democratic alliance". so i've got to ask you, dion, do you think these differences can be can be overcome, and how important is that for south africa's economy? well, i think it always boils down to choices. now, everybody has a particular perspective in south africa, and the trade unions in particular do not like the da's economic policy because we believe it's necessary to rein back the public—sector wage bill. we need to rein back the strength of the trade unions in our economy. if economy doesn't grow, you don't have tax revenue, and you're unable to deliver services. i have lots of discussions with the minister of finance, and we both agree we have a growth problem. the anc does not believe that it has a spending problem — which it does do. so choices need to be made, because if we don't do that, what's going to happen is what you said — we'd end up with a bailout, we'll end up with an economy