disconnected services, it is a convenor of place. one of the things i've pointed out directly to michael gove at the lga conference couple of years ago is the financial hit to local government hasn'tjust meant local government hasn't just meant the local government hasn'tjust meant the underfunding of front line services, it has meant the loss of backroom which undermines the... rachel. if backroom which undermines the... rachel. . rachel. if local government collapses. _ rachel. if local government collapses, this _ rachel. if local government collapses, this country - rachel. if local government - collapses, this country becomes ungovernable.— collapses, this country becomes uncovernable. . . ungovernable. rachel, looking ahead to tomorrow — ungovernable. rachel, looking ahead to tomorrow. itv _ ungovernable. rachel, looking ahead to tomorrow. itv are _ ungovernable. rachel, looking ahead to tomorrow. itv are running - ungovernable. rachel, looking ahead to tomorrow. itv are running the - to tomorrow. itv are running the interview with rishi sunak that they recorded when he went back early from d—day to do it. he went back to do that interview. ijust want from d—day to do it. he went back to do that interview. i just want to ask you something, i know you are not that keen to talk about your brothers however, would boris have left the d—day commemorations early? that is a question for him. left the d-day commemorations early? that is a question for him.— that is a question for him. would ou have that is a question for him. would you have would _ that is a question for him. would you have would any _ that is a question for him. would you have would any johnson - that is a question for him. would - you have would any johnson members you have would anyjohnson members chris green i imagine it not in a million years because i think he understands the importance of the moment . ., understands the importance of the momen . ., understands the importance of the moment . ., ., ., understands the importance of the momen . ., ., . . moment that day to the morale and the emotion — moment that day to the morale and the emotion of— moment that day to the morale and the emotion of this _ moment that day to the morale and the emotion of this country. - moment that day to the morale and the emotion of this country. it - moment that day to the morale and the emotion of this country. it is . the emotion of this country. it is almost, — the emotion of this country. it is almost, it— the emotion of this country. it is almost, it is— the emotion of this country. it is almost, it is the _ the emotion of this country. it is almost, it is the most— the emotion of this country. it is almost, it is the most importanti almost, it is the most important day in the _ almost, it is the most important day in the war— almost, it is the most important day in the war and — almost, it is the most important day in the war and the _ almost, it is the most important day in the war and the idea _ almost, it is the most important day in the war and the idea you - almost, it is the most important day in the war and the idea you would i in the war and the idea you would then— in the war and the idea you would then abandon _ in the war and the idea you would then abandon it _ in the war and the idea you would then abandon it to _ in the war and the idea you would then abandon it to do _ in the war and the idea you would then abandon it to do an - in the war and the idea you wouldl then abandon it to do an interview with itv. — then abandon it to do an interview with itv. it— then abandon it to do an interview with itv, it was— then abandon it to do an interview with itv, it was not— then abandon it to do an interview with itv, it was not even- then abandon it to do an interview with itv, it was not even playing i with itv, it was not even playing for three — with itv, it was not even playing for three days, _ with itv, it was not even playing for three days, it— with itv, it was not even playing for three days, it is— with itv, it was not even playing for three days, it is simply- for three days, it is simply inexplicable. _ for three days, it is simply inexplicable. nobody- for three days, it is simply inexplicable. nobody has. for three days, it is simply. inexplicable. nobody has yet explained _ inexplicable. nobody has yet exolained it~ _ inexplicable. nobody has yet explained it.— inexplicable. nobody has yet explained it. no, nobody has exolained — explained it. no, nobody has exolained it— explained it. no, nobody has explained it as _ explained it. no, nobody has explained it as to _ explained it. no, nobody has explained it as to what - explained it. no, nobody has l explained it as to what actually happened but what do you think happened, he took direction from his official is? i happened, he took direction from his official is? ., ~' happened, he took direction from his official is? ., ~ ., , official is? i work for boris, i can categorically _ official is? i work for boris, i can categorically say _ official is? i work for boris, i can categorically say he _ official is? i work for boris, i can categorically say he would - official is? i work for boris, i can categorically say he would not i official is? i work for boris, i can i categorically say he would not have left. he