Of the grenfell InquIry s fInal report, we talk to some of those whose lIves have been changed forever. And. It s more gold for great brItaIn at the paralympIcs, wIth Faye Rogers wInnIng In the pool. And In london. And stay wIth us here on Bbc News for contInuIng Coverage And AnalysIs from our team of correspondents In the uk and around the world. Good evenIng. It Is the bIggest sIngle loss of lIfe so far In the channel thIs year, wIth a pregnant woman along wIth sIx chIldren among the dead when theIr small boat capsIzed off the french coast. 12 people dIed In all, and 51 others were rescued. Some are In a crItIcal condItIon. DownIng street InsIsts Its takIng actIon to target the crImInal smugglIng gangs, descrIbIng the deaths as truly horrIfIc. Well have more on the Impact of the Governments PolIcy regardIng small boats In a moment. The boat got Into dIffIculty off Cap GrIs Nez around 6am thIs mornIng, wIth all those on board endIng up In the water. Just a handful of people were wearIng lIfe jackets. Well, Andrew HardIng Is lIve In boulogne sur mer, where an Emergency MedIcal Centre has been set up. Andrew. French offIcIals say could have been a lot worse. But as you say, sIx chIldren were among those who dIed today. French Rescue HelIcopters busy once agaIn today, brIngIng casualtIes from the sea to the shore. ThIs the scene of a harbour In the bIg Port CIty of boulogne, bodIes on the stretchers. Among the dead, sIx chIldren and a pregnant woman. TranslatIon there used to be 30 or 40 people on these small boats, I now there are 70 or 80 people. Most lIkely, the boat collapsed very fast. The smugglers had provIded no more than eIght lIfe jackets, so If help had not arrIved so fast, far more people would have faced certaIn death. French offIcIals say Cross Channel smugglers are IncreasIngly crammIng far too many people on board theIr flImsy boats. 51 people, many, Its thought, from East AfrIca were rescued In choppy seas. But In other boats, dozens If not hundreds more today made the same crossIng wIthout sIgnIfIcant trouble. Some here beIng taken ashore In dover In a rescue boat. These voyages are Illegal under brItIsh law and IncreasIngly dangerous. The Death Toll thIs year already more than double last years total. In aprIl, we fIlmed an overcrowded boat In trouble just off the french coast. FIve dIed, IncludIng a young gIrl trampled to death. In another IncIdent, fIve drowned In Icy Water Close to shore. So far thIs year, over 20,000 mIgrants have reached the uk In small boats. Thats slIghtly more than at the same poInt last year. Just last week, the french and brItIsh governments promIsed tougher and better coordInated actIon to break up the smugglIng gangs. But the french authorItIes have warned that theIr forces patrollIng the beaches are facIng growIng vIolence, and charItIes say a more nuanced approach Is needed. It needs a much more multIpronged approach, that, of course, Includes polIcIng and smashIng the gangs, but crItIcally also Includes safe ways for people to reach the uk or to have theIr case heard before they have to take a dangerous crossIng. For now, the SmugglIng BusIness contInues. The rIsks are IncreasIngly obvIous. But Tens Of Thousands of determIned people are not put off. Andrew, youve reported extensIvely on the crImInal networks behInd these dreadful crossIngs. Who are the people that the new government says It Is now targetIng wIth a vengeance . It Is government says It Is now targetIng wIth a vengeance . WIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent wIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent a wIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent a lot wIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent a lot of wIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent a lot of tIme wIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent a lot of tIme tryIng wIth a vengeance . It Is complex. I have spent a lot of tIme tryIng to I have spent a lot of tIme tryIng to track down some of these gangs, these networks whIch are operatIng, and we have heard from one source that there mIght have been a syrIan smuggler Involved In thIs partIcular IncIdent, but almost certaInly there Is more than one gang Involved, one or more to arrange the boats and the transport through turkey, germany, to the coast of france, and many more gangs tryIng to fIll seats, on the boat, actIng together, tryIng to brIng people and organIse the logIstIcs and the payments, and here on the coast and In the boats themselves, there are junIor fIgures, freelance smugglers, If you lIke, and further back In cItIes lIke, and further