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A supreme courtjudge ordered the suspension. Some brazilians report that their access is already blocked. Tickets for the reunion tour for rockband oasis go on sale. And thousands of fans are facing lengthy waits. The official websites were quickly overloaded. Ticketmaster insists the queue is moving. Will be back fairly shortly because we are expecting a press conference from the police regarding the deaths of those two people who were attending the notting hill carnival. Hello and welcome. I'm lyse doucet. I'm one of the co—hosts of the bbc podcast ukrainecast, and with my colleague vitaly shevchenko, we've just recorded a conversation with the prominent british writer and broadcaster stephen fry. He's also a campaigner for mental health awareness, and he's been to ukraine to co—host a conference on this very issue, along with the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenska. So vitaly and i have been speaking with stephen fry about the mental scars of conflict. Ukrainecast from bbc news. It's a great pleasure to be in your presence, stephen. People in ukraine know who you are, they follow you, and they appreciate what you do. No, i'm thrilled to be here. It was extraordinary to visit ukraine almost a year ago, and i still think about it almost every day and follow what's going on in the news with puzzlement, hope, sometimes despair, and often bafflement. Wars are such complex machines, beasts, whatever we want to call them, aren't they? and it's very hard to understand them. And, you know, you're a journalist, you both have every right to visit and to be embedded amongst military and to, you know, describe the theatre and the home front and all the elements of war, but i was very worried whether i would come across as some kind of creepy tourist who was just kind of feasting on the unusual sight and ticking it off on a weird bucket list. That wasn't my intention, i was invited there, but i'm aware that it's a sensitive area, isn't it? oh, but you can see. . . I mean, vitaly, i'm sure, agrees with me that the reaction of ukrainians that you were there, they were very honoured, they were so pleased, because they know you, and also because you have become a well—known advocate of what is a growing issue for ukraine, and that is how to deal with mental health. Yeah, yeah. And that's why i went there. Olena zelenska, the first lady, she has, for a few years now, had these special conferences in which she invites other first ladies and, as they call them, first ladies and gentlemen. So the first ladies and gentlemen gather, and discuss things, and use what i suppose you might call the soft power of a presidential or prime ministerial spouse. Their connections and their ability to get things done and be heard. And she invited me to co—moderate, if that's the right word, a conference specifically on mental health. And i leapt at the chance. You know, that's it about the ukraine war, it hearkens back to the trench warfare of the first world war and then the most modern of warfare in drone warfare. But it is also one of the elements, the way we cover wars now and conflicts, we also have to look at the impact of war. And it's notjust physical, it is mental. And let's listen to some of the people that we've heard from on this programme. Very powerful testimonies of how they deal with mental health. I am struggling with depression, with depressive episodes, and sometimes ijust cannot get up from my bed and i spend daysjust crying. Oh, my god, i'm so sorry to hear that. It's mental health issues, and it's ok to talk about them. . . I absolutely. . . To make them visible. Everyone has a friend who died. Everyone already saw some destruction. So, when you are living with this for two and a half years, it became easier for you to cope with it. Maybe because it is hard to cry on every desk for a long time. You never know what triggers the bout of grief, you know? i sometimes you can go about your life, then all of a sudden, something brings back memories and you start crying. _ the help i would probably appreciate and need eventually, it's to treat my depression, because i sometimes get. Depressed over the fact that i don't live my life _ to the full. But it's not a priority right now. I'll tell you who they are, stephen. One of these voices belongs to valeriia, who's a choir singer, who lives in london now. Maksym is a soldier fighting on the front line. And the third one is viktoriia, who's also now moved to the uk, but she lost her husband and her daughter in the early days of the war. They were killed right in front of her as they were leaving chernihiv. We have been told that two of the people injured in the notting hill carnival stabbing have died. Let's listen into what the officer is about to say. We have already been told the names of the two people. Cher maximen who was 32 who was there with her daughter who is three. Along with other family and friends on sunday. And also mussie imnetudied, a chef who worked with gordon ramsay. Bill many of you are aware that following the notting hill carnival, we shared information about two people with serious injuries. I am very sad to tell you that both have since died. First, i will talk you about mussie imnetudied. He was 41 years old and was visiting the uk from dubai. Years old and was visiting the ukfrom dubai. He years old and was visiting the uk from dubai. He was found unconscious with a head injury in queensway at 1122 on monday the 26th of august. Officers and paramedics provided emergency first aid and he was taken to hospital where despite the best efforts of medical staff he sadly died on friday afternoon. 