understood what it meant the people. i was one of the first to say the prime minister definitely should have stuck around. the one thing i will say he needs to teams are prepared to apologise. he can do nothin: are prepared to apologise. he can do nothing else. — are prepared to apologise. he can do nothing else, for— are prepared to apologise. he can do nothing else, for sure. _ are prepared to apologise. he can do nothing else, for sure. i _ are prepared to apologise. he can do nothing else, for sure. i agree - are prepared to apologise. he can do nothing else, for sure. i agree with l nothing else, for sure. i agree with ou but it nothing else, for sure. i agree with you but it is _ nothing else, for sure. i agree with you but it is interesting _ nothing else, for sure. i agree with you but it is interesting that - nothing else, for sure. i agree with you but it is interesting that in - you but it is interesting that in this day and age, you will have another politician to apologise, the public will appreciate that because apologies are hard to find in politics. the bottom line is it is something he will have to build back from. there is no doubt that people didn't like he wasn't there, he has taken it on the chin and is trying to move forward. you taken it on the chin and is trying to move forward.— taken it on the chin and is trying to move forward. you would have sta ed, to move forward. you would have stayed. would — to move forward. you would have stayed, would you? _ to move forward. you would have stayed, would you? yeah, - to move forward. you would have stayed, would you? yeah, i- to move forward. you would have stayed, would you? yeah, i have| stayed, would you? yeah, i have been a candidate as — stayed, would you? yeah, i have been a candidate as well. _ stayed, would you? yeah, i have been a candidate as well. you have - stayed, would you? yeah, i have been a candidate as well. you have been . stayed, would you? yeah, i have been a candidate as well. you have been a i a candidate as well. you have been a candidatem — a candidate as well. you have been a candidatem a— a candidate as well. you have been a candidate... a little bit of grace on nry— candidate... a little bit of grace on my part. _ candidate... a little bit of grace on my part, you have so much stuff going _ on my part, you have so much stuff going around in your head and i don't _ going around in your head and i don't know— going around in your head and i don't know what is going on through his team _ don't know what is going on through his team obviously but the first thing _ his team obviously but the first thing that popped into my team is where _ thing that popped into my team is where is _ thing that popped into my team is where is his advisors? often as a candidate, — where is his advisors? often as a candidate, you get rolled out, speaker. _ candidate, you get rolled out, speaker, you get back in your box and you _ speaker, you get back in your box and you are — speaker, you get back in your box and you are rolled up to event. but the point _ and you are rolled up to event. but the point back is he chooses the people — the point back is he chooses the people he — the point back is he chooses the people he puts around him. let�*s people he puts around him. let's see if he sa s people he puts around him. let's see if he says anything — people he puts around him. let's see if he says anything about _ people he puts around him. let's see if he says anything about it _ people he puts around him. let's see if he says anything about it in - if he says anything about it in tomorrow's itv interview. he is turninr tomorrow's itv interview. he is turning d-day _ tomorrow's itv interview. he is turning d-day into _ tomorrow's itv interview. he is turning d-day into dunkirk. - tomorrow's itv interview. he is i turning d-day into dunkirk. when tomorrow's itv interview. he is - turning d-day into dunkirk. when he was there and _ turning d-day into dunkirk. when he was there and he _ turning d-day into dunkirk. when he was there and he shouldn't - turning d-day into dunkirk. when he was there and he shouldn't have - turning d-day into dunkirk. when he| was there and he shouldn't have been there. _ was there and he shouldn't have been there. we _ was there and he shouldn't have been there. we have — was there and he shouldn't have been there, we have the _ was there and he shouldn't have been there, we have the benefit _ was there and he shouldn't have been there, we have the benefit of - there, we have the benefit of hindsight. _ there, we have the benefit of hindsight. he _ there, we have the benefit of hindsight, he doesn't - there, we have the benefit of hindsight, he doesn't at - there, we have the benefit of hindsight, he doesn't at the i there, we have the benefit of - hindsight, he doesn't at the time. that's just about it for tonight. victoria is here tomorrow, until then, sleep well, good night. live from london. this is bbc news. rishi sunak has launched the conservative manifesto, with pledges on tax cuts, housing and migration. he also made this admision. i'm not blind to the fact that people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with me. things have not always been easy and we have not done everything right. labour pledges to create 100,000 extra