Hello. A wArm welcome to the progrAmme. Im sAlly bundock. IsrAels prime <A href=''>Minister BenjAmin NetAnyAhuA> hAs Asked for forgiveness from isrAelis for fAiling to return six hostAges found deAd in gAzA on sAturdAy, As hAmAs wArned more could be returned to their fAmilies in shrouds if A <A href=''>CeAsefire IsntA> reAched. His comments cAme As <A href=''>Intense Street ProtestsA> over his hAndling of negotiAtions entered A second night in isrAel. TrAnslAtion they murdered six of our hostAges in cold blood. So After this horrible murder, i dont believe thAt someone would come, someone serious would come, someone serious would come, someone serious would come And sAy, now mAke more concessions, you Are not serious hAmAs is serious. I cAnt believe this hAppened. I cAnt believe this hAppened. I cAnt believe this hAppened. I cAnt believe Anyone reAlly thinks thAt And i cAnt believe <A href=''>President BidenA> ActuAlly sAid thAt. Pressure Also mounted internAtionAlly As the uk suspended some <A href=''>Arms SAlesA> to isrAel, citing A risk of equipment being used to violAte internAtionAl lAw. The foreign secretAry, dAvid lAmmy, sAid there wAs A cleAr risk the equipment might be used in serious violAtions of <A href=''>InternAtionAl HumAnitAriAn LAwA> but insisted the move did not Amount to An Arms embArgo. His isrAeli counterpArt, isrAel kAtz, sAid the only beneficiAries would be hAmAs And irAn. Lets get some AnAylsis now. Im joined by <A href=''>MohAmed TAhAA> from bbc ArAbic. The lAtest developments, the pressure is on <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> coming from All sides now, isnt it . NetAnyAhu coming from All sides now. Isnt it . Now, isnt it . MAssive pressure from president now, isnt it . MAssive pressure from <A href=''>President BidenA> now, isnt it . MAssive pressure from <A href=''>President BidenA> who now, isnt it . MAssive pressure from <A href=''>President BidenA> who sAid| from <A href=''>President BidenA> who sAid thAt prime minister <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> does not do enough to reAch A <A href=''>CeAsefire DeAlA>, pressure from the uk by scrApping some of <A href=''>Arms LicensingA> And the mAssive, mAssive pressure is from inside. We sAw the strike eArly inside. We sAw the strike eArly in the morning, the court scrubbed the strike, but there Are still mAssive demonstrAtions, clAshes between the AdministrAtions And the Authorities. And then we sAw <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> in A very rAre open <A href=''>Press ConferenceA> tAlking AgAinst everyone. He wAs AgAinst <A href=''>President BidenA>, AgAinst the fAmilies of the hostAges, he wAs AgAinst the demonstrAtors. It looked like towArds <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> towArds <A href=''>BinyAmin NetA NyAhuA> AgAinst towArds <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> AgAinst the world in this in thAt sense. 50 AgAinst the world in this in thAt sense. ThAt sense. So there is incredibly thAt sense. So there is incredibly intense thAt sense. So there is incredibly intense the l thAt sense. So there is incredibly intense the pressure on him personAlly And Also within his own pArty As well, the politics is getting extremely complicAted. In the meAntime, the fighting continues, in gAzA And on the <A href=''>West BAnkA>. WhAts the lAtest . Indeed, we hAve severAl deAths in the <A href=''>West BAnkA> As the isrAeli operAtion continues in <A href=''>Turkiye And JeninA> in pArticulAr. We hAve severAl deAths in gAzA becAuse of the isrAeli shelling. As isrAeli prime minister <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> sAid in his <A href=''>Press ConferenceA>, he would continue the wAr And he would continue the wAr And he wouldnt do Any concessions. HAmAs replied on whAt he sAid by sAying thAt they were cleAr instructions from the guArds of the hostAges After the All this pressure coming from within And frt After operAtion when the isrAeli All this pressure coming from within And frt After the when. , wviiieriiiie 7 i . 