back In cItIes lIke antwerp, and In germany and beyond, more senIor mIddle managers, and In london as well but the really BIg PowerfulfIgures and In london as well but the really bIg powerful fIgures ultImately responsIble for these networks are often to be found In places lIke Iraq Or SyrIa so It Is very dIffIcult for brItIsh and European PolIce forces to track them down and to put together and lInk up these groups operatIng by phone, after not knowIng exactly who they are dealIng wIth, so the brItIsh and french authorItIes are promIsIng to act wIth more authorIty and wIth more cooperatIon to track them down and break up these gangs but they have a huge task ahead of them. Lets not forget, demand for the servIces of the smugglers Is what Is drIvIng thIs trade.. the government saId It had a plan, target these people, and we heard from andrew that that Is very dIffIcult and Indeed there are other thIngs you need to do to stop people dyIng In the englIsh channel. We dyIng In the englIsh channel. Have talked before on the programme about thIs Issue, that It Is at once human and moral and practIcal and polItIcal, and dIplomatIc, and then geopolItIcal as well, the crIsIs on our southern shores that governments have struggled to stop. Yvette cooper the Home Secretary saId thIs Is deeply tragIc and they want to dIsmantle the crImInal gangs, and james cleverly, her opposIte number, talked about the Importance of a deterrent, for example sendIng refugees to rwanda, although the polIcy never happened and It was stopped, and I understand that the boat sImply rIpped and people fell Into the sea. 0ne Boat sImply rIpped and people fell Into the sea. One of the thIngs the government Is tryIng to do wIth the natIonal CrIme Agency Is target upstream, If you lIke, the Supply ChaIn of boats and engInes, and It would appear one of the consequences of that Is that there are fewer boats and they are less good qualIty and the engInes are not as strong but the demand and the desperatIon Is stIll there and so many are stIll gettIng onto them. There Is a conversatIon goIng on between the two governments, prIvately some on the Uk SIde thInk that the french government Is pretty dysfunctIonal after the turbulence In french polItIcs recently, and polItIcally thIs government wIll be judged on a number of thIngs, but very near the top of the lIst wIll be can they manage to grapple wIth the scale of thIs problem and the knock on Is, not least the tragedy Is that we wIll see In the comIng years . A massIve challenge but they wIll be judged on whether they can do It. ChrIs mason, thanks forjoInIng us. And vIctorIa wIll have more on thIs on NewsnIght Over On Bbc Two shortly. HI, vIctorIa. Yes, new government, use small Boat Strategy but can labour stop the boats and the deaths . New small boats and the deaths . New small boat tragedy. That Is one of the thIngs we wIll be talkIng about newsnIght at 1030. NewsnIght at 1030. Thanks for OInInu NewsnIght at 1030. Thanks for joInIng us a 14 year old boy remaIns In PolIce Custody after an 80 year Old Man dIed after beIng assaulted In leIcester. BhIm kohlI was attacked In a Park On Sunday whIle walkIng hIs dog. Lets go to our correspondent danny savage. ThIs stems to an IncIdent on sunday when BhIm KohlI, who was 80, was walkIng hIs dog In a park at The End of the Cul De Sac behInd me, when He Was attacked. He receIved serIous InjurIes on sunday and dIed from those yesterday, and a Murder InquIry was launched. Many people were astonIshed to hear that fIve chIldren were arrested In connectIon wIth that InvestIgatIon, two gIrls and a boy aged 12 and a gIrl and a boy aged 1a. WIthIn the last few mInutes LeIcestershIre PolIce saId four of those chIldren have been released wIthout any further actIon, but a 14 year old boy remaIns In custody In connectIon wIth what happened to BhIm KohlI. It was a very popular local fIgure and well known on the local allotments around the corner and earlIer thIs evenIng I spoke to one of hIs frIends was hIs neIghbour on the allotment over 15 years and was left deeply upset by what had happened. 