dental appointments for children, in a bid to clear backlogs in england. ajury has found hunter biden guilty of all three felony gun charges — in the first criminal trial — of a child of a sitting us president. hamas responds to the latest peace proposal for gaza, saying its ready to engage but still wants israel to commit to a permanent ceasefire and completely withdraw its forces. rishi sunak has unveiled the conservative general election manifesto, saying his is the only party with the big ideas to make the country a better place to live. he was speaking at the silverstone race track, and his central pledge was more than £i7—billion in tax cuts. the manifesto also features commitments to build more houses, cap migrant visa numbers, and increase defence spending. our political editor, chris mason, was at the launch. halfway through this election race — it's the moment for the cardboard boxes. within them, bundles of promises, not always kept, that set out a party's blueprint for the next five years. so, the manifesto is here, so is the cabinet, then the prime minister... music, applause, an ovation from party supporters, yes, but also this — a candid acknowledgement from rishi sunak about how you may feel about him and the conservatives. i'm not blind to the fact that people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with me. things are not always been easy and we have not got everything right. but we are the only party in this election with the big ideas to make our country a better place to live. a central theme of this manifesto is tax cuts, including a promise of another 2p cut in employee national insurance. by 2027, we will have halved national insurance to 6% — that is a tax cut, my friends, worth £1,300 to the average worker. rishi sunak praised the enterprise and risk—taking of the self—employed and said this... in the next parliament, we will scrap entirely the main rate of self—employed national insurance. and having acknowledged on bbc panorama last night that it has become harder to buy a home in recent years, the prime minister said he wanted to make it easier... for the first—time buyers purchasing a home up to £425,000, we will abolish stamp duty entirely. stamp duty is a tax on buying a home in england and northern ireland. next, what about the plan to send some migrants to rwanda? some conservatives say it's time the uk left the european convention on human rights, or echr, to make this easier, but mr sunak stopped short of saying that. if we are forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of a foreign court, including the echr, we will always choose our nation's security. for much of the last 18 months, you have tried everything to try and revive conservative fortunes and not much appears to have worked. could we rename this document today your last chance saloon? well, chris, i've been very clear when i got this job that we'd been through a very difficult time as a country. if you want a secure future, if you want lower taxes, if you want your pensions protected, if you want a more sensible approach to net zero and you want your borders secure, vote conservative at this election. and there ended, perhaps, this man's last big set piece moment to change his fortunes. time, then, to scuttle through the crowds and talk to some cabinet ministers. what do you make of that? i think this is a really exciting manifesto for the future and what i love about it is that it addresses every stage of our lives. mr gove, if this is a game changer, why are you standing down? me? well, i'm an old war horse who has been put out to grass because we need a new generation to support the prime minister in the future. it's a "fudge—arama" on the european convention of human rights? if there is a contradiction between an adjudication in a foreign court and our ability to protect our borders, we protect our borders. are you going to win? this is absolutely in our grasp. i know we're behind in the polls... i notice you're not saying yes. well, it's an election and i can't predict the outcome of an election, that's not my job. the outcome of the election is yourjob at home. the cases the different parties are making are becoming clearer. chris mason, bbc news, at silverstone. labour is promising to create 100,000 extra dental appointments for children, in a bid to clear backlogs in england. the new appointments would be for urgent and emergency care, and on evenings and weekends. access to an nhs dentist, has become increasingly difficult in many areas, with tooth decay the most common reason children aged five to nine, are being admitted to hospital. also on the campaign trail, the liberal democrats are calling for a new rural gp fund, to support doctors' surgeries around the country. they say it forms part of a package of measures, worth one billion pounds, aimed at improving medical services, and giving patients a legal right to see a gp, within a week. the snp has been campaigning in aberdeenshire today. the party says any new drilling licenses for oil and gas need to meet a climate test, contribute to energy security and allow net zero goals to be met. it argues labour "doesn't believe in new licenses" and the conservatives have adopted a "climate denial position". here's the snp�*s westminster leader, stephen flynn. i don't