3i staff he sadly died on friday afternoon. 31 man has been charged with grievous bodily harm, and the matter is being treated as a murder investigation. I will now talk to you about cher maximen. She was 32 years old and was stabbed shortly before 6pm on sunday the 25th of august officers and paramedics provided first aid and she was transported to hospital in critical condition. Despite the hard work of medical staff, she sadly died this morning. She was at the carnival with her young child who is safe and is being cared for. On tuesday morning, officers arrested a 20—year—old man who has been charged with attempted murder. This case is now a murder investigation. The news of both of these tragic deaths is devastating to both families. My devastating to both families. My thoughts are with them as they come to terms with their loss. They will continue to be supported by specialist officers and we ask that their privacy is respected at this time. We are still appealing for information. If you witnessed either incident, please contact crimestoppers anonymously. Detectives are particularly interested in speaking to customers from doctor power restaurant in queensway who try to stop the attack on mussie imnetu which happened around 1120 on monday. I urge them to contact us. Thank you. A statement from an officer outside the headquarters in central london confirming what we had reported a few minutes before that two of the people who had suffered serious injuries in separate incidents during the notting hill carnival have now died from those injuries. On screen we have 32—year—old cher maximen who attended the carnival with her three—year—old daughter along with other family and friends. They were there on sunday. Cher was stabbed in the groin in broad daylight after she intervened in a fight. We understand that she was taken to hospital in a critical condition but she died this morning. We heard from the officer that an attempted murder inquiry was under way during which they detained a 20—year—old man on tuesday. But thatis 20—year—old man on tuesday. But that is now being treated as a murder investigation. And then the other person who died, on friday, is mussie imnetu, a 41—year—old chef from dubai who had previously worked under gordon ramsay. He was attending the carnival on monday, last monday the 26th of august which was the bank holiday. He was found unconscious outside a restaurant on queensway in notting hill. That was around 11:20pm monday night. He was found unconscious with a head injury and officers and paramedics attended but he died on friday. And we have now learnt that it is now also a murder investigation, a man who had been previously arrested with regards to grievous bodily harm with intent was the original charge. Even though these investigations are under way and people have been detained, officers are still appealing for further information, they basically want to hear from any eyewitnesses. We heard those details that outside that restaurant where mussie imnetu was found unconscious, a number of customers tried to help. Police are critically keen to hear from anyone who saw those incidents happen and those customers in particular intervened. They are also saying that specialist officers are continuing to support the families who are devastated by the news that their loved ones have now died. We will hear from our correspondent who is down at new scotland yard shortly. State elections will be held in germany on sunday, and in the country's east, the far—right party alternative for germany stands a real chance of winning. The md has built a strong base in the states of saxony and thuringia — and anger with chancellor olaf scholz�*s government is surging, especially after a knife attack last weekend in which three people were killed. The main suspect is a syrian asylum seeker who had been facing deportation. The anti—immigration party is now germany's fifth largest party. A win this weekend would be its first state victory. A warning: jessica parker's report contains some flashing images. Booing. Boos and shouts aimed at chancellor olaf scholz, among them traitor and warmonger. Chancellor scholz has not been very visible during this campaign in the east. He's not exactly seen as an electoral asset, and the reception for him here, it's mixed. An argument in the crowd. The man on the left supports the far—right alternative for deutschland. The man on the right does not. Does germany feel divided to you at the moment? yeah. Yes, they say. That's the one thing they can agree on. Music. Some upbeat music, but don't be fooled. There's tension in germany, especially around immigration. That's feeding the afd�*s popularity, a party in thuringia that's classed by domestic intelligence as right—wing