIll hard to belIeve. A once In a lIfetIme thIng. So, even If you go to another games, It wIll never really be the same. So Im pretty sure of that. It was, lIke, unreal. It was lIke, really cool. And dId you ever thInk you d be comIng home wIth fIve medals, three golds . No. MaskIll, who carrIed the flag at last nIght s closIng ceremony, was just one of a number of successful debutants. But whIle that bodes well, the brItIsh team know repeatIng theIr success at the next games In Los Angeles wIll not be easy. I thInk we can take a lot of confIdence from the ParIs Games for la, goIng forwards, but Its goIng to be hard. And to be competItIve and contInue to hold our posItIon on the medal table, Its goIng to be challengIng and were goIng to have to be on our a game as a country. But for now, at least, such worrIes can waIt. For brItaIn s paralympIans, a chance to relax after a remarkable games. Andy swIss, Bbc News. TIme for a look at the weather. ThIs programme contInues on bbc 1. The day. Most of those up towards the North And West and the changes wIll start tonIght and through the

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