77 when the isrAeli forces mAnAged to free some of operAtion when the isrAeli forces mAnAged to free some of those hostAges thAt whenever those hostAges thAt whenever they feel the isrAeli troops they feel the isrAeli Are ApproAching, they hAve to do something. UnfortunAtely, Are ApproAching, they hAve to do something. UnfortunAtely, unless there is A ceAsefire unless A ceAsefire unless there is A <A href=''>CeAsefire DeAlA>, the <A href=''>Consequences WouldntA> be good. DeAl, the <A href=''>Consequences WouldntA> deAl, the <A href=''>Consequences WouldntA> be Aood. � , deAl, the <A href=''>Consequences WouldntA> be Aood. A. , deAl, the <A href=''>Consequences WouldntA> be Aood. A. , ~ be good. 0k. As AlwAys, thAnk ou ve be good. 0k. As AlwAys, thAnk you very much be good. 0k. As AlwAys, thAnk indeed. You very much indeed. LAurA blumenfeld is A middle <A href=''>LAurA BlumenfeldA> is A middle <A href=''>EAst AnAlystA> And former senior <A href=''>EAst AnAlystA> And former senior <A href=''>Policy AdvisorA> on the <A href=''>Policy AdvisorA> on the stAte <A href=''>DepArtments StAteA> depArtments isrAeli pAlestiniAn isrAeli pAlestiniAn negotiAting teAm. NegotiAting teAm. Welcome to bbc news. From your welcome to bbc news. From your perspective, why does not perspective, why does not <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> respond to <A href=''>BinyAmin NetAnyAhuA> All this pressure coming from perspective, why does not bi this in netAnyAhu perspective, why does not bi this pressure � Ahu perspective, why does not bi this pressure coming from within And from the All this pressure coming from within And from the likes of <A href=''>President BidenA> on reAching A deAl . Studio, it looks sAid in the studio, it looks like netAnyAhu AgAinst the world And thAt very much vAlidAtes his Point Of View thAt, you know, As he sAid in April when it looked like the united stAtes wAs threAtening to withhold weApons, if we hAve to withhold weApons, if we hAve to fight with our fingernAils we will. He sees himself, you know its useful mAybe to pull bAck A little bit And sAy, you know, how does he ActuAlly see himself . In one sense very much like churchill, like An inspirAtionAl stAtesmAn who is rAllying the people from the brink of defeAt to victory. He even before october seven, he AlwAys identified with churchill. Hes Also chAnnelling A little bit of henry kissinger, when he wAs negotiAte being the <A href=''>North VietnAmeseA> fAmously sAid you cAnnot win At the <A href=''>NegotiAting TAbleA> whAt you hAvent eArned in the bAttlefield. I think netAnyAhu firmly believes thAt only militAry <A href=''>Pressure And KindA> of gAins in the bAttlefield especiAlly in gAzA will get him whAt he wAnts from hAmAs which is, you know, complete militAry And politicAl victory. And finAlly the third thing is he hAs AlwAys been obsessed with being whAt he would cAll A sucker. I remember on the 50th AnniversAry of isrAel, you know, 25 yeArs Ago, the <A href=''>BAnner HeAdlineA> in thejerusAlem post, the dAily newspAper, netAnyAhu wAs prime minister then, his <A href=''>BAnner Quote HeAdlineA> in the AnniversAry wAs, we Are not suckers. On october seven, isrAel wAs sucker punched And pArt of it wAs becAuse they were relying on technicAl sensors Along thAt border there including the philAdelphiA corridor. I think his philosophy is, we wont be fooled AgAin. Do philosophy is, we wont be fooled AgAin. Fooled AgAin. Do you think president fooled AgAin. Do you think <A href=''>President BidenA> fooled AgAin. Do you think <A href=''>President BidenA> should fooled AgAin. Do you think <A href=''>President BidenA> should be | fooled AgAin. Do you think <A href=''>President BidenA> should be doing more . In terms of increAsing the pressure on netAnyAhu, for exAmple, the uk suspending some Arms exports to isrAel, should the us be doing more . The us be doing more . Well, Absolutely the us be doing more . Well, Absolutely. I the us be doing more . Well, Absolutely. I think the us be doing more . Well, Absolutely. I think on the us be doing more . Well, Absolutely. I think on the the us be doing more . Well, j Absolutely. I think on the one hAnd, biden feels like he needs to pressure netAnyAhu, but hes Also feeling pressure. I meAn, the AdministrAtion is running where, you know, its like coming Around the bend for the in the president iAl rAce. Michelle obAmA, the former first lAdy, got up And sAt in front of the nAtion And do something. And <A href=''>Vice PresidentA> hArris, the nominee sAid, when we fight we win. CleArly theyre not winning the <A href=''>CeAsefire DeAlA> right now. They dont wAnt to look likejimmy cArter in 1980 when he wAs bedevilled by A hostAge crisis. There Are AmericAns held in irAn in 1980 And <A href=''>MAdejAmie CArter LookA> like A lAme duck. WhAt cAn they do . CArter look like A lAme duck. WhAt cAn AppreciAte but we do AppreciAte your AnAlysis And your thoughts on whAts hAppening in the middle eAst. President biden is bAck on the <A href=''>CAmpAign TrAilA>, Alongside his <A href=''>Vice PresidentA> And democrAtic president iAl nominee, <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>. The pAir kicked off the finAl sprint of the election, thAt trAditionAlly begins on <A href=''>LAbour DAyA> in the us which wAs mondAy. Theyve been AppeAring At A locAl <A href=''>Union HAllA> in pittsburgh. Its the first time mr biden joined <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> on the <A href=''>CAmpAign TrAilA> since dropping out of 2024 <A href=''>RAce SingingA> her prAises, touting her As A leAder who would support workers. She would be historic pro union president. So, folks, we got one morejob to do president. So, folks, we got one more job to do together let me Ask you Are you reAdy to fight let me Ask you Are you reAdy to fiuht . Let me Ask you Are you reAdy to fight Are let me Ask you Are you reAdy to fight Are we let me Ask you Are you reAdy to fight Are we reAdy i let me Ask you Are you reAdyj to fight Are we reAdy to to fight yeAh. Are we reAdy to win . YeAh to fight yeAh. Are we reAdy to win . YeAh Are to fight yeAh. Are we reAdy to win . YeAh Are you to fight yeAh. Are we reAdy to win . YeAh Are you reAdy to fight yeAh. Are we reAdy to win . YeAh Are you reAdy to i to fight yeAh. Are we reAdy to | win . YeAh Are you reAdy to let <A href=''>Elect KAmAlA WinA> . YeAh Are you reAdy to let elect <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> win . YeAh Are you reAdy to let elect <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> the win . YeAh Are you reAdy to let elect <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> the next. Elect <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA> the next president of the united stAtes . Cheering And <A href=''>ApplAuse AmiA> ~~ <A href=''>Cheering And ApplAuseA> Afld~~~ in <A href=''>Cheering And ApplAuseA> Afld~~~ in the <A href=''>Cheering And ApplAuseA> And. In the process, <A href=''>Cheering And ApplAuseA> And. In the process, Are <A href=''>Cheering And ApplAuseA> And. In the process, Are you reAdy to mAke donAld trump A loser AgAin . reAdy to mAke donAld trump A loser AgAin . reAdy to mAke donAld trump A loser AgAin . i reAdy to mAke donAld trump A loser AgAin . i hAve loser AgAin . yeAh i hAve never been loser AgAin . yeAh i hAve never been more loser AgAin . yeAh i hAve l never been more optimistic About AmericA. We hAve to remember who we Are we Are the usA, theres nothing, i meAn this from the bottom of my heArt, theres nothing beyond our cApAcity. KAmAlA hArris took the stAge immediAtely After, returning the president s prAise. I hAve spent more time with this extrAordinAry humAn being when the cAmerAs were not in the room, when the stAkes were high, when the heAt wAs intense, And <A href=''>Joe BidenA> hAs AlwAys stood with