15 years and was left deeply upset by what had happened. He always had a smIle, he by what had happened. He always had a smIle. He was by what had happened. He always had a smIle, He Was a by what had happened. He always had a smIle, He Was a genuInely by what had happened. He always had a smIle, He Was a genuInely nIce by what had happened. He always had a smIle, He Was a genuInely nIce guy I a smIle, He Was a genuInely nIce guy and I a smIle, He Was a genuInely nIce guy and I cannot a smIle, He Was a genuInely nIce guy and I cannot understand any of thIs. He was and I cannot understand any of thIs. He was a and I cannot understand any of thIs. He was a proper gent and Im just sIck, He Was a proper gent and Im just sIck, I He Was a proper gent and Im just sIck, I feel He Was a proper gent and Im just sIck, I feel quIte sIck about the whole sIck, I feel quIte sIck about the whole thIng. SIck, I feel quIte sIck about the whole thIng sIck, I feel quIte sIck about the whole thIn.. Whole thIng. LeIcestershIre polIce have also referred whole thIng. LeIcestershIre polIce have also referred themselves. Have also referred themselves voluntarIly to the Independent offIce for polIce conduct, that Is because a PrIde Conduct they had wIth BhIm KohlI In the last weeks and months prIor contact. We do not know what that Is but they have referred themselves commenced to a major InvestIgatIon under way and hIs famIly tryIng to come to terms wIth thIs. The cord and has been lIfted behInd me but thIngs do not feel normal around here after what has happened especIally wIth young people arrested and a 14 year old boy stIll In custody. People arrested and a 14yearold Boy stIll In custody. Boy stIll In custody. Thanks for OInInu Boy stIll In custody. Thanks for joInIng us more than 50 people have dIed In a russIan MIssIle StrIke on the cIty Of Poltava In central ukraIne. A mIlItary TraInIng InstItute and nearby hospItal were hIt. More than 200 others are wounded. NIck beake Is at the scene, and has just sent us thIs report, whIch contaIns some dIstressIng Images. The mIssIles tore through the ukraInIan mIlItary academy at nIne oclock thIs mornIng, just as lessons were startIng, levellIng huge parts of the complex and kIllIng dozens Instantly. Army MedIcs Battle to save the Injured. Hold on, he shouts, youre a good lad. TonIght we arrIved In a stunned cIty. The emergency servIces Of Poltava could do lIttle more than clear up the wreckage. We met mIkIta, a cadet who was InsIde the TraInIng Centre when It happened. The second mIssIle hIt three seconds after the fIrst, he tells us, I ran outsIde, there was Smoke And Dust everywhere. Lots of people were outsIde havIng a cIgarette, and many of them were kIlled. Yana, one of the many locals whose wIndows were smashed. UkraIne has taken a body blow, too. TranslatIon Its very hard. I take It personally. My husband Is fIghtIng on the front lIne. SoldIers have dIed here, and I know there are stIll soldIers under the rubble. TheIr wIves are waItIng for them. Then, as we were movIng locatIon, another AIr RaId Alert blared, and the Instant fear of another possIble hIt here. The AIr RaId sIrens have just gone off once agaIn, and so a lot of the emergency servIces who are InsIde the buIldIng clearIng out the debrIs have now moved out, even though there are stIll some people we know underneath the rubble. PresIdent zelensky condemned the attack, callIng the RussIans Scum and promIsed to get answers. TranslatIon Ive ordered a full and prompt InvestIgatIon Into the cIrcumstances of what happened. All necessary servIces are Involved In the rescue operatIon. I am grateful to everyone who has been savIng lIves from the very fIrst moments followIng the strIke. PresIdent putIn had vowed that punIshment was on Its way after the IncursIon Into russIa a month ago. And It seems It arrIved today and seconds In the deadlIest attack on ukraIne for a year. A lot of people across thIs country are wonderIng If there Is more to come tonIght, and PresIdent Zelensky calls It an ongoIng campaIgn of terror, and has asked hIs western allIes once agaIn to do more to protect and defend ukraIne. I thInk what happened today hIt hard for a couple of reasons, fIrst of all the very hIgh loss of lIfe but also the locatIon, a mIlItary academy, where they were traInIng up the brIghtest and best In what they feel Is thIs ongoIng struggle for survIval. Thanks forjoInIng us. Its more gold for great brItaIn on day sIx of the paralympIcs In parIs, wIth Faye Rogers comIng out on top In the 100 metres butterfly. There were also medals In athletIcs and equestrIan events. Andy swIss has more on the successes. Barely three years ago, Faye Rogers was trIalIng for the olympIc swImmIng team, but after beIng Injured In a car crash, doctors told her shed never compete agaIn. Watch me, she saId, and here at the paralympIcs, she seIzed her moment, as the butterfly came down to a brItIsh dual. Its rogers shes the paralympIc champIon rogers just edgIng out her Team Mate CallIe ann warrIngton. Gold and sIlver for paralympIcs gb. Rogers saId she couldnt be prouder of how far shed come. On the track, meanwhIle, there was a second medal for sammI kInghorn. The 1500 metres Isnt her best event, and thIs one wasnt short of drama. 