extremist. Some people in germany, they're not just critical of the afd, they say they're actually scared of the afd. Translation: noone wants to be called rightwing extremist or nazis. We make conservative. Politics, but it's far away from right—wing extremism. That's what people are being told every day, i and they fall for it. Life looks good here, but something's bubbling in the former communist east. What's driving this discontent? well, there's angst on issues ranging from immigration to germany sending weapons to ukraine, a deep frustration with the parties that have governed this country since reunification, and a dissatisfaction amongst people in east germany about what reunification has or hasn't delivered. You can constantly see where the east begins and where the west begins. Better infrastructure, better industry, it's more concentration on the west, like. . . . And we are getting, like, forgotten. Constantin, who says he'll support the afd, hops on his east german—made simpson s50 moped. Over decades, pride in the east was dented. Many would dispute whether the far—right�*s the way to get it back, but here, that's where the momentum lies. Jessica parker, bbc news, in thuringia. Germany has officially withdrawn all its troops from the west african country of new share, ending a nature mission. Troops have left along with equipment. They said that they could not cooperate militarily due to a lack of trust. The country was long considered a reliable partner. But last year the country was taken over by a militaryjunta that came to power in a coup. Our reporter is in cameroon. — is in cameroon. Germany was instrumental _ is in cameroon. Germany was instrumental in _ is in cameroon. Germany was instrumental in providing instrumental in providing information to the authorities information to the authorities in niger, they will now lose this important military supply. It also goes without saying that the withdrawal of us forces from the air base in niger wood according to analyst pose security risks in the sigh whole region because the country was one of the central areas that the us used to supervise the sat hell and gather intelligence about militant groups. It poses a big problem for counterterrorism organisations. The french forces in the sat hell, and other western forces, analysts fear that the civilian population will be susceptible to be more attacks to net from rebel groups. Let's return to the breaking news that we've been bringing you. Weight to people who were stabbed in separate incidents at the notting hill carnival have now died. The mayor of london sadiq khan has issued a statement saying that cher maximen and mussie imnetu have died after being attacked over the bank holiday weekend in separate incidents. My thoughts are with theirfamily and friends incidents. My thoughts are with their family and friends at this truly terrible time. He sa s this truly terrible time. He says that _ this truly terrible time. He says that this _ this truly terrible time. He says that this violence is completely unacceptable and a completely unacceptable and a complete betrayal of the values that the notting hill carnival was founded to celebrate. We heard a while ago from a police officer outside new scotland yard. That is where we find my colleague who was listening to that statement. Remind us what the police have said this afternoon. — the police have said this afternoon. ~. , ,. , afternoon. We have 'ust heard from the afternoon. We have just heard from the commander afternoon. We have just heard from the commander of afternoon. We have just heard from the commander of the i from the commander of the london metropolitan police and she came with an update following the serious injuries to two people who had attended the notting hill carnival. She came to confirm that —year—old man, mussie imnetu who was visiting from dubai was killed following serious injuries to his head. This incident happened on monday, it happened around 11:22pm. He was attended at the scene by emergency workers, paramedics. He was then taken to hospital but unfortunately he passed away on friday. And then we had the confirmation that cher maximen, a 32—year—old woman who had been stabbed in the midst of a confrontation between two groups of men, has now died from her injuries. This is a case that will shock many people in the country. It has shocked many people here because she was attending the carnival with her young child. What we heard from the commander was that her young child is safe and is being taken care of. The confirmation that her mother, cher maximen, has died following the stabbing at the notting hill carnival. These were two separate incidents, but the police today are calling for more information, any eyewitnesses who were at the scene, especially in the incident where mussie imnetu was injured and has subsequently died. There are calling for more information. It is important to remember that two men have been charged separately following the injuries to both cher maximen and mussie imnetu, but we understand from the police that those investigations have turned into murder investigations. And a statement from the police said that they will be reviewing the