frankly think it matters very much, because the tories are finished. everyone knows they are finished. you can promise everything under the sun — he's not going to be the prime minister in just a few weeks' time, he'll be back off to california. what we need to do is therefore shine a light on what keir starmer�*s positions are. he believes in the continuation of £18 billion worth of public sector cuts and breaks it, which has crippled the scottish economy, and he believes in the continuation of very many policies which have impacted people in scotland on a daily basis. that's not good enough, and that's why we need snp mps in westminster putting scotland first. only we can provide that in this election. nigel farage has posted a video on social media in which a man appears to throw objects at his campaign bus in barnsley. nigel farage thanked south yorkshire police after they arrested a 28—year—old man. the leader of the reform party said he will "not be bullied or cowed". our political correspondent, hannah miller, joins us live from westminster. conservatives focusing very much on tax cuts and the manifesto for the powers of been received? the interesting — powers of been received? tue: interesting thing that powers of been received? ti2 interesting thing that the conservative party is promising is that they are relatively concrete, the numbers that they are saying that they were cut peoples taxes by they are promising things that they would do for that what is much less clear and what many analysts throughout today have pointed out is that their idea for example of saving money by cutting the welfare bill by not allowing that to go up in the way that it is forecast to, there is not quite so much of a clear policy as to exactly how that is going to be achieved. they have set out some ideas but it's a whole, and aspiration, it's something they want to do for that whether they can get the savings that they think they can and that they are reliant on getting an orderfor all can and that they are reliant on getting an order for all of their other policies is a question that many people have asked throughout today. and that includes some economists, respected economists as well as the labour party you would expect be raising questions on the announcement from conservatives today. announcement from conservatives toda . , announcement from conservatives toda. , ., , , announcement from conservatives toda. , ., ,_ today. focusing on dentistry but the 've today. focusing on dentistry but they've got _ today. focusing on dentistry but they've got a — today. focusing on dentistry but they've got a row _ today. focusing on dentistry but they've got a row brewing - today. focusing on dentistry but they've got a row brewing on - today. focusing on dentistry but they've got a row brewing on a l they've got a row brewing on a former candidate. this they've got a row brewing on a former candidate.— they've got a row brewing on a former candidate. this is the case ofthe former candidate. this is the case of the labour _ former candidate. this is the case of the labour party _ former candidate. this is the case of the labour party candidate - former candidate. this is the case of the labour party candidate and | of the labour party candidate and richard greene until she was deselected by the labour party over some posts that she allegedly made on social media quite a long time ago now. what has happened today is that 50 members of the constituency labour party there have resigned their membership of the labour party. they've issued a public a letter in which dave said that she was deselected in an appalling and unfair manner. they say they will now be campaigning for when she is standing as an independent candidate. members of the labour party now former labour party members campaigning for an independent candidate against the candidate that the labour party have put in place. we have approached the constituency party and labour for a comment on that story and they've previously said the labour party, they want to get the best candidates in place for their campaign and they have confidence in all of their candidates that they have chosen. we haven't heard back from them specifically in relation to this open letter published tonight. {line open letter published tonight. one ole open letter published tonight. one pole tonight which suggests that reform isjust pole tonight which suggests that reform is just one pole tonight which suggests that reform isjust one point behind pole tonight which suggests that reform is just one point behind the tories for the given is only one pole, and not making too much of it but how significant is a? i pole, and not making too much of it but how significant is a?