or with labour. the audience responded very warmly. i thought rishi _ responded very warmly. i thought rishi sunak's best line was the one where _ rishi sunak's best line was the one where he _ rishi sunak's best line was the one where he told a barefaced lie. it is simply— where he told a barefaced lie. it is simply untrue labour will increase taxes _ simply untrue labour will increase taxes on _ simply untrue labour will increase taxes on people. we've ruled out vat rises, _ taxes on people. we've ruled out vat rises, if— taxes on people. we've ruled out vat rises, ifyou— taxes on people. we've ruled out vat rises, if you want to see a party that's— rises, if you want to see a party that's lreen— rises, if you want to see a party that's been addicted on clobbering working _ that's been addicted on clobbering working people with tax rises time and time _ working people with tax rises time and time again, it's the conservative party. that's their record — conservative party. that's their record and _ conservative party. that's their record and what they cannot answer is how _ record and what they cannot answer is how they — record and what they cannot answer is how they will plug the £71 billion— is how they will plug the £71 billion hole in their own tax and spending — billion hole in their own tax and spending plans. in fact, like tori britain, — spending plans. in fact, like tori britain, the _ spending plans. in fact, like tori britain, the lights have gone out, this is— britain, the lights have gone out, this is the — britain, the lights have gone out, this is the metaphor for the state of the _ this is the metaphor for the state of the country. if you want the lights — of the country. if you want the lights back on, vote labour. let me ask ou lights back on, vote labour. let me ask you another _ lights back on, vote labour. let me ask you another question _ lights back on, vote labour. let me ask you another question because l lights back on, vote labour. let me i ask you another question because one of the areas that got heated was on the topic of immigration, answer keir starmer was asked about using a third country to process asylum applications. but his answer wasn't

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Rishi Sunak ,People ,Taxes ,Audience ,Rishi ,Line ,Labour ,Labour Party ,Where ,Barefaced Lie ,One ,Conservative Party ,Tax ,Record ,Vat Rises ,On Clobbering Working ,Crises ,On Clobbering Working People ,Lreen Rises ,Country ,Fact ,Plans ,Flights ,Vote Labour ,Metaphor ,Estate ,Uk ,Spending Plans ,Spending ,Ou Lights Back On ,Tori Britain ,571 Billion ,1 Billion ,Big Question ,Keir Starmer Didn T Mention ,Answer ,Immigration ,Asylum Applications ,Topic ,Areas ,

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