the british economy without putting undue pressure on local communities. the tories have broken so many promises to bring down migration, why on earth should voters believe you now? we why on earth should voters believe ou now? ~ . , ., why on earth should voters believe ounow? . , yr. why on earth should voters believe ou now? ~ ., , ., ':: , ., you now? we have seen a 1096 fall in leual you now? we have seen a 1096 fall in legal migration _ you now? we have seen a 1096 fall in legal migration because _ you now? we have seen a 1096 fall in legal migration because of _ you now? we have seen a 1096 fall in legal migration because of the - you now? we have seen a 1096 fall in legal migration because of the steps| legal migration because of the steps i have taken with the full support of the prime minister since becoming home secretary. of the prime minister since becoming home secretary-— home secretary. labour's refraining from diving — home secretary. labour's refraining from diving into _ home secretary. labour's refraining from diving into the _ home secretary. labour's refraining from diving into the numbers - home secretary. labour's refraining | from diving into the numbers game, promising to bring immigration down, also by saying by how much. {lin also by saying by how much. on immigration, we have to tackle their central_ immigration, we have to tackle their central issue so we have a skilled centre _ central issue so we have a skilled centre of— central issue so we have a skilled centre of this company so we don't have _ centre of this company so we don't have so_ centre of this company so we don't have so many people arriving on work visas _ have so many people arriving on work visas. ~ , ., . ., ., visas. when you cut net migration every year? _ visas. when you cut net migration every year? net — visas. when you cut net migration every year? net migration - visas. when you cut net migration every year? net migration is - visas. when you cut net migration every year? net migration is too l every year? net migration is too hiuh, this every year? net migration is too high, this government _ every year? net migration is too high, this government has - every year? net migration is too high, this government has lost l high, this government has lost control — high, this government has lost control. ., , high, this government has lost control. ., ., ., , high, this government has lost control. ., ., . , ., , control. politicians know many worry about pressure _ control. politicians know many worry about pressure on _ control. politicians know many worry about pressure on public— control. politicians know many worry about pressure on public services - about pressure on public services but that can run up against a demand forforeign but that can run up against a demand for foreign workers and student arrivals. immigration has long been arrivals. immigration has long been a hot button issue in british