— but how significant is a? i think it sirnificant but how significant is a? i think it significant in _ but how significant is a? i think it significant in the _ but how significant is a? i think it significant in the sense _ but how significant is a? i think it significant in the sense that - but how significant is a? i think it significant in the sense that it - significant in the sense that it will raise the failures of those conservatives who already worry that the entrance of the reform party to this campaign, particularly with nigel farage taken the leadership of the party will do them quite some damage on election day. it is just one pole but there is a huge worry among many conservatives that reform are a danger to their electoral prospects. and seeing this pole will make that fare worse. it's worth saying that the liberal democrats fortunes seemed to be improving very slightly. they are just behind reform. they come forth in the list of voting intention. it's one of those things. after a conservative manifesto today that some on the right of the party will say does not go as far as they would want to do for them if that is your belief, if you're one of those conservative mps you're one of those conservative mps you will look at that pole and considerate to be of that. rishi sunak would say that's not the case, they all believe he's got the best manifesto for the country. it's something that will add to the fears of some conservative candidates in the selection. of some conservative candidates in the selection-— of some conservative candidates in the selection. thank you. discussion about faiza — the selection. thank you. discussion about faiza shaheen, _ the selection. thank you. discussion about faiza shaheen, there - the selection. thank you. discussion about faiza shaheen, there is - the selection. thank you. discussion about faiza shaheen, there is a - the selection. thank you. discussion about faiza shaheen, there is a fulll about faiza shaheen, there is a full list of candidates available on the bbc news website. let's take a quick look at some of tomorrow's front pages. the i — leading with labour's pledge of a new minimum wage for care workers. its headline reads — "labour promises £12 an hour to care workers". the daily telegraph analyses the conservatives' ma nifesto. the paper headlines sunak�*s promise of 17 bln in tax cuts. the guardian leads with the same concervatives' pledge, calling it "implausible". more on the manifesto on the front of the the independent. sunak�*s final gamble, reads the article, sayings that pm invokes spirit of thatcher. and, the daily mail quotes sunak: "don't give labour a blank cheque", "don't give labour a blank cheque", reads the front page. tonight, the leaders of scotland's five main political parties clashed in a special debate programme on a range of issues — from how to tackle the cost of living crisis — to the problems faced by the nhs — as well as scottish independence. our scotland editor james cook was watching. 60 minutes, five party leaders, one general election that could change the country. and three big topics. first, the economy. what worries me about what lies ahead is that there is the threat of more spending cuts. anas is not being straight with us. i am being straight with you. there is going to be £18 billion of public spending cuts and we have had enough austerity from the tories. we don't want it imposed on us by any incoming labour government. let me be straight with you, john, let me be straight- with the public as well, we will raise revenue . and we will raise revenue - by a windfall tax on the oil and gas giants which would raise £10 - billion, a measure that you oppose. read my lips, no- austerity under labour. i have seen poverty, i've never seen anything like this, this is the worst cost of living crisis since the end of rationing. the liberal democrats immediately would reverse the two child cap on benefits. if we look at the covid pandemic and the war in ukraine, there has been a massive shock to not only our domestic economy but economies across the globe and the government at the uk level have tried to provide some universal support and some targeted support. it is disingenuous of douglas ross to pretend that times are hard. i times are not hard i for the super wealthy. they have made out been like bandits since covid, their wealth has - doubled and tripled. tonight's second topic, the nhs. my mother, who is 93, waited six hours for an ambulance, another two hours outside the hospital before she was admitted. is our nhs broken? the nhs is run from edinburgh but the scottish government's budget is determined in part at westminster. that austerity, that cutting taxes for the wealthy, it means you have to cut to the bone and cut again and again. and that took us to the third topic... independence. on the economy, on poverty, j on health, on public services, they are all crying out i for ministerial attention, that has been starved _ because of the constitutional debate that has gripped our politics for so long. i i don't support independence, i don't support a referendum, but i can understand why so many people across scotland are looking for an escape route from a tory government they thought we could not get rid of orfrom a labour party that they thought could not win. people are really struggling in scotland today because of the effects of 14 years of austerity and because of brexit, and the cost of living crisis, all of those are a product of decisions taken at westminster. tory decisions. they are all a product of decisions taken in westminster. it is not the nhs we have been discussing today, . it is not the education system, | it is not carers, it is going to be independence above everything else, and scotland will suffer— as a result of that. audience and politicians all had plenty to say tonight. on 4thjuly, it is your