the workers of <A href=''>AmericA And LAbourA> unions of AmericA. ApplAuse AlwAys AlwAys heres our <A href=''>North AmericA CorrespondentA> Peter Bowes explAining the significAnce of thAt AppeArAnce on stAge. This Amounted to A very public pAssing of the torch between <A href=''>Joe BidenA> And <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>. It wAs noticeAble when they wAlked on stAge together, <A href=''>Joe BidenA> held <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>� hAnd high As if to sAy to the Audience of union members, look, this is your cAndidAte now. HAving your cAndidAte now. HAving stepped your cAndidAte now. HAving stepped Aside from the rAce himself. And he wAs full of prAise of <A href=''>KAmAlA HArrisA>. He tAlked About the Achievements As he sAw it of his AdministrAtion, but frAmed it As the Achievements of the <A href=''>Biden HArris AdministrAtionA> tAlking About the infrAstructure bill, for exAmple, creAting jobs for AmericAs middle clAss, creAting jobs for union members. I think A messAge designed to resonAte with AmericAns on <A href=''>LAbour DAyA> Are A holidAy designed to celebrAte the AmericAn workforce. ThAt wAs the theme. ThAt wAs essentiAlly the, i think, the Aim of<A href=''>Joe BidenA> to, yes, tAlk About his Achievements, but sAy, look this is your cAndidAte now. She is someone who is highly quAlified, someone who he believes in, And who he sAid he would be cAmpAigning forfrom the cAmpAigning for from the sidelines. CAmpAigning forfrom the sidelines. He sAid, this is A womAn who knows whAt she is doing. I think thAts the messAge thAt he wAnted the Audience to go AwAy with. NoticeAble thAt this AmericAn holidAy, theres been very little from donAld trump, the former president hAs not been holding rAllies, he hAsnt held <A href=''>Press ConferenceA>s, you look At previous election cycles thAt hes been involved in, he hAs been very Active on those dAys. I think the theory being its An AmericAn holidAy, mAybe people hAve A little bit more time to pAy Attention to politics, but Also, of course, it is the unofficiAl stArt of the finAl sprint to the finishing line, <A href=''>Election DAyA> on novemberfive. Pope frAncis is expected to lAnd injAkArtA shortly At the stArt of An Ambitious visit to AsiA. These Are live pictures were receiving now from the Airport where you cAn see lots of people Are gAthered to see his ArrivAl. From indonesiA, <A href=''>Hell TrAvelA> to pApuA new guineA, Timor Leste And singApore. The 87 yeAr old pope hAd previously sAid his heAlth problems mAde trAvelling much more difficult but this 12 <A href=''>DAy TripA> is the longest of his pApAcy so fAr. Lets speAk to our correspondentjonAthAn heAd whos in bAngkok. JonAthAn, im sure theres hume AnticipAtion And excitement. TAlk through his AgendA . fix, tAlk through his AgendA . 2 <A href=''>DAy AgendAA> in indonesiA, A little less Ambitious thAn the lAst pApAl visit which wAs long Ago As 35 yeArs Ago <A href=''>Byjohn PAulA> ii Ago As 35 yeArs Ago <A href=''>Byjohn PAulA> i who wAs in better heAlth And younger. Hes going to stAy injAkArtA todAy. TodAy will be meeting the president of indonesiA, the outgoing president , joko widodo, who hAnded other to his successor in A months time, And then meeting young cAtholic indonesiAns At A church meeting tomorrow, will be the big dAy where he goes to the lArgest mosque in <A href=''>South EAstA> AsiA, in jAkArtA, enormous colossAl building in the centre of the city with meetings there with muslim with muslim, lArge number of muslims who will Attend it. IndonesiAs the worlds lArgest muslim populAtion. It does hAve significAnt minorities of other religions, romAn <A href=''>CAtholics NumberA> About Eight Million in the country. IslAm is not the officiAl religion, it An is not An islAmic stAte, its A multi <A href=''>FAith StAteA> And its meAnt for previous popes, for the vAticAn, for A long time keeping good relAtions with indonesiA hAs AlwAys been very, very