charges to both individuals in light of the deaths of these two people. We knew at the time that there had been a number of people who were stabbed and a great many arrested. But the sheer severity of these injuries is really what is so striking, and the fact that two people have now died. And that these investigations have turned into something much more serious. Exactly, at the heart of this was a massive police operation, as it is every year to ensure the safety of the people who attend the notting hill carnival which is the biggest street party in europe. What we understand is that following two days of celebration, eight people have been stabbed or slashed, three individuals on the sunday which is traditionally the children and family events at the notting hill carnival, this is where cher maximen was one of three people who were stabbed on sunday. And then monday came and there were five people who were stabbed. What we understand so far is that mussie imnetu was in the area of the carnival, he had gone to a restaurant there. And then he was attacked, and there had been individuals who try to step in to prevent the attack, although some of those are some of the people police would like to speak to. Over the two days of festivities, police say 349 people were arrested for a number of different charges. Some of them violent disorder but also some where people were critically injured. And the information that we heard from the mayor of london is that there is a real shock and sadness that at the end of this, two people have lost their lives. — this, two people have lost their lives. . , ~ , their lives. He makes the point that this is _ their lives. He makes the point that this is a _ their lives. He makes the point that this is a betrayal their lives. He makes the point that this is a betrayal of their lives. He makes the point that this is a betrayal of the. That this is a betrayal of the values of the carnival. It is meant to be a celebration and for large part it is. It meant to be a celebration and for large part it is. — for large part it is. It really is. And for large part it is. It really is and so _ for large part it is. It really is. And so many _ for large part it is. It really is. And so many of for large part it is. It really is. And so many of us, for large part it is. It really i is. And so many of us, myself included have been to the carnival over the years. This is a real celebration of caribbean culture in london. You have millions of people, at times around 2 million people who attend the carnival. Some of them coming in from different parts of the world, from europe and including individuals like mussie imnetu from dubai. But over the years there have been serious concerns around the safety of people who attend. They have been incidents of people being injured over the years. As we heard from the police, over the last few days, they feel tired of the fact that they have to continuously talk to people about the need for safety and the protection of the people who attend the carnival. For the moment, _ who attend the carnival. For the moment, thank you very much. With the latest from about the notting hill carnival stabbing. A reminder of what the mayor of london sadiq khan has said. His thoughts are with the family and friends of cher maximen and mussie imnetu. Both of whom, we have now had it confirmed have died following a separate incidents at the notting hill carnival last weekend. The mayor said that this violence is shocking, completely unacceptable and a betrayal of the values that the carnival was founded to celebrate. We also know following that press conference outside the metropolitan police headquarters that they are now involved in two murder investigations, there is a 20—year—old man who is detained and charged with attempted murder originally in the case of cher maximen, that is now a murder inquiry. As is the case of mussie imnetu, the 41—year—old chef from dubai who died on friday. He was stabbed late on monday night, a 31—year—old man was originally detained in connection with grievous bodily harm with intent, that is also now a murder investigation. Officers are very keen to hear from anyone who saw anything to do with those two incidents last weekend. More than that in the hours ahead. Let's pause and take a look at the weather forecast. Hello there. It's been a glorious sunny start for most of us to begin this weekend. However, it's not the same for everyone. We do have more cloud around southern and eastern areas, and through the weekend i think we'll start to see increasing chance of heavy showers and thunderstorms, particularly across england and wales. But it's been a glorious start today, like i mentioned. Here's a beautiful scene from conwy in north wales. Big contrast, though, to cloudier, leaden skies across east anglia and the south east. It's because we're drawing this cloud off the north sea on a fairly brisk easterly breeze across southern areas, whereas further north, we're into the sunny blue skies. So for the rest of the day it does look like it's going to stay rather cloudy across the south and southeast. Maybe a few showers starting to push up from the near continent later in the day. But a warm one to