turn. james cook, bbc news, glasgow. the us president's son, hunter biden, has been found guilty of lying about his drug use, to illegally buy a gun. the jury in the trial in the state of delaware, convicted him on all three counts. he could face a maximum of 25 years in jail. sarah smith has been following the trial and sent us this reports from wilmington. hand—in—hand with his step—mother, the first lady, as well as his wife, hunter biden left court a convicted felon. this trial peppered with lurid details from his private life and previous addiction to crack cocaine has clearly put great stress on the whole family. joe biden appeared after the verdict, ironically at a gun safety event, not mentioning his son. in a statement, he said he loved hunter and he's proud of the man he is today. he then set off to travel to delaware to be with his son this evening. during the trial, prosecutors argued that hunter biden had committed a crime by lying on a form about his drug use when buying a revolver in october 2018. that gun, along with remnants of crack and drug paraphernalia, were discovered in his car by his then partner hallie biden who was also his sister—in—law, the widow of his brother beau who had died of cancer three years earlier. prosecutors showed video of her trying to dispose of the weapon in a dumpster and she told the court, "i realise it was a stupid idea now, but i was panicking." "why did you panic?" asked the prosecutor. "because i didn't want him to hurt himself, and i didn't want my kids to find it and hurt themselves." hunter biden had already described his drug addiction in a book. excerpts of the audio version read by the author himself were played in court. smoking crack cocaine every three days and soon became smoking every two days, then every other day, then every hour of every day. his defence argued that hunter biden wasn't using drugs around the time he bought the gun but the jury rejected that. donald trump insists he was only convicted because president biden is using the legal system to persecute his political opponent. claims that are undermined by the guilty verdict against the president's own son. thank you very much. the justice department said they care only about the law, not politics. no—one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions, even this defender. however, hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. hunter biden's wilful refusal to comply... i hunter biden has also been investigated by republicans in congress who accused him of peddling influence while his father was vice president. no charges have resulted from that and attempts to impeachjoe biden in connection with his son's business dealings have come to nothing. sara smith, bbc news, wilmington, delaware. to developments in the middle east and hamas has responded to the american—led proposals for a ceasefire and hostage—release deal in gaza, saying they view the plan favourably. in a statement, they said they were ready to move towards a deal, but they insisted that any ceasefire must be permanent. israel has been reluctant to end the war, while hamas retains its ability to carry out further attacks. the us says it's considering their response. our correspondent hugo bachega is injerusalem and gave us his assessment of events. hamas has expressed readiness to reach a deal, but it is sticking to its initial demands and they include a guarantee that there will be a permanent ceasefire in gaza and also the complete withdrawal of israeli forces from the territory. now, qatar and egypt, which have been mediating the talks, say they have received this response from hamas and that they will co—ordinate the next steps in these negotiations with the united states. now, the deal being discussed is a three stage plan that was announced by president biden. he described it as an israeli proposal. the first stage of this plan would see the release of hostages being held in gaza and then pave the way for a permanent cease fire. now, hamas wants a guarantee of a permanent ceasefire because they fear that once the hostages are out, the israeli military may return to gaza to continue with its military operation against the group. now, the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, had previously said that israel would not commit to an end of the war without achieving its goals of destroying hamas's military and governing capabilities in gaza. a jury has been sworn in, in the retrial of the former nurse, lucy letby. she's charged with attempting to murder a baby in chester, in february 2016. judith moritz has been at manchester crown court. just after the jurors were sworn, the trialjudge addressed them — with lucy letby watching from behind the glass wall dock here of courtroom number seven — and he told them that, almost a year ago, she was convicted of murdering and attempting to murder a number of babies. the judge said to the jury, "it's highly likely that you will have known something about this case at the time last year when the verdicts were returned," he said, "we accept that. "but it's important that you try her in this case solely on the evidence presented to you in court, and not anything you may have read or heard about it. " well, in this case, lucy letby is charged with one count of attempted murder — the