importAnt. They hAve AlwAys hAd since indonesiAn independence, <A href=''>VAticAn RepresentAtionA> in the city. Hell Also hAve A very big sort of mAss held in A giAnt <A href=''>StAdium InjAkArtAA> with romAn cAtholics who will be trAvelling from All over this enormous country to come And see him. figs over this enormous country to come And see him. Over this enormous country to come And see him. As you sAid, theres going come And see him. As you sAid, theres going to come And see him. As you sAid, theres going to be come And see him. As you sAid, theres going to be A come And see him. As you sAid, theres going to be A reAl theres going to be A reAl focus on interfAith hArmony but Also is he not expected to drAw Attention to indonesiAs extreme vulnerAbility to rising seA levels, climAte chAnge is something hes been very vocAl on before . He something hes been very vocAl on before . On before . He will rAise those. Its A on before . He will rAise those. Its A personAl on before . He will rAise those. Its A personAl concern on before . He will rAise those. Its A personAl concern of on before . He will rAise those. Its A personAl concern of his i its A personAl concern of his And indonesiA, like mAny countries in this region, does fAce extrAordinAry chAllenges once climAte chAnge And rising seA levels kick in. But i think Also hes very much going to be emphAsising his interest in sort of countries thAt operAte diplomAticAlly outside the sort of greAt power Axis, indonesiA is one of them. A <A href=''>Core MemberA> of the g20, hAs relAtions with All countries, thAts the kind of country this pope, <A href=''>Pope FrAncisA>, thinks its A good exAmple for the world. AlwAys underneAth it, though, will be the sensitivities in indonesiA, the sensitivities in indonesiA, the fAct thAt, you know, we hAve hAd rising islAmic extremism in recent yeArs. IndonesiA is A trAnsformed country from the lAst pApAl visit 35 yeArs Ago, its democrAtic but we hAve seen AttAcks on christiAns in some plAces. AlwAys A delicAte bAlAnce thAt hAs to be mAnAged in the country. There Are indonesiAn muslims who believe thAt islAm should hAve A much more prominent role in the shAping of the country And Any pApAl visit hAs to sort of reAlly push home indonesiAs proud record of religious hArmony And emphAsise how importAnt thAt is for the region. ImportAnt thAt is for the reuion. ,. ,. ImportAnt thAt is for the reuion. ,. ,. ,. ,. , ~ importAnt thAt is for the reuion. ,. ~ region. JonAthAn, thAnk you very much region. JonAthAn, thAnk you very much indeed. Region. JonAthAn, thAnk you very much indeed. JonAthAn region. JonAthAn, thAnk you very much indeed. JonAthAn heAd there tAlking us through whAts AheAd for <A href=''>Pope FrAncisA>. He is expected the to Arrive Any <A href=''>Moment InjAkArtAA> And we will keep you Across All the developments As they hAppen. 12 dAys hes got. Very busy schedule. Around the world And Across the uk. This is bbc news. Lets heAd to germAny now. The germAn chAncellor, olAf scholz, hAs urged mAinstreAm pArties not to lend support to the fAr right AlternAtive for germAny pArty or Afd, which he cAlled extremist. His wArning cAme After their recent electorAl success, something he described As worrying And sAid the pArty wAs dividing society. The Afds co leAder <A href=''>Alice WeidelA> sAid voters in <A href=''>ThuringiA And SAxonyA> hAd given her pArty A very cleAr mAndAte to govern. From there, <A href=''>JessicA PArkerA> reports. An evening known As the city of poets, these men hAve lived All their lives here, its in recent yeArs they hAve turned to the fAr right for deutschelAnd. The pArty represents the interests of the little mAn, they sAid. And its A defender of germAn sovereignty. ForAn A defender of germAn sovereignty. For An olonA its immigrAtion. TrAnslAtion i hAve nothing AgAinst foreigners. But the number of migrAnts Are becoming A burden on the welfAre system. Theyjoin A mArch. These supporters reject frequent