0h, theres been a Fall But KInghorn kept out of trouble, and although SwItzerlands CatherIne Debrunner was out of sIght, kInghorn sealed a surprIse sIlver. Over at the palace of versaIlles, meanwhIle, two suItably regal performances. Bronzes for GeorgIa WIlson for natasha baker. A bIg grIn on herface. After a year out of the sport havIng had a baby, baker saId It was amazIng. But surely the mother of all performances here has been jodIe grInham. Shes been celebratIng the Archery Gold she won yesterday whIle seven months pregnant. I want to, lIke, jump and scream, and I was lIke, no, were not goIng to do that eIther, because there Is a baby, a very heavIly pregnant baby In your belly. So were goIng to calmly bend down, take some breaths and we are not goIng to overexcIte too much. So that was probably the weIrdest, lIke, celebratIon Ive ever done In my lIfe more conventIonal celebratIons may not be far away, though. In the wheelchaIr tennIs, AlfIe Hewett and Gordon Reed are safely Into the double semIs. That ones goIng to saIl away along. After sIlvers at the last two paralympIcs, could thIs be theIr year . And I can tell you brItaIn are set to wIn another medal In the next few mInutes. PIers gIllIver Is about to wIn hIs heat. There are stIll fIve days of competItIon left. Not bad. Thank you, andy, In parIs. The metropolItan polIce are makIng an urgent Appeal TonIght for help to fInd a mIssIng 11 year old boy. OffIcers say IbrahIm hasnt been seen sInce last nIght after he became separated from hIs mum outsIde a Poundland Store on StatIon Road In hayes. The Inquest Into the death of a man who dIed after beIng accused of lyIng on Thejeremy Kyle Show has heard how the Tv Host egged on the audIence to boo, leavIng hIs guest feelIng dIstraught and close to collapse. Steve dymond appeared on the former Itv daytIme programme In 2019, but hIs famIly saId hed felt Pounced On durIng the fIlmIng. He dIed a week later of an overdose. Theyre huge spendIng cuts announced by the ScottIsh Government 500 mIllIon worth today to help balance the budget. The FInance Secretary blames the westmInster government for creatIng a new era of austerIty. But a recent report by scotlands fInancIal watchdog says many of the pressures are the result of hIstorIc decIsIons by the snp at holyrood. Heres james cook. ThIs Is the realIty of lIfe less than four mIles from the scottIsh parlIament. A CommunIty Centre handIng out free bread to help the resIdents of muIrhouse make ends meet. And yet now, here and across scotland, the tough tImes could be about to get worse. Prolonged westmInster austerIty, the economIc damage of brexIt, a global pandemIc, the war In ukraIne, and the cost of lIvIng crIsIs have all placed enormous and growIng pressure on the publIc fInances. I must take further and more urgent actIon now to ensure that we can balance the scottIsh budget In 2024 25. And I call. There Is also 800 mIllIon of addItIonal spendIng for new pay offers, and all that means 500 mIllIon In dIrect servIce cuts, plus a raId on the proceeds of offshore wInd and publIcly owned scottIsh water. GIven the recent Independent analysIs, wIll the CabInet Secretary fInally put on the record that the large Black Hole In scotlands publIc fInances Is a result of the actIons of the ScottIsh Government and not the actIons of westmInster . ThIs statement Is a threadbare attempt to once agaIn pass the buck. After 17 years In power, always someone else. To blame, agaIn and agaIn. CrItIcs of the ScottIsh Government say the cuts announced here thIs afternoon are alarmIng enough, but away from thIs place, there are plenty of communItIes across scotland whIch say they were already strugglIng even before thIs statement. What dId you do In School Today . I dont know. You dont know . What dId you do today . FamIlIes In glasgow, for example, are concerned about the closure of 172 teachIng posts, a bIg problem, says mIchael, whose son needs extra support at school. I personally belIeve we are In a CrIsIs SItuatIon for all servIces. We are seeIng waItIng tImes In the nhs. We cant see a gp, and educatIon Is on Its knees. I have seen chIldren Sent Home from school because of teacher cuts. So It Is really, really worryIng tImes for all famIlIes, I would say. Glasgow CIty CouncIl say No One Is sImply Sent Home, but they accept It Is a worryIng tIme. Back In edInburgh, at the CommunIty Centre, they are worrIed too. Between the pandemIc, cost of lIvIng Increase and now all the cuts that the government Is makIng agaIn, It Is awful. It Is the worst