imaging to get soft—tissue, crystal—clear vision of anatomy in real—time. what i'd like to show you is what we're doing with that information, so here you can see a lung volume. so the dark area here is the lung. what the mri imaging does is in real—time, it takes soft—tissue images and reconstruct them in three dimensions. so you're looking here at movement in all dimensions — in and out, side to side, backwards and forwards. the machine—learning algorithm, and where this really comes into play is as a training phase whereby the patient is set up on the system and the algorithm is watching the delineated target volume. that's the red bit here that the doctors created in the treatment plan. yeah. that's where you want your radiation to deposit all of its dose. you want to avoid the healthy tissue, so the template that's been generated by the algorithm using machine—learning is delineated in blue as i've said, and what your seeing along here at the bottom is a little trace