AllegAtions thAt the AlternAtive <A href=''>Fur DeutschlAndA> is extremist, often its the stAte they dont trust. Drive not fAr from weimAr And youll see this A reAson why mAny find the rise of the fAr right so disturbing. This is the memoriAl site once A nAzi concentrAtion cAmp. Theres something cAlled the culture of remembrAnce in germAny And thAts notjust About thAts not just About remembering thAts notjust About remembering the holocAust, but Also About tAking responsibility for whAt hAppened. Over time, thAts become pArt of germAnys nAtionAl identity. But the <A href=''>Afds LeAderA> in this stAte once described berlins <A href=''>HolocAust MemoriAlA> As A memoriAl of shAme in the heArt of its cApitAl, And cAlled for A 180 <A href=''>Degree TurnA> in our politics of remembrAnce. The director of the site sAys the Afds success is AlArming. I wouldnt sAy thAt the md is A wouldnt sAy thAt the Afd is A nAzi pArty 2. 0, but we hAve experienced the lAst yeArs A lot of AttAcks AgAinst the culture of memory in germAny, AgAinst our work here At the memoriAl. AgAinst our work here At the memoriAl AgAinst our work here At the memoriAl. ,. ,. , memoriAl. These hAlls hold the echoes of memoriAl. These hAlls hold the echoes of pAst memoriAl. These hAlls hold the echoes of pAst horrors. MemoriAl. These hAlls hold the echoes of pAst horrors. This echoes of pAst horrors. This election brought <A href=''>Record SuccessA> for the fAr right in the postwAr erA A pAth thAt germAny hAd left untrAvelled until now. UkrAine sAys its continuing to seize more lAnd in russiA, following its <A href=''>Surprise IncursionA> A month Ago. But the operAtion hAs fAiled to eAse pressure on ukrAines eAstern <A href=''>Home FrontA> And kyiv now fAces tough strAtegic choices About where to commit its troops next. Our <A href=''>Europe Correspondent NickA> beAke hAs trAvelled to the regions bordering russiA to meet the lAtest ukrAiniAn Army recruits At A secret <A href=''>TrAining CAmpA>. The militAry Asked to view our footAge to protect the secrecy of their locAtion, but did not hAve editoriAl control over nicks report. The soldiers of the 22nd mechAnised brigAde, the first ukrAiniAn troops to breAk into russiA A month Ago. They rApidly seized more thAn 100 settlements And 600 russiAn prisoners of wAr According to kyiv. The men here filmed in Action Are now bAck in ukrAine. Regrouping. We met them just A few miles from the russiAn border. TrAnslAtion we went fAr into the kursk region. We were Alone As the forwArd teAm. We were on foreign soil And we felt like foreigners. D0 foreign soil And we felt like foreigners foreign soil And we felt like foreiuners. ~. ,. , foreigners. Do you know how lonA foreigners. Do you know how long youll foreigners. Do you know how long youll beyond foreigners. Do you know how long youll beyond russiAn i long youll beyond russiAn territory when youll go bAck . TrAnslAtion were there As long As were told to. If we hAve An order to move forwArd we cAn get to moscow And well show whAt ukrAine is All About, whAt our guys Are like. ReAl cossAcks. WhAt our guys Are like. ReAl cossAck whAt our guys Are like. ReAl cossAcks. ~. ,. , cossAcks. UkrAine mAy be on the <A href=''>AttAck BuzzA> cossAcks. UkrAine mAy be on the <A href=''>AttAck BuzzA> sAys cossAcks. UkrAine mAy be on the <A href=''>AttAck BuzzA> sAys its cossAcks. UkrAine mAy be on the <A href=''>AttAck BuzzA> sAys its still <A href=''>AttAck BuzzA> sAys its still wAiting for vitAl bAck up from the west. These lAtest recruits At A secret <A href=''>TrAining CAmpA> Are in their 40s At A secret <A href=''>TrAining CAmpA> Are in theirli0s And At A secret <A href=''>TrAining CAmpA> Are in their 40s And 50s, hAving spent their lives fAr from the trenches. But with the country now desperAte for troops, theyre being fAst trAcked to theyre being fAst trAcked to the front line. UkrAine is on the front line. UkrAine is on the <A href=''>BAck FootingA> in key pArts of the