I have ever seen It In the whole 25, 30 years I have been In thIs busIness. How hard are thIngs for thIs communIty . BasIc human rIghts are not beIng met. People cant pay theIr electrIcIty, and the wInter months are comIng up. People are agaIn choosIng to put theIr electrIcIty, do they put theIr electrIcIty on or do they feed theIr kIds . Some cucumber . Yes try a bIt. ThIs project gIves the chIldren of muIrhouse a chance to thrIve, but many parents say they worry that cuts and crIsIs are becomIng commonplace. James cook, Bbc News, edInburgh. The IsraelI prIme MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu has strongly condemned BrItaIns DecIsIon to suspend some Arms Export lIcences to Israel. The Uk Government says the weapons, IncludIng parts forfIghterjets and drones, could be used In gaza to vIolate InternatIonal law. Mr netanyahu says the move Is shameful and brItaIns mIsguIded decIsIon wIll only embolden hamas. And tonIght, there have been more protests In tel avIv. PolIce clashed wIth crowds demandIng an ImmedIate deal to get the remaInIng hostages seIzed by hamas In the October 7th attacks released. A Bbc InvestIgatIon has found theres been a rapId rIse In IsraelI settler outposts In the West Bank, an area occupIed by Israel sInce It captured the terrItory In 1967. Theres no offIcIal record of how many settlements there are, but by pIecIng together hundreds of satellIte Images and InformatIon found on socIal medIa, the bbc has establIshed there are close to 200 such outposts, half of them buIlt In the last fIve years. TonIght, the foreIgn offIce has strongly condemned unprecedented levels of Settler VIolence agaInst palestInIans In the West Bank, also hIghlIghted by the bbc. Heres emIr nader. Here In the occupIed West Bank, aIsha and her Husband Nabeel say theyre beIng forced from theIr home. ThIs Is the man shes accusIng, a settler named Moshe SharvIt. But Moshe SharvIt paInts a dIfferent pIcture of hIs presence here. He lIves In an unauthorIsed settlement In the West Bank. Its whats known as an outpost, Illegal under both IsraelI and InternatIonal law. Illegal, but theyre rarely removed, and In some cases theyre later legalIsed. And outposts lIke moshes, whIch are often farms, gIve Settlers Access to huge areas of land. Its outposts lIke these that are rapIdly expandIng sInce the begInnIng of the war In gaza, and are IncreasIngly lInked to vIolence and the Mass ExpulsIon of palestInIan famIlIes, whIle pushIng IsraelI settlements deeper Into the West Bank and takIng control over vast swathes of land. Bbc InvestIgatIons has analysed data and verIfIed the locatIon of 196 outposts across the West Bank. We found almost half were set up In the last fIve years. We joIn AIsha And Nabeel agaIn as they brIefly return home, two months after they were forced to leave. Moshe sharvIt, the settler who they say forced them out, appears agaIn. EarlIer thIs year, Moshe SharvIt was among a number of settlers sanctIoned by the uk and the us for vIolence and IntImIdatIon agaInst palestInIans In the West Bank. Weve now dIscovered how a powerful organIsatIon has supported some of these settlers. The world zIonIst organIsatIon Is over 100 years old and Its Settlement DIvIsIon Is funded by the IsraelI government. It manages land In the occupIed West Bank on the states behalf. Documents obtaIned by an IsraelI ngo and analysed by the bbc, and analysed by the bbc show how the Settlement DIvIsIon has allocated large areas of land In the occupIed West Bank to settlers. They forbId the buIldIng of any structures, but we found a pattern of settlers who have establIshed theIr outposts on these lands. NeIther the world zIonIst organIsatIon nor the IsraelI government responded to our questIons. Nor dId Moshe SharvIt. So we went dIrectly to hIs outpost. Weve spoken to a palestInIan woman who says you put a gun to her head. It was you, Moshe SharvIt, who Is sanctIoned InternatIonally. WIll you let the palestInIan famIlIes return to thIs area . DespIte InternatIonal sanctIons on settlers lIke Moshe SharvIt. On settlers lIke Moshe SharvIt, they remaIn undeterred and IncreasIngly powerful. EmIr nader, Bbc News. And you can see more on the InvestIgatIon by the team at Bbc Eye In settlements above the law, avaIlable now on Iplayer. Its just over seven years sInce the Grenfell Tower DIsaster In west london, when a fIre whIch burned for 60 hours kIlled 72 people. The claddIng whIch had been added to make the buIldIng warmer and drIer had turned It Into a fIre trap. Tomorrow, the publIc InquIry s fInal report Into the blaze wIll be publIshed. Tom symonds has been hearIng from three people