attempted murder of a baby girl in february 2016 — and the judge told the jury that that is a count which the jury in the original trial could not decide upon. now lucy letby denies that charge, and we expect the prosecution will open their case tomorrow. it's not been a month since king charles' official portrait was unveiled to the public, but it's now been defaced by animal rights protesters. two supporters of the group animal rising entered a gallery in london, plastering the painting with the face of wallace, from wallace and gromit, and a speech bubble reading "no cheese, gromit. look at all this cruelty on rspca farms! "the group says it wants to draw the king's attention to the treatment of animals on rspca assured farms, calling for the endorsement system to be dropped. they claim the posters can be easily removed — only being affixed with water. england have been training for the first time since arriving in germany ahead of the start of their euros campaign this year. it's been almost two decades since the germans hosted a major footballing tournament, so what's at stake for them? here's our sports editor dan roan. england hope to make a big impression here in germany. and they've made a promising start. the squad the star attraction this afternoon as they held their first training session in front of hundreds of local schoolchildren near to their erfurt base. the last major men's tournament hosted here, the world cup in 2006, unleashed huge national pride, showcasing a modern and unified germany. but 18 years on, this feels a less confident country, one facing mounting economic and political uncertainty. we were working with... the man who represents 70 football fan groups across germany is hopeful the euros could help. 2006, the general mood was much more friendly, more open to europe as well. not as fractured as it is now, not so many conflicts. can this tournament be a unifying force then? these four weeks, definitely, they will open a window. a window where things are better. football can bring people together. and this will happen in germany as well. well, england will enjoy plenty of support out here in germany, with more than 250,000 of their supporters expected to travel here during the course of this tournament. and around 40,000 are expected in gelsenkirchen on sunday for the opening match against serbia. but that game also presents the organisers with a challenge. serbian football has been sanctioned over the behaviour of its fans several times in recent years, with hooliganism linked to far right, pro—russian groups and the local police have said they believe there is a threat of violence. they have shared that intelligence with us. the man in charge of the tournament today told me security was a priority. the authorities rated that match from the start as a high—risk match. serbia has not been in the tournament for some time, so there was as well some unknown factors. how are the two fan groups going to react? our records do not show a high risk of clashes, but of course the match has a bit of a potential, and if we are not taking care of that, it could escalate. commentator: germany rules the world aaain. germany remains synonymous with success in the sport. a fourth world cup in 2014 cementing its status as a footballing heavyweight. they've gone in the first phase... but it's been a steep decline since with no knockout win at a major tournament for eight years. especially after the last tournaments we have to prove ourselves, but we are excited. the mood in the team isjoyful. i hope we will be able to cope with this whole situation. that will start on friday. germany today continued preparations for their opening match against scotland on friday. for the hosts, plenty at stake, both on and off the pitch. dan roan, bbc news. now, do elephants call each other by their names — just like we do? a new study into wild african savannah elephants suggests that they do — and they even respond when they hear others calling them. the researchers say they used artificial intelligence to analyse elephant sounds recorded in two national parks in kenya. mickey pardo is a behavioural ecologist, who led the study. we could identify, using a machine learning model, who an elephant call was addressed to just based on the sound properties of the call itself. and then we found that when we played those calls back to the elephants, they would respond more strongly to a call that was originally addressed to them than to a call from the same caller that was originally addressed to someone else. so that meant that not only do the calls have some properties in them that identify the intended recipient, like a name, but the elephants can perceive this and they can tell if a call was meant for them just by hearing that call. and now, it's time for newscast on the bbc. hello. i just want to start today's episode with a heartfelt apology. i won't say fulsome, because, as laura and paddy discussed in a previous episode of newscast, that word is misused all the time. but on the previous episode of newscast, i said that robert peel, the prime minister in 1834 who published the tamworth manifesto, that his home has now been turned into a theme park. and i said it was chessington world of adventures.

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