bAttlefield At home but the recent incursion into russiA hAs given A big <A href=''>MorAle BoostA> And its Also given this wAr A new dimension. Boost And its Also given this wArA new dimension. More troops Are being recruited And trAined but At the sAme time, kAtherine now fAces ukrAine now fAces tough strAtegic decisions. Should they be deployed to the eAst of ukrAine where moscow is seizing more lAnd by throwing tens of thousAnds of soldiers into bAttle . Or should they go into russiA to hold the recent gAins . These men told us theyd bAck the kursk incursion. TrAnslAtion i think this is the right thing to do. Look how long they hAve been in our lAnd. You cAntjust sit there while theyre cApturing our territory. WhAt will we do then . Will we become their slAves . ,. , ~ slAves . Through tAking fight into russiA, slAves . Through tAking fight into russiA, ukrAine slAves . Through tAking fight into russiA, ukrAine initiAlly| into russiA, ukrAine initiAlly gAlvAnised its public, but president zelensky hAs tAken A gAmble. His troops now fighting on yet Another front And without the AdditionAl western firepowers, he sAys they desperAtely need. Here in the uk, the government hAs Announced A crAckdown on criminAls steAling Mobile Phones As so cAlled snAtch thefts in englAnd And wAles hit their highest rAte in more thAn A decAde. Its thought to be down to An increAse in demAnd for second hAnd smArtphones both in the uk And overseAs. Our correspondent frAnces reAd hAs the detAils. AudAcious, eAsy, A quick snAtch And its gone. Pins And fAciAl <A href=''>Recognition HelpA> but theyre not A solution And often young people who Are being tArgeted in plAces like pArks And outside trAnsport hubs. Theres been work to try to crAck down on thefts but Mobile Phones Are now the most stolen items in englAnd And wAles, According to the lAtest figures. There Are At leAst 200 snAtched thefts everydAy, lAst yeAr 78,000 people hAd their phones or bAgs snAtched. Yet less thAn 1 resulted in A chArge And more thAn 80 of police investigAtions were closed before A suspect wAs found. For A while now, there hAve been cAlls for more to be done. The governments Asking tech compAnies And mAnufActurers to work with it to find solutions And end the illegAl mArket for stolen phones. Police chiefs will Also be Asked to gAther intelligence on where the phones end up in An Attempt to end orgAnised crime. End orgAnised crime. Primely whAt is in end orgAnised crime. Primely whAt is in it end orgAnised crime. Primely whAt is in it for end orgAnised crime. Primely whAt is in it for them end orgAnised crime. Primely whAt is in it for them is end orgAnised crime. Primely whAt is in it for them is dAtA. | whAt is in it for them is dAtA. These dAys we got All our finAnciAl bAnking Apps on our phones And All mAnner of pAss words sAves sAved perhAps with every service we engAge with. ThAts primArily whAt theyre After. They AttrActs A high price on the dArk web As people pAy mAny times the vAlue of the hAndset just pAy mAny times the vAlue of the hAndsetjust becAuse of the dAtA its on. HAndsetjust becAuse of the dAtA its on. Avoid using your hone dAtA its on. Avoid using your phone on dAtA its on. Avoid using your phone on the dAtA its on. Avoid using your phone on The Street dAtA its on. Avoid using your phone on The Street if dAtA its on. Avoid using your phone on The Street if you. DAtA its on. Avoid using your <A href=''>I PhoneA> on The Street if you cAn, look Around you if you cAnt Avoid it And thAt youre less likely to be tArgeted if you look confident And know where youre going. EAsier sAid thAn done but it mightjust stop you from being the next victim. Now to the pArAlympics And chinA continues its dominAtion of the gAmes in pAris, tAking its tAlly of gold medAls to A3. Second is greAt britAin, with 29. TriAthletes dAvid ellis And <A href=''>MegAn RichterA> won eArly golds for greAt britAin with swimmers ellie chAllis And <A href=''>Louise FiddesA> Also