whose lIves have forever been changed by the tragedy. For a long tIme, those screams really dId haunt me. I felt helpless. There was nothIng really I could do. It Is only through beIng brave enough and honest enough to look at our faIlIngs that we can grow. There Is not closure I to the whole sItuatIon. Theres stIll an awful lot. Of people stuck as a result of what happened at grenfell tower. Many lIves have been lost and scarred by thIs tragedy and Its stIll unfoldIng consequences. Every major mIlestone In my lIfe, I try and make sure that I come here to pay my respects to. PhysIcs students tIago alves dIdnt hesItate the nIght hIs dad saId. Get ready, we need to leave. I thInk theres a fIre In the buIldIng. It lIkely saved hIs lIfe. He watched helpless as the fIre destroyed the tower and kIlled many of hIs frIends and neIghbours. What I actually want from thIs report Is true Is wrItten down on a page, somethIng that we can poInt to and say, thIs Is what the truth Is, thIs Is what happened, and these are the companIes or entItIes responsIble for what happened that nIght. I could feel my wrIsts| and my neck burnIng. I checked the temperature and It was 550 celsIus. FIrefIghter RIcky Nuttall and dozens of hIs colleagues battled the Heat And Smoke In the buIldIngs only staIrcase, but too late to save many. What felt lIke a faIlure Is 72. People not survIvIng that fIre. That Is what felt lIke a faIlure, and that faIlure extends past our actIons on the nIght. It extends to the refurbIshment companIes and EverythIng Elsel that we are goIng to hear about In the InquIry. But grenfell s legacy does not end here. In sheffIeld, JennI Garratt Is stuck wIth a flat she cannot sell and massIve servIce charges to pay forfIre precautIons because after grenfell, her buIldIng was also found to be dangerous. ComparatIvely to other people, I am one of the lucky ones. I am one of the people who has actually got remedIatIon happenIng. We dont know how long It Is goIng to take. EverythIng keeps gettIng extended. But there are so many people across the country that dont even have an assessment for theIr buIldIng. It Is hard to thInk of a dIsaster In brItIsh hIstory whIch has hIghlIghted so many poInts of faIlure. More than anythIng, grenfell s legacy wIll be the lessons It wIll teach us. Tom symonds, Bbc News, at grenfell tower. Tom Is wIth me. A bIg day tomorrow. Seven years on. What are we lIkely to learn . It helps If you ImagIne grenfell as a chaIn of faIlure. We know thIs from InquIry evIdence, years of InquIry evIdence. It starts wIth the governments, labourand governments, labour and conservatIves, who governments, labourand conservatIves, who have known for some decades that the flammable claddIng used on that buIldIng was dangerous. They have been test reports, otherfIres, reports by mps, but It was never banned. One of the reasons, whIch I thInk the InquIry wIll almost certaInly look at, Is the decIsIon In the 2010s to get rId of red tape, to get rId of, really, restrIctIons on busIness whIch may have made It harder to brIng In fIre restrIctIons. Then there are other manufacturers that made the materIals put on that buIldIng, In partIcular, arconIc, whIch made the claddIng and knew there were problems wIth thIs product, but dIdnt really tell the uk Industry. The problem there wIll be, I thInk, uk Industry. The problem there wIll be, IthInk, what lInk uk Industry. The problem there wIll be, I thInk, what lInk Is there between that and the use of that claddIng at grenfell. There where the companIes that dId the work at grenfell. How competent were they . And then there Is the fIre servIce, whIch dIdnt have a plan to evacuate a buIldIng despIte the fact that It had lost control of thIs fIre. If It had, I thInk many, many more people would have survIved. Now, the survIvors and the bereaved wIll get answers tomorrow. What they wont get Is justIce, answers tomorrow. What they wont get IsjustIce, because answers tomorrow. What they wont get Is justIce, because the polIce have decIded to waIt tIll thIs InquIry to prosecute or to plan prosecutIons. Thats not goIng to happen for another 18 months, and thats nearly ten years after grenfell. Tom, I know you wIll be reportIng extensIvely on thIs tomorrow. A new street In the czech CapItal Prague has been named In honour of sIr nIcholas wInton, who helped save hundreds ofjewIsh chIldren from the nazIs. 669 young chIldren escaped In the nIne months leadIng up to the outbreak of World War two. The street Is next to a RaIlway StatIon from where Tens Of Thousands of people were deported durIng the holocaust. He dIed In 2015 at the age of 106