and unfortunately this is not an isolated incident in the sense that 180 unwra buildings, roughly 6000 people are seeking refuge in this unwra school and over hundred and 80 buildings have been struck since november 2023 and more than hundred people have been killed as a result. ,, x' result. sticking in the incident _ result. sticking in the incident at _ result. sticking in the incident at the - result. sticking in the i incident at the shelter, result. sticking in the - incident at the shelter, you said 6000 people were seeking israel and they said they believed there were 20 or 30 hamas fighters there that had targeted. what do you know of who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way in _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way in a _ who was at the shelter? unwra is not in any way in a position i is not in any way in a position to confirm any claim about hamas fighters there that returned from the israeli army. we mentioned 6000 internally displaced people were in the shelter when it was struck and