triumphAnt Across 15 scintillAting minutes in the pool. And in the <A href=''>WheelchAir RugbyA> finAl jApAn beAt the three time chAmpions the usA to clAim gold in the event for the first time. Lets <A href=''>TA KeA> lets tAke you live to jAkArtA where we hAve heArd the pope hAs ActuAlly Arrived. His where we hAve heArd the pope hAs ActuAlly Arrived. HAs ActuAlly Arrived. His plAne hAs ActuAlly Arrived. His plAne hAs touched hAs ActuAlly Arrived. His plAne hAs touched down, hAs ActuAlly Arrived. His plAne hAs touched down, pope hAs ActuAlly Arrived. His <A href=''>PlAne LA> hAs touched down, <A href=''>Pope FrAncisA> Arriving in indonesiA. This is the first leg of A very Ambitious four <A href=''>Country TourA> of the AsiA pAcific. Hell be spending two dAys in indonesiA before then moving on to eAse timor, singApore, pApuA new guineA, overA timor, singApore, pApuA new guineA, over A 12 <A href=''>DAy TripA>. Ill be bAck with <A href=''>Business TodAyA> here on bbc news. See you in A moment. Hello there. Whether we like it or not, september is the month where we trAnsition from summer into Autumn And we Are AlreAdy seeing the first signs of thAt. We hAd A wArm southerly, A humid feel but AlreAdy A north westerly flow drives fresh Air Across the country. By the middle pArt of this week temperAtures will revert bAck to where they should be At this stAge, generAlly from 16 to 21 celsius. MondAy brought A dAy of heAvy rAin Across scotlAnd in pArticulAr And thAt eAses AwAy but still A trAil of showers will linger for quite some time during tuesdAy. So we will stArt off Across the midlAnds with one or two isolAted showers. These could become more frequent As they drift eAst. HeAvy And thundery into the Afternoon Across eAstern englAnd. Dry, settled And sunny And After A lovely stArt Across scotlAnd it will cloud over with showery outbreAks into the west And pArts of northern irelAnd. 14 18 degrees is the high but we could see 23 in eAst AngliA. As we move through <A href=''>TuesdAy EveningA> into the eArly hours of wednesdAy morning, the showers Across englAnd And wAles will tend to fAde. We will hAve A cluster of showers pushing in Across northern irelAnd And we could hAve A Coolish Night in scotlAnd with low single figures likely in rurAl AreAs. So A pArticulArly fresh stArt here first thing on wednesdAy morning. High pressure is trying to build in but we hAve A weAk <A href=''>WeAther FrontA> toppling Across the high And thAt could bring A little bit of A nuisAnce. A bAnd of cloud And A few scAttered <A href=''>Showers EAstA> of the pennines running down towArds the <A href=''>South EAstA>. Not much rAin on it, A little bit of showery rAin into southern scotlAnd And northern irelAnd but on the whole wednesdAy will be A dAy of sunny spells, scAttered showers And temperAtures rAnging from 14 21 celsius. As we move out of wednesdAy towArds the end of the week it gets A little bit messy. We hAve An AreA of low pressure, A front drifting down into frAnce And thAt could merge with Another spell of wet weAther pushing up from the neAr continent. All in All, thAt could leAd to quite An unsettled weekend Across centrAl And southern englAnd, but for scotlAnd, it looks drier And brighter As High Pressure lingers longer. Dire strAits the soAring cost of the red <A href=''>SeA CrisisA> AttAcks on shipping hAve seen contAiner rAtes between <A href=''>AsiA And EuropeA> spike over 400 since december. Also coming up demAnding chAnge young people in AfricA feel blocked by corruption, Almost 60 wAnt to emigrAte According to A mAjor new survey. Plus un vAnquished A <A href=''>CollApsing ShAre PriceA> And mounting losses but <A href=''>Aston MArtinA> hopes its fAstest ever <A href=''>Production CArA> cAn get it bAck on trAck with A little help from jAmes bond. We speAk to Astons <A href=''>BillionAire Boss LAwrenceA> stroll. Live from london this is <A href=''>Business TodAyA>

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