come further north with all the sunshine, low 20s for glasgow. Low 20s as well for parts of wales, northwest england. Now, through this evening and overnight the cloud starts to drift northwards, start to import some humid air from southern areas and that will increase the chance of some heavy showers or thunderstorm — hit and miss showers, not everyone will get them. But you can see we're importing this warm and humid air from the near continent. So quite a muggy night to come for england and wales to start. Sunday could be no lower than 16 or 17 degrees in the southeast. So we start off with a bit more cloud across england and wales for sunday. Best of the sunshine towards the north west. But even here the cloud tends to build. There's a chance of seeing some heavy showers and thunderstorms becoming more widespread across parts of england and wales. Hit and miss showers, not everyone will get one and there's a question mark to the extent of these showers could be a bit further north, could be a bit further westwards. A warm and humid day to come across central and southern and eastern areas, a little bit fresher further north. For monday, we have a weak area of low pressure across the country. A couple of weather fronts that will enhance shower and thunderstorm activity, could see some showers and storms across eastern areas. Another one in towards the west. Again, a bit of a question mark, some uncertainty to the details of monday. Have to stay tuned, but could see some sunny spells across the southeast corner and again across the far east, we could be into the high 20s. So again, quite warm here, but generally high teens, low 20s elsewhere with more cloud and showers around. I think as we run through the week, though, conditions begin to improve. We lose the shower and thunderstorms early on, and then high pressure might build back in for the end of the week to settle things down with increasing amounts of sunshine. But stay tuned. Live from london, this is bbc news. A mother and a chef who were attacked in separate incidents while attending the notting hill carnival have both died. We are still appealing for information will stop if you witnessed either incident, please contact 101 or crimestoppers anonymously. The first vaccinations of babies against polio begin in gaza ahead of a mass immunisation campaign this weekend. I immunisation campaign this weekend. . , immunisation campaign this weekend— weekend. I was worried and afraid because _ weekend. I was worried and afraid because this weekend. I was worried and afraid because this is weekend. I was worried and afraid because this is scary. J afraid because this is scary. This disease makes children not able to move, eat or drink, and it stays with them over life. Elon musk �*s social media platform is banned. Oasis fans prove their commitment to the british rock group, waiting in online queues for hours to secure tickets to their long—awaited reunion. Hello, welcome to bbc news. Two people who were wounded in separate incidents at the notting hill carnival in london last week have died from their injuries. Cher maximen, who was 32, was stabbed and has now died in hospital. She was attending the carnival with her three—year—old daughter and other members of her family and friends. She is understood to have been wounded after trying to intervene in a fight. And mussie imnetu, a 41—year—old chef, was found unconscious with a head injury outside a restaurant in nearby queensway late on monday

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London Metropolitan Police , Incidents , Bbc News , Chef , Mother , Notting Hill Carnival , Headlines , Cher Maximen , Mussie Imnetudied , Injuries , Babies , Polio , Health Workers , Mass Immunisation Programme , Swedish , Palestinian , Hamas , Israel , Children , Pauses , Vaccines , Spread , Disinformation , Dispute , Block , Elon Musk , Social Media Platform , Delivery , Brazil , X , Three , Fans , Tickets , Brazilians , Reunion Tour For Rockband Oasis Go On Sale , Suspension , Thousands , Access , Websites , Supreme Courtjudge , Ticketmaster , Press Conference , Deaths , Queue , People , Vitaly Shevchenko , Hello , Podcast Ukrainecast , Co Hosts , Conversation , British , Lyse Doucet , One , Two , Olena Zelenska , Conference , Issue , Ukraine , Stephen Fry , Campaigner , First Lady , Writer , Broadcaster , Mental Health Awareness , Conflict , Scars , Ukrainecast , Pleasure , So Vitaly , Presence , News , Wars , Beasts , Machines , Despair , Bafflement , What S Going On , Puzzlement , Hope , First World War , Elements , Theatre , Journalist , The Home Front , Wasn T My Intention , It , Area , Bucket List , Tourist , Kind , Feasting , Isn T , Mental Health , Reaction , Ukrainians , Advocate , Conferences , Ladies , Ladies And Gentlemen , Ladies And Gentlemen Gather , Things , Connections , Power , Ministerial , Spouse , Ability , Chance , Trench Warfare , Co Moderate , Word , Way , Some , Conflicts , Warfare , Drone Warfare , Modern , Impact , Notjust Physical , Testimonies , Programme , Bed , Episodes , Everyone , Issues , Friend , Destruction , God , Grief , Desk , Bout , Something , Life , Depression , Help , Memories , Of A Sudden , Fact , Priority , My Life , Notting Hill Carnival In London , Choir Singer , Voices , Soldier , Maksym , Viktoriia , Valeriia , Front Line , Daughter , Chernihiv , Front , Husband , Officer , Cher Maximen Who , Notting Hill Carnival Stabbing , Names , 32 , Family , Gordon Ramsay , Bill , Friends On Sunday , Information , Many , Ukfrom Dubai , Head Injury , First , Restaurant On Queensway , Monday The 26th Of August , 1122 , 41 , Officers , Hospital , Paramedics , Aid , Emergency , Efforts , 26th Of August , 26 , Man , Staff , Grievous Bodily Harm , Matter , Friday Afternoon , 3 , 31 , Murder Investigation , 6 , Condition , Work , Sunday The 25th Of August , 25 , Carnival , Child , Tuesday Morning , 20 , Case , Families , Both , Attempted Murder , Thoughts , Terms , Loss , Privacy , Incident , Detectives , Attack , Customers , Us , Doctor Power Restaurant , Mussie Imnetu Which , 1120 , Statement , Headquarters , Central London , Screen , Friends , Fight , On Sunday , Groin , Old Man , Person , Murder , Inquiry , On Friday , Mussie Imnetu , Last Monday The 26th Of August , Carnival On Monday , Notting Hill , Bank Holiday , 20pm Monday Night , 11 , Intent , Investigations , Charge , Regards , Restaurant , Details , Eyewitnesses , Anyone , Number , Particular , Loved Ones , Country , Far East , East Germany , Correspondent , Alternative For Germany , State Elections , Scotland Yard , Chancellor Scholz , Asylum Seeker , States , Suspect , Knife Attack , Government , Base , Winning , Anger , Saxony , Md , Deportation , Thuringia , Party , Weekend , Report , Win , State Victory , Flashing Images , Warning , Jessica Parker S , Campaign , Warmonger , Booing , Boos , Traitor , Asset , Reception , Supports , Alternative , Crowd , Argument , Left , Music , Thing , Don T , Yes , Immigration , Domestic Intelligence , Extremist , Tension , Afd S Popularity , Politics , Afd , Extremism , Translation , Nazis , East , Discontent , Parties , Reunification , Frustration , Weapons , Angst , Dissatisfaction , West , Better Industry , Hasn T , Concentration , Pride , Constantin , East German , Simpson S50 Moped , Momentum , It Back , Jessica Parker , Troops , Nature Mission , Share , Equipment , West African , Militaryjunta , Partner , Reporter , Coup , Lack , Trust , Instrumental , Authorities , Cameroon , Cameroon Is , Niger , Forces , Air Base , Military Supply , Withdrawal , Analyst Pose Security Risks , Niger Wood , Areas , Groups , Intelligence , Region , Problem , Counterterrorism Organisations , Sat Hell , Attacks , Rebel Groups , Let , Population , Analysts , Return , French , Mayor , Sadiq Khan , Weight , He Sa S , Bank Holiday Weekend , Mussie Imnetu Have , Theirfamily , Betrayal , Violence , Values , Police Officer , Colleague , Afternoon , Have , Ust , Commander , Update , Head , 22pm , 22 , Scene , Emergency Workers , Confirmation , Men , Confrontation , Midst , Care Of , Stabbing , Calling , Murder Investigations , Charges , Individuals , Light , Serious , Severity , Safety , Operation , Street Party , Europe , Heart , Celebration , Family Events , Eight , Five , Festivities , Disorder , 349 , Point , Lives , Shock , This , Sadness , Lives , Part , Real Celebration Of Caribbean Culture In London , Parts , World , Millions , 2 Million , Concerns , Need , Protection , Latest , Reminder , Whom , Murder Inquiry , Connection , Anything , Saw , Cloud , Look , Pause , Most , Weather Forecast , Same , Showers , Thunderstorms , South East , Wales , Northwest England , Contrast , Cloudier , Leaden Skies , Conwy , East Anglia , Rest , North , Breeze , Southern Areas , Blue Skies , North Sea , Sunshine , Continent , Air , Northwards , Evening , Low 20s , Glasgow , Miss , 16 , 17 , Bit , North West , Question Mark , Extent , Hit , Shower , Pressure , Thunderstorm , Weather Fronts , Storms , Activity , Uncertainty , Couple , Conditions , Teens , Corner , Elsewhere , End , Amounts , Vaccinations , 101 , Disease , Drink , Move , Mass Immunisation , Polio Begin In Gaza , Commitment , Queues , British Rock Group , Oasis , Reunion , Members , Nearby Queensway , Reunion Tour , Rockband Oasis , Hill Carnival , Im Lyse Doucet , Bbc Podcast Ukrainecast , Writer And Broadcaster , Broadcaster Stephen Fry , Health Awareness , Home Front , President Ial , World War , Daysjust Crying , Soldier Fighting , Friday Afternoon , 3i Staff , Cher Maxen , August Officers , Power Restaurant , Mussie Netu , Monday Night , Party Alternative , Saxony And Thuringia , Thuringia And Anger , Chancellor Olaf Scholz , Olaf Scholz , Migration Party , Warning Jessica , Traitor And Warmonger , Theres Tension , Wing Extremist , Translation Noone , Extremist Or Nazis , Wing Extremism , Better Infrastructure , Spson S50 Moped , S50 Moped , Authorities Information , Analyst Pose Security , Pose Security , Breaking News , London Sadiq Khan , Maxen And Mussie , Holiday Weekend , Commander Afternoon , Police Today , Police Operation , Shock And Sadness , Police Headquarters , Start Today , South And Southeast , Thunderstorm Hit , Muggy Night , Shower And Thunderstorm , Thunderstorm Activity , Mass Munisation Campaign , Munisation Campaign , Weekend Weekend , Media Platform , Oasis Fans , Rock Group ,

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