and then even then, you don't really know what you're going to get. whilst liv�*s phone pics were quick, budget—friendly and a breeze to edit, the polaroid camera never crashed the photoshoot with unexpected interruptions. phone buzzes. 0h, who's calling you? sorry, let me put that away. well, at least i would never get a call on this thing! feeling something in your hands gives it a weight, the promise of a premium product and it's one of a kind. but in a world where photography is now so cheap, printing has become a luxury. that is the challenge now facing polaroid. it may well mean that they cannot replay the dizzying success of their �*70s heyday. it's remarkable what you can do. and obviously you enjoy doing this, do you? oh, yeah. yeah. but they're choosing to believe in the promise of anticipation and hope their customers do likewise. a company can't survive on charm alone so will the picture that emerges be a happy one? for a concrete